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Ene's a Moderator!


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6 hours ago, Emi said:

You have more power with my posts, than I have with them. :o

You can do that too, actually, it's in options!

6 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Oh wow, congrats, Ene! 

Does this mean I get punished if I keep mispronouncing your name? 

Thanks! And yeah, I'll definitely ban everyone who says it eenee :P /s

5 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

Wait, how do you pronounce your name, Ene? I was wondering that a while ago.


5 hours ago, Karger said:

They really will let just anyone be a moderator.

Kidding.  Congrats Ene.

Not sure what to make of that joke, but thanks.

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Wow, I got 70+ notifications in 12 hours. Glad we’ve moved to a thread now haha. Besides, something this big and awesome totally deserves a thread! Congrats again Ene!!! :D It’s going to take a while to get used to you being a mod, but it’s also freaking awesome. YOU ARE AWESOME! *hands Ene a cake*

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I'm not sure if we had talked before, but... Congrats Ene! That is the coolest thing I have ever heard. Tho I wasn't scared of you when I first joined the Shard. Now I am vary scared of you.

How did you become a mod anyway? Not that you're not cool and awesome, but why did they make you a mod?

Fillet asked you to give him a warning earlier, I don't want one, but what will happen if I get a warning? What will happen if I get two warnings? What will happen if...... And how many warning do I have to get to have my account delete? 

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11 hours ago, Nameless said:

Wait, Ene's a moderator now!?!?!??!? So mods are people too Congratulations Ene!

I know what a shock Thanks!

10 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

I myself am in the ehneh club. 

That's better than eenee :P

10 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

I forgot this existed and thought the thread's title was "Ene's a minotaur"


9 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Wow, I got 70+ notifications in 12 hours. Glad we’ve moved to a thread now haha. Besides, something this big and awesome totally deserves a thread! Congrats again Ene!!! :D It’s going to take a while to get used to you being a mod, but it’s also freaking awesome. YOU ARE AWESOME! *hands Ene a cake*

Yum, thanks again!! :wub:

9 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

Yay! I said it right!

*fist bump*

6 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

I had this idea and it wouldn't leave me alone until I did it. Behold:



4 hours ago, The One Ring said:

I'm not sure if we had talked before, but... Congrats Ene! That is the coolest thing I have ever heard. Tho I wasn't scared of you when I first joined the Shard. Now I am vary scared of you.

How did you become a mod anyway? Not that you're not cool and awesome, but why did they make you a mod?

Fillet asked you to give him a warning earlier, I don't want one, but what will happen if I get a warning? What will happen if I get two warnings? What will happen if...... And how many warning do I have to get to have my account delete? 

I don't think we've talked before. Thank you!

They made me a mod because they thought I'd be a good one and because I spend time in the RP and FG sections, which aren't places most of them are familiar with.

I'm not actually sure what happens if you get a warning. But you'd have to break the rules pretty severely to have your account deleted.

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20 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

I would be willing to let you borrow my microphone for this, but only after you get me a banana split like you promised :P

Okay, okay, when are you free to get ice cream? :P (You don’t need to though, I think Chaos buys the equipment for Shardcast. Or I’ll just save up for a while...) 

16 minutes ago, Lunamor said:


Shardcast! Shardcast! Shardcast!

It’ll have to be on characters or one of the general discussion ones, most likely, because I’d probably sit there and awkwardly say very little if we were doing deep cosmere lore :lol: 

Edit: In fact, I’d probably speak up rarely at first anyway, if Alleycast has taught me anything... 

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1 minute ago, AonEne said:

It’ll have to be on characters or one of the general discussion ones, most likely, because I’d probably sit there and awkwardly say very little if we were doing deep cosmere lore :lol: 

I always get so lost during those :lol:

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