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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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8 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:


"The island interrogates people? That is super cool, and a little bit scary," Kindness remarks.

Zeras chuckled. "It's even more terrifying than it sounds, trust me. As Sophia could tell you. Why, the first time she talked to an island, she..."

"That's enough, Dad," said Sophia, her cheeks flushing red.

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4 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"Your first name? What is it, Miss... T?" Vapor looks at Miss T. suspicious. "And where is your quiver?" She shakes her head, as if clearing it. "Sorry. I'm not myself lately. I've been super emotional. Is 19 too old for mood swings?"

"I'm not telling you my first name. You can call me Misty or Night, though. My quiver fell off on the way here. By now, it's at the bottom of the sea. And yes, mood swings are normal, as Kindness said."

1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

Zeras chuckled. "It's even more terrifying than it sounds, trust me. As Sophia could tell you. Why, the first time she talked to an island, she..."

"That's enough, Dad," said Sophia, her cheeks flushing red.

"I'd love to hear the story."

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8 minutes ago, Mist said:

"I'd love to hear the story."

"NO," said Sophia, her face flushing even more red. Zeras laughed. "Why not?" he challenged humorously. 

Sophia was saved by the party's arrival at what appeared to be the end of the tunnel; a steep stone face about ten feet high. Silver light shone from the top.

Zeras hopped on the wall and began climbing up, surprisingly nimble for someone of his age. He reached the top and looked back to make sure the rest of the group was following.

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Vapor turned around. "Wow," she breathed, gaping. In front of her was a city filled with people. The silver light was coming from sphere filled lamps.


You guys don't mind if I do this part, right?


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The steep rock face curved away on either side, forming an enormous plateau that was only partially visible from where the group was standing.

In the middle of it sat a large stone that glowed with entrancing silver light. Around it was a small crowd of people, standing in clumps. Some looked over as the group reached the top, waving at Zeras and Sophia. Zeras had a relieved smile on his face as he waved back.

"Welcome to Ansol outpost," he said. "Well, what's left of it."


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Just now, Spren of Kindness said:

"It's beautiful!"

"That's the gemheart," explained Zeras in a reverent tone. "It holds the island's soul."

The strange pressure that most of the members of the party had felt was strongest here. One could almost feel the thoughts of the island, if one focused hard enough.

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T waved back at the people on the plateau, realizing too late that their waves weren't for her. She focused on the strange mental sensation, trying to block it. It subsided slightly, much less than she expected. 

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The girl huddled in the corner next to a pile of rubble. Here was safe, where the light couldn’t reach. Footsteps grew louder, and soon the other girl entered the ruins. 

10 hours ago, Emi said:

"I don't think you're dead. If you would I would be too and I feel quite alive. In addition everyone decribes afterlife as a place where you don't feel pain" Emi pinched herself and winced. "Yeah, that's definately not afterlife, unless the whole human race was wrong. Even if it would be so, I don't think that we are dead... Maybe you lost your memory? This whole world seems like a silly god or some other powerful creature would play with us some storming game." 

When she said that she realized it didn't sound very comforting. "Well, we can find this creature whoever this is and ask if he'll give you back your memory. Or maybe no. I mean, how possible is this? It may be soething absolutely different." She stopped for a moment and sat down next to the girl

When Emi was looking at the girl, she realized that she didn't introduce herself. "Well, I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Emily, but you can call me Emi. I guess that you don't have one. Or even if you have, you don't remember it. Well, it's a good start to find out who you are. Maybe we'll think of your name together?"

She looked at the girl to see how she will react on her rush of words.

The girl blinked, the words coming in too quickly. They rushed past her like the wind, slipping through her fingers no matter how hard she tried to catch them. 

“Not dead,” she muttered, echoing the first thing the other girl — no, Emi — had said. “I... think I have memories. That means you’re right. When I woke up, I had this strange feeling that something had happened.” She stood up slowly, wrapping her arms around herself. Her feet were covered with little cuts from climbing over the rubble, and dirt clung to her legs. She fought to raise her gaze to meet Emi’s. “You’d really help me?” 


