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Let's go find a dragon


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41 minutes ago, Ookla the Sprinkle said:

Not sure why quote on that post isn’t working, but Salad/Ethereal I would definitely watch that show.


*silently adds it to my ever expanding list of things I would do but have no feasible way of actually doing*

If you didn’t know, if you want to quote something in a quote box, you can highlight the text and a black “quote this” box should show up. If you click on that it should let you quote it ^_^

41 minutes ago, Ookla the Sprinkle said:

Ara dropped back to the end of the group. Let’s get to know some people. “Hey,” Ara said to the reserved boy at the back. “What’s your name? I don’t think I fought it before. I’m Ara.”

A voice snapped Avren out of his thoughts. The girl—the one with the illusions—had joined him at the back of the group, and introduced herself as Ara.

“I’m Avren. It’s nice to meet you.” He paused. “Well, we’ve already met, but... well, nice to meet you again?” 

Edited by Ookla the Ethereal
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I am ideologically against reality shows, but this one does sounds interesting. I know my character wasn't very reserved, but that's because it's somehow easier for me to write then to speak, and I'm very talkative when with people I know. Anyway, I don't know where exactly I am - probably in the back, unless Rosalie is there. My character will interact with anyone that has a visibly appearing signs for magic, but probably not right away. Because of that, I... probably have nothing to post.

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Channelknight said:

"Fourteen, and I haven't seen my parents in a few months."

Um... I assume it's fourteen elven years? Sorry if I was supposed to understand that somehow, you did write she was 88, which is young for an elf.


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8 hours ago, Ookla the Rōnin said:

"I've been around," Talnic replied. "I've been almost constantly on the move for the past few years, moving from one city to the next, occasionally taking on a longer-term job helping out a thieving or adventuring crew for a few weeks before moving on." Grimacing, Talnic continued. "Unfortunately, I've grown quite the reputation for myself in the underground, especially among the more... adventurous groups. Many heard about my success with a dragon a year or so ago, and I haven't quite managed to shake that off."

"Sounds lonely, but that's the way it has to go sometimes." Minuet sighed. "And don't worry, I'm not in this because of your reputation, although it is quite impressive."

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Gal made himself stop being sorry for himself, and look around him. He saw the Shadow fellow speaking with Minuet - he probably should try talking to Shadow about the prophecy, but he really didn't want to. He saw the boy that gave him the prophecy talk to the elven girl - what were those mist ribbons behind her? He almost couldn't see it. Maybe it's magic? He almost made his mind to ask her, but then he saw Rosalie drawing near them and instantly walked back. It wasn't worth the risk of being robbed. He looked to the two remaining journey-goers: the boy that was late - he seemed a few years older than Gal - and a short girl, about this boy age, that... wait. What was it with her shadow? She talked to him before, he remembered He walked back towards them, then, since they were talking and he wasn't sure about the shadow, so he just stayed around, debating himself whether to speak.


Did Orpheus introduced himself to Gal? I don't remember. Also, should I tag Ethereal and Sprinkle?


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

"Sounds lonely, but that's the way it has to go sometimes." Minuet sighed. "And don't worry, I'm not in this because of your reputation, although it is quite impressive."

Talnic shrugged. "You get used to it. Besides, if you avoid letting people get close to you, there's nothing they can use against you," he said. He could say that, right? It wasn't personal information in and of itself, and...

Talnic stopped himself.

What was he doing?

"Where have you heard of my reputation?" he asked, trying, not very well, the move the conversation away from his insistence that he avoid making friends.

Of course, if he truly was as insistent as he pretended, he wouldn't be talking to Minuet at all.

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37 minutes ago, Ookla the Rōnin said:

Talnic shrugged. "You get used to it. Besides, if you avoid letting people get close to you, there's nothing they can use against you," he said. He could say that, right? It wasn't personal information in and of itself, and...

Talnic stopped himself.

What was he doing?

"Where have you heard of my reputation?" he asked, trying, not very well, the move the conversation away from his insistence that he avoid making friends.

Of course, if he truly was as insistent as he pretended, he wouldn't be talking to Minuet at all.

"Oh, I... get around. The reason I can empathize with you so much."

