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I see two big problems in relationship Kaladin-Shallan.

First, Helaran. Kal killed Shalans brother. This isnt the think, what can be easly forgiven and definitly cannot be forgotten. Kaladin also hide the truth about it.

Second, Spren. Bonded spren reflects some parts of Radiants personality. And their spren dont like each other. And they spend all the time with them, this has to be impactfull.

I see Kaladin-Shallan as close friends who can understand and support each other, but are not romanticly involved. I ship Kaladin+Vivienna. This will be fun, because she was somthing like LightEyed in home.

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1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

I ship Kaladin+Vivienna. This will be fun, because she was somthing like LightEyed in home.

I don't know why, but I feel like in Warbreaker, there were some romantic possibilities between Vasher and VIvenna, and I would personally love to see that happen.

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On 7/7/2020 at 7:51 AM, Use the Falchion said:

It also reminds me of Zutara, and I HATE Zutara.


For Shallan/Kaladin/Adolin, I really don’t think Shallan and Kaladin are at a place in their lives where they could manage a relationship without sacrificing their personal health. Part of figuring out your own issues is doing that by yourself, and both of them have a lot to unpack before forming any sort of attachment. Adolin has a lot less to sort out, and—even though I absolutely love him—he’s a little oblivious at times. Sure, Kaladin wears everything on his sleeve, so you can tell that he’s having some life problems at the moment. Shallan is a little more nuanced, and I’m not sure Adolin sees the multiple personalities thing as an issue or trauma.

TLDR, my addition to the S/K/A discourse is “none of the above.” At least, for now. We’ll see how things pan out in the future. 

Also in the world of Stormlight, I’ve seen people ship Vivenna/Azure and Jasnah. Not gonna lie, I kinda see it, even if it does have a huge lack of evidence. A good number of us noticed the romantic tension between Vivenna and Vasher during Warbreaker but, obviously, something happened between the two of them between Warbreaker and Oathbringer. After reading Oathbringer, I can’t imagine any sort of scenario in which Vivenna/Azure and Vasher/Zahel are a good fit for one another. Meanwhile, Jasnah and Azure are both women who have defied Alethi societal standards by taking on roles in male-dominated spaces. They both use Investiture, and they’ve both been raised as royalty—not to mention, both of their fathers tried to arrange marriages for them.

Of course, there is literally no evidence that this could be a thing. Jasnah and Vivenna/Azure haven’t had any screen time together, so there’s really nothing to base this on. It’s just wild fan speculation that I happen to like.

Click spoiler tag for non-Stormlight ships... I just started writing and didn’t realize this was under the Stormlight Archive topic: 



I will have to say, though... Vin and Elend are some of my favorites. That ship has made me fangirl for hours on end. They help each other grow as people and characters, and their story is just amazing. 

Another ship? I just love Sarene and Raoden. They truly began to love each other because of their personalities with the letter writing, and they always had so much trust in one another. That applies even when Raoden is Spirit. Also, I’m a huge fan of Sarene in general. She’s really, really strong, and she always sees the best in people. I know initially her relationship with the other women screams “2010-I’m-not-like-the-other-girls-I’m-quirky,” but I think there was a good balance of making Sarene not get along with other women without villainizing them. I’m a pretty huge feminist (and no one is surprised), so it’s super important to me that strong, female characters don’t hate other women just for acting more or less feminine. Sarene helped the women of Arelon instead of ostracizing them, and that’s beautiful. What’s even more beautiful is that Raoden was always supportive of her, no matter what project she was willing to tackle.

Ladies, get you a man who’s gonna help you overthrow the patriarchy.


I’m going to cut myself off here because there’s so much more I could get into. In short, I have opinions, we all do, Zutara sucks, and hopefully we’ll find out more in Stormlight 4. :D 

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17 hours ago, Hentient said:

The strongest ship I have in stormlight is Kaladin x Happiness. 

Need I even explain? 

I feel like Syl would get jealous if Kaladin bonded a joy spren ( ;


4 hours ago, RadiantDramaQueen said:

I don't know why, but I feel like in Warbreaker, there were some romantic possibilities between Vasher and VIvenna, and I would personally love to see that happen.

