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A difficult choice


As everyone I'm sure is aware, our servers suck. We've got some great members who have been willing to help us out so far, but the sad truth is that if we want the site to get to it's full potential we need to figure out a couple of things. One of those is how to continue to fund the site.

Right now, we're looking at a couple of different options. The most obvious option would be to sell t-shirts, and this is an option we're looking into. We're also considering doing things like 17S stickers/bumper stickers or other such things. The question I have for all of you is this: what would you want to see us sell, and how much would you be willing to pay? Keep in mind we wouldn't be able to do things like mistborn symbol t-shirts since those require a license from Brandon. However, custom designs (one that Josh suggested and I loved was a shirt that says "Ask me about Hoid") would be available.

Brandon has also suggested plushies. Personally I love this idea (and I think it's kind of been decided to start out as the monkquitor, but we were also thinking stuffed koloss might be fun), but again this depends on interest. Would anyone want to have a stuffy? Again, what would be the maximum you'd be willing to pay for something like this?

Another thing we're looking into is google adwords, or a partnership with amazon!fail (and then once we get shardcast going we're also looking at something with audible). I hate ads as much as the rest of you, but it's an option we have to consider. And sadly it's looking more and more like it's going to be a nessary evil. I can tell you though we'd try to make them as unobtrusive as possible. If we do put ads onto the site, is there a place you'd prefer to see them/not see them? (Mind you, there may be some places it'd be impossible to place them. It would also be the most practical to have them on every page, so that's probably what we would end up doing.)

If we do the t-shirts/plushies/any other products we'd probably end up doing a kickstarter (anyone who follows Howard has been hearing a lot about this program, but for more information you can visit http://www.kickstarter.com. What type of "thank you"s would you guys like to see for doing a donation?

Another idea that has been kicked around and most people don't seem to like is that of a premium membership. The thought was that you pay a small amount a year to get things like early access to news, special t-shirts, or something like that. I've heard people asking for it, and I've heard of other people shout loudly against it, with great arguments for both sides, so I thought I'd let you the people decide. Would most of you hate the idea? Love it? If you did want a pay content type thing, what types of things would you want to see being offered?

Is there anything else you would like to see us offer? Any other products you think it'd be cool to be able to pick up? Special offers you think we could do? (For example, even though it's not possible right now I had a guy at the release party suggest a thing where you sign up to have an account and deposit X into said account. From there any time a new book is released you automatically get a copy of the book sent to you, so you don't miss out on any of the new releases, but you also don't have to stay up on top of the latest news.) On the other side is there something you don't ever want to see us doing?

We love this community, and want to hear your opinions. Please, chime in and let us know what you think! Even if it's just a question, please let us know. The more feedback and ideas we have, the better understanding we will have of what direction to go in!


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Get a hosting solution that allows you to scale on short time intervals at put a bar on the main page that shows which performance level is paid for for which amount of time. Fund it by selling trinkets and donations.

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Would it be possible to get a sort of "finders fee" bonus for redirecting customer's to inkwing or badali? You could create a forum thread devoted to brandon merchandise (is there one already?) and get a small royalty for every purchase made from a 17th sharder.

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The "about" page has one at the bottom.

Well, start by making that one more visible! XD. There might be more people willing to help who just didn't know there were a donating feature.

I'm used to ads. Google ads, for example -they're unobtrusive, you can ask Google not to put certain ads, and Google tries to put ads related with the site's theme, even if it's because it'll give them more profit. And you would probably even make a profit, and not only cover expenses, with them. A friend of mine has a website with forums that take a lot of bandwith and I know how that works - even if just a little. And Google ads are that site's only income.

And plushies would be awesome, I'm a plushie addict. You could even sell them by two prices: the 'normal one' and the 'charity nun' one - hell, don't take the name serously! Take the second one implies a... let's say, $3 donation. It's not the same going specifficaly to donate somethin, which has you making a positive decision... than saying: 'well, I don't mind giving these awesome guys a couple more bucks so later Chaos can ban me at his heart's content'.

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And plushies would be awesome, I'm a plushie addict. You could even sell them by two prices: the 'normal one' and the 'charity nun' one - hell, don't take the name serously! Take the second one implies a... let's say, $3 donation. It's not the same going specifficaly to donate somethin, which has you making a positive decision... than saying: 'well, I don't mind giving these awesome guys a couple more bucks so later Chaos can ban me at his heart's content'.

more like spike you...they're all very much into spiking people XD

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more like spike you...they're all very much into spiking people XD

... I can't say I would mind much being spiked and gaining a full share of Hemalurgical abilities as a result.

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more like spike you...they're all very much into spiking people XD

Now Joe, you know spikes are reserved for staff. :P

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... I can't say I would mind much being spiked and gaining a full share of Hemalurgical abilities as a result.

you dont want to be spiked where I got spiked, :P

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you dont want to be spiked where I got spiked, :P

You can always apply for the position of official pin box, then ;)

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Speaking of pins, what about 17S pins? Or would those be too expensive to have made?

