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Everything posted by Awesomness

  1. How do you know this? Is it confirmed?
  2. It obviusly refers to a Whorldhoper, and Mr.T doesn´t know much about worldhopping, or he wouldn´t be so impressed and wouldn´t "shy back". The only worldhopper we know that has a high profile and interfferes (or tries to) directly in the events in Roshar is Mraize. I think that´s why Androtagia thinks he is the wanderer. I believe Mraize is actually the only worldhopper Mr.T and Co. are aware of. Just for that reason I´m personally convinced he´s not the wanderer. We know several other "wanderers" who are intervening in a much subtler way. Like Hoid, Vasher or the 17 sharders.
  3. It is quite an obvius piece of information. We know Adolin is a better examplo of morality than lots/most of Alethi brightlords. But we also know Dalinar, as the Blackthorn, wasn´t much of an example. How old is Adolin? Surely he was sufficiently grown up to have his own morality when his father started to read The Way of Kings and became a model of honor. So, I don´t see anything surprising in this.
  4. Ha! I had the same thought when I saw that quote from Rasher! Navani thinking Dalinar´s wife was dumb supports the theory! I don´t think it´s like that anyway... I always thought he asked to forget his wife, but maybe because she betrayed him, or something nasty happened. I´m 80% sure the books never say what happened to Shshshs
  5. I`m from Argentina and I have never known a Sanderfan personally. It`s hard when you hardly ever see a book in the bookstores, and then, when you find one, it`s called "Nacidos de la bruma" or "La guerra de las tormentas" (for those who don`t speak Spanish I`ll summarize the meaning of the translations: something that sucks. To evangelize someone first I have to convince them to buy a Kindle, then tell them how good it is for them to read books in english, how they are much better than the translations and how it helps to improve their vocabulary. Finally I get to the important stuff: YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK.
  6. You know you are a Sanderfan when you discover you have spent the last 30 minutes creating the perfect speech to persuade some friend to read something from Sanderson -and thinking with which book he/she should start- and become a Sanderfan. You also know you are a Sanderfan when you keep coming back to some Sanderbook (why not?) in your thought even when it was a lifetime since you read it last time. Another clue is when someone attacks your favorite Sandercharacter and you take it deeply personal...
  7. You know you are a Sanderfan when you blame everything on the spren. Specially those particularly bothersome as the AutocorrectionSpren, TimeSpren, TrafficSpren, WasteSpren, LowBatterySpren... and so on...
  8. We know the Listeners bond with a different kind of spren, in a different way than humans. Every time they go out during a storm, they expose themselves to change form, bonding with whatever spren happens to cross in their way (that´s why they capture one before changing, to have a choice). I think every time they bond with a spren and change form, they access new different rhythms. That would mean their sprens are related with the rhythm. The old song says spren betrayed the Listeners and started bonding with humans. Possibly because they can provide them an experience that the parshendi can´t. We don´t see any evidence that parshendi´s spren have any sentience. They neither seem to have morals, the way the surgebinder´s spren does (even if they don´t quite agree). On the contrary, this spren seem to be simpler, more rustic and ruled with instincts. I think that´s the reason why the listeners are so influenced by the form they take. Ok, I know there are lots of kinds of spren that are completely mindless, but they are related with higher sprens (windspren à Syl – creationspren à Pattern). If the rhythms come from Roshar itself, and humans are alien to this planet, maybe the more the spren get close to humans, the more they gain sentience and lose their connection with nature and the rhythms.
  9. Don´t forget they were trapped between the highstorm and the everstorm, and there were still Parshendis around the Shattered Planes
  10. To really make it justice, it should be a series with Avatar visual quality. Not less. Maybe if we ask the Night Watcher...
  11. What about Leadership? Stormlight Archive, Mistborn (1th trilogy specially) and Elantris, they are all about leading, guiding, gaining trust and loyalty, understanding other people and gaining them, knowing what they want but above all, what they need. I always find religion (or belief) and leadership the most interesting topics in BS works.
  12. In fact, the stormfather calls him "Child of Tanavast".
  13. Thank you. Right now I´m going to start a petition to Brandon via change.org, to ask him to cut Hoid´s head of in some of the next books so we see the whole process, in the name of the cosmere-science. I want to see you all signing it.
  14. I have the strong feeling Dalinar will die. Just sounds that the kind of character arc in which the man builds himself as a strong leader, the hope of everyone... and then he dies, so the younger/unexperienced leaders must find a way without him. It´s rude to compare but I´m thinking about Harry Potter, TLOTR, even ASOIAF... And following this dark path of thinking, I also think Kaladin has his days counted. Anybody agree?
  15. Never read it (and I´m sure I´d remember if I would have read it) Storms, I´d like tu see that!!
  16. If it is really the mythical flute, then probably we´ll see it again. Anyway, it was veeery stupid (suspiciously stupid, I dare say) to give it to Kaladin.