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5 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

The girl huddled in the corner next to a pile of rubble. Here was safe, where the light couldn’t reach. Footsteps grew louder, and soon the other girl entered the ruins. 

The girl blinked, the words coming in too quickly. They rushed past her like the wind, slipping through her fingers no matter how hard she tried to catch them. 

“Not dead,” she muttered, echoing the first thing the other girl — no, Emi — had said. “I... think I have memories. That means you’re right. When I woke up, I had this strange feeling that something had happened.” She stood up slowly, wrapping her arms around herself. Her feet were covered with little cuts from climbing over the rubble, and dirt clung to her legs. She fought to raise her gaze to meet Emi’s. “You’d really help me?” 


"Why not" Emi replied slower than before. "Everyone needs help sometimes."

She stood up and looked at the girl. She was so scared.... Emi would never forgive herself if she wouldn't help her.

"Besides that, I don't have actually anything else to do here". She smiled.

And gave her hand to help the girl stand up.

@The Awakened Salad


I LOVE this story ^_^


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5 hours ago, Emi said:

"Why not" Emi replied slower than before. "Everyone needs help sometimes."

She stood up and looked at the girl. She was so scared.... Emi would never forgive herself if she wouldn't help her.

"Besides that, I don't have actually anything else to do here". She smiled.

And gave her hand to help the girl stand up.

A hand. The girl looked down at it, then back to Emi. Her face seemed earnest. Keen, warm eyes with a reassuring smile. Could she trust her?

She looked back to the hand. It almost seemed to glow in the light. What if Emi was lying? She had no way to prove it either way. Yet, what choice did she have? If she denied Emi’s help, she would simply be alone again, or end up dead. Properly dead, that is. 

Her own arms were still wrapped around her body. Emi stood before her in the light, standing atop the pile of rubble. She looked... friendly.

The girl lifted one hand, fingers outstretched and trembling. It passed into the light as she reached towards the other girl. It hovered in the air for a second, quivering, before she placed it over Emi’s offered hand, clasping it gently. 

She looked up again, and smiled back.


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2 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

A hand. The girl looked down at it, then back to Emi. Her face seemed earnest. Keen, warm eyes with a reassuring smile. Could she trust her?

She looked back to the hand. It almost seemed to glow in the light. What if Emi was lying? She had no way to prove it either way. Yet, what choice did she have? If she denied Emi’s help, she would simply be alone again, or end up dead. Properly dead, that is. 

Her own arms were still wrapped around her body. Emi stood before her in the light, standing atop the pile of rubble. She looked... friendly.

The girl lifted one hand, fingers outstretched and trembling. It passed into the light as she reached towards the other girl. It hovered in the air for a second, quivering, before she placed it over Emi’s offered hand, clasping it gently. 

She looked up again, and smiled back.



WOW. This is my reaction when I read your parts. Always. I wish I could have that much developed vocabulary. It must be boring to read my posts when you look back at yours:ph34r:

Emi was slightly surprised when the girl placed her hand on her. It was weird to feel someone else for real. She didn't have too much contact with the other people and then this girl appeared. Or more likely Emi appeard next to her. It was complicated.

Girls hand was... normal. Not cold, like Emi thought at first. It was surprising and confirming Emi's teory, that they aren't dead. Because what dead peson has warm hands?

She looked up at the girl, still a little surprised that she was convinced so quickly. She must have been very desperate. Or maybe ... Emi came up with an idea. Maybe this girl was friendly before she lost her memory? Maybe her current state was a result of shock or something similar? Now Emi was even more angry with this creature, whoever or whatever it was, assuming that it existed.

She shook her head. She can't think about bad things, not after she has helped the girl a little. Maybe these little steps are enough for the poor thing to regain her memory ...

@The Awakened Salad

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27 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

What's going on now?


Sorry for double posting. I know, that we (me and Salad) have kind of interaction. Wright now we found out that Salad has probably lost his memory and I'm trying to help him.:P


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Since Dr. Gears seems to have been relegated to antagonist territory, please welcome the Anarchist!

The Anarchist walked out of the shadows dramatically, holding a knife, several explosives, and a large gun. "Would anyone like to bring down an empire?" 

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