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Long Game 69: The Politics of the Passions


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I think so. Normally ends at 6 and it's 6:30-ish now.

Anyway. At this point I'd rank my suspicions as thus:

Most Trusted: Ashbringer (suprise!), Matrim, Sart. Not really anyone else.

Kinda trusted: Pyro, Kynedath. I haven't seen anything that jumps out at me from Pyro, and I've played the most games with him (and Mat, but... eh). Kynedath because I roleblocked them last round (sorry) and the Elim kill still went through, and they didn't mention it at all.

Untrusted (neutral): Lotus, Illwei, Elkanah. I'd still prefer scans to go on Lotus. Illwei pushed Vapor in the first few rounds but seemed to try and walk it back D1. Elkanah's just been not contributing as much (which I'm guilty of), except for puzzles (???).

Very Untrusted: Mint. Not for any particular reason, as I'm still trying to understand Mint's playstyle, but my main suspicion.

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10 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Elkanah's just been not contributing as much (which I'm guilty of), except for puzzles (???).

Riiiight! I keep forgetting to fix that. 

I wrote the code before the game started. I got the idea from a true or false quiz I was taking between the last two games. So the true statements are letters from the first half of the alphabet and the false statements come from the second half. Then you count the number of words in the statement, subtract two and then it aligns with the alphabet. For example the second statement is "Silence has guts." This is true so in the first half of the alphabet. I count the words (3) subtract 2 (1) and that gives me the letter A. 

The code says



 There you go. Of course I wrote it before the game started so it has no bearing on anything. Just some fun I had putting off studying.

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The gloved Thaylen hand fell, an deadly instrument in the dark. 

The move was discreet, planned carefully. An easy murder. Aimed at the small cremling resting on the wooden table for the evening. 


Philico drew back some of his consciousness, annoyed at the human for ending his investigation of Thaylen politics on an unfortunate, unplanned, and quickly brutal note. Now, he could just send another hordeling- but that would take time and effort, something he didn’t really feel was worth doing. He hadn’t learned anything especially of interest, and there certainly weren’t any future Radiants among the Thaylen politicians.  

He sighed. Philico, Sleepless, knew there were many things to infiltrate within the boundaries of the cosmere- that he had ought to branch out from petty meetings such as this. Ah well. All in good time, he was sure. 


Sunwalker felt the arrow hit her thigh without warning and a cry sprang out of her throat. Nobody was around to hear it, she was walking along the oceanside alone in the middle of the night outside the city. She knew it wasn’t safe for her anymore, but she had been careful! She had covered her tracks and made sure she didn’t have a tail coming out here! Obviously she hadn’t been thorough enough.

She fell to the sand of the beach and the blood coming from her legs streamed into the grains around her leg. The ocean washed over her and the salt in the water made the wound sting. She tried to get up to run, but her leg gave out and she fell back onto the soft sand. Another arrow hit her back and she looked down to find the head of the arrow piercing out of her chest.

She slumped onto the ground in a matter of seconds and blood stained the sand red. A figure approached and knelt by Sunwalker. The very last words that she heard were “Your allegiances are misplaced, Yasdv is weak, Tyedl is the future. You’ve lost the game.”


Matrim's Dice has been killed, they were a member of the Loyal Campaign Staff

Lotus has been killed, they were a member of the Loyal Campaign Staff

Player List

  1. Experience - Shard Undercover Emissary
  2. Illwei
  3. Matrims Dice - Phil Loyal Campaign Staff
  4. Lotus - Sunwalker Loyal Campaign Staff
  5. TJ Shade - Ylns Loyal Campaign Staff
  6. Frozen Mint
  7. Kynedath - Tktk
  8. Vapor   Undercover Emissary 
  9. Lord Silberfarben
  10. Elkanah - Lknik (a possible addict)
  11. The Young Pyromancer - Mancia Young
  12. Ashbringer - Faleast
  13. Mist - Tara Night Loyal Campaign Staff
  14. Sart the Bard
  15. Elandera Loyal Campaign Staff

Day four has begun, and will end in approximately 48 hours, on Thursday September 10, 0100 UTC.

Edited by Zillah
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I protected Sart again during the night.

If any villager attempted vigilante justice, I suggest that they share it with the thread. If one of the killers wasn't village, it means we have two elims left. I would've guessed that there's one remaining.

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Well, that was something. I have a question for no one in particular, but I'll wait to see if they answer first.

People I Trust Most to least








I used Narcotics (YAY) but I didn't kill anyone... or scan anyone :(

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I have a question for the general public that, uh, unlike Elkanah, I will uh, actually ask, 
Would you not want people to know about PMs you had with someone who is dead? asking...asking for a friend...

EDIT: Elso, Alk, can you explain why you seem to trust me more than Sart? unless...purple...is the bottom? of your reads list? ....?

