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Long Game 78: The Legend of Zelda: The False Heroes


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I think tomorrow we should all discuss more before we just immediately vote someone. It's not worth the risk if we don't have reasonable suspicion. Az was a Vanilla Village role, but still valuable to the Village.

13 hours ago, Ashbringer said:


I'm going to go on a limb and say we need to talk more.

We should still have Urbosa and Revali doing things. Urbosa, if you RB'd someone last night try RB'ing them again.

I have to agree with you on this. If Urbosa is here and village, she should stick to whatever plan she has but it seems that whatever happened last night was good for the village so perhaps doing the same action is useful? Although that's their decision entirely, seeing at the elim's might not go for the same people every night. 

I'm thinking that the Elim's might have a Revali. I don't know what to think of for Daruk. 

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Kyson once again found himself in a bloody battle, led by Link himself. Link always wore a different disguise from the one he wore during the day. It was to confuse the Yiga, make them go after the wrong people. A bit callous, Kyson thought, but everything had changed once Zelda had gotten hurt.

They'd once again caught one of the Yiga before they could puff away their disguise. Revali himself had been one of them. It was bad enough when King Rhoam had been discovered to actually be a Yiga, but one of the champions themselves? Goddess Hylia save us all, Kyson thought.

The Yiga were once again outnumbered in this fight, and Kyson and his soldiers were able to quickly corner them while Link fought against another one of them. Link was so skilled he could take one of them on his own, but Kyson and the others had to gang up on them to even have a chance. It left a bad taste in his mouth, but this was war. This was survival. It was life and death for Hyrule itself.

Everyone paused for a moment, shocked when Earl, completely unaware of the fight around him, came out of his room right into the midst of the fighting. Before Kyson could react, a Yiga had shot an arrow at the man. 

But he simply seemed a little surprised by the arrow in his head, as if it didn't even hurt. He muttered some nonsense to himself, and then melted into a pool of something, which slithered away from the battle.

Link took the shock on everyone's faces, Hyrulean and Yiga alike, to take one good swing at the Yiga he'd been facing, the one who had pretended to be Revali. The man died quickly, and his friends once again ran like the cowards they were, leaving an exhausted and shocked group of soldiers. Link simply waved them away, once again hiding the master sword.

They would find the last of the Yiga. Or they would die trying, and the Calamity would return and destroy everything.


Szeth_Pancakes has been killed! They were a Hyrulean!
kaylakrue has been killed! They were a Yiga Revali!

There will be a removal during this Day turn. There is no vote minimum (though no one is removed if no one votes), and tied votes result in a random tied player getting removed.

This turn will end at 9:30 am CDT on Monday, July 12th.

Player List:

  1. Matrim's Dice Hyrulean Mipha
  2. Kasimir Hyrulean Beedle
  3. The Unknown Order - Hyrulean
  4. @Ashbringer - Faleast and AraRaash, who will certainly find a way to keep each other busy while stuck in a strange dimension.
  5. Azmine_king - Hyrulean
  6. Archer Hyrulean Sheikah
  7. Dannex - Hyrulean Sheikah
  8. Szeth_Pancakes Hyrulean
  9. @Steeldancer - Linebeck, swindler, salesman, local hero
  10. Araris Valerian Yiga King Rhoam
  11. kaylakrue - Yiga Revali
  12. |TJ| - Princess Zelda
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kele, ex-Yiga, a bit confused but has the spirit
  14. _Stick_ - Hyrulean
  15. Illwei Master Kohga
  16. @Jondesu - Cimu
  17. @Alvron - Jamut Whitemane, no idea what's going on
  18. DrakeMarshall Yiga Postman
  19. The Young Pyromancer - Hyrulean Knight
  20. Random Bystander Hyrulean
  21. @WhiffleWaffles - Sagessa, she's pretty cool
  22. @attic_gremlin - Horatio Archibald Stibbons, Hyrule Castle's elusive, mustachioed butler
  23. @YeetAroundABush - Nott Yigah, from the esteemed and most noble house of Yigah
  24. purplewhiteandgold Yiga
  25. Tani - Hyrulean
  26. @quillinthestars - Conepine, he's... he's just a pinecone cat

PMs will be sent out shortly, if they haven't been already.