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

"Oh, I... get around. The reason I can empathize with you so much."

Talnic cocked his head, genuinely confused. How could someone he'd known for only a few hours empathize with him already. "Have you been to the Ice Plain lately?" he finally asked. "The bandit problem was getting out of control the last time I went there. I could only sleep for a few minutes at a time. It was a mess."

They would have to pass by the Ice Plain on their way to Tarboda, but the Tarbodin law enforcement was as strong as any Talnic had seen, and so those who haunted the wide expanses of the Ice Plain rarely traveled far enough East to pose any issue to their current escapade. "Traxel is practically overrun, most of the regular inhabitants turned away."

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Rōnin said:

Talnic cocked his head, genuinely confused. How could someone he'd known for only a few hours empathize with him already. "Have you been to the Ice Plain lately?" he finally asked. "The bandit problem was getting out of control the last time I went there. I could only sleep for a few minutes at a time. It was a mess."

They would have to pass by the Ice Plain on their way to Tarboda, but the Tarbodin law enforcement was as strong as any Talnic had seen, and so those who haunted the wide expanses of the Ice Plain rarely traveled far enough East to pose any issue to their current escapade. "Traxel is practically overrun, most of the regular inhabitants turned away."

"No, I haven't been that direction recently."

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12 minutes ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

"No, I haven't been that direction recently."

Talnic was silent for a moment, his mouth pulled into a tight line. "I should probably go back after we're done with this dragon thing," he said. "See what I can do to help the situation."

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

"If you'd have me, I could come."

Completely taken aback, Talnic found himself unable to reply at first.

No one had ever offered to go with him before.  He'd always asked others, and a few had gone with him in the past, but none had ever willingly accompanied him.

It was an odd feeling.

Of course, Minuet would likely just leave after whatever had to be done at Traxel, but he found himself unwilling to part with the idea of having company.

"I would welcome any help I could get," Talnic finally said.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Rōnin said:

Completely taken aback, Talnic found himself unable to reply at first.

No one had ever offered to go with him before.  He'd always asked others, and a few had gone with him in the past, but none had ever willingly accompanied him.

It was an odd feeling.

Of course, Minuet would likely just leave after whatever had to be done at Traxel, but he found himself unwilling to part with the idea of having company.

"I would welcome any help I could get," Talnic finally said.

"Wonderful!" Minuet grinned, thinking of the time her uncle's soldiers would have to take finding her.

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7 hours ago, The Worldookler said:

Did Orpheus introduced himself to Gal? I don't remember. Also, should I tag Ethereal and Sprinkle?


No, I think he just gave him the prophecy. But he knows him as Owlson.

Orpheus looked to the one called Owlson. "So, what do you know of prophecies? And how do you know so much about magic? I heard you talking with Minuet about her Grace or whatever." 

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@Ookla the Rōnin You invited me, so here I am. :) 


And here is my character. Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments, I haven’t played a rp in several years. :unsure:

Name: Chrysostoma Buidheach (people usually call her Chrys) 

Age: early 20s 

Physical Appearance: Golden/caramel skin, dark brown curly hair just above shoulders, dark eyes with golden flecks. (Looks kind of like Zendaya) From the Merchant tribe Draoidh. Her people are distinguished by their skin, which has a golden sheen to it, and high cheekbones. 

She wears an outfit similar to a saree, except that instead of a skirt it is wide flowing pants overtop of leggings. The edges are traditionally trimmed with gold, though her traveling outfit has bronze or yellow edging instead, so as not to make her more of a target for bandits. Her colours are brown, dark green, or orange, though for festivals and big fancy meetings she has more colourful clothes. (I’ll either post a picture or link an image when I find a good picture) The bottoms of the pants can also be tied together at the feet to allow for better movement. She leaves her hair out usually, or she pulls it back with a headband or a scarf. Her ears have two piercings in the lobe, she usually wears small gold hoops, but during festivals (or when she feels like it) she wears big dangle earrings with elaborate designs and gems. Her ears are slightly pointed, but in a world where elves with ears pointy enough to cut things her ears aren’t considered very pointy. And her canine teeth are a bit more pointed and large than typical humans. 