EDIT: also, does anyone else feel like Elk probably got the Passion of Passion and used it to pick Narcotics? someone might have a problem

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1 hour ago, Illwei said:

I have a question for the general public that, uh, unlike Elkanah, I will uh, actually ask, 
Would you not want people to know about PMs you had with someone who is dead? asking...asking for a friend...

EDIT: Elso, Alk, can you explain why you seem to trust me more than Sart? unless...purple...is the bottom? of your reads list? ....?

EDIT: also, does anyone else feel like Elk probably got the Passion of Passion and used it to pick Narcotics? someone might have a problem

Hmm good question. I don't see any reason to withhold said information since it can't be disrupted at this point (or really ever). But it also is unlikely to be especially relevant unless they entrusted you with a secret to be revealed upon their death. That wasn't the question you wanted me to answer though.

I certainly can :D. Red would have been the bottom. I had you as slightly less trusted than Matrim and slightly more trusted than TJ before. That trust in you hasn't changed. The reason I haven't put Sart above you yet is the off chance that Lord Silberfarben ran a really risky play wherin they are on a team and one claims the other is good. Too risky you say? Well it worked without anyone giving it too much thought. Watch Silberfarben submitted the kill night one and needed some role to claim to cover himself. He clears a teammate and we all move on. ....... .... ... Except I think there is only one elim left. Which means Sart and Silberfarben couldn't be bad together. .... hm. Yeah fair enough I can move him up. The point is I don't mistrust either of you.

I'm not sure what would give you that idea... 


Oh shoot. It's a day.


I remember someone said they trusted you, but I don't remember why. I don't have any village indicators on you yet, so I'll spend my next post as an analysis of your work.

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Well, good luck. I’ll be interested to see what you turn up. As most of my work has been been almost entirely fruitless.

For example, I got Connection last round. I haven’t been in any PM’s besides my anonymous message to TJ. Plus, I don’t like PMs. So, I decided to make a PM between two players that didn’t include me.


... take a guess at which two players I decided to make a PM between.


Edit: Ooooh, Bloodsealer rank. Cool.

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8 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

... take a guess at which two players I decided to make a PM between.


Er...Lotus and Matrim?

Also, yeah it's completely irrelevant, but I wasn't in the PM. I have no clue what Matrim was talking about last night, I was just confused because I made a PM between Elk and Matrim on night 2. But yeah. it's pretty irrelevant now that I think about it.



EDIT: sorry was that a rhetorical question?

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13 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Also, yeah it's completely irrelevant, but I wasn't in the PM. I have no clue what Matrim was talking about last night, I was just confused because I made a PM between Elk and Matrim on night 2. But yeah. it's pretty irrelevant now that I think about it.



EDIT: sorry was that a rhetorical question?

Ooooohhh it was you!!

Full send. Matrim and I both targetted TJ to put in a PM with ourselves and TJ died, but we somehow ended up in a PM! I couldn't figure out what happened so I just let him believe it was me all along. ;)

Edit: Sorry Matrim :unsure:

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Working on a big analysis post. In the meantime, no, I didn't use a kill.

EDIT: @Illwei, if you were the vigilante, please tell us. No one will blame you, as I would have probably killed Lotus too. If you are village and lie about this, you will throw off my entire analysis, and give the elims a big advantage by sending us down the wrong track.

Edited by The Young Pyromancer
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Okay, so here's what happened.

My plan going into this game was to conserve usage of the illegal table, as well as hopefully forming some kind of PM dialogue. The latter didn't happen, but, while rolling across the politicking table, I got planning (literally, the passion of planning. Not like 'I started planning'). I sent an anonymous message to TJ the cycle he died (the beneficial action I mentioned previously), then, after checking that planning with the illegal table does NOT roll to get caught/add 20% twice, I rolled on it. I got unlucky, both getting caught and hitting survival and coercion, the two boring ones. I made this more interesting by trying to both emphasize that I was relatively trusted, and by deliberately repeating the fact that I got an unimportant passion, as well as asking for lists, to try to make people think I wanted advice for one of the more dangerous passions, but didn't want to get roleblocked. I then used survival on lotus. Now, since unless some ridiculous things happened Matrim was the elim kill, that tells us that a vigilante tried to kill either Illwei, me, or Lotus. Since, unless I am mistaken, an elim can not both use a passion and use a kill, that can be used to infer that Illwei is not the village killer. Logic below. Note that this only holds if there is 1 elim, something I am not sure of. (part of me is suspicious of an El/Mint team rn, not gonna lie)


If the elim kill was matrim, which I feel is a safe assumption, then the vigilante would have to be village. This means that the village killer targeted either Lotus, me, or Illwei. At this point, I am semi-trusted, so the kill only makes sense to have gone at Illwei or Lotus. If Illwei was the killer, he'd have had to both be village AND have chosen to target me, instead of other people he previously stated he was suspicious of. Sure, you could say that he targeted someone that tried to use survival on ME, but we fall into a different issue, this time of why they targeted me (a solo elim could not spare the time to use survival, and a villager is unlikely to do so, given that I was moderately trusted.) Similarly, Illwei couldn't target himself, and, if he did kill lotus, would have to be both village and lying despite the fact that he had no motive to lie here about his action (please tell us if you did because you thought people would be suspicious of you or something. We wouldn't.)

