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Hello everyone! I’m excited to join the shard! I’m a fairly new fan but have been absolutely loving every Sanderson book I’ve read. 

My first question is: Im wondering what Sanderson book I should read next. I’ve read all of mistborn, and it’s sequel series; I’m up to date on Stormlight, I’ve also read certain stories from the Arcanum Unbounded (the ones from series I’ve read), and finally Skyward. What would you guys recommend? 

My other question: (if there’s a better place to ask this please let me know and I’ll put it there) I want to get the leather bound TWoK, but unfortunately I missed the actual Kickstarter campaign by about 10 days (darn it). I was looking at the TWoK Leatherbound + swag (no poster) and I was wondering what exactly comes in that package. For example, I really want the playing cards and Chicken Scout Merit patch; are those and the other stretch goals items included in that package? 

Thanks for your help guys! 

Edit: I’ve also read Elantris 

Edited by Spenzapain
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2 minutes ago, Spenzapain said:

Hello everyone! I’m excited to join the shard! I’m a fairly new fan but have been absolutely loving every Sanderson book I’ve read. 

My first question is: Im wondering what Sanderson book I should read next. I’ve read all of mistborn, and it’s sequel series; I’m up to date on Stormlight, I’ve also read certain stories from the Arcanum Unbounded (the ones from series I’ve read), and finally Skyward. What would you guys recommend? 

My other question: (if there’s a better place to ask this please let me know and I’ll put it there) I want to get the leather bound TWoK, but unfortunately I missed the actual Kickstarter campaign by about 10 days (darn it). I was looking at the TWoK Leatherbound + swag (no poster) and I was wondering what exactly comes in that package. For example, I really want the playing cards and Chicken Scout Merit patch; are those and the other stretch goals items included in that package? 

Thanks for your help guys! 

Hello and welcome to the shard

I would recommend Warbreaker it is connected in some ways to the Stormlight Archive and it's on of my favorite books.

For your second question I think it was one set of an order of your choice as well as the other swag and stretch goals but I might be wrong.

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Welcome to the Shard! 

Warbreaker will have a character you'll recognize. You're also okay to read The Emperor's Soul from Arcanum Unbounded.

That pack should have the cards, the chicken scout things, and the rest of the stretch goals. 

Ninja'd. Yes, only one order pack. 

Edited by Mist
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1 minute ago, Darkfinder said:

Hello and welcome to the shard

I would recommend Warbreaker it is connected in some ways to the Stormlight Archive and it's on of my favorite books.

For your second question I think it was one set of an order of your choice as well as the other swag and stretch goals but I might be wrong.


1 minute ago, Mist said:

Welcome to the Shard! 

Warbreaker will have a character you'll recognize. You're also okay to read The Emperor's Soul from Arcanum Unbounded.

That pack should have the cards, the chicken scout things, and the rest of the stretch goals. 

Thanks to both of you guys, I appreciate the help (that was fast)! It seems like Warbreaker will be my next read! 

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Welcome to the Shard! So glad you are enjoying the books so much. Absolutely loving them is where a lot of stand so you are in good company :D.


I'm going to let other people chime in with more detail for the first question but I'll just leave a quick answer here. For me if you have read all of the Mistborn series and SA and some Arcanum and Skyward I would probably say go with Warbreaker and then Elantris. Popular opinion dictates Warbreaker as being the favorite so probs start there (or be rebellious and don't read either you do you :D). If you want non-cosmere I find the Alcatraz series to be absolutely hilarious (although more simple cuz it's more YA targeted) to read and I love them. Reckoners is also a pretty good series too (also YA but good).


As far as the second question I am sure someone more qualified can answer but I was under the impression that you can get the book and packaged stuff from his website in the future but I believe that the stretch goals were specific to backing the campaign. I could be totally spouting gibberish here but that is what I had understood it to be. Someone likely has a more definitive answer tho I am sure so I hope there is still a way for you to get it.

Edited by Scout_Fox
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21 minutes ago, Spenzapain said:

Hello everyone! I’m excited to join the shard! I’m a fairly new fan but have been absolutely loving every Sanderson book I’ve read. 

My other question: (if there’s a better place to ask this please let me know and I’ll put it there) I want to get the leather bound TWoK, but unfortunately I missed the actual Kickstarter campaign by about 10 days (darn it). I was looking at the TWoK Leatherbound + swag (no poster) and I was wondering what exactly comes in that package. For example, I really want the playing cards and Chicken Scout Merit patch; are those and the other stretch goals items included in that package? 

Hello, and welcome!

I'm afraid I don't quite know about the WoK Leatherbound. Have you checked Brandonsanderson.com?

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35 minutes ago, Scout_Fox said:

Welcome to the Shard! So glad you are enjoying the books so much. Absolutely loving them is where a lot of stand so you are in good company :D.


I'm going to let other people chime in with more detail for the first question but I'll just leave a quick answer here. For me if you have read all of the Mistborn series and SA and some Arcanum and Skyward I would probably say go with Warbreaker and then Elantris. Popular opinion dictates Warbreaker as being the favorite so probs start there (or be rebellious and don't read either you do you). If you want non-cosmere I find the Alcatraz series to be absolutely hilarious (although more simple cuz it's more YA targeted) to read and I love them. Reckoners is also a pretty good series too (also YA but good).


As far as the second question I am sure someone more qualified can answer but I was under the impression that you can get the book and packaged stuff from his website in the future but I believe that the stretch goals were specific to backing the campaign. I could be totally spouting gibberish here but that is what I had understood it to be. Someone likely has a more definitive answer tho I am sure so I hope there is still a way for you to get it.

Thanks for answering, I forgot to mention that I’ve read Elantris too! I’ll definitely be looking into Warbreaker though. 

And you might actually be right on the store thing... looking back I might have misinterpreted some of the stuff I read.  

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13 minutes ago, I Am A Fish said:

Oooh good find Fish! @Spenzapain I think this is what you are looking for. You can join with a late pledge. All the tiers and what they contain is also explained quite well in the link

Edit: I think what you are describing fits best with Tier 4 although not sure so definitely take a look. The Leatherbound + Swag add on might be what you were looking for but I don't know if that has any of the stretch goals included. Either way, I'm sure one of the ones on there is what you were thinking of :)

Edited by Scout_Fox
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1 hour ago, Scout_Fox said:

Oooh good find Fish! @Spenzapain I think this is what you are looking for. You can join with a late pledge. All the tiers and what they contain is also explained quite well in the link

Edit: I think what you are describing fits best with Tier 4 although not sure so definitely take a look. The Leatherbound + Swag add on might be what you were looking for but I don't know if that has any of the stretch goals included. Either way, I'm sure one of the ones on there is what you were thinking of :)

Oh yeah you’re right, thanks guys! That’s exactly what I‘m looking for. The leather bound looks beautiful. 

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1 minute ago, Spenzapain said:

Oh yeah you’re right, thanks guys! That’s exactly what I‘m looking for. The leather bound looks beautiful. 

No problem, glad we could help! And yes, they do look quite, quite beautiful glad you could snag one

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Welcome!  The "problem" with Warbreaker is that it is a bit more confusing then some other Brandon stuff and because Nightblood is not coming out soon you really have to go through the annotations to figure some stuff out.  Also some people dislike early Vivenna chapters.  It is a Brandon book and as such definitely worth reading but you do have to keep both of those things in mind.

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