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The last thing Leras does before dying is appear to Elend and point to the Northeast. He also did that the first time he met Elend. If you trace the two lines from their approximate locations, you end up in the far right corner of the Terris mountains.D3D9C4C9-6F86-467C-9BA0-3348B6CBBA62.thumb.jpeg.0f0c5b1b9904934fa996ad4c480e1d69.jpeg

Hence the question: what was in the Terris Dominance that Preservation was pointing to? And why was it so important that Leras used the last of his strength to try and tell Elend about it?

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Perhaps Leras' secret weapon? Who knows

A lot of important Scadrian things seemed to have been located in the Terris mountains: the people with access to Feruchemy, the Well of Ascension aka Preservation's Perpendicularity and Ruin's Pool.

Would Lerasium, like Atium, have been produced near its Shard's Perpendicularity? If so, wouldn't it have moved with the Perp? 

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8 hours ago, Honorless said:

Perhaps Leras' secret weapon? Who knows

A lot of important Scadrian things seemed to have been located in the Terris mountains: the people with access to Feruchemy, the Well of Ascension aka Preservation's Perpendicularity and Ruin's Pool.

Would Lerasium, like Atium, have been produced near its Shard's Perpendicularity? If so, wouldn't it have moved with the Perp? 

The perpendicularity didn’t move; the landscape was changed. So whatever Leras was pointing to, it wasn’t near the perpendicularity.

Now I want to know if this aligns with the approximate location of the Sovereign’s Temple. Does anyone have the Era 2 map? Edit: no, it doesn’t. They’re completely opposite points on the map. Also: the Basin is TINY in comparison to TFE.

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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That is something I have wondered about before! Why had Leras appeared to Elend and pointed towards Terris? What was up there in those mountains? Is it some other secret source of power yea it is possible. Is Lerasium then really the Lost Metal? I always thought that TLM is about Atium. 

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6 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

The perpendicularity didn’t move; the landscape was changed.

?    Yes, the landscape was changed, that's how the perpendicularity was moved


Brandon Sanderson

Chapter Seventy-Six

The North Pole

One of my big challenges in the geography of this world was figuring out how we could have a kingdom set at the pole of the world while at the same time maintaining a normal day/night cycle. My original plan was for the Well of Ascension to be located a distance to the north of Luthadel, up at the geographic north pole of the planet. When I was revising the second book, I realized that wouldn't work for various reasons. (More on this on the MISTBORN 2 Alternate Ending deleted scene page.) I changed things so that when the Lord Ruler held the power in the Well, he decoupled the geographic north pole and the magnetic north pole.

In our world, the magnetic north pole is located about eleven degrees of latitude south of the geographic north pole. On Scadrial, the two poles were originally in the same location. When the Lord Ruler moved the planet too close to its sun and realized he didn't have the control to place the planet in the proper orbit, he created the ashmounts to cool the atmosphere. He also wanted to keep access to the Well under his control, so he decided to build his capital city right above it. However, he realized that on a planet with a tilted axis, a city at the north pole would have seasonal daylight variation so extreme that at the height of summer the sun would never set and during the dead of winter the sun would never rise. He could remove the axis's tilt, but that would just make the sun perpetually skirt the horizon all year round.

What Rashek decided to do (and he had to make split-second decisions in the brief time he held the power) was to shift the crust of the whole planet so that the Well was at a latitude that would have more standard seasonal variation, and to re-create the Terris mountains in the new North (to maintain the rumors that the Well was located there). He worried that the new location of Luthadel would be too hot due to the latitude, but it turned out that moving the Well created an unexpected effect. The planet's magnetic pole followed the Well as he relocated it—and the ash from the ashmounts was slightly ferromagnetic. (Ferromagnetic volcanic ash has some precedent in our world.) So the interaction of the ash with the planet's magnetic field's new alignment meant that its protective cloak over the area of the Final Empire caused it to be cooler than the now unprotected geographic north pole.

One side effect of this is that all compasses point toward Luthadel. Since it's been that way for a thousand years, no one finds it odd–in fact, it's used as evidence of the Lord Ruler's divinity. It also makes it mathematically very easy to pinpoint one's exact location in the Final Empire using a combination of the compass reading and noon observations. Not that it's easy to get lost in the Final Empire in the first place—the geographical area of the planet's surface that the Final Empire covers is actually quite small.

Ultimately, when it comes down to sophisticated geography and astrophysics, I'm out of my element. If there are mistakes in my reasoning above, that is why I write fantasy and not hard sf.

And I still haven't said anything about what happened at the south pole.

The Hero of Ages Annotations (May 4, 2010)


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8 minutes ago, Honorless said:

?    Yes, the landscape was changed, that's how the perpendicularity was moved


What’s weird is that the ‘fixed’ continent perfectly matches up to the FE one. You can lay the basin on the FE map and it fits exactly. Although TFE was much larger.

Still doesn’t explain what Leras was pointing to though...

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2 hours ago, ScadrianTank said:

I always read those scenes as Leras trying to make Elend go away from where Ruin wanted him and Vin to be. 

But why point to the exact same place? Why was it the last thing he did? Why not try and tell Elend about the earring? I just don’t think it can be that simple.

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2 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Is it possible that Leras was pointing there?

It’s straight north from Luthadel, so it couldn’t have been where Leras was pointing in WoA. And Elend - and, more importantly, the text - state that he’s pointing in the same direction: north-east.

I didn’t use a proper tool, but I tried to have the lines follow the same angle from the approximate locations as I’m assuming ‘same direction’ to be exactly the same. The fact that the text went out of its way to point this out makes me suspicious, especially since we never DO find out what Leras was pointing to.

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11 hours ago, Honorless said:

When in doubt, look to the Dawnshards

There, he was pointing to a Dawnshard, that's the secret weapon that Leras buried

Hmmmm... In what direction from Elendel was the temple with the Survivor's spear again?

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4 minutes ago, mathiau said:

Hmmmm... In what direction from Elendel was the temple with the Survivor's spear again?

The wrong one. I checked. It’s Southeast of Elendel, almost exactly opposite the indicated point. Which... could also be suspicious...

@Aspiring Writer This is very true and many are suspicious of it.

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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24 minutes ago, StanLemon said:

So the Sovereigns temple is approximately (give or take a lot of miles) where the "12" on that map is, maybe a bit more East. 

It’s a bit further South and more East. 12 is in the Basin.


They don’t converge in the same place, but the Temple is directly south of the same mountain range.

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14 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Hmm, always another secret, huh? Feels very keslier to make everyone believe the treasure were the bands so they would think the temple was empty now.

I was actually referencing the theory that (Dawnshard spoiler)


The mural in the temple used to contain a Dawnshard like the mural in Aimia

Also why are we still calling that spearhead made by Kelsier the Bands of Mourning? It's clearly the Spear of the Survivor

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3 minutes ago, mathiau said:

I was actually referencing the theory that (Dawnshard spoiler)

  Reveal hidden contents

The mural in the temple used to contain a Dawnshard like the mural in Aimia

Also why are we still calling that spearhead made by Kelsier the Bands of Mourning? It's clearly the Spear of the Survivor

They have bands. Just "bands" as "thin ribbons of metal intertwined".

Which pun I pointed out somewhere as likely only working in the language of the Northern Hemisphere as an additional clue that The Kelsurvivoreign intended for the discovery of the Temple of the Bands to be when the North/South Divide was finally bridged. United in worship of him!

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