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Who's actually read White Sand?

I Am A Fish

Have you read White Sand?  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you read White Sand

    • Yes, I have indeed
    • I started, but I didn't finish
    • No siree...
  2. 2. If you did read it, did you enjoy it?

    • Yes, I did
    • It was fine...
    • No, I didn't
    • I literally just told you I haven't read it...

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I've read the first 2 volumes but I haven't gotten to the 3rd one yet because I've forgotten basically everything except the magic system. I read volume 2 when it came out in 2018, and it's just been so long that if I wanted to read the 3rd part I'd have to reread the first two. I almost did read them again and finish the story, but then I did my Stormlight reread instead. 

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3 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

I've read summaries on the coppermind, and it does sound interesting and I would read it, I just wanted something that was not a graphic novel.

There is a number of minor differences Brandon made between the Prose and the Graphic Novels.

The Prose does come in .docx format, but you can edit it into a more traditional ebook format if you want(like .epub or .mobi)

you can find the differences between the two version, here.(shouldn’t spoil anything if you already read the coppermind summaries)


Edited by Eternal Khol
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  • 1 month later...
10 hours ago, Eternal Khol said:

Thats not even the same style as in the first GN. They changed artists twice, so the artist for the third GN was actually the third artist to work on the project. 

i liked the first artist's style the best.

But it's most visible at that point.


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On 11/21/2020 at 2:16 AM, Ishar said:

I read it. I'm not a graphic novels person, but I did enjoy it. It would be better as an actual novel though.

Well, I am a graphics novel person and I found the work uneven... The art style changes like twice in books 1 and 2, including halfway through the second volume.

The effects of Sand Mastery (as in, how it would look to an observer versus how it would seem/feel to the magic-user) is already kind of hard to picture if it's described in text, having it inconsistently depicted in the drawings derailed my enjoyment significantly.

I believe Brandon mentioned "cleaning up some details" in the omnibus edition, so I guess I'll double-dip and get that when it's available and see what the differences are.

In pure storytelling terms, I am also left wondering how Sand Mastery fits in with the other magic systems we see in the Cosmere in terms of "power level". We've seen unexplained "easter egg" appearances of the use of Taldain Dayside sand in the Stormlight Archive as a kind of Investiture Detector (that isn't really a spoiler in the White Sand forum as if you've read White Sand but not SA, if/when you did read it you would certainly pick up on it), but that's not what I mean.

We've seen other Cosmere magics do incredible things, but Sand Mastery pretty much always requires sand, that particular Taldain sand, and LOTS of it, to be useful. It's almost like the sand itself is the most portably useful thing about Sand Mastery.

In other words, while reading pretty much any other Cosmere work that shows magic being used, I as a reader often consider what it'd be like to have/use such powers or abilities (and their costs) in my own life. Except for Sand Mastery. I have never imagined myself as a Sand Master. Well fine, except for those times making sand castles at the beach. But come on.

Nobody ever puts Kenton into a Cosmere Arena against Kelsier, Kaladin, or Susebron in one of those "what if" scenarios. Unless that arena were on Dayside Taldain, what would be the point? Kenton would have to carry a truckloads of Invested Sand with him from Taldain to do anything interesting at all.

Edited by robardin
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  • 2 weeks later...

...Does the prose version count?

It was a below average Sanderson novel, which means that it was a very good novel.

And I can't afford to buy Graphic Novels, they are a real money sink comparing price to content ratio... Also prose was free...

There is a reason for why I've read so many webnovels, and so few ebooks lately.

Edited by Szmit
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