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The Caped Crusaders


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1 hour ago, DramaQueen said:

DQ inhaled sharply, yet silently when the guard entered the cave. She quietly slid a dagger out of the secret sheath hidden in her corset, then snuck up behind the guard. In one fluid motion, she grabbed him by the hair (I'm assuming he's not wearing something on his head...if he is, just pretend she grabbed that instead.) and placed the dagger against his throat. "I don't trust you. I would have killed you immediately, but I'm not that kind of person. So, convince me to let you live." Despite her words about not being the kind of person to kill, she had a wicked grin on her face.

Just now, Spock said:

Spark grunted as he hit the wall; his sharp intake of breath cut short by the firm pressure of a dagger against his throat. A little dazed, he realized he was staring into the eyes of someone who would kill him if he breathed too hard...
"I'm... not with the guards..." Spark got out, nicking himself a little on the firmly held knife. "I didn't know... you were here."

The incredulous look she gave Spark made his heart sink... I better say something good, and quick.

"Look in my right trouser pocket, there is a drive there that has data from the servers at the compound (complex?). I barely got out when the alarms were going off..." Spark rambled quickly, trailing off at the end--waiting for her reply.


This is happening in the same cave that I'm in, right?

They are inturrupted by a drumroll. A voice comes from a speaker you can't locate.

Ladies and gentlemen... the moment you've all been waiting for... XAOTH the AMAZING!!!!

A small firework whistles off, and Xaoth steps out from behind a... where the crem did that curtain come from?

"Thank you, thank you!" He holds his hands up, bowing and waving to his two-person crowd. "Wow, quite the show we have here! Honestly, the last thing I saw that was this good was one of my old recordings."

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13 minutes ago, Spock said:

Spark grunted as he hit the wall; his sharp intake of breath cut short by the firm pressure of a dagger against his throat. A little dazed, he realized he was staring into the eyes of someone who would kill him if he breathed too hard...
"I'm... not with the guards..." Spark got out, nicking himself a little on the firmly held knife. "I didn't know... you were here."

The incredulous look she gave Spark made his heart sink... I better say something good, and quick.

"Look in my right trouser pocket, there is a drive there that has data from the servers at the compound (complex?). I barely got out when the alarms were going off..." Spark rambled quickly, trailing off at the end--waiting for her reply.

Still holding the knife to his throat suspiciously, DQ found the drive. "There's no evidence of what this contains. Anything else?" She lightened the pressure on his neck to enable him to speak more freely.

10 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

They are inturrupted by a drumroll. A voice comes from a speaker you can't locate.

Ladies and gentlemen... the moment you've all been waiting for... XAOTH the AMAZING!!!!

A small firework whistles off, and Xaoth steps out from behind a... where the crem did that curtain come from?

"Thank you, thank you!" He holds his hands up, bowing and waving to his two-person crowd. "Wow, quite the show we have here! Honestly, the last thing I saw that was this good was one of my old recordings."

DQ looks around in shock. "Who the crap are you? Get over here so I can hold my other knife to your throat."

Edited by DramaQueen
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3 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

Queen looks around in shock. "Who the crap are you? Get over here so I can hold my other knife to your throat."

He looks at the camera (yes, there's a camera). "Ladies and gents, this guy/girl doesn't know who I am. Can she hear? Did she not hear me say my name: Xaoth the Amazing?!?"

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2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Isn't this character DQ?



Yep. Sorry, still used to Queen... What happened to Tion, by the way?


2 minutes ago, Condensation said:

Harmony peeks out from behind the rock. "I don't recognize him, and I think I know all of Konna's guards. I think we should trust him."

DQ nods, releasing Spark, then running to Xaoth, grabbing him and holding the knife to his throat now. "Ok, your turn."

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Tion is captured and being brainwashed at VECCW headquarters. The reason they were there is to rescue her, but she was taken while they were there, and then soldiers were chasing them, and so they had to leave. She'll be chasing you with her precog powers once she's done being brainwashed. Your characters don't know that and shouldn't, though.


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Spark sank to the floor while holding his neck, finally getting some air.

Raggedly, Spark remarked "Konna puts RFIDs (microchips) somewhere in most of her Epics and all of the guards. How do you think she finds them?"

Spark sighs, tired. 

"I'm glad you are being vigilant, if you want to check me for RFIDs, please do so."


Can I add that--about the microchips?


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37 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

DQ nods, releasing Spark, then running to Xaoth, grabbing him and holding the knife to his throat now. "Ok, your turn."

"Ah! Not friendly!"

1 minute ago, Vapor said:

Vanessa walks up. "I trust him," she says. "But if we end up imprisoning him, I get his gun."

"Nobody gets my gun!" It vanishes from his hands.

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DQ is still very suspicious of Xaoth and his dramatic entrance. She was supposed to be the theatrical on, for Comedy's sake!


Mwahaha I have made Comedy and Tragedy DQ's curse words!!! They're probably pretty similar to Preservation and Ruin. And by that, I mean they're gods. Yes, DQ is an Epic, but she worships the Theatre Gods!


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2 hours ago, Mist said:

Tria scans Vanessa. "You're clear. Spark, what do you know about those chips?"

"Not much. They can track location in most circumstances, but can be destroyed with a localized EMP--if it's strong enough... knowing that might be handy if we can rescue your friend from Konna--though I don't have the tools to make something that can focus an EMP, let alone make one..."

Spark proceeds to take off his guard disguise, showing that he was wearing rugged and nondescript clothes.

"Thanks for not immediately killing me, it means a lot."

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Vanessa yawns. "I think our best chance is to wait until they've brainwashed Tion, then let her come try to get us and trap her completely, keeping her from escaping." She sits down. "We should just hope they don't find out you and I are here," she says, motioning to DQ. "As far as I can tell, you and I are the only Epics left."

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What about me? thinks Tria. Ah well. While I'm not an Epic, my abilities will come in handy. While I'm at it, I'd better look at that data I downloaded. "You're welcome, I guess? Be careful with EMPs. I have technology that will be rather difficult to replace."

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Sorry I haven't really posted! The Fellowship was hogging me! I needed to know what was going to happen to the Fox! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Azeria yawned, plucking dirt from behind her fingernails. She didn't get why everyone was so uptight about traitors. It was easy, you never give them responsibility beyond that you would give to a chipmunk, and then if they cross you, you kill them. That was how the game was played. She got a cloth out, and began to clean one of her pistols. 

Edited by Scarletfox
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