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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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8 minutes ago, quillinthestars said:

I’d be happy to take my vote off Waffles and join you in voting Devotary if you can give me one other good reason. Do you have a PM with them?

I have a PM with Devotary.  Can't really give you another reason though.  Mostly it's because I believe both you and Waffles are Village not anything specific about Devotary.

Edit:  Devotary, like myself, is one of those players that you just can't read and when you think you can read them, most of the time you're wrong.  It's more about what you don't see with that type of player than what you do see.

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I'm going to retract my vote from Quillinthestars and move it to Devotary

I think my vote on Quill was just out pure disbelief that he lost his truth in me that quickly when suspicious of three other people. However, I've shared who I've been defending with him and I shared who I believed Devotary to be. However, after Devotary inquired about it in our PM something felt off about it and it doesn't sit right with me. (OOC/OOG: I think some of you forgot to retract your previous votes before you voted on me, btw. I don't know if that impacts the game and if it does, it is what it is but I noticed it, probably because I'm OCD about that sorta thing but yeah. Sorry it was bothering me and I had to point it out lol djskja) 

Edited by WhiffleWaffles
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Hm. If Quillin isn't in danger of being lynched I don't really feel like keeping my vote on waffles. I would return my vote to Ashbringer, but Devotary is my other big suspect at the moment. Unfortunately at this point in the game the unreadable come off more as suspicious to me than trustable, a result of being burned once too many times as a result of ignoring those who don't leave a specific impression in thread. Plus, if waffles IS village, having her around seems like a good idea. Plus, what's an elim knight going to protect at this point? 
Also, I'd love for the other postman to reach out to me. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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Ghhhhhh I like the tie idea at least Waffles and now I'm going to be thinking a lot about what to do gahhhh ... and thing from Steel hm

Game balance is a trolly but reasonable thing to think about.

Hm actually 20%, 6 is maybe more reasonable

Because quill is a postman, if he makes a PM tonight that is verified by two people (less risky if it's a PM between two others in case there's 2 more elims which is possible but maybe less likely), his action slot for the night is already taken up so we know he can't be doing the elim kill. And so we can draw conclusions on our actions and our reads from that and what results. He made a PM with me this turn, so unless he had a frog (/2 idk if eating a frog takes an action huh and a verified N7 thing never mind) so there's no way he could do the elim kill tonight, and the only way he could have done it last night is if he's an elim with Steel or an elim with another postman or had a frog.

It's less what harm could elim!knight role ability cause and more what harm could elim cause, especially if they're the only one left with balance stuff. 

Edit: quill ninja'd me btw

Edit2: takes an action to use a frog so quill can't be the only elim left unless they somehow had a frog/if they make a PM tonight they'd need 3

Edited by Mist
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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

Every interaction I have had with you has felt off this whole game.  There is nothing specific I can pin down but if I was a betting man, and I am, I would bet that you are an elim.  The only hing you have in your factor was your vote on Drake Day 2 but that was when they had a vote manipulation ability.  Like I said, not much to go on but I really don't like the current targets and you're the best chance of those left.

Don't think I'm Link anymore? Interesting mistake. I suppose you did say you trusted Waffle and Quill if he had a PM N7. Although you then said you thought there were 7 elims, which would mean that making a PM is not clearing. Waffles switched pretty quickly too.

40 minutes ago, Mist said:

He made a PM with me this turn, so unless he had a frog (/2 idk if eating a frog takes an action huh and a verified N7 thing never mind) so there's no way he could do the elim kill tonight, and the only way he could have done it last night is if he's an elim with Steel or an elim with another postman or had a frog.

You can make one action per turn, so someone could absolutely make a PM during the day and submit a kill at night. They would only be caught out for not making a PM if they didn't hit Link.

Well looks like I'm going to die. Guess I don't have to decide between quill and Waffles. I'll still vote WhiffleWaffles. And use mighty bananas, that'll be that.
Quillin(1): Ash
Devotary(4): Alvron, Waffles, Steel, quill

Edit: Eh, I guess it's likely the bananas will go to a villager so I'll leave it.

