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Everything posted by Glamdring804

  1. Yo mama's so fat, she could plug an ashmount. Yo mama's so fat, she could squish a Tai-na by sittin' on it.
  2. No I am not. For all I know, everything in this universe, including me, could just be an advanced computer simulation.
  3. Yes it is. Shardblades aren't meant for slaughtering other people. What a strange concept.
  4. Wow. I actually never realized how nice my forums are until I read those rules. No R rated material. That means you can't even use Matrix memes.
  5. Oh yeah! *facepalm* How could I forget! 37 AD: A lot of interesting stuff happened, actually. Caligula was crowned emperor of Rome, and tried to turn himself into a god. An earthquake flattened Antioch, and Nero was born. 37 BC: More random Roman stuff, along with an execution and an assassination.
  6. No, it was absolutely necessary. I respect someone who knows how to say "no." 26 AD: Romans slaughtered a bunch of Thracian tribesmen, and Jesus might have been nailed to a cross. 26 BC: Some Roman dude invaded Iran. Nothing else interesting.
  7. http://imageshack.com/i/f3misctruestoryrealisticlpHonestly, I'm gonna side with the live action camp here. That's how I envisnon the books, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
  8. Yeah, but he ends up chasing after Hoid for some reason. Favorite characters don't do that. Period. Hoid is off-limits.
  9. Uh, no, not cookies. She Hemalurgically spikes them. :eek:
  10. Uh, yeah, right. Sure. Hemalurgy can't possibly be bad for someone...
  11. I'm going to agree with Winds Alight. The Reckoners would make the best movies. Brandon even said so. SA: A GoT style show might work, if it weren't for the whole Cosmere thing. MB: Too much of this occurs in the character's heads it would be doable, but it would be tough. WB: Still reading this, but the bright environment would make for interesting cinematography. Elantris: This would make a very good movie, imo. I think the best material for a show would be Infinity Blade. The story is very rich, and there is so much that wasn't explored in the games and novellas. A show based on this franchise would have a lot of potential.
  12. Might I suggest adding some physical profile to the land? Having sheer, towering mountains jut out of the canopy could add some action with the gravity manipulation.
  13. I'm a (very) casual piano and guitar player. Not currently part of any band. I don't have the skills.
  14. U2 Songs of Innocence. Yes, I am listening to that album that everyone got really mad at because they got it for free. Let me tell you, it is truly EPIC!
  15. I would tell you that you are wrong, and Paolini's writing is awesome, etc., but I haven't read the books in a while, whereas I am currently working my way through the Cosmere. I can't give an accurate judgement, so I'll hold off for now. I am partial to Paolini, as I live in Montana, not 50 miles from him. It's very nice to read such a local artist. I've been to two of his book signings, which were held in the local Costco. I got the impression that he is a very grounded person, and I'm glad to have met him.
  16. Okay. Fair point. Just know this: Paolini and Sanderson are good friends.
  17. Wow, nice forum, and even nicer community members. That being said, the Infinity Blade forum is pretty awesome. Trolls are rare, practically non-existent. I don't think anyone has been banned for a couple months. The moderators, they all started out as normal forum members, and we're then promoted to mod status. There are three of them, and I'd like to think I'm friends with each of them. The rules are pretty relaxed, and everyone is so nice and acomadating, they rarely ever have to be enforced. Basically, I'm trying to say that I'm glad I found another nice, friendly forum. They are quite rare. @TwiLyght: You don't like Inheritance? Perhaps we shouldn't talk to each other...
  18. Yeah, that was a ton of spam. Glad someone cleaned it up so quickly.
  19. As you might know, I come from a different forum, and I have to say, you guys have it really nice here. Don't get me wrong, I love the Infinity Blade forum, but this place is so much more luxurious. The IB forum has a 1000 character limit for signatures, and you can only use preapproved avatars. Also, while in the OB forum, we have an off-topic thread, you guys have a whole off-topic section, where you can digress to your heart's content!
  20. Hm, I'll look into it. Sounds fun.
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