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Everything posted by Glamdring804

  1. Thanks. I'll see what I can do. It's probably too late for Blinks to get involved in anything, so I'll keep him in an observational capacity for now.
  2. The watched as the mistborn landed at the edge of the camp, and proceeded to strike it with a single, massive steelpush. The blast of metal, cut through the ranks, felling a large portion of the soldiers. A group of five broke off and fled from the destruction, heading straight towards where the paladin was hiding. He stepped out from behind the tree and summoned his Shardblade. The fleeing soldiers drew to a stop, eyeing the shardbearer, suddenly caught between two terrible fates. The paladin growled, dropping into the Windstance, and attacked.
  3. That's just plain weird.
  4. So, could someone summarize what's currently going on in The Dalles, please?
  5. Thanks all for your imput. I'm not going to bother quoting all the relevant posts. The would be too long. Until further light is shed on this, I changed Blinks to a general gifter.
  6. No no no. If your are going to say that, do it the proper way:
  7. That conversation would be the awesomest thing ever.
  8. Yeah, I get it, thanks. I don't intend it to have much of an effect. It's one of those things that keeps him just from crossing over the edge, sometimes, but ultimately, he'll cross the line no matter what.
  9. No, it's not. He's kinda unstable. Yes, he got engaged after his rending. She helped him stop using his powers as often, and for a while. He was better. Now that she is dead, he will slowly start falling appart, even with the minor gifting. It doesn't help that he now has no one to gift to.Edit:
  10. The paladin watched as the allomancer glided through the moonlit forest. He started running after her, his Shardplate making little sound, despite its bulk. As he followed, he saw that she was moving towards the army encampment. Well well, he thought, This should be interesting.
  11. Here is my character introduction. Well, so much for that, Blinks thought, staring at the smoking crater that, until recently, had been the Bosie capitol building. It had been abandoned when the government collapsed, and eventually reclaimed by people who had lost their previous homes. There were a good 50 people in it when it was destroyed. Including Blink's finance. Well Julia, are you happy now? Blinks asked his absent sister. She had warned him before she had left for New Babylon, warned him that nothing good could come out of the relationship. She told him that he was going to get his heart broken. Well, she was right. Blinks clenched his fist. He needed something to vent his anger. Luckily enough, impudent young Epic who had destroyed the building had decided to stay around and watch the aftermath. Now he lay on the ground a few feet away, hands bound behind his back, tape covering his mouth, blood smeared on the side of his face. He was a mildly powerful epic, with the ability to make organic substances spontaneously explode. Unfortunately for him, for his power to work, he had speak. Disabling him had been as simple as gagging him. Without his voice, he was powerless. Blinks turned to the kid, who was squirming in his bonds. "You know something, slontze," Blinks growled, "There were a lot of people in the building. I was gonna marry one of them, and now, bits of her are scattered across three city blocks. That makes me really angry." The kid squirmed, eyes bugging with fear. He tried to say something, but all that came out was "Mmmmmuummmmph." "Huh. Is that all you have to say for yourself? Too bad." Blinks raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A flash of light flared from the kid's forehead. When it faded, the head was missing, only the singed stump of a his neck remaining. Blinks stood up. Several people watched from nearby streets. Blinks sneered. They had to right to look at him like that. They didn't deserve gawk at him, not when his soulmate had just been murdered. He raised his arm, ready to-- No! he shouted to himself, Would she want you to kill them? Blinks growled and turned back to the crater. There was nothing here for him anymore. It was time to move on. Oregon, he thought, Oregon sounds nice. He snapped his fingers, and vanished in a flash of light. Some more details can be found here.
  12. Yes I do. I'll also read up on what's going on in the city currently.
  13. I don't think I'm allowed to hide it. If you could, that would be great.
  14. Much thanks. My character can't directly teleport, he has to travel via line of sight. He is traveling west from Bosie, so that means he will reach The Dalles first. If my thread could please be merged with that one, that would be great. Sorry for my noobish mistake:P
  15. I wasn't sure where to put my character introduction. Actually, not much happens in Boise, the title is misleading. It ends with my character heading towards Oregon. I should rename it. If you can please tell me where to post my introduction, I can just take down the new thread. Again, my apologies.
  16. My apologies. I have idea where to discuss this. Could you please point me in the correct direction?Is that what this thread is for?
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