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Weird stereotypes for your country/state/province/whatever ya wanna call it

Guest Somebody from Scadrial

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I can generalize that Turkish men are fond of watching footbal match(of course there are exceptions) Most Turkish women complain about this and find it meaningless. But I can't say the same for weighlifting. Some like it, some don't. 

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On 10/28/2020 at 3:42 PM, Frustration said:

How common are signs along the lines of "my alarm tells me there's an intruder in my house, my gun tells me, not for long"?

It depends on where you are in Texas. Texas is a big state (I legit wrote country instead of state and had to retype it, then I couldn't stop laughing at how stereotypical I am) so like, East Texans and West Texans have totally different accents from each other. There are actually places in Texas that actually get snow regularly. Where I live, guns are not as flaunted, but more discreet since we're in the city. Like, my church encourages concealed carry, my neighbor has a shed of guns, and some of my friends at school go hunting all the time, but a good amount of people are still kind of freaked out by guns. Lots of people have guns, we just don't talk about them. They're tools, not toys, people. Though then again, there are some places like where my grandparents live.....



On 10/28/2020 at 10:10 PM, revelryintheart said:

I can confirm. My friend moved to Utah from Texas in 6th grade. When spring came all of us were wearing shorts and t shirts and he was wearing a big puffy jacket lol

To be fair, y'all are all basically allergic to the heat as well. My brother Brian (not real name) and I spent a week or so in Washington this summer with a friend's family, and there was one day we did a bunch of work for their neighbor. We were wheel barrowing a big pile of rocks from one location to another and it took us all day. It was in the sweltering heat of the seventies and the eighties,* everyone was pouring sweat... except for me and Brian. We actually thought it was quite a nice day, a little chilly in the morning, but a good breeze to keep us cool. We were wheel barrowing away when (the neighbor) commented, "dang, this is a hot day," Brian and I shared a quick look, but he kept going, "this must be what it's like in the south all the time!" Brian was having trouble keeping a straight face (he was shoveling right beside me), and so I quietly added, "Oh Lord bless his soul." It was one of those moments that I will never forget. Just, wonderful.


*this is sarcasm in its pure form

20 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Ok, either we've been seeping stereotypes your way or the other way around because that's a lot like Mexico. 

Disregarding the fact that we all speak Spanish and that half the population is Mexican for obvious reasons, all of our food actually is really spicy, seriously, it's kind of dangerous.

We do drive like crem, you have to look both ways before crossing a one way street just in case, and I lived in a city once that had a saying. "Those who drive in Cuauhtémoc can drive anywhere in the world". And that was a freaking small town. Imagine the big ones. 

We can't stand the cold. I mean, there are some rebels like me who prefer it, but if we go below 20 Celsius you already have people complaining about the cold. 

And egos, well, we have an entire meme category about how we're better than everyone. Though that may be the case for every country but, Idk, it kinda fits. 

Oh yeah, Mexican spicy food is simply wonderful! We eat a lot of Mexican and Tex-Mex-- so delicious. My family really likes Valentina sauce, but it all tastes good to me.

9 hours ago, Ghanderflaffle said:

The second one is offensive to me, as a Midwest person. The last one is also hilarious.

My curiosity is peaked

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Canadian Stereotypes (and my reactions) 

-We live in igloos (its hilariously sad how many people actually believe this. totally not true

-We ride moose (again, its crazy how many people believe this. I've only ever seen 1 guy ride a moose, and that was on a youtube video that went viral. And the guy got into trouble after that)

-We say "aboot" instead of about. (Not true. The only people I have heard say that is American's trying to be "funny". FYI, not funny) 

-We all play hockey/love hockey (Not everyone, but a lot of us. And those of us who love hockey, LOVE hockey) 

-We are all very polite (Too true, in my experience. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but if you find yourself in a grocery store in Canada, the classic line you’ll hear from someone walking past you is “I’m just going to sneak past you there". And I say sorry all the time. Even to inanimate objects) 

-We say "eh" (True. But I also say ya'll. The "eh" is pretty much all Canadians. I think the "ya'll" is mostly me due to my love of accents) 

-We drink a lot of Tim Hortons (True. I love a good Timmies coffee every once in a while. To be honest I make more of my own coffee, but Timmies is great. :) ) 

-Our money smells like maple syrup (I don't think its true, probably just the placebo effect. Though our money is the most gorgoues money in the world. So colourful and amazing)


There's a bunch more, but these are the main ones that I can think of.    