My only resistence to this is that Vasher is 600 years old (or whatever) and Vivenna is like 20. Now, yes, Vivenna is older but she also is clearly quite angry with whatever Vasher did.

Vivenna and Kaladin actually both have a lot in common. They both were serious children with a strong belief in the roles they were expected to fill in society, both ran away from their duty to attempt to save their younger sibling from harm, both failed (for very different reasons), both had their expectations of society brutally crushed, both developed a rational but debilitating hatred that they had to learn to get over to find their place, both rejected their magical powers at first, and both were then forced to accept their powers and find a new course in life. Both are great leaders who try to protect people and can quickly inspire loyalty in followers and lead by example.

As for Jasnah who's been mentioned several times, she doesn't seem to have close friendships with anyone from either sex (except from her two penpals that she rarely, if ever, speaks to in person), she has mentioned no past close friends or "friends", and the only person we know of who was ever close to her outside her family was the one person who almost convinced her to join the Devotary of Sincerity and gave her the Book of Endless Pages. I'm really curious to learn who that was and what happened to them.

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26 minutes ago, thejopen27 said:

My only resistence to this is that Vasher is 600 years old (or whatever) and Vivenna is like 20. Now, yes, Vivenna is older but she also is clearly quite angry with whatever Vasher did.

Spoilers for Warbreaker


Siri marries the God King, Susebron. Yes, there is less of an age gap because the God King gets replaced every so often, but he is still around 50, while Siri is 17.


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17 minutes ago, RadiantDramaQueen said:

Spoilers for Warbreaker

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Siri marries the God King, Susebron. Yes, there is less of an age gap because the God King gets replaced every so often, but he is still around 50, while Siri is 17.


Fair, but several times in the book, Brandon makes the point that the Godking is stunted and childlike as he has been treated like a child his entire life. Vasher has been an adult for his entire 600 year life including being married for hundreds of years.

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9 minutes ago, thejopen27 said:

Fair, but several times in the book, Brandon makes the point that the Godking is stunted and childlike as he has been treated like a child his entire life. Vasher has been an adult for his entire 600 year life including being married for hundreds of years.

As you said earlier, though, Vivenna is older, and she is also pretty mature for her age. She was never really able to have a childhood, which you mentioned, she always had to be learning how to be the perfect wife for the God King, so in a way, she also had to grow up very quickly.

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4 hours ago, RadiantDramaQueen said:

I don't know why, but I feel like in Warbreaker, there were some romantic possibilities between Vasher and VIvenna, and I would personally love to see that happen.

Really? Given Vasher's history you'd foist him on poor Vivenna?


He murdered his wife after all, because she disagreed with him on the sharing  of  awakened sword technology - and both Warbreaker appendices from Sanderson's homepage and OB events strongly suggest that she was right and Nightblood was a fluke. In fact, Vivenna in OB does exactly what he killed Shashara for. He also killed Arsteel over a misunderstanding. Basically, if you disagree with Vasher, you are likely to end up dead. I love the character, but I wouldn't wish him on my worst enemy, romantically.

It is also kinda disheartening if just because they are different genders their relationship couldn't be a teacher and student one, growing into friendship... I'd much rather see Vivenna with Kaladin or whoever.

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17 hours ago, Harbour said:

Im not a fan of Kaladin x Happiness. Brooding Eyes are the part of him and one of the things that makes him Kaladin. Its fine to hurt.

There's a difference between it being fine to hurt and healing mentally; Kaladin does need help right now. (Sorry, this is a tangent.)

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On 7/7/2020 at 11:02 AM, Frustration said:

Shaladin is dead, and I love that. I'm perfectly fine if Kal lives the rest of his life without a love interest, real world people die single, it happens.

Can't say if u have not a ounce of romance in u or if I should clap u on the back for standing up for us self partnered folks. 

Personally I think jasnah would be s good fit for kal but if he's single. Well that would be great too. 

