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14 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"Master and I decided to say that a full fume has two... uh... I guess you could call them 'doses.' The most basic spells just call for a single dose of a fume, but those don't have any notable effects, and in order to get something interesting out of the fumes, you have to take fractions of doses and mix them together. Here... maybe I can demonstrate." Valzwyn began concentrating, then opened her eyes as the six fumes became visible. "Great. It worked."

"Did you just summon the fumes, or used them in a way that makes them visible?" asks Gal, looking up from his notebook, and staring at the fumes, frozen with awe.


I'm not completely sure about the last phrase.

I wrote another question, and will post it here just to remember, but Gal will probably forget to ask it: "And... about the doses, do you need to mix the fumes in a way that'll sum up to one dose?"


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"Uhh... both, I guess."


Just wanted to mention, "frozen with awe" means he stopped walking. I think someone should remind him to move.

Fadran, is this your way to ninja-avoid my questions here? Now that's unfair. I was positively sure I could get an answer. Though I guess you just didn't build that part yet.

"Did that take a little bit of a dose from each fume?"

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The question about the feelings. I understand you built the mechanics, but not yet the powers, and that is why you avoid questions about the effects of specific colors?

11 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"I don't think so."


"Then did you use only some specific fumes? Or it didn't waste any amount of dose at all?"

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Just now, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"Making them visible doesn't take any power. Just some concentration."


Gal recovers from his awe, starts walking again and scribbles in his notebook like a madman. While writing, he asks: "To cast a spell, does the amount of fumes needed has to sum up to at least one dose? And how many doses does a dye add? Does this amount change based on the purity of the color of the dye?"


Well, you're doing great so far, and you successfully avoided some questions! I must say, when I saw you said you're using an incomplete magic system for your character I had my doubts (though I kind of did the same), but you proved me I underestimated you. Probably because I didn't read the Iconar Collective, which I apparently should have.


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27 minutes ago, The Worldookler said:

Gal recovers from his awe, starts walking again and scribbles in his notebook like a madman. While writing, he asks: "To cast a spell, does the amount of fumes needed has to sum up to at least one dose? And how many doses does a dye add? Does this amount change based on the purity of the color of the dye?"

"The sum of the fumes doesn't really matter. Depending on the dye's type and purity, the amount can range from one to two doses. I keep a lot of chalk dust on myself for just that reason."


I'm finally writing down some ideas and stuff! I'll get a good, solid magic system before long.


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Just a quick little paragraph to insert Chrys into the narrative. :)

Chrys moved quickly around the camp, hurrying to finish her chores so she could go explore the area around their campsite. She was sure she saw what looked to be the remains of another tribe's campsite, and where there’s a campsite, there are interesting things lying around that people forgot. I wonder what kind of people camped here. The area is not well traveled, so probably another merchant clan. Her thoughts swirled as she worked. Or maybe a group of mercenaries on their way to a dragon lair. She always got excited when their wandering took them into the path of other wanderers, even if it was an old path. And there’s always new things to collect. Even if some of the others think it’s a bit odd, the things she likes to collect. They make her happy. And it’s always a good idea to collect things that make you happy. 

She finished what she was doing, and headed off to the place she spotted earlier. Who knows, maybe today will bring an adventure.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"The sum of the fumes doesn't really matter. Depending on the dye's type and purity, the amount can range from one to two doses. I keep a lot of chalk dust on myself for just that reason."


"So you can have a little of each fume, summing up for less than one dose, and it will have an effect? Fascinating. When you cast a spell, do you create a hybrid fume? If so, can you fuel it with a mixed dye?"


Sorry about the delay, hope it's still relevant.


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19 minutes ago, The Worldookler said:

"So you can have a little of each fume, summing up for less than one dose, and it will have an effect? Fascinating. When you cast a spell, do you create a hybrid fume? If so, can you fuel it with a mixed dye?"

"I can have spells worth more than a dose. Those ones tend to be more powerful. And... I can make hybrid fumes, but they don't last very long, and it takes a lot of my fumes."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"I can have spells worth more than a dose. Those ones tend to be more powerful. And... I can make hybrid fumes, but they don't last very long, and it takes a lot of my fumes."

"So less than the sum of a dose spell is impossible? And can you make the hybrid last more with dyes?"

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Just now, The Worldookler said:

"So less than the sum of a dose spell is impossible? And can you make the hybrid last more with dyes?"

"I... any combination of the fumes works. 'Dose' isn't the term we used. We use the term 'part.' Most spells have a total of about one Part, but that doesn't mean a spell can't have more or less. As for the dyes..." Valzywn thought. "I haven't tried that before."

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30 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"I... any combination of the fumes works. 'Dose' isn't the term we used. We use the term 'part.' Most spells have a total of about one Part, but that doesn't mean a spell can't have more or less. As for the dyes..." Valzywn thought. "I haven't tried that before."

"Wanderfull! Then when we have more time we can try this experiment. Maybe the next time we stop? And by the way, you keep mentioning this Master of yours. Could it possibly be the renowned elven magic researcher Feldspar, who was the first to announce about Fumeweaving existence?"


Should Gal know of him? I think he should, since both of them are researching magic, but Feldspar could be a hermit kind of person, with almost no contact with the surrounding world.


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1 minute ago, The Worldookler said:

"Wanderfull! Then when we have more time we can try this experiment. Maybe the next time we stop? And by the way, you keep mentioning this Master of yours. Could it possibly be the renowned elven magic researcher Feldspar, who was the first to announce about Fumeweaving existence?"

"Sure. I'd be happy to let you research my magic. Sounds like a lot of fun."

At the name of Feldspar, though, her face fell.

"Yeah, that's... that's him."

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"Sure. I'd be happy to let you research my magic. Sounds like a lot of fun."

At the name of Feldspar, though, her face fell.

"Yeah, that's... that's him."

Gal, for some unknown reason, actually notices her sadness. "What's the problem? Did he die?"


BTW, Fadran, don't forget including making butterflies appear in your magic system, as @Ookla the Yay, also known as Lunamor, asked. 


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16 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

Her fist leapt to her mouth as a lump formed in her throat, and she turned her back to him as tears threatened to flow.

Gal felt... very embarrassed about that. What started as a great conversation about a new magic system became very emotional, which was definitely not his domain. He looked around him, trying to find anyone who could help. Then he remembered that Minuet was willing to help this kid from before, so maybe she could help here?

"Um... Minuet? I'm sorry if I'm distarbing you, but... I think this elven girl is crying, and I believe it's because her master died or something. Can you help?"

@Ookla the Grammatical 


All hail mother Condensation, the only sharder around who's not socially awkward!

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1 hour ago, The Worldookler said:

Gal felt... very embarrassed about that. What started as a great conversation about a new magic system became very emotional, which was definitely not his domain. He looked around him, trying to find anyone who could help. Then he remembered that Minuet was willing to help this kid from before, so maybe she could help here?

"Um... Minuet? I'm sorry if I'm distarbing you, but... I think this elven girl is crying, and I believe it's because her master died or something. Can you help?"

@Ookla the Grammatical 


I'm not the only one. :) That's disturbing, by the way. Not distarbing.

Minuet turned. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She walked over to the girl and opened her arms, offering a hug. "Can I help?"

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

Val tried--and failed--to stop her crying. She leaned onto Minuet, letting Minuet hug her, but didn't hug back.

"It's all right, you're okay. It's fine to cry." Minuet hugged a little tighter. Something told her this girl could use it.

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