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Everything posted by Redbird

  1. It might be simpler to just graft some thumbs on you. As for transforming into things, there tends to be a a lot of side effects, as well as it leaves you more open to manipulation. Although we have been working on some ways to stabilize the process.
  2. You should, the cookies are delicious and nutritious.
  3. I just finished Throne of Glass today, I almost did not because it slowed down a lot from the middle towards the end. But it got significantly better towards the last 50 pages.
  4. Hero might be more accurate for someone else, because he was the hero.
  5. Hello! If you have already read Alloy of Law, then I would suggest Warbreaker .
  6. Between shardplate being invested, or he possibility that it is not even metal, it would most likely be impossible to push on.
  7. Vin says about the winters being mild in the central dominance, mild enough that snow is uncommon. And I feel like there was something about the trees often keeping their leaves due to those mild winters,
  8. Because of what I have heard, I just stopped at the first book, which was alright.
  9. That seems more like a tension or cohesion thing than friction. Using friction for that would burn through stormlight and her feet.
  10. If the atmosphere is denser, it would explain how highstorms can do so much. The wind speed could be something we might see on earth, but the thicker atmosphere would have more force at that speed.
  11. With tanks being updated, they are much better to play than they were, although I played more using planes before that.
  12. As Slowswift said, it seems this was on purpose, since that was how she accelerated and steered.
  13. And it seems to be heading west, hopefully it will have died down by the time it gets here.
  14. Yeah, it won't even be out here until the 30th.
  15. If Roshar flipped like Venus did, would it not need to be both closer to the sun and have about a 70% denser atmosphere?
  16. Well, the order I would suggest is either Elantris or Warbreaker, Mistborn, and then Stormlight. I guess that order still works, but Stormlight is best last because of the worldhoppers and other items.
  17. Welcome Orlok! If you have not read any non-cosmere I would definitely recommend those, probably Steelheart first.. Would you like a cookie?
  18. Welcome! Do you have an order you plan on reading everything else in? And would you like a cookie?
  19. Bring me, the comfy chair! Also this fits very well with my signature.
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