Personality: Chrys is calm, friendly, and curious about the world. She loves collecting/trading interesting things, and she also loves giving gifts. 

Chrys loves to hum and sing while she works, though she tries not to do it while others are around. Everyone tends to like her when they first meet her, especially if they hear her voice, though once they learn that she can change emotions they tend to be wary and be suspicious of every interaction with her. So she doesn’t speak a lot. 

A funny thing is, most animals don’t like her. Except cats and her pet monkey, Basheik. 

Skills: She was born with a magical voice, with it she can soothe or riot people’s emotions. Her power is even more evident/powerful when she sings, though she hasn’t learned the full extent of her abilities she can make people fall asleep with singing. She is a trader in training, her father is the clan leader and so everyone expects her to become a trader. She likes the skills she’s picked up while training (she likes to barter, though she’s pretty sure she’s not that good at it). She can speak a couple languages, and she’s really good at discerning where someone is from and their social status by what they wear. Also she is really good at telling when people are lying (this comes in handy during trading to know if someone is trying to swindle you). 

She has a shoulder bag that is magical, it can fit anything that can go through the top of the bag (this is a magic rule I added specifically so I couldn’t fit, say a boat in it), and store it until you reach in there with the intent to get the thing out. (Sometimes you can lose things in there if you forget about it, but a trick around that is to reach in with the intent to find something you forgot. Though you can get a lot of stuff you didn’t want that way). 

She also has a couple friends in surprising places thanks to her clan’s nomadic and merchant lifestyles.


History: The Draoidh are a friendly but mysterious group of nomadic merchants, who love music and a good time. Everyone of the Draoidh is born with a little bit of magic, but it is a simple magic. Some are born with the ability to cook very well, some can tell when there is a spring underground, others can spin cloth out of pretty much anything. Because of their mysterious aura there are a lot of rumours spread about them. They are rumored to be descended from Griffins, or blessed by a Phoenix, or cursed by Dragons, or eat gold for breakfast. Some people say that they know secret passages through dangerous territory (insert dangerous/not so well known place in this world here) No one knows what rumors are true, and which ones are not (though having humanoids descended from griffins kind of defies known biology, so most people disregard that rumor) 

People say that time moves differently during a Draoidh feast, sometimes it feels like no time has passed but in reality you’ve been there for days, while other times it feels like you’ve been there forever but hardly any time has passed. Or so people say. (when you think of the Draoidh, think of a mix between hindu culture, gaelic/norse culture, mixed with a desert nomad tribe from Egypt area, and a little bit of traditional fairy myths sprinkled in) 

Chrys is the only child of the clan leader. Most people of the Draoid have at least 6 kids. Her parents tried for years to get pregnant, but they always lost the child before birth. Until Chrys. No one but her parents know what happened to allow her to be born, though there are rumours swirling around it had something to do with a demon, or a fairy, or her parents sacrificing a life to get a life, or something. People love to talk about stuff they don’t know.  

As the only child of the clan leader she grew up rather spoiled, and loved by the people in the clan. Chrys never felt like she deserved that love, all her life she felt like she was just tricking people into loving her with her voice. Especially once she started helping her father with the trading and dealing with people, and the people outside of her clan were very hostile to her once they knew of her power. 

And that is why Chrys longed to leave. Not because she didn’t love her family, or because she just craved adventure (though she was really interested in an adventure) she just wanted to get away from people who knew her, and try to see if she could find somewhere for her to belong. (This doesn’t  mean she isn’t loved and accepted by her clan, she just believes that she has lived with them for so long that they cannot help themselves from liking her, because they’ve been under her “spell” for too long. It might not actually be the truth, but it’s what she believes) 

So when her first chance at adventure came tromping through the clan’s trade route, she was ready to follow. 



And my idea of bringing Chrys into this RP is either you guys stumble across her and her clan on your trek, or my group of nomadic merchants might just happen to have camp set up around your group one morning when everyone wakes up, and the watchman has no clue how they got past him. Or if anyone else has any ideas I’m welcome to suggestions. You guys already did your shopping so I’m not sure if you want to stop at a merchant caravan so soon into your journey. 


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