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Kele had spent most of the past week training. They had to prove to both themselves and to their superiors that they were to be trusted. Any sudden movement or noise or anything surprised them, and almost made them blow their cover. They had to keep calm, avoid thinking about how they were once a member of the Yiga. And of course right as they were trying to start a new life, the rest of the Yiga chose to attack Hyrule Castle. What a pain.

They hardly heard the sound of the guards coming to get them from the training grounds, they were so lost in their thoughts. Rookie mistake. 

One of the guards seized Kele, and they reacted on instinct, flipping around and throwing him to the ground. Then they paused, realizing how that must look. 

"Wait, I can explain," Kele said. "I'm not a Yiga, or at least-"

"Shut it, Yiga." One of the guards said, brandishing a sword. "We found your Yiga clothes and weapons in your room. It's over, Kele."

But I didn't have any of my old Yiga stuff in my room, Kele thought. Unless....

It dawned on her. The true Yiga must've discovered who they were and planted the Yiga armor and weapons in their room. Their vision grew red, and any thoughts of negotiating fled their mind. They would find the Yiga, and they would make them pay for ruining their chance at a new life.

The guard who had spoken to them came charging at them with his sword, and Kele barely dodged it. An arrow flew past their head as well, and Kele realized how outnumbered they were. This was going to get ugly.

The guard once again swung for Kele, but they danced around the blade. When he was recovering from a swing, Kele lunged forward and chopped their hand down on his wrist, breaking it in a moment. With their other hand, they grabbed the sword, ducking as they heard a soldier let loose an arrow. They didn't kill the guard they'd stolen the sword from. Wouldn't be a good idea to do that if they wanted any chance at having that new life they wanted.

 They didn't have much of a chance to plan their next move as another arrow shot straight through their chest. Kele dropped to the ground, assessing the damage, the pain clouding their thoughts. The arrow had missed their heart, which was good. They'd be dead by now otherwise. It had punctured a lung though. Not good.

As the guards gathered around them, Kele realized that they were not making it out alive. I was so close. I just wanted to be free....

Kele's life faded away.

char(78)char(79)char(84)   char(89)char(73)char(71)char(65)

Devotary of Spontaneity was removed! They were a Hyrulean!

Devotary of Spontaneity (4): Steeldancer, Alvron, WhiffleWaffles, quillinthestars
quillinthestars (1): Ashbringer
WhiffleWaffles (0): Devotary of Spontaneity

This turn will end at 9:30 AM CDT on Friday, July 16th.

Player List:

  1. Matrim's Dice Hyrulean Mipha
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. The Unknown Order - Hyrulean
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. Azmine_king - Hyrulean
  6. Archer Hyrulean Sheikah
  7. Dannex - Hyrulean Sheikah
  8. Szeth_Pancakes Hyrulean
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. Araris Valerian Yiga King Rhoam
  11. kaylakrue - Yiga Revali
  12. |TJ| - Princess Zelda
  13. Devotary of Spontaneity - Hyrulean
  14. Illwei Master Kohga
  15. Jondesu Hyrulean
  16. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  17. DrakeMarshall Yiga Postman
  18. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  19. Random Bystander Hyrulean
  20. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  21. attic_gremlin Hyrulean Daruk
  22. @Mist
  23. purplewhiteandgold Yiga
  24. Tani - Hyrulean
  25. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat

PMs will be sent out shortly, if they haven't been already.

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Hmm, that's unfortunate. It was Devotary or Mist for me. I'm still thinking the activity filter didn't line up, in my opinion. And Mist tried to make a quick shot to get me to distrust Waffles, well, it just seems likely.

6 players remaining, and 5 known roles to be in play. Link, Urbosa, a knight, and two postmen. Do we think the last one is vanilla?

First come first serve, I'll be making a PM at someone's request this night turn. I'd advise asking in the thread because I'm going to say who it's between anyways once I make it.