Edited by Cosmical Existence
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23 hours ago, Cosmical Existence said:

Canadian Stereotypes (and my reactions) 

-We live in igloos (its hilariously sad how many people actually believe this. totally not true

-We ride moose (again, its crazy how many people believe this. I've only ever seen 1 guy ride a moose, and that was on a youtube video that went viral. And the guy got into trouble after that)

-We say "aboot" instead of about. (Not true. The only people I have heard say that is American's trying to be "funny". FYI, not funny) 

-We all play hockey/love hockey (Not everyone, but a lot of us. And those of us who love hockey, LOVE hockey) 

-We are all very polite (Too true, in my experience. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but if you find yourself in a grocery store in Canada, the classic line you’ll hear from someone walking past you is “I’m just going to sneak past you there". And I say sorry all the time. Even to inanimate objects) 

-We say "eh" (True. But I also say ya'll. The "eh" is pretty much all Canadians. I think the "ya'll" is mostly me due to my love of accents) 

-We drink a lot of Tim Hortons (True. I love a good Timmies coffee every once in a while. To be honest I make more of my own coffee, but Timmies is great. :) ) 

-Our money smells like maple syrup (I don't think its true, probably just the placebo effect. Though our money is the most gorgoues money in the world. So colourful and amazing)


There's a bunch more, but these are the main ones that I can think of.    

What is your reaction to this song?




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On 10/31/2020 at 10:04 AM, Shard of Reading said:

What is your reaction to this song?

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:P A little insulting at times, but at other points it is completely true. One example of a truth in that song. I don’t know if this is true about every Canadian, but I know that pretty much every Canadian I know wanted to drive the zamboni at one point in their life. 

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4 minutes ago, Cosmical Existence said:

:P A little insulting at times, but at other points it is completely true. One example of a truth in that song. I don’t know if this is true about every Canadian, but I know that pretty much every Canadian I know wanted to drive the zamboni at one point in their life. 

I want to drive a zamboni as well so it's not just you canadians.

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55 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

I want to drive a zamboni as well so it's not just you canadians.

The zamboni just looks like it would be so much fun. I don't know why. Like logically I know it would probably be boring going around in circles, but emotionally? Emotionally it is one of my goals in life. Xp 

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1 hour ago, Knight of Iron said:

I live in a top secret state in the United States that no one knows about, or knows anything about (except 3rd graders who have to recite the capital). I think the other states have just forgotten about us.

Washington D.C.?

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On 10/29/2020 at 0:11 PM, Eluvianii said:

Ok, either we've been seeping stereotypes your way or the other way around because that's a lot like Mexico. 

Disregarding the fact that we all speak Spanish and that half the population is Mexican for obvious reasons, all of our food actually is really spicy, seriously, it's kind of dangerous.

We do drive like crem, you have to look both ways before crossing a one way street just in case, and I lived in a city once that had a saying. "Those who drive in Cuauhtémoc can drive anywhere in the world". And that was a freaking small town. Imagine the big ones. 

We can't stand the cold. I mean, there are some rebels like me who prefer it, but if we go below 20 Celsius you already have people complaining about the cold. 

And egos, well, we have an entire meme category about how we're better than everyone. Though that may be the case for every country but, Idk, it kinda fits. 

Are you sure this isn't just India? :P

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8 hours ago, Ghanderflaffle said:

I was thinking Wyoming, as that doesn’t exist either.


To all you non US people out there, is this accurate?


Close, but the top third or so of Los Angeles is a separate state, called "rain".

And "yee haw" extends a bit further east.

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