Edited by StrikerEZ
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I think Waffles is right from last turn, we really do have to talk this out before we vote this turn. With things coming down to the wire, we have to act smart now. I barely trust my own judgements now, I really honestly had Kayla pinned as a village vanilla, but Link has gone and proven me wrong. I guess at this point I’d like to request a PM with the postman? Pretty please? It’s a hard game to play now that nobody wants to share their secrets

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Oh, storm you whoever decided to kill Szeth. I wanted to chat with him in the PM I got with him. 

I guess this means there's just one more, huh? Gosh, I think Link has had a pretty much perfect run. I don't think I've ever seen such an effective vigilante. 

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Alright, if everyone wants to talk, then let's talk. Who are people suspecting, and why? 

1 hour ago, quillinthestars said:

It’s a hard game to play now that nobody wants to share their secrets

it's a hard game to play if nobody has any secrets lmao /lh the only one who seems to know anything is link, and he obviously can't start blabbing about his source

Also, I'd appreciate if some experienced players weighed in: How confident are we that there's only one Yiga left? And, how likely do we think it is that they are or aren't vanilla?

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Generally a game has Elims equal to 1/4th of the player count, with some adjustments based on roles and wincons changing. With 26 players starting out, that would be a 6 person Elim team, and obviously the game's not over yet so there were at least 6 to start. 1 Khoga, 1 Postman, 1 Rhoam, 1 Revali, 1 Vanilla... we think the last one is a Knight but the longer this takes the more I'm wondering if Link just miss-shot and hit Zelda, or went after another suspicion besides the to-be-executed Drake and ran into another Knight.

There being 7 Elims would be 27%, which isn't too outlandish but would be large. If Daruk is an Elim, they're probably the last.

But there is another possibility, one I'm... confused about. @StrikerEZ, is there an inactivity filter? Because YeetAroundTheBush's profile says they haven't been on since last Sunday, and that would... explain a lot.

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53 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Because YeetAroundTheBush's profile says they haven't been on since last Sunday, and that would... explain a lot.

Yes there is, but they came to us and mentioned they would be unable to post for these past few days, so they're not being caught by the filter.

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6 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Szeth_Pancakes has been killed! They were a Hyrulean!
kaylakrue has been killed! They were a Yiga Revali!

I feel like I should've expected this since Kayla loves Revali, but the fact that she replaced a player and that player had Yiga Revali has me in stitches. I honestly read her as village, or at least a vanilla role, but it looks like I was wrong. I guess when you know someone outside of the Sanderson Elimination games it can be hard to hide any bias from previous experience. I'll have to be more open-minded. 

Also interesting that Yiga Postman Drake opened a random PM with Szeth and Tani, two Hyrulean vanillas. I assume that was likely to keep the village confused and paranoid. Which, it honestly made me feel very worried and unsure.

6 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Storms, Link, how are you getting your info? It’s amazingly effective! Keep it up!

I almost want to just leave the game up to them, but that seems irresponsible. So who would have killed Szeth?

Right? It's honestly giving me more hope that Archer and Dannex (village Sheikah) had contact with whoever Link is at one point and dropped some useful information to them. I wouldn't put it past Dannex to do that, they were on the ball since they found out who Master Kohga was. 

The thing with Szeth did catch me off guard. I assumed the PM between Tani and Szeth was either an e/v, seeing as a Yiga Postman opened it up. I guess it isn't far-fetched to say that Drake messed with us. I read way too much into his votes and stuff. Although, that being said...the Yiga know who the Yiga are, why would they kill Szeth whenever Szeth could've been an easy target from the village after we mis-exe'd Tani and discovered they were village? I had a predication that Szeth would be another target of the bandwagon voting trains at some point because of this. 

5 hours ago, quillinthestars said:

I think Waffles is right from last turn, we really do have to talk this out before we vote this turn.

I think another player mentioned this last cycle (Ash, iirc) and I have to agree with them. We've been immediately aiming our votes at someone without much thought. Perhaps before voting a person, we mention why we're suspicious of them and provide that evidence? I know that's hard to do when the numbers are getting smaller and smaller, especially with players who are talkers and quiet. Even if you're a quiet player you could have reads and it would be useful at this point. Although, just as you said Quill, I too had Kayla pinned as a vanilla role. I was very surprised to see that she was Yiga Revali, but after Link hit the ball out of the park and killed off an important elim role it's a huge relief. It's a good turn of events!

