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Everything posted by Glamdring804

  1. You, as it turns out, are way too nice, and give complements to people who don't deserve them. I honestly have no idea who you are, or what you are like, but I am sure you are a great person, like everyone else here.
  2. Is this where I claim and maintain my list of RPG characters? If not, just point me in the right direction. Blinks
  3. The day I can't act childish and crazy, is the day I die.
  5. Yeah, but where are his spikes? By the way, the cookies are very good. It's not like they are spiked or anything...
  6. It doesn't matter. Even the smallest bit of metal can be a Hemalurgic spike. Eat the cookies at your own risk...
  7. I'm going to agree with Twilyght here. Also, I'd like to reserve the name Blinks, in case I join the RPG at some point. It's actually not completely awful. Just mostly.
  8. Blinks Drywall Runout Grounder Uplift Two-four Highjump
  9. Hey! What about all of us in the Infinity Blade forum?!?When you realize that he is a God of Writing, because no mortal can write something that good. If it helps, I double post all the time. As do most people in the Infinity Blade forums. It doesn't help that the moderator is one of the biggest culprits...
  10. Would it cheer you up if I gave you some of my chocolate?
  11. Ah, okay. Yes, the software is pretty bad. I apologize for misunderstanding your meaning. I assumed when you said 'mods,' you were referring to the IB mods specifically. Again, I apologize.
  12. I just ate a piece of chocolate.
  13. Glad to hear your thoughts. I agree with all but one of your points: the IB forum The Infinity Blade forum, simply put, is awesome. While the software might be more basic than what we have here, the community is amazing. It comes from the fact that the forum is on the smaller side, and hence, everyone tends to be acquainted with everyone. Your other complaint is the Moderators. Now, currently there are three mods and two admins. (There is one account, but it is run by two different people) All three of the mods were ordinary members before they were promoted. This generally means they are pretty down to earth, and don't let the power get to their heads. Noners can be a PIA at times, but the other two, Vile Majesty and TheGreatKhan, are pretty great. I am especially good friends with Vile Majesty. As I said before, the IB community is pretty tight knit, and actually runs itself quite smoothly. The mods haven't had to take any drastic action in months. They spend more time helping members manage their threads, than they do actually moderating the forums. In conclusion, it is a forum I am very proud to be a part of, and I won't have you talking trash about the moderators. I've seen some of the other forums the Internet has to offer, and both this forum, and the IB forum, are infinitely better in comparison. Please respect that.
  14. Yo mama's so fat, the word 'diet' is her epic weakness.
  15. Replacing my Atium with Metallic Helium. (Yes, such a thing does exist) Squeaky voice whenever I burn my metals is not cool, okay?
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