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Radiant Order Quiz and Order Descriptions


After teasing it for some time now, Brandon and his team have finally released the quiz for the orders of Knights Radiant! Mainly worked on by Isaac with support from the beta reader Ross Newberry, you can set a whopping 34 sliders to describe yourself down to a single percent and then get as much of an "official" answer for what Order you'd best fit in as you can hope for. It's a bit of an unusual style for this kind of quiz, but it should help you decide which order to pick in the upcoming The Way of Kings leatherbound Kickstarter. Speaking of the campaign, Dragonsteel will be sharing the exact start and end dates very soon, but from Brandon's livestream, we know it's likely going to be the first week of July, so stay tuned! Isaac also included a lovely mobile wallpaper featuring the space age symbol for Roshar in the article that's definitely worth checking out!

But the quiz is not all that was released on Brandon's website today. For those who want to get a better understanding of the Order they were sorted into, Brandon has also written up descriptions of all the Radiant Orders, covering the general theme of their Oaths, what kind of people they attracted and which responsibilities they took during the glory days of their organization.

There were some new details about Orders we haven't heard much about before in there. For instance, apparently the Dustbringers - or Releasers, as they preferred to call themselves - often served as engineers or artillery in the Radiant armies. Their destructive power were kept in check by their progression through the Oaths and they understood themselves as very precise and inquisitive. We also learnt new things about the Elsecallers. Namely, they weren't mainly attracting scholarly types as many of us probably thought previously, but were instead open to people from all walks of life, as long as they were intent on improving themselves.

The Willshapers seem to have been builders - both of structures and society - among the Radiants, often being dispatched to towns to build fortifications. Their Order, however, is all about freedom at its core, and they attracted not only craftspeople and creators. It is interesting to see that you might also find warriors among them whose goal it is to free those who are captive. Stonewards, on the other hand, are all about putting the needs of others above their own - possibly best exemplified by their associated Herald, Taln. Apparently you'll find many among their ranks who are fond of the outdoors and even explorers - something we previously thought was a main characteristic of Willshapers, given that Eshonai attracted Timbre.

Finally, Brandon also had to share some thoughts on the Bondsmiths. It's intriguing to learn that while the Order itself was limited to at most three members at a time due to the nature of their spren, squires for the Order were not unheard of. What's even more fascinating is that they might have attendants swear oaths despite not getting any powers or attracting a spren. Maybe we'll see some of Dalinar's retinue do the same in the books?

The descriptions are absolutely worth a read even if you don't intend to take the quiz. But if you do, feel free to share your results with us below in the comments! I apparently would qualify as an Elsecaller at a 76% match and would love to hear what you get!

In other news, Brandon has recently finished the fourth draft of Rhythm of War, book 4 of The Stormlight Archive, and has now begun his work on the fifth and final version before its sent off to the editor for the copyedit. This means that Brandon will be working on shaving about 10% off the word count to make the book feel tighter overall.

Edited by Paleo


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I took it a few times (for test-retest reliability!) and my modal response was Windrunner + Edgedancer (average across multiple re-takes approximately 75% for both). I admire other orders, but I think Edgedancer is probably spot on for me.

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I took it and got Truthwatcher (76%). Reading the description of the order, it seems to fit me very well. Also, and more importantly, :DLOOOOORRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

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It was a close call for me between Windrunner (75%) and Truthwatcher (73%), but reading the descriptions i think Truthwatcher is the better match for me.

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So amazing! I came here to say a. I feel like the Shardcast team absolutely nailed most of this in the Orders podcasts, good job team; b. Stonewards are *so clearly* the jocks of the KRs; but most importantly c. GET HYPE!!!!!!!

(80% Lightweaver)

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I took the test THREE times, only adjusting my answers slightly each time as I tried to be more honest with myself concerning each slider, and all three times I got Truthwatcher as my top result.

Truthwatcher: 73%

Lightweaker: 66%

Windrunner: 63%

Edgedancer: 61%

Willshaper: 58%

Skybreaker: 53%

Elsecaller: 49%

Stoneward: 48%

Dustbringer: 47%

Bondsmith: 42%


I'm not gonna' lie, I'm a little disappointed by the results. But then these always seem to be the types of results I get in tests like these. I bet if I took a similar test for something like Allomancy, I'd probably get Soother or Tineye when really all I want to do is punch stuff like a Thug.

But if I'm being honest, I'd say Truthwatcher fits me pretty well but if I had my pick and stuck to the theme with what I think really fits me the most, I'd probably choose Lightweaver, Elsecaller, or Willshaper. The Truths as Oaths part of Lightweaver would have me scared (I feel bad for Shallan) but I think I fit their more artsy side than I do the scientific part of Truthwatchers. I like the Elsecallers for always wanting to better themselves and reach their potential (something I cam currently working on in my personal life) and Willshapers for how much they value freedom.