2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

If Daruk is an Elim, they're probably the last.

Reminder about Daruk's ability for those who don't remember:

  • Daruk: With the power of Daruk’s Protection, Daruk can protect himself from anything that could hurt him. Daruk has a passive life that protects him from the first kill or removal done against him.
2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Generally a game has Elims equal to 1/4th of the player count, with some adjustments based on roles and wincons changing. With 26 players starting out, that would be a 6 person Elim team, and obviously the game's not over yet so there were at least 6 to start. 1 Khoga, 1 Postman, 1 Rhoam, 1 Revali, 1 Vanilla... we think the last one is a Knight but the longer this takes the more I'm wondering if Link just miss-shot and hit Zelda, or went after another suspicion besides the to-be-executed Drake and ran into another Knight.

There being 7 Elims would be 27%, which isn't too outlandish but would be large. If Daruk is an Elim, they're probably the last.

If the elim is Daruk, that does mean that Daruk is able to defend himself against one kill or removal. I believe you said we should stop taking potshots last cycle on voting, and I agree, especially if Daruk hasn't used this ability yet and is waiting, which seems likely seeing as Link just removed two Yiga and seems to be on the right path. 

Link please keep remaining under cover and keep up the good work. 

After I had Kayla reading as a vanilla village role, I'm not sure how trusty or accurate my reads are on people. Perhaps looking back on earlier interactions with those we know who were Elim's could help? I'd really like to see what an experienced SE player would think on those interactions. Although, when I do have a chance to look back earlier on interactions I might be a little more cautious about reading Drake's interactions, seeing as I was worried the entire time about the PM. :/

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If there is only one elim remaining then I think we can, hesitantly, rule out Yeet.  I don't think Striker and Bip would keep the game going if the only elim left was going to be inactive for a couple of cycles.  I'm not 100% on it though as I don't know how long they said they were going to be away so for all I know they might be coming back during this cycle.

Postman, if you don't mind, could you please give me a PM with Devotary.  :) 

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7 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

we think the last one is a Knight but the longer this takes the more I'm wondering if Link just miss-shot and hit Zelda, or went after another suspicion besides the to-be-executed Drake and ran into another Knight.

There being 7 Elims would be 27%, which isn't too outlandish but would be large. If Daruk is an Elim, they're probably the last.

Possibly it was just Drake trying to set up his D4 lie about being Link, but Drake's confidence that he wouldn't be killed N3 plus a vigilante's general responsibility of killing people who would be exed next turn anyway makes me think the elims have a knight much more than that Link chose to hit TJ. Also because this would give Link a perfect record of targeting elims. 7 elims by itself isn't unreasonable, but with Rhoam giving them the equivalent of eight village votes it seems like to much, and a seven member team with eight lives would definitely be too much.

5 hours ago, WhiffleWaffles said:

Right? It's honestly giving me more hope that Archer and Dannex (village Sheikah) had contact with whoever Link is at one point and dropped some useful information to them. I wouldn't put it past Dannex to do that, they were on the ball since they found out who Master Kohga was. 

Archer claimed to me at least that he didn't have any role scans. I'm also not sure Link would have killed purple and Kayla for being vanilla and Revali respectively, or would be more likely to have gone for Revali first since that was a common suspicion for an elim role I believe.

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14 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Archer claimed to me at least that he didn't have any role scans. I'm also not sure Link would have killed purple and Kayla for being vanilla and Revali respectively, or would be more likely to have gone for Revali first since that was a common suspicion for an elim role I believe.

Wait, can you just...target a specific role and take that action? I'm genuinely confused but I could be misreading this? 

3 hours ago, Alvron said:

If there is only one elim remaining then I think we can, hesitantly, rule out Yeet.  I don't think Striker and Bip would keep the game going if the only elim left was going to be inactive for a couple of cycles.  I'm not 100% on it though as I don't know how long they said they were going to be away so for all I know they might be coming back during this cycle.

That's fair.

17 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Possibly it was just Drake trying to set up his D4 lie about being Link, but Drake's confidence that he wouldn't be killed N3 plus a vigilante's general responsibility of killing people who would be exed next turn anyway makes me think the elims have a knight much more than that Link chose to hit TJ.

