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Okay, with just an hour and a half left in the cycle, I think I should probably clarify something that I messed up on. The ability to store two charges in one cycle was meant to let people store both turns in a cycle, not store twice in one turn. Anyone I have told could store twice this turn, I am sorry for the confusion. I will assume that you still mean to store once this turn.

Also, this won't be taking effect this turn, but starting next turn, rollover will be at 9 pm CDT and the next turn will go up at 10 pm CDT. This is to help with managing all of the chaos that is dealing with rollovers for this game. This change isn't taking effect yet as there's only an hour and a half left until this turn is over, but this is just a warning for everyone.

Also also, I will be changing the most posts boxings requirement to awarding it to the player with the most posts with at least 200 words. As exciting as it has been to get 20 pages in just the first Day turn, the spamming and sometimes double posting this thread had were not the intent of that requirement. This won't take effect until the next turn, and I'll add a reminder about this in the post for Night One as well.

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New vote count :) 

Coda (4): Experience, Magestar, Ventyl, Araris Valerian
Araris Valerian (1): Karnage, Matrim’s_Dice
Experience (1): Elandera
Matrim's_Dice (1): The_God_King
Mist (1): Shard of Reading
Ashbringer (1): Lahilt
Magestar (1): TJ Shade
The_God_King (1): Elkanah
Karnage (2): Pyro, Xinoeph

A Joe in the Bush (1): Coda :)

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Probably for the best. Makes sense to give the award to the people with the most substantial posts, at least for future cycles. It will probably make it easier to analyze things, because it's not so easy for me to sort through 20 pages of content for analysis purposes. And it's more in line with what the rules are trying to incentivize, I imagine.

It has been immensely entertaining to see the first cycle of this game rack up more pages of content than some games get in their entirety, though. I kind of hope it doesn't drop too much with such an auspicious start, even if the posts become individually more substantial.


Vote Tally
Coda (4): Araris Valerian, Experience, Magestar, Ventyl
Araris Valerian (2): Karnage, Matrim's_Dice
Karnage (2): The Young Pyromancer, xinoehp512
Experience (1): Elandera
Matrim's_Dice (1): The_God_King
Mist (1): Shard of Reading
Ashbringer (1): Lahilt
Magestar (1): TJ Shade
The_God_King (1): Elkanah
A Joe in the Bush (1): Coda

With an hour to go in the cycle, I feel somewhat more motivated to have a vote on somebody.

I don't particularly want to lynch Araris, because I like the kind of discussion they are encouraging.



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53 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Um, why?

37 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

@xinoehp512, you are viewing the thread. Please respond.

The one I referenced in this post. Sorry, I probably should have made that clearer.

6 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I’m not usually one to post much player analysis on the first cycle… or, well, ever, really… but I’m trying to do better. I’m going to vote anyways, to get the money, so might as well at least try to make it reason-driven.

There have been several votes so far, but the only remaining ones that I can find with an explicit stated reason for suspicion are Karnage’s vote on Araris, Magestar’s vote on Coda, Experience’s vote on Coda, and TJ’s vote on Magestar.

On 6/4/2020 at 9:07 PM, Magestar said:

No idea.  I'm sure he's got some reasons though.  :P 

In all seriousness, though, I've been keeping an eye on a couple of people as the cycle progresses, and despite there not being a whole lot to go on, I've got a couple of ideas.  I'd rather not discuss them in too much depth, as I've said previously, but I'll talk a little bit about Coda and Xino.

I have a tendency to be suspicious of people who play very safe with their posts.  I've talked previously about how discussing the roles in the game is a good way to seem like you're contributing without drawing a lot of suspicion to yourself.  So Xino was really one of the people who I was most suspicious of.  This has been nullified somewhat by my own realization that this appears to be Xino's play style in general.  Coda, however, acted similarly, which is apparently different from their usual play style.  This, in concert with a few things they've said, along with their activity right at the beginning of the cycle, gave me a weird vibe.  I wouldn't say they're necessarily the person I'm most suspicious of at the moment, or even that they're the person who I think will give the most information from a successful lynch, but Coda is the person on Araris' list I'm most willing to lynch/discuss lynching.

