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Everything posted by Redbird

  1. Even though there is a limit to compounding steel before you start to take damage, he could just compound gold, so his speed is basically limitless.
  2. I think Captain Fabulous would be more fitting.
  3. I don't know, but dawnsingers might have something to do with this.
  4. So I just started Daredevil, and as the rest of you probably thought, it reminded me of Spook in HoA
  5. Has anyone else here read Atomic Robo?
  6. Yo mama's so dumb, logicspren have been known to cease existing because she is nearby.
  7. How much of Mistborn have you read?
  8. So once this part with Converter plays out, what would be a good way to introduce Heatsink? I was thinking to help with converter, but after, since he wasn't mentioned in those going to restrain her.
  9. Welcome! How about Warbreaker or Alcatraz? The first one is free on Brandon's website.
  10. We like to hand out cookies to new people, because we are cool like that.
  11. The End is Where We Begin by Thousand Foot Krutch, that entire album.
  12. Hello and welcome! Would you like a cookie?
  13. So once this part with Converter plays out in Corvallis, could someone in the government help me add Heatsink in?
  14. This is so cool! And the alivened has tiny legs, it is great!
  15. Sounds like fun, and when he splinters, can I keep one of them?
  16. Welcome to the 17th Shard! Might I recommend reading Warbreaker in between Way of Kings and Words of Radiance? And the cookies are safe to eat, the FDA* approved them.
  17. Well I have not read it, so that seems more serious than it looks.
  18. For some reason I want to say Harry potter, but is a scar really a serious facial deformity?
  19. Well I need some way of him to fight, preferably with defensive(ish) powers because that is cooler.
  20. When I first thought of that power set, it took someone pointing that out for me to realize that it could be used offensively.
  21. Guys help! I took mine to the store, but it's head got stuck in the door!
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