Yeah, honestly Drake's posts really messed with my thought process on all the people I did have reads for. :blink: 

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3 hours ago, Alvron said:

If there is only one elim remaining then I think we can, hesitantly, rule out Yeet.  I don't think Striker and Bip would keep the game going if the only elim left was going to be inactive for a couple of cycles.  I'm not 100% on it though as I don't know how long they said they were going to be away so for all I know they might be coming back during this cycle.

I mean, that’s one way to think about it, but also doesn’t our activity filter work by not removing someone if said removal would decide the game? So if Yeet were the last Yiga, wouldn’t the activity filter not come into play? It would be a shame if I’m right, I had high hopes for Nott Yigah. However, I don’t think we should just jump and remove Yeet for that, debating the activity filter isn’t exactly solid evidence.

Edited by quillinthestars
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54 minutes ago, WhiffleWaffles said:

Wait, can you just...target a specific role and take that action? I'm genuinely confused but I could be misreading this? 

If Link had gotten role information about purple or Kayla from Archer or Dannex, he would know that they were vanilla and Revali, but I don't think that information alone would have been enough to kill them.

30 minutes ago, quillinthestars said:

I mean, that’s one way to think about it, but also doesn’t our activity filter work by not removing someone if said removal would decide the game? So if Yeet were the last Yiga, wouldn’t the activity filter not come into play? It would be a shame if I’m right, I had high hopes for Nott Yigah. However, I don’t think we should just jump and remove Yeet for that, debating the activity filter isn’t exactly solid evidence.

Elims can die to the inactivity filter even if their death would greatly impact the game. Whether or not someone dies to the filter is more about the availability of pinch hitters.

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I have work in half an hour, so I don't have time to talk, unfortunately... and much of what I could talk about I'd rather not for various reasons.

If Yeet's gone, I'm willing to let them live at least until the night turn to see if there's a kill out or not. (Urbosa, be careful in that instance). But them being an inactive Elim with Kayla would make some amount of sense with the Szeth kill. As would Quill and Attic - I think I trust Whiffle at this point.

Am also feeling a bit strange about Jondesu, but I'm... not sure why. 

But there are not three. There are nine. @Steeldancer, @Devotary of Spontaneity, @Jondesu, @Alvron, @WhiffleWaffles, @attic_gremlin, YeetAroundTheBush (?), @quillinthestars

I'm going to vote on one of those three when I get back. Maybe break off to something else, depending on what midnight-brain-Ash decides. But the talking is up to you.

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I have very little in the way of reads. I want to trust Ash despite their wariness of me (it’s ok, everyone ends up feeling that way about me it seems). Wiffle seems genuine this turn, as does attic. No one’s standing out.

A postman, maybe the Elim, created a PM between me and Steel. We’ve barely talked because I don’t have a trust read on him, but I thought that was interesting. It’s mildly suspicious, but it’s not enough to make me vote on them. Could be an e!Postman trying to make people suspicious of each other, or a v!Postman getting people to talk.

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2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

I'm going to vote on one of those three when I get back. Maybe break off to something else, depending on what midnight-brain-Ash decides. But the talking is up to you

I would feel bad for voting on JJ, however I understand the decision to if you do. I'm going to do one final look-thru at everything before I put in my vote. 

50 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Could be an e!Postman trying to make people suspicious of each other, or a v!Postman getting people to talk.

Well, Drake was an e!Postman and he was voted off. I feel like the chance of it being another e!Postman is rare, unless there were 3 Postman total, which I wouldn't mark off as impossible.


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Personally, Quill is the only one that seems suspicious to me and even then it's only slight.  Given how my only other two elim reads (Tani and Azmine) turned out to be completely wrong, I'm not overly confidant in my Quill read either.

I doubt there is another elim Postman given what we have seen.  It's likely to be either an Elim Knight and/or Daruk.

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I'm not entirely sure we'll have any votes tonight but I've been mulling over what Ash had mentioned for the 4 (Yeet, Quill, Attic, Jondesu.)

I'm not reading Quill as elim, and Attic seems to be leaning village?

Yeet is hard to say since they're not avaliable to post at the moment but I know that there's been posts from them about the game and I'm curious if they're pulling a new player card or being genuine. If Yeet is an Elim and only posted about the player aspect of it, I assume they would learn the ropes in an Elim doc? However, with what Ash said about the Szeth kill and stuff, I can definitely see their suspension a lot clearer. 

I have no read on Jondesu. If there were another elim Postman that would suck big time. 

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