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Siren's Call: an RP


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2 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

Corwin rolled his eyes.  "Yeah, probably since you keep blowing up yerself," he said.  "You should blow up things that need blowing up, like the Queen or her minions, or whatever."  He scuffed his shoes in the sand, skidding the thin layer about absentmindedly.

"That's... why I'm here. To blow up the Queen and her minions." Janice smiled at that. "So... weapon. Which one do you think that I should use?"

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Not... that?" Janice winced. "I really don't know. I really don't know much of anything."

"Well, if you ever dreamed of being a superhero, what kind of fighting would you want to do?  I mean...  You might try all sorts of things, but I'm not gonna pick for you, kid."  He said, being not much older than she was.

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Right." Janice walked over awkwardly and examined the wall of weapons (also awkwardly). "Uhh..."


Corwin shrugged and left her alone, going off to continue his training with other combatants.  He'd already spent too much time talking.  He was beginning to cool off; he had to work up a sweat again.  He stopped and chugged another bottle of water, then approached somebody else. 

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Double post? I'm down. (Chaos please don't kill me I don't want to die).

A few weapons I'm thinking of for Janice:


A regular ol' staff: Good ol' fashioned. Get some spinny-spin whacky-whack action up in here.

A good ol' fashioned longbow: Maybe Janice doesn't wanna get all up in the action. Maybe she wants to pick off yevon from afar.

A friggin' machine gun: Kay not necessarily a machine gun--I can picture her gunslinging pistols, sniping from a rooftop, suppressing enemy fire, and doing the semi-auto "pop" "pop" "pop" thing.

Katana: Am I just expanding on the ninja Janice (Ninjanice?) thing? Yes. Yes I am. I'll toss some throwing stars into the mix as well for good measure.

Khopesh: Am I just expanding on the mummy Janice thing? Yes. Yes I am. I'll toss a snake staff into the mix for good measure.

Chakram: Am I just expanding on the tron Janice/Trace aesthetic thing? Yes. Yes I am. I'll toss a magic motorbike into the mix for good measure.

This thing: basically nunchuku but cooler because they're swords (yes, I stole them from Kurapika. No, I don't regret anything)



If I had to narrow it down I'd have to go with longbow, katana, and the nunchaku things. I was joking about the guns, the death frisbee is a bit much (I think), and, like... let's face it. Staves are just totally lame compared to some of the other options.



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11 hours ago, Random Bystander said:



Janice isn't much of a weaponeer, if you know what I mean.



Also, for everyone else: should I just take over Null's role as the Queen and yevon and stuff? I think I'm probably the most active on this RP--myself and Proffie, but she doesn't have all the worldbuilding/plotsy know-how. 

@Vapor @Condensation @ProfetessaOscura @Random Bystander @Matrim's Dice @Emi @Fallapede

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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36 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

@Negative_Null ((Might be worth pinging him to see if he wants to be active for a confrontation/battle arc.))


I mean... he's a pretty busy lad. I imagine he'll prolly be back for summer break though. I guess there's no way to tell for sure.

I'll take over the Queen for now. I won't do anything too crazy though.

So, without further ado...

Something crazy happened.

Alarms started blaring. City alarms: the kind that sounded when there was a large fire or an air raid. Only Raodea hadn't been at war for years. 

Until very recently, when Vespyr declared war on the Qhoral Queen.

"Yevon!" Someone in the streets yelled. Others took up the cry, shutting their doors, windows, and curtains. Lamps went out as a mass of demons ran straight for the combat school.


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20 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Something crazy happened.

Alarms started blaring. City alarms: the kind that sounded when there was a large fire or an air raid. Only Raodea hadn't been at war for years. 

Until very recently, when Vespyr declared war on the Qhoral Queen.

"Yevon!" Someone in the streets yelled. Others took up the cry, shutting their doors, windows, and curtains. Lamps went out as a mass of demons ran straight for the combat school.


((How about no?))

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23 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Something crazy happened.

Alarms started blaring. City alarms: the kind that sounded when there was a large fire or an air raid. Only Raodea hadn't been at war for years. 

Until very recently, when Vespyr declared war on the Qhoral Queen.

"Yevon!" Someone in the streets yelled. Others took up the cry, shutting their doors, windows, and curtains. Lamps went out as a mass of demons ran straight for the combat school.


((Was in a meeting online.  Have a short break right now. 

First off, Summer Break is maybe 3 weeks away.  If he's going to be back in 3 weeks, he may be back.  And maybe you should wait at least a day to see if he responds to the ping, since the group and character are his original creations

Second, Vespyr took a single city, and there is ONLY a single city, not Raodea, that the Queen is up against.

Third, you're trying to create a fight scene in the middle of preparation/planning.  I've given your characters an opportunity to train/upgrade weapons/make allies and alliances, and you're immediately making the Queen have an army right here and now in the city, despite the city having only just fallen into Vespyr's command.

PLEASE COMMUNICATE when you want to make big roleplay changes that affect my planning/schemes.))

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32 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

((Was in a meeting online.  Have a short break right now. 

First off, Summer Break is maybe 3 weeks away.  If he's going to be back in 3 weeks, he may be back.  And maybe you should wait at least a day to see if he responds to the ping, since the group and character are his original creations

Second, Vespyr took a single city, and there is ONLY a single city, not Raodea, that the Queen is up against.

Third, you're trying to create a fight scene in the middle of preparation/planning.  I've given your characters an opportunity to train/upgrade weapons/make allies and alliances, and you're immediately making the Queen have an army right here and now in the city, despite the city having only just fallen into Vespyr's command.

PLEASE COMMUNICATE when you want to make big roleplay changes that affect my planning/schemes.))


Not a full-scale invasion! Little more than a raid. This isn't the final battle; just a little mini encounter. A testing blow for the Queen. Sorry, I really should've clarified that. I'm just playing around with the siege aesthetic and whatnot--plus we need some fun fight scenes here and there.


Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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3 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

((It's not a big deal, but I need you to communicate sudden changes to the setting, particularly when you're altering an overarching plot that I have been planning for everyone.))


Once again, my sincere apologies. It's just a spot of action; promise. No surprise twists or anything (or none that I've planned, anyways).

I was actually trying to work this into your plot; figured I'd let everyone important show off their fighting skills and whatnot, maybe trigger an arc or something... who knows?


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