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Everything posted by Awesomness

  1. Mind literally blown. There is something in what you say and the way you say it that is throughly coherent in a disturbing way. Anyway, @WesHenry stay around and tell us a little more about your change of heart. Many here would have liked to change sides and buy Shadolin due to book evidence. Regarding: Sanderson in one of his classes explained that if he ever wrote a love triangle he’d write it like Twilight. Shallan-Radiant-Veil conflict + Twilight kind of romance = My inner goddess is dancing. --> http://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/movies/a31028/57-things-anastasia-steeles-inner-goddess-does-in-fifty-shades-of-grey/ (Can´t believe I'm adding a 50shades reference)
  2. You are right... yet I still read the passage and doubt.
  3. Well have to read her backstory, but I was under the impression that her lunacy as a child made her that way. She relies extremely on logic. In a way, I think she's not as confident as she seems, she just built an army of logic arguments to sustain herself. I didn´t see it as an insult, just a reaction to what she was saying in line with his moral codes (that are exactly opposite to what Jasnah is suggesting). Jasnah´s idea may be a solution, it may be better than other options, but it is not a Good nor honorable. She is probably able to sustain it logically, but I personally don't buy it. She is right, though, that some sacrifice will have to be done. The beauty of SA is in its complexity, and BS makes a great job addressing and confronting different moral philosophies
  4. From the narrative perspective it would be a smart choice. She´d be a new player in the KR dynamic we have right now, but already developed in disconnected preludes; so we wouldn't need to spend time trying to get to know and love a new romantic interest.
  5. True. Also true. Remember when they split up, Shallan was the naive, childish girl. Jasnah thinks she knows her. Even though she knows Shallan accomplished many thing, in her eyes she still is the girl who considered eloping with Kabsal. It is a common mistake considering she went from being the only KR and only person worried about the Desolation, to being the one who arrived late, with so many new players in the game. Also, we see most of this though Shallan´s eyes, and she is 1-unreliable narrator 2-has some issued with Jasnah, worships and dreads her in equal measure 3-thinks she is independent, but has been this way for only a few months, so she still doesn't feel really confident, specially around Jasnah. I don't think this is morally justifiable anyway...
  6. Difficult decision, but I went for Battle of the Tower because “Somebody has to start, son. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right. If nobody starts, then others cannot follow.”
  7. Could this be why her shard plate hasn't manifested? She is 4th level, her lightweaving is really great, but she can't soulcast either. In fact, she seems to be on the same level than Kaladin (very good with one surge, not so great with the other, blade, not plate). Offtopic: I don't really know how I ended up thinking today (sure this thread has nothing to do with it.....) Wouldn't it be weird for non-radiants to date/marry a KR? They already have a life companion that follows them everywhere, know their thoughts and secrets. Wouldn't it be like being the second to your first/most important person?
  8. Maybe we should speak about our favorite secondary character, as we are already settle on the main ones. Tan was the revelation for me. Also loved bridge 4, every single one of them, specially Skar and Drehy. Venli started very low, but she grew on me. Moash was a pain, for a moment I thought he would be redeemed. I liked having the opportunity to follow him as a contrast to everyone else.
  9. We know the Stormmfather accepts the words the moment they are said (and meant).
  10. The Stormfather did say that he would be a radiant without shards...
  11. Hello everyone. As I said in another thread, I have my doubts regarding the moment when Dalinar said the oath and opened the perpendicularity. On rereading I became even more certain that the oath is not "I will take responsibility..." but "I AM UNITY", and that is not the 3rd ideal, but the 5th. So I share with you the quote (compilation of Dalinar´s POV on that moment). This is the moment Dalinar says the Words, and the moment the Stormfather accepts them. This from Nin and the Skybrakers What do you think?
  12. jaajjja @PhineasGage you do have issues! What I suggested was mostly a joke (mostly). I understand completely your point. I wish he knew our thoughts, but not because of a ship war, but because there are narrative issues here.I don't care (mostly) where he takes his characters, as long as he makes them take a coherent path. That said, I still have a lot of faith in the man. I've read almost all of his work and never, not even in his first couple of books, felt like this. So I'm in denial and plan on staying that way until SA4. I´d like to read your essay when its out, ando hope it gets visibility
  13. Well, I hope so. Because it's a win-win situation. He gets a good laugh and we have our feedback and concerns heard instead of dismissed and ignored as merely "shipping" Can we discuss again the possibility of writing an assay about this and send it to him or post it somewhere he may read it?
  14. THIS is whats ruining Adolin. Let´s summarize Adolin (just because its so easy): Nice guy (like really nice): ok Not emotionally broken: someone has to be mentally-healthy in this series! Not exactly an intelectual: fine, cute Duelist: well... not the most interesting of callings, but not so bad either. Summerchild. Reviving Maya: well he is nice with her, and everyone else is getting powers anyway... who doesn't want the shard blades to resurrect? Gets the girl: he doesn't fly, give him a break. Incredibly handsome prince: see other redeeming qualities Avoids responsability of killing Sadeas because "good riddance" and "we need a highprince and Renarin...Renarin...whatever" Avoids responsibility of becoming king because...he killed Sadeas? I do like him, he is adorable, but the Sadeas Murder Storyline could have been his opportunity for development, and just fell flat. Even though, Maya´s storyline and his supportive attitude toward Shallan and Kaladin made for maybe his best arc till now. So, I think Brandon really needs to figure out if he will be a flat-ish side character or a full fledged one.
  15. Hate can be a cold think. In fact "cold hate" (and/or passion) is stronger and goes on the long term --> as in the Count of Montecristo: guy spends 20 years planning revenge so its poetic and perfect. "Hot Hate" is a sort of anger.
  16. @SNLC I believe you are onto something, but she is not being manipulated yet. Shallan is showing (bigger) cracks, and is going backwards with her bond with Pattern. She's been close to 2 unmade. We know Re-Shepnir "knows her". And this "Wit" voice (a voice she trusts) telling her to embrace emotions... Right now we are only seeing the first hints, buy Odium is definitely finding his way into her mind. I have a feeling Brandon is playing with us:
  17. This may be a good moment to remind everyone that we all (mostly) agree that the problem here is Shallan and her mental health. Not a shipping war, as every Shalladin Shipper feels relieved they didn't end up together right now.
  18. I think it suffers from being the middle book. Everything is getting more and more complex, and not every plot line can be explored to conclusion. That said, there were some thinks I didn't like very much (im looking at you Shaveilant), but many others were just perfect
  19. I believe Radiants don't feel the Thrill, or at least not strongly. Dalinar feels it, but he had a close connection to it for a long time, then stopped feeling it. Seth thinks something about the voices when he is is close to Nergaoul, Kal feel revolted when he´s near the unmade , and we never saw him feeling the Thrill in battle. There is som WoB on this matter. I wonder if every Nahel Bond was as close as Kal/Syl...
  20. Hello PhineasGage, Im here to drop you a quote
  21. I should read the passage again (I was a little emotionally broken at the moment), but the words: "I will take responsibility..." doesn't really make much sense as a Bondsmith oath...
  22. Speculation time: I think this isn't so much about the shards but the oaths. Nin said the Fifth Skybraker Oath is "I am Law". Danilar´s words: "I am Unity". (He skipped 2 oaths?!) I wonder if Kal and Shallan are heading there: "I am Honor" - "I am Truth" ?? Cant´t guess about Jasnah, Veli and Renarin. Maybe ten 5th grade Radiants become ... something.. a Shard? a Little Adonalsium?
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