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Tribute to the Fallen


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I loved how Rlain decided to "do his best Teft impersonation" when settling the respective hashes of the human and Fused factions defending the unconscious Radiants. He swears by Kelek's breath about Venli getting a Nahel Bond before him after all he's been through, then thinks, "Maybe too much Teft." He probably smiled a bit inside picturing Teft's reaction, then died again to see his burned-out eyes on the floor.

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In the end, Teft wins:


“Boy likes to grandstand,” Teft said. But storms, it was hard not to feel inspired at the sight of Kaladin framed in the entryway like that in a sharp blue uniform, his hair free, his scars bold and stark on his forehead. Eyes intense enough to pierce the darkest storm.

You did good with that one, Teft, he thought—giving himself permission to feel a little pride. You ruined your own life something fierce, but you did good with that one.

Phendorana whispered comfort in his ear. She’d shrunk, at his request, and rode on his shoulder. He nodded at the words. If his family hadn’t gotten involved with the Envisagers, he wouldn’t have known how to help Kaladin when he’d needed it. And then the Blackthorn probably would have died, and they wouldn’t have found this tower. So … maybe it was time to let go of what he’d done.

Sanderson, Brandon. Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive) . Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition. 

To paraphrase another author - in the end, all of his pains have been made holy. There was meaning in the things he suffered; if Kaladin flew high, it was ultimately because people like Teft had carried him along the way. "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants,", indeed. And in the end, Teft recognizes it and is proud of what he's done - and lets Kaladin know.


Say it, lad! Do it!

“I accept it, Stormfather! I accept that there will be those I cannot protect!”

Sanderson, Brandon. Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive) . Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition. 

Teft is dead, but he lives on in the hearts of men.

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3 minutes ago, robardin said:


I had been thinking of what Teft's afterlife must be like.  I imagine him as a sergeant in the tranquiline halls going to new arrivals and checking to see if they too have what it takes to be an ideal sergeant.  I hope he becomes an army folk hero.

Edited by Karger
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15 hours ago, Dreamspren said:

I would like to think Stormfather showed mercy to teft too and that's y kal heard tefts voice encouraging him to swear the next ideal

I thought it was Spiritual vision Tien lingering on. But yeah. Teft would be right there.

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1 hour ago, robardin said:

I thought it was Spiritual vision Tien lingering on. But yeah. Teft would be right there.

Yeah tien is spiritual something but teft would be right there. I'm actually surprised he didn't have a convo with kal telling him kal saved him and he didn't need to feel bad 

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Honor to the Sergeant. Beloved by all, in remembrance raised. Raised in remembrance, by all beloved. Sergeant to Honor.


Kavod la Semel. Ahuv la kol, b’zichrono yisromam. Yisromam b’zichrono, la kol ohuv. Semel la Kavod.

Alethi is a Semitic language, so I decided to do the ketek in Hebrew too.

Bonus: Semel means both Sergeant and symbol in modern Hebrew.

Inspired by @Karger I loved your ketek so much I had to write my own.

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On 11/22/2020 at 11:24 PM, Karger said:

Honor's own sergeant.  Best of them all.  Of all of them best.  Sergeant's own Honor.

23 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Honor to the Sergeant. Beloved by all, in remembrance raised. Raised in remembrance, by all beloved. Sergeant to Honor.

Kavod la Semel. Ahuv la kol, b’zichrono yisromam. Yisromam b’zichrono, la kol ohuv. Semel la Kavod.

One of the biggest honors I've seen given to a character in any book: multiple poems written in their memory.

On 11/22/2020 at 6:26 PM, Dreamspren said:

I would like to think Stormfather showed mercy to teft too and that's y kal heard tefts voice encouraging him to swear the next ideal

I agree with that belief. Before passing on, the Stormfather brought Teft over to see Kaladin swear his Fourth Ideal, and Teft was able to give him the encouragement he needed, right before he left for the Beyond.

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14 hours ago, Realmatic Shadow said:

I agree with that belief. Before passing on, the Stormfather brought Teft over to see Kaladin swear his Fourth Ideal, and Teft was able to give him the encouragement he needed, right before he left for the Beyond.

I've seen that idea around, but the problem is that Teft was killed with a Shardblade. Shardblades mess you up on all three realms; Wyndle notes in Edgedancer that it's hard to revive a shardvictim unless you get to it immediately. I don't know whether being Shardbladed to death cancels out the lingering effects of dying Invested; I find myself suspecting it does. And I don't even know if Teft counted as dying Radiant, since he had no spren left.

That being said, I could be wrong, and it's a nice image.

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To Teft, who died knowing he was loved.

To Phendorana, who died teaching someone to accept love again

To Tien, light in the darkness, life before death, journey before destination 

To the Heralds and the Knights and spren of the Recreance who all chose to make their sacrifice

To the Darkeyed battalionlord, whose fate was sealed from the beginning, and we all knew, as did he himself

To Raboniel, who sought an end to war

To Eshonai, who died free

Edited by Honorless
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I couldn’t help it, i went back today to reread parts of The Way of Kings to “see” Teft alive again.


“I don’t like this,” Teft said, glancing over his shoulder at the group of soldiers. “I’m going back to the camp.”

“You will be staying,” Rock growled.

Teft rolled his eyes. “You think I’m scared of a lumbering chull like you? I’ll go if I want to, and—”

“Teft,” Kaladin said softly. “We need you.”

Need. That word had strange effects on men. Some ran when you used it. Others grew nervous. Teft seemed to long for it.

Storms, Teft. They’ll always still need you. But you were there when you were needed the most. Sergeant of Honor, indeed.

 And did everyone notice Teft’s Connection to Kaladin as he reached the Fourth Ideal?


“Besides,” he whispered, “I know the Words.”

Say them, Tien whispered.

“I have always known these Words.”

Say it, lad! Do it!

“I accept it, Stormfather! I accept that there will be those I cannot protect!

Kelek’s breath, lad, you can do it!

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  • 1 month later...

Man, Teft was one of my favourite characters and I honestly wouldn't of minded if he reached his forth ideal before Kal :huh:.

 I really related to him and I had a super strong emotional response to many of his scenes. His funeral scene was a real punch in my guts because his epic funeral showed how loved he was by the other characters and it was revealed just how much he exaggerated his own stuff-ups. I still sob sometimes when I think too much about Teft's story or see a good fannart of him, even though it's been over 2 months since I read RoW. 


(I would of made a new thread for this comment, but that is a scary thing to do.)



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