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Everything posted by Wispsy

  1. Maybe it depends what area of the world you are in for which is more commonly used there
  2. I don't really understand how age is different from health :/ if you have created through compounding 10 years stored (from 1) and then drew that 10 years, so you are 9 years younger then you were, there is no good reason why it you took off the atium (or just burned it all away for age without storing it) you would suddenly become old again :/ your body would then surely age as if you were 9 years younger, you are creating more age in the same way miles is creating new health, if he gets an arm chopped up, creates some health to heal it then takes off all his metalminds, he doesn't start losing his arm again because is was already lost and he needs to keep burning excess health enough for that of an arm up until he dies if he wants to keep said arm, he can just turn it off In the same way why would tlr lose all the age he has created just because he lost link to the metalminds, sure he was 1000 but his body was like 30, there is no good reason why actual age counts at all, it the body has just been made 10 years younger, its been made 10 years younger, not 10 years younger up until the point you stop tapping (only woke up an hour ago so I may have missed something pai fully obvious but as I was reading this I realised It didn't make as much sense to me as I thought it did :/)
  3. Tin could just be a zoom right? Or if it's all misty clears the mist off your screen but keeps the npcs blind (could have it unusable in places due to light/smell/fire whatever)
  4. Aye, it's just native and most familiar with don't mean exactly the same thing! Altho that's pretty much how I figured it would be too
  5. If that's true then how did they manage tO suddenly learn the exceedingly complicated art of hemalurgy ? Even if they got lucky and stumbled across the basics, trial and error for the correct spots will be hard :/
  6. I can't imagine why you couldn't breed a mistborn unless you had people with feruchemical abilities...makes no sense mistborn can clearly be born from people with just allomancy!
  7. Wispsy

    Bloody Tan

    Name here makes a good point, why did be let himself get shot after if he was doing it with misting powers
  8. Wispsy

    Age of the Well

    No if you read the book then it clearly shows that tlr only got such Power because of ruins manipulations and almost success in his own age
  9. sazed could tap power from the rings in his body right, so maybe miles had some metalminds full of healing implanted in his body, he could tap them for healing then in the normal way, not have to swallow it or hide it at all and always have a supply justincase! the end didnt have to have been compounding
  10. i dunno if they can get to shadesmar i reckon they can probably make maps Oo
  11. eh ye but shallan has managed not to die and jasnah had to start somewhere, i was talking about people with at least a small amount of competence there xD side note, shallan gets in with a truth, more powerful truth stronger connection to it or summit like that? maybe u get in physically by revealing your true self! (some kinda truth about you that defines u in some way? or i dunno random thoughts :/)
  12. easier then walking! jasnah made a boat and moved it pretty easily! just gotta not lose focus lol
  13. fair one, hadnt seen that one hehe, guess world hopping isnt so complicated then...just walk in some direction till u hit seas of beads lol
  14. the ars arcanum are all done as if an in world person or people were writing them, just like the maps, the nature of this discussion is to figure out who brandon meant that person or people to be, in world, not the real person who actually wrote them xD
  15. it could be, but if you like at it from my perspective, it looks exactly like the map of roshar, except with the land and water reversed, where the normal map has deep sea around the edges, this one has high mountains. the places named could be actual gateways to other worlds or maybe its just how those people name the place, to keep it seperate from actual place names which could be confusing
  16. err technically couldnt some1 compounding their weight gain enough to break the planet? ruin sure went about in an awkward way when all he needed was one guy with an hour in a lonely place for complete success Oo
  17. oh its gravitational :/ shame i was hoping the magic was jsut time! disconnected from graviy, so people could see people cos like, there is still light getting in just less of it, but lights really fast so still enough to see ah well
  18. no i believe he is saying that the colour is drained as energy, not the breaths they are not used up
  19. im more confused at why he managed to fall out of a speed bubble with incredible weight (moving fast right xD) and not get hurt! lol like in the landing..
  20. being a tineye might not be very useful for the working classes but in high society loud noises arent common place, whereas having incredible senses could prove useful in reading people etc.
  21. sure but the map of europe isnt actually a map of the universe with equal sized areas for all the planets in the cosmere, its really a map of europe.
  22. exsisted but was incredibly rare, then they had an extra 1000 years of very strict breeding which involved a large majority of the men becomming eunuchs and the women with little connection being forced to have children of men with little connection. what i wonder is how long the people on the other side of the world have known about allomancy!
  23. how long would it take a hemalurgically charged spike (size is irrelevant as long as it is recorded, would be better for 2 sizes) to completely decay and return to being normal metal. or does it decay like radiation and is mostly unpredictable?
  24. not sure where to put this rly so here it is, if wax's earing is hemalurgically charged....doesnt he get a new ability or extra power when he has it in? altho i guess if its inquisitor spikes from 350 years ago the charge may be pretty weak...is there even a point when a spike with a hemalurgic charge loses its charge completely and just becomes a spike? theoretically it would have to i guess if it is constantly decaying outside of a body...wish we knew how long that would take :/ would make calculating things much easier! xD
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