I also happen to know that I am not the vigilante. This means that the village kill (something not necessarily true if there are 2 elims, but still likely. I'm stressing this because El's emphasis on only one elim has made me a little sus) was made by someone else who was online at the time, probably Elkanah or Ash. It IS possible Lotus tried to kill Illwei and hit themselves by accident ( @Zillah is it possible to redirect your kill onto yourself?) which would be hilarious, but is unlikely. Therefore, El and Ash, if you did make the kill, please confess, as well as who you targeted. This'll provide good evidence towards you being village if no one counterclaims. If it was someone else, you too, as if you hit Illwei, that'll let us know there are either two elims, or Illwei is a mech-cleared villager. 

Also, @Kynedath, I've seen you lurking. Please engage, as you NOT engaging lowers the minimum activity the elims have to maintain to blend in, giving them more chances to slip up.

I meant to write about my suspicions of an El/Mint team, but my internet turns off soon, so I have to cut it short. In the meantime, if you did attack someone and are village, please confess, as well as whom you targeted. Similarly, if you used survival and targeted lotus/someone else who's claimed to use survival on lotus (which is the same here) please confess as well. This'll help us semi-clear a villager, letting us set them aside only to be suspected again if another elim dies and the game isn't over.

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... no confessers, I guess.

It wasn't me, but I have no evidence thanks to my PM (yes, I tried Matrim and Lotus) not doing anything.

Edit: adding @Sart and @Lord_Silberfarben to the "please post more" group. Since the D1 scans, what have you been up to?

Edited by Ashbringer
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I had mint as trusted because Vapor's vote day one didn't feel like an elim distancing from another one. Mint really was just the last person to show up and Vapor's vote was a way of pretending to engage without giving us any info on her. I was getting ready to reset my read, but I got the feeling that Experience really did want to put her up as the alternate lynch for last cycle. I got the vibe he was trying to grab anyone he thought could slow his death rather than distancing from her. 

I do understand that we now have two known elims who have voted for Mint. I don't actually know if it was distancing or not, but neither post felt like it to me. I maintain she was an actual lynch target in at least one of the cases and is therefore pretty cleared in my book. 

I admit that no one coming forward and claiming the second kill is making me nervous that we still have two eliminators. 

I'll go ahead and remove on Ashbringer for now. I still want to do a post on you, but you are more active than I am right now and that was really what I wanted. 

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@Kynedath, @Sart, @Lord_Silberfarben, please say something. Actions? Suspicions? Constructive criticisms?

I'm not sure what to think of these three. I know Kynedath didn't execute the Elim kill on N2 (and it would have been very risky for Experience to have done so), and Sart's been cleared by Silber and protected by Mint. However, none of them have died.

It's only round 3, and TJ and Mat make sense for Elim kills. I don't want to kill Sart because (as far as I can tell) the only way for him to be Elim is if Silber was an Elim. If there's a fourth Elim I'm back to suspecting Kynedath but for now: Lord_Silberfarben. 

Still a little iffy on Mint. Two protections in a row is unlikely, and both on Sart, who is most likely to have protection and therefore very unlikely to be killed. (A little IKYK, but strange). And a failed protection is untraceable.

Also: anyone who's used a Scan, Track, or Roleblock, please confirm on what cycle and on whom. Narrowing down the killers will be a great help here.

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Right, Ash is NOT up for lynch here, and is still prodding activity. Once would be fitting in, but this is calling others out, repeatedly. That's village.

6 hours ago, Elkanah said:

I admit that no one coming forward and claiming the second kill is making me nervous that we still have two eliminators. 

As soon as I call you on it, you immediately back down. Why? You were so sure before.


@Ashbringer, @Illwei, what are your thoughts on El?

Also, I've seen Kynedath viewing the thread occasionally, but not posting, for what that's worth.

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I'm a little suspicious of El, but not that drastically so. (He did vote on me, and I really don't like counter-voting.) But he'd probably be the most suspicious of the four of us actives (me, Pyro, Illwei, Elkanah). Then Illwei, then Pyro, then me (at least, from my point of view...).

I'd have to look in the morning to see what I was worried about.

Edit: and it would make some sense to have one active Elim and one inactive one.

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