This is actually a fairly good point. I don't think it makes me suspicious enough of Coda to vote for them quite yet, but they're definitely on my radar.

On 6/4/2020 at 9:15 PM, Experience said:

Yes, the thing is that we may not want to suck up the action. As I said before, I'm leaning village for araris, and they thought that coda and I weren't on the same team. This means that Coda must be an elim. (ILuvHats)

On 6/4/2020 at 9:36 PM, Experience said:

I know right?! Maybe you should just take some time to do some 200 word posts. That way I can just not have to worry about winning. 


Oh. Ok. Ya, that makes sense. I'm going to keep my vote on them for now, mostly because I don't want to die and you thought they were a good canidate. Of course, you also thought I was so not sure what to think. :P 

Just because someone is a good alignment doesn't necessarily make them right. While there certainly may be quite valid reasons for Coda to be lynched, it's best to try to discover them for yourself. 

21 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

How are you guys getting reads out of people when everyone is just yelling "Do not worry about the kandra!"? 

The only thing I can think of is @Ashbringer and his kandra analysis. They started with a solid kandra-could-impersonate statement, but then recanted it saying they didn't want else to worry, and then they recanted their recantation. I would say it's suspicious but I understand a new player's eagerness. 

Araris and @Magestar are likely to be on opposite teams seeing as they are the most experienced players. They could both be eliminators but I don't see them both being villagers. I know it's not an analysis based on "read", but it's the best I can come up with right now. In the spirit of maintaining the tie, Magestar.

I'm fairly certain elim teams are almost always chosen by pure RNG, which makes trying to meta them pointless.

On 6/4/2020 at 11:45 AM, Karnage said:

Hey y'all I still here! For a while I might just have to meet the minimum requirements to be active because I have been busy, but we will see.

First off there is going to be a lot going on in the game. A lot. I suspect that we won't be able to trust anybody's role call (if they do make one) since there are many roles that can have similar results while going about it different ways.  I think that the best way to catch eliminators is by catching them in the act of lying (as they don't want the villagers to know anything) which will requiring some sleuthing which I know many of y'all are good at and goes over my head some of the time. So either catching them lying or finding them going under the radar. The radar part being a hard route to find them since there will inevitably be some villagers who won't be active in the game. The thief seems particularly troubling in the elims hands (as Magestrar said), honestly they could probably just target the person who has made the most posts so far and gradually just get more and more money till they can get the most powerful items to use. 

As for the elim team. I suspect that there might be 4-6 people on the elim team with 1-2 of them being newer players, 1-2 of them being mid-experienced players, and 2-4 being experienced players. I don't really want to vote on Mist since they are newer to the game.  

I will place a vote on Araris since they are pretty experienced form what I know and in the MR the most experienced ones seemed like those that could hide the best and make themselves the most invaluable. (Looking at you Straw). I feel like getting a more experienced player lynched could be a good thing and a bad thing. The good part being that whatever they end up having done they would have done it in the best interests of whomever side they are on, a second good thing is that if a newer player is on the elim team then it is harder to get a read on what they have done or were trying to do. The bad part is that we get rid of an experience player who can help out a lot more that a non- experienced player. 

I'll throw this post in because it has a similar argument to the one before. Maybe I'm just biased because I'm "experienced" :Pbut I dislike voting on someone because it would be bad if they were an eliminator.

Well, I haven’t found a vote target yet. Time to go look through Coda’s posts...

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Guest Coda

In the interest of self-preservation, I will vote Karnage. I would like to make it clear that I do not suspect Karnage at all, but my PM friend has requested that I attempt to prolong my life.

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Jeez.  Working evening shifts bites. You guys get so darn active.

7 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Pyria trembled as her arms strained to hold the meat pies on her head. She had always liked meat pies, and wanted to eat these ones, but she couldn’t move-

No, it was okay. Just like those practices daddy had taught her to keep her back straight after she was slouching