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I’ll make it, I’d just like to know who you want it to be with

Oh, postman, postman, I’m asking once again! Oh please pretty please won’t you tell me who you are? I’ll be waiting for a letter, please, won’t you send me from you?

Edit: ah, and while am at it, does anyone want to share that they ended up with Devotary’s bananas they claimed to have?

Edited by quillinthestars
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1 hour ago, Ashbringer said:

I’m pretty sure Devotary used the bananas.

And can’t you make a PM this turn?

Thought they made an edit saying they wouldn’t be using them. Eh, does it really matter all that much?

I can make a PM this turn, but I still don’t know who the other postman is so it’s not like I can make a PM with them. Like I said, I’m making a PM at request this turn. Whoever tells me two parties first gets it.

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Well, I wasn't entirely expecting everyone to shift their votes onto Devotary but I'm also not entirely upset they died.  While I was wrong about them being evil, and I'm glad no one took me up on my bet as I would've bet anything on it, their death did prevent the death of either a known Postman or a possible Knight that might save Link if they protect right.

What we want to have happen is for BOTH Postmen to make PMs this Night.  Postmen can't open a PM and submit the kill orders so if there is an elim Postman, this will hopefully stop them from killing Link.  Of course if there are two elims or if neither Postman is evil then it won't work but we will at least narrow it down a bit.

Quill, I'll take you up on the PM.  Can you please get me in contact with Steel. :) 
Other Postman, please place two players, not yourself into a PM.  If not, then we would have to look very closely at you next Day for evilness.

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First of all, not a fan of the switch on Devotary. Not at all, especially with Quill and Whiffle going after each other like that. We've had (and as Elims encouraged) such Thunderdomes before, but it seemed like the best lead that we had and instead we flipped on Devotary. @Alvron, I'd love to hear what tipped you off, because I was maybe 40% sure that Devotary was Link. Fortunately that was wrong.

And then there were six. We can work with this.

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36 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

@Alvron, I'd love to hear what tipped you off, because I was maybe 40% sure that Devotary was Link.

Nothing.  I suspected they weren't Link but I didn't know for sure.  During Cycle 6 I even thought they were Link based on their votes and the way they keep on with the Elim Knight theory being why TJ was killed instead of Drake.  Once I got a PM with them though, I tipped the other way, that they weren't Link and were instead trying to keep attention on an Elim Knight so we would be suspicious should a Knight claim.
Overall, I went from being 80% certain they were Link to 98% certain they were evil.  Clearly I was wrong on both counts.

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3 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Just going to say, assuming we don't lose tonight we need everyone to vote on the same person tomorrow. It's possible there's 2 Elims left, which leaves it a 3-2 split if the three Villagers vote.

Unfortunately, we have lost.  It has been several hours since I asked for the PM and despite Striker and Biplet having been on since Quill said he would place orders, the PM has not been opened which means.

Steel is Elim Urbosa and Quill is the elim Postman. Or possibly the other way around.

For a while there I did wonder if Mist was an inactive Urbosa but have since disregarded that theory as well as the theory that they were an elim.  I specifically asked Quill when they had opened a PM with Steel and had Steel confirm it.  With that happening it meant either Quill was not an elim or both Steel and Quill are elim buddies.  Unfortunately it took me until this cycle and Devotary's death for me to put the last few pieces together.  And because there are two of them, even if I had my kill, yes I am Link, we still will not be able to win.  Urbosa/Steel will roleblock Waffles while Quill kills me.
Yes, I could try and bluff or not say anything hoping they kill you Ash but that would only buy us one more cycle in which I still wouldn't be able to survive.  Mist is very likely in their pocket thanks to the PM Quill opened which means we would not be able to get a lynch on one of them regardless of it going to another Day, so instead, I'll admit that I'm Link so the game doesn't drag on longer than necessary.

But before I log for the Night, one final thing Steel.  This whole post is a lie.  I'm not Link, Ash is.  Have fun. :P 

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