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I keep seeing the future by accident in my dreams

I had a weird dream of someone giving me tickets and Main Event with a bunch of my school friends and then a few months later we went to Main Event with the whole of 8th grade and what happened in the dream happened exactly in real life.

Also I lost 2 game cards there, one in the basketball hoop game because I threw it by accident, I got that one back, then I was playing air hockey, went to grab the puck, set it on the side of the table and accidentally knocked it into the table, where it flew into the goal and was unretrievable (a staff member grabbed he first one for me, but the second one we couldn’t get out so I had to ask them for a new card. I wonder if the second one is still there…?)

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a final fantasy style RPG somewhat set in Paw patrol. Sweetie, Dwayne, and Rocky are hiding from a sorceress, your run-of-the-mill BBEG, when Claw runs up and gets cutscene'd, followed by the three being saved by Sonic. Claw gets back up and starts a battle with the sorceress, with sonic as a guest party member. the three trade blows, sorceress uses an unbreakable barrier, party starts doing 0. Claw prays, sorceress is burnt to a crisp, victory dance, cutscene.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It started out like the original Beauty and the Beast movie except Belle looked like a mix of a sousaphone and the bill from Schoolhouse Rock. I went into the woods and the woods were on fire. I found a sword in the woods and when I stabbed the ground with it, a well of burgers/chips/canned sodas sprang up. I found my way to a kingdom in the middle of the woods, befriended the princess, and saved the kingdom from its famine and drought with the sword.

I figured I should give the sword to the kingdom to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again, so I went to the kingdom gift shop, which is where the kingdom secretary worked. I gave the sword to the secretary and to my right, the king emerged from a shadowy cubbyhole with twin katanas. I backed away and ran to a mall in my town.

By the time I got to the mall, the king himself wasn't chasing me anymore - he'd hired Beyoncé to hunt me down. I ran around the mall and bought a disguise. I barged into a store with a makeup chair in the window (there is not actually one of these in the mall) and I yelled, "Beyoncé is trying to kill me!" There were about five or six other people in the store, and all of them tried to help me.

I was in the chair getting my makeup done with another woman next to me when Beyoncé and two of her backup dancers came into the store. One of the BDs went to the back of the store to look for me, while Beyoncé and the other BD walked over to me and this other lady. They didn't recognize me, but they said to us, "We don't like your names, so we're going to change them."

They did this weird and creepy dance ritual thing, and got a really long and convoluted name for the other lady. They tried to do it for me too, but it didn't work, so Beyoncé turned to BD1 and said, "Put your playlist on shuffle."

BD1 did, and the first song played was "All the Single Ladies" (a Beyoncé song). The two started doing the dance, and I did too to blend in. For a couple minutes, I had infiltrated the group. I started to run away after those two minutes.

As I ran, I noticed a line. I turned around to see what the line was for, and it was for a Star Wars rollercoaster. Now, I like Star Wars, and I've never been on a rollercoaster, so I got in line to get on it. At one point, I walked right by Beyoncé and she didn't see me.

As I approached the front of the line, I thought, "Wait a minute- Star Wars is owned by Disney. Disney is woke. I don't want a woke company to have my money!" So I got out of the line and walked over to two escalators. Then, sadly, I woke up.

I really wish I knew how that dream ended...

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In elementary school, I would have a dream where the zombie apocalypse started in the lunchroom and we had to barricade ourselves in the kitchen, only the kitchen was just empty and nothing like the actual kitchen. 

There was also one where me and my dad had a house in the middle of the jungle, and I slept on the top of our bunk bed we had (in the dream, not in real life). It would always start with a T-Rex busting into our house and eating my dad while I hid on the top bunk. Then later in the dream, my dad would just come back and we would ride dinosaurs. If you can't tell, this was also an elementary school dream.

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51 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

I had a dream last night that @Edema Rue got arrested??? I don't even know y'all. That's like, all I remember. 😂





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3 hours ago, Edema Rue said:





The funny thing is, we've only talked a total of, like, 3 maybe 4 times. I have no idea why it was you and not some other Sharder. 😂

Come to think of it, I have no idea why it was a Sharder at all...

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Just now, Through The Living Glass said:

The funny thing is, we've only talked a total of, like, 3 maybe 4 times. I have no idea why it was you and not some other Sharder. 😂

Come to think of it, I have no idea why it was a Sharder at all...

Yeah wait looking back, should I be concerned...?

Ey it's ok, I dream about sharders sometimes.

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1 minute ago, Through The Living Glass said:

I don't think so...?

Wait, should I be concerned?! (😂)

It's proooooobably fine...but if I get arrested sometime next week, you're definitely an oracle and I will fear your dreams forever.

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