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[Insert writeup here

Probably something to do with the honorspren...yes yes...

hmmm... them arguing over if they should bond?

yeah, yeah. that'd work. something like that...someone speaks up, and is locked away. that's how it should end, with someone being locked away.

does being locked away even make any canonical sense?

I'm not really sure, but it's not like it has to be

anyways, probably something like that...maybe some yelling...or. no yelling? maybe I should ask someone else...

But some sorta...Honorspren council arguing, then someone gets too loud and gets locked away. all the other Spren realize that they need to stay quiet. oh, this would be pretty good as an opener with a fake "[Name] was a Rebel Honor Spren" ...yeah yeah, I'll save it for next time]


Welcome to:
Long Game 81: Lasting Integrity

I will hopefully be the GM for this game.
The IM will be [insert IM here].


Signups will end at 3PM PST on...Thursday, October 21st. Pending changing work schedule. And player count. The game will begin shortly after that, and rollover will be at 3 maybe.

The setting is very minimal, don't expect a lot in terms of writeups.


PLEASE note the activity filter and the removal mechanic. 

Rules, though they can also be found in Doc Form



  • Each cycle will be split into a 48 hour ‘day’ turn and 24 hour ‘night’ turn.
  • PMs are closed.
  • During each day cycle, players may vote on any player to be locked away by putting the player’s name in Bold and Red. Any votes that are not both bold and red will not be counted.
  • Removals are Majority only. For someone to be Removed, they must have (X+1)/2 votes rounded up, where X is the number of current living players. For example, if there are 8 or 9 players, then a player needs 5 votes to be removed. If there are 10 or 11 players, you need 6 votes for someone to be removed.     
  • There will be a 2-turn Inactivity filter. Not posting for 2 turns (one cycle) will result in you being replaced.



Rebel Honor Spren:
They have been to the physical realm and seen first hand that the Knights Radiant are returning, and it is their duty to return again bond with them. You just...have to get the rest of the group to agree.  They can rest once you are able to convince the rest of the group that it’s time to join the Knights Radiant, or outnumber the Loyal Spren in votes.

  • Each night they meet together in secret to plan for the next day (Doc access during nights).
  • Each night they can work together to dispel a spren to the physical world

Loyal Honor Spren:
The spren must not be allowed to bond with humans again, though there are some among you who don’t agree- ones who disobeyed and ventured off into the physical realm without permission.  They can rest when all members of the Rebel Honor Spren have been locked away.


Player List


1. TJ Shade - Fiorlan 

2. Matrim's Dice -  Phrylsena (:thonk:)

3. The Unknown Order

4. Araris Valerian - Tresspassers (mai)lliw Will(iam)

5. Mage - Therla

6. Azmine_King

7. Lahilt - Lahilt

8. Ashwastaken - (Professor?) Oak

9. Danex

10. Archer - Spren 10




Pinch Hitters


Squirrel - Ventu


someone let me know if i'm missing something

Edited by Elandera
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3 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

I will join, but I think that math is incorrect? Nine should be six and eleven should be seven because it's rounded up. Can somebody smarter confirm or deny this?

Deny :P 

(9+1)/2 = 5

(11+1)/2 = 6

No need to round with those ones.

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10 minutes ago, Mage said:

I would like to join, but I have never done an SE before. What do I need to do?

Cool, welcome :P You did exactly what you need to; sign up.

To answer your question in the way you probably meant it: Here's the SE General Rules & Etiquette Policy. I'd also recommend looking through a past game or two to get an idea of how it goes, but you don't need to do that if you don't have time.

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10 hours ago, Illwei said:

Applications are open for a co-gm who likes to write :3

pick me
I've never gmed/helped gm an SE game before and this game is ridiculously simple so seems like as good a place to start as any.


24 minutes ago, Mage said:

I would like to join, but I have never done an SE before. What do I need to do?

this is definitely a good game to start with, there aren't any roles or anything. Nice n simple.
You could also make up a RP character to play as if you want.

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29 minutes ago, Mage said:

I would like to join, but I have never done an SE before. What do I need to do?

Welcome! You should probably know that the greatest compliment in this subforum is getting murdered :ph34r:.

I will sign up as Trespassers Will. Short for Trespassers William, of course.

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1 minute ago, Danex said:

this is definitely a good game to start with, there aren't any roles or anything. Nice n simple.
You could also make up a RP character to play as if you want.

Sweet. I enjoy some good RP, so I will be the honorspren Therla.

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Oh hi! A really simple game! Wow! This seems perfect for a first game in a new forum (I have played forum games like this before, though).

I’ll join as Oak, because I’m un creative and went with another tree name.

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35 minutes ago, ashwastaken said:

Oh hi! A really simple game! Wow! This seems perfect for a first game in a new forum (I have played forum games like this before, though).

I’ll join as Oak, because I’m un creative and went with another tree name.

Hi! If you didn't mind me asking, where have you played forum games like this before?

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10 hours ago, Illwei said:

Hi! If you didn't mind me asking, where have you played forum games like this before?

Oh, I used to play on forum of lies, though I’m pretty inactive now. I play something like this on discord, but that’s not really a forum. Also this quote feature is cool!

I feel the need to point out that Oak probably isn’t my characters full name, just a nickname like Syl. I'm just indecisive and can’t figure out how to lengthen ‘Oak’.

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