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It depends on the manufacturer, and whether there's enough interest in them to make the cost worthwhile, but those are definitely a possibility if enough people want them. Would pins/stickers/etc be something y'all would be interested in?

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I would definitely be interested in a pin. Could be useful at signings.

"Are you from the Sev- oh, yes, I see you are."

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I would definitely be interested in a pin. Could be useful at signings.

"Are you from the Sev- oh, yes, I see you are."

That is a very, very good idea. I'll add it to my list. ShardPins should be fairly easy, presuming we can find the right place to make them.

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One thing I've seen another site do...

They had a thread devoted to their donations button, which included the button, and a percent bar which indicated how close donations had come to covering the site's costs for the month.

It seems to me like a good way of making the donations button easy to find, without being intrusive.

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The percent bar is a double-edged weapon. People will stop donating when it reaches 100%. That mins there will be no extra if there is no money left for improving the server, the database, or if next month everyone is feeling that their hard-earned bucks should better go to the local bookstore... incluiding the admins.

You get my idea XD.

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The percent bar is a double-edged weapon. People will stop donating when it reaches 100%. That mins there will be no extra if there is no money left for improving the server, the database, or if next month everyone is feeling that their hard-earned bucks should better go to the local bookstore... incluiding the admins.

You get my idea XD.

True, if donations are the only source of income. If we're doing ads or plushies or something extra, then those would not be included in the donation bar, and therefore go to the extra stuff you mentioned.

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because of the conversation, im imaging a pin that says something to the effect of "I visited 17thshard.com and all i got was this lousy spike" :P

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I like that pin idea Eero! That's awesome!

And for all of those who think being spiked by the staff wouldn't be so bad, let me just remind you: Only the staff get to keep their spikes. For us lowly members of the forum, we get to keep our spike for a few seconds before Chaos rips it out of our hearts to bestow our powers upon the others.

It's really not all that fun at all.

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I like that pin idea Eero! That's awesome!

And for all of those who think being spiked by the staff wouldn't be so bad, let me just remind you: Only the staff get to keep their spikes. For us lowly members of the forum, we get to keep our spike for a few seconds before Chaos rips it out of our hearts to bestow our powers upon the others.

It's really not all that fun at all.

It's fun for us. ^^

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One thing I've seen another site do...

They had a thread devoted to their donations button, which included the button, and a percent bar which indicated how close donations had come to covering the site's costs for the month.

It seems to me like a good way of making the donations button easy to find, without being intrusive.

+1 to this.

I've donated money to many sites that I enjoy, especially when their donate button is easy to find.

A few other ideas - auction off some cool items (books, posters, existing merchandise) that was (legal) purchased and then signed by Brandon. I bet if a bunch of Magic cards were donated to the cause, some enterprising 17th Sharder could get Brandon to make a deck from them, play them, then give them up to be auctioned off. Other items could be given to Brandon to use while on tour, something that he would most likely use anyway, that could be signed and sold off after the tour. I'm sure Peter can tell us if Brandon needs a new flight bag!

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I agree with putting any ads on the side, or if that's not possible at the bottom. As long as they're all in one place. As for premium membership, definitely not.

T-shirts I'd pay $10 to $15 for, plushes $15 to $20(not sure how much plushes would cost to make, so that's just a guess). I think you could also do wallpaper, I see a lot of sites that sell even a few different wallpapers, and that seems to work for them.

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I would do T-shirts for 15 and plushy for 20 or so. I like the "ask me about Hoid" idea for a shirt lol

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I agree that premium membership is a bad idea. Tempting as a source of funds, but I would definitely shy away from it.

I might go for a T-shirt, and I think the automatic account idea is very cool, though it might not be all that effective as it seems to me that most of the people who end up on this type of site are the ones who, like myself, enjoy keeping up on the news. You might consider putting up a way to contribute donations online, even if it didn't get a huge response it would be there just in case, and it wouldn't need a lot of maintenance after you set it up would it?

Whatever comes we are grateful for this awesome site and support your decisions; I trust you guys to do what is necessary in the best way possible. Good Luck!

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I love the idea of T-shirts!! My friends make fun of me at work because I have so many fan type t-shirts :) Preferably, with the total cost (including shipping) staying below $25. The "Ask me about Hoid" idea sounds awesome, along with the 17th shard logo... Would it be a huge hassle to get a license from Brandon to do logos? I mean, this is the official forum/fan site right? Maybe it is something you guys could work on? Plushies sound like fun too, $20 actually seems a little high to me, but I don't know how much they would cost to make.

I also like the idea of being able to donate - especially if you can donate in small increments like just $5.

I dislike the idea of ads, but I understand that they are often necessary to help with funds. I agree with everyone requesting that they are localized to the side or bottom to make them easier to ignore! ;)

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Adds are fine as long as they are not video files which automatically start playing, or stupid ones like click here to play, with a character hopping around the screen

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