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33 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Can't say if u have not a ounce of romance in u or if I should clap u on the back for standing up for us self partnered folks. 

Closer to the first but not quite.

More I just hate the romantic subplot than anything else.

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On 12.07.2020 at 10:33 PM, Toaster Retribution said:

Not to derail this thread with more shipping jokes that aren’t actually related to shipping... but does anyone else find it kinda fun that a Sharder with the username @Harbour is shipping?

Real life Shallan has entered the chat.

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On 7/10/2020 at 10:32 PM, Harbour said:

Im not a fan of Kaladin x Happiness. Brooding Eyes are the part of him and one of the things that makes him Kaladin. Its fine to hurt.

But Kaladin x Happiness is so CUTE.

In all honesty though, I don't really ship anyone?  Unless it becomes canon, I'm weird.

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53 minutes ago, thejopen27 said:

Well, I'm going to come forward with the stance that there should be more kissing in books generally. Everyone who wants romance should get to have it. Romance is good and fun to read.

Eh. If I wanted to read kissing, I would read my mom's period romance dramas. I read Stormlight because I like epic fantasy. It's not a romance-if it was, I probably wouldn't read it.

(Sorry if this comes across as rude. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm just presenting mine)

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28 minutes ago, revelryintheart said:

Eh. If I wanted to read kissing, I would read my mom's period romance dramas. I read Stormlight because I like epic fantasy. It's not a romance-if it was, I probably wouldn't read it.

(Sorry if this comes across as rude. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm just presenting mine)

Ok, Fred Savage from the Princess Bride

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1 hour ago, revelryintheart said:

Eh. If I wanted to read kissing, I would read my mom's period romance dramas. I read Stormlight because I like epic fantasy. It's not a romance-if it was, I probably wouldn't read it.

(Sorry if this comes across as rude. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm just presenting mine)


On one hand, I totally understand. Romance and shipping can be distracting and feel like fan-service. And when a majority of the fandom is entirely based on shipping it largely diminishes the story being told (I have this problem with The Dragon Prince and its fandom as a whole - I like the story and love the characters; and I like shipping, but the subreddit is 45% Rayllum, 45% memes, and 10% discussion about whatever controversy has popped up this month/tirades about the clickbait news for Season 4; the Fire Emblem fanbase is a far more complex issue).

On the other hand, the signs of romance and shipping are signs of a lively* fanbase, a great source of inspiration for fan-art, and a decent source for conversation and discourse. This thread is proof of that! 

On the other other hand, there's nothing that says that romance and epic fantasy have to be mutually exclusive. My shounen manga can have romance and work out just fine (look at Rurouni Kenshin), my horror/slasher can be funny (just watch You Might Be the Killer), and my comedy can - and probably should - have moments to discuss serious topics (Brooklyn Nine-Nine's episode "Moo-Moo").  

To me it's all about balance, personal growth, the arc of the character, and most importantly, the skill of the author. If a relationship can push a character to where fans feel like said character needs to go while still being entertaining, then I'm all for it. If it's a hindrance, then I'll probably be against it. If it helps explore a new side of the character, then it can be useful. If it's just for the sake of drama, then one should reconsider (maybe keep it in, but be wary of how much or what it's there for). Sanderson is not the best at romance, but I'd say a majority of his romances have been received positively. I don't see a reason for him to stop trying to improve those now. 

Overall romance in fantastical tales goes back to The Epic of Gligamesh in some ways, and is ALL over Arthurian lore. The amount of shipping is so low in Sanderson's fandoms due to the fact that most romances are obvious on Day 1 and/or are arranged marriages; so what we discuss here is more of an anomaly than a regularity. 

But it's totally your preference and there's nothing wrong with that!


*Lively does not mean healthy. The Voltron fanbase was apparently quite lively, and it's infamous for the sheer toxicity it contained. 

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3 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

*Lively does not mean healthy. The Voltron fanbase was apparently quite lively, and it's infamous for the sheer toxicity it contained. 

From shipping? How much could they possibly have done? There where like 2 females and no romance arcs.

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