But if I threw out all of my inhibitions and ignored what I think "truly suits me" then I think I'd want to be an Edgedancer. I'm not a particularly religious person, more of a skeptic really, but I love how the Edgedancers focus on helping the common people, those who might otherwise slip through the cracks. I feel like one of those people sometimes and so I respect their desire to remember those people.

Also, I'm not gonna lie, Lift makes it look like some damnation good fun. 

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I'm not sure what I was expecting. I figured just from the Words I would get Edgedancer and, sure enough, 58% Edgedancer. Truthwatcher is at 52% and Elsecaller is at 51%. Lowest is Dustbringer at 11%.

It amuses me a little that those three are so close to one another, and there isn't one that's head and shoulders above the others in terms of a match.

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58% Skybreaker. 49% Stoneward, Truthwatcher, and Windrunner. Seems about right!

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Posted (edited)

I thought I would get Edgedancer, but honestly this makes sense!

Reading it I think I'm a Willshaper though, even if I like the Lightweaver powers better.


Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 12.03.16 PM.png

Edited by MysticLotus

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I took it a couples of times to be certain and both times i got the basically the same results, First Windrunner at around 75% and really close begin Edgedancer. I myself feel like edgedancer is probably the right order for me.


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Elsecaller which is pretty accurate. But how TF did I get -1% on Bondsmith? Has anyone else gotten a negative value?

Screenshot_2020-06-09 Official Knights Radiant Order Quiz Brandon Sanderson.png

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So apparently I would be alright in any of the orders... but best suited to Skybreaker and Windrunner. I absolutely loved the little phrases they gave to each order -- I feel like "I will seek justice" and "I will protect" are pretty good for me.5ee2db9254370_Screenshot2020-06-11at7_18_24PM.thumb.png.f103ac7d863f4539d0b5262e053a82b7.png

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(Insert frustrated growl here)

I consistently get high compatibility with Truthwatchers and Edgedancers. And, while I believe both are important aspects of the Knights Radiant... they are my LEAST FAVORITE of the orders. Edgedancers, I could tolerate being because you can have fun zipping around... but... (walks away to huddle in a corner and weep for the hope he has lost)

I might be exaggerating my feelings a little... but ugh... of all the orders I could have gotten.

On the up side, Lightweavers usually show up in the second or third spot when I take the quiz. And, while I would be terrified to learn what my truths would be... I could be happy with Lightweaver.

EDIT: I just took it again, with a different perspective in mind when answering based on my personal beliefs. I - sadly - got Truthwatchers AGAIN(this time at 78%). But, Elsecallsers showed up just below that at 72%. So, I'm gonna leave it there and just pray to Adonalsium and the Allmighty that an Inkspren finds me first. Elsecallers are cool.

Edited by BasementDwellingRadiant

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Posted (edited)

Story of my life: I got a three way tie between Willshaper, Lightweaver, and Edgedancer. All of which beat out Windunner by exactly 1. WHO AM I???

Edited by Singer

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Mason Wheeler

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The Elsecaller lore seems a bit odd to me.

Thoughtful, careful, and cautious, the Elsecallers are generally regarded as the wisest of the Radiants.

This line intrigues me, because the one Elsecaller we've seen so far could be best described as a prosocial psychopath. (ie. the charismatic type who ends up as cult leaders or CEOs in our world. On Roshar... well... yeah. Close enough!) This is someone whose response to learning about a failed genocide was disgust at its failure, who used a vigilante murder spree of a handful of criminals as a philosophical object lesson for her apprentice, whose first reaction to learning about the way the Desolation cycle really worked was "we should find some Heralds and kill them to fix this," and whose first thought on learning something was weird about her own brother's spren was to reach for a Shardblade.  Murder appears to be her go-to solution to every problem!

Thoughtful, careful, cautious and wise does not fit Jasnah particularly well at all!  Is this just another case of "you're so different from what your order is supposed to be as to be a mockery of it" a la Nale's derisive dismissal of Lift?  Because not all of the Radiants we've seen so far are bad matches for their orders.  Kaladin isn't, and Dalinar definitely isn't!  (Malata may or may not be; we'd have to see more of her...)  But I fear for the future of Alethkar with Jasnah in charge!

Edited by Mason Wheeler

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Guess I’m the only Willshaper of the bunch? 78% with Windrunner a distant 62%.

Seems about right! Thanks for sharing this

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