  17. I´m looking forward to see what will happen with Rlain and the rest of the Listeners (those who were prisoners and deserted). As for Adolin, I think he will be quite broken with guilt. He will feel unworthy of his father, and his family, and quite everyone. Additionally, he will be dealing with the fact that shardbearers are "old fashioned" now, and "surgebinders rock". Yes, he´ll be having quite a hard time, poor lad. On the other hand, Dalinar... he´ll be heartbroken. It will be a hard blow for his reputation and, being a leader, he will have to be fair with his judgment. He can´t let his feelings interfere. So he´ll have to do what is necessary to keep control over the brightlords, unite them and resist the Everstorm. And there atre the riots in Kholinar too... Dalinar will have lots of responsibilities so this will be a hard blow. My bet is that Adolin will lose his shards and be exiled. He will hang around and see how the real world is for darkeyes and humble people, and will learn all kind of new stuff and see the world with new eyes. Eventually he will feel worthy again of his father and come back (probably) in a very heroic way.
  18. Hi! I`m glad you found your way here! I think Brandon tricked us with that answer about not being parshendi knight radiants. It`s impossible just because humans and listeners bond with spren in different ways. I keep thinking the Dawnsingers were some kind of Listener`s ancestors, maybe the first Parshendi to bond with spren, before Odium and the voids spren. What if the Dawnsingers, just as they created the Dawncities, created the Dawnshards? What are exactly the Dawncities anyway? and what makes them so special?
  19. I don´t think the spren "farmed" surgebinders. Why would they need it? - KR were a minority of powerful people. - Spren bond with broken people. It sounds impossible that they could have run out of "broken people" and started farming them. And I´ll sustain this with common sense (Sorry!): How many people do you know that is Not Broken in any way? As long as we know, in order to break their oaths simultaneously, the 9 orders would have to break their firs oath: Life before death, strength before weakness, travel before destination. I think they discovered the Nahel Bond was somehow related with the Desolations. So they chose to give up, the death of the surgebinders in order to protect humanity. In other words: destination before travel. We don´t know exactly what this “wicked thing of eminence” was exactly, but it was strong enough to make them sacrifice everything, even extremely usefull knowledge, and leave the shards and soulcasters to the humans so they could take care of themselves. Or was it to avoid those spren to form a new bond, trapped in a shardblade form.?? There´s still a piece that puzzles me: the war against spren that seemed to be happening in one of Dalinar visions (unfortunately I don´t have the quote now, but hopefully I´ll edit this post to add it when I get home). Just to remind you, Dalinar was marching with a balalion, probably squires, and a Radiant was leading them. She pointed out a spren in a lake and the soldiers attacked it.
  20. There was a really interesting theory I read a couple of days ago (and can´t find now) that talk about the Listeners. It started from the observation that Listener don´t seem to create the tunes, just listen and attune them. That lead to believe the tunes or rhythms are preexistent. It also postulated that the rhythms come from Roshar itself. That would explain the Cymatic Theory Kabsal showed us back in WoK. (Please, if you are reading this and that´s your theory, be welcome to explain it in more detail). So I wonder: Are the Downcities the ancient cities like Alethkar or Kharbranth, created by the Downsingers? What is the relation between Downsingers and Listeners? Maybe they were the first Listeners. And if the Downsingers are Listeners bonding some kind of spren, and Downshard are their particular Shards, why are they so important to survive the desolation/everstorm? I think there´s definitely something there…Just trying to put the pieces together…
  21. WOUW You just freakingly scared me!! What if I die before it´s finished? Or worse: what if I become a very serius person and don´t have time for this???
  22. For non shards, I vote for Marsh definitly. He has huge powers that no longer exist in Scadrial, and he has been around for several hundreds years, while most of the other characters recently acquired their powers, and/or their powers are not so extensive. As for Rashek:
  23. Vivenna is the most annoying creature that ever existed in the whole cosmere. She thought so much of herself that I was hoping to see her fall, and I was actually happy when she became a beggar. Unfortunately, she didn´t became that much better after that, just a bit more tolerable. Sometimes I worry Shallan is following her path. Specially in her trip to the shattered plains. It was unbearable. I think my problem is that in WoR everything seems to go too well for her. I do like her anyway, that´s why it hurts. BTW why does some people love Adolin so much? It´s not that I don´t like him, but we done know him that much. And what we know is not that awesome. He is quite vain, his calling is dueling (which is ridiculous) and is the typical pretty prince good with swords.
  24. It feels pajorative to me too, but that doesn´t mean its not true. Lift certainly seems to worry about little things, like stealing food in a palace. On the other hand, this doesné mean either that ONLY worry about little things. Also, we know they were deadly, regardless of their healing abilities. My point is: we know very little about the orders, and we tend to simplify and believe each one is difined by the few characteristics we know. I agree, I´d like to see multifaceted and complex radiants.
  25. That whole chapter about Boots. Come on Shallan! You were making such a fool of yourself under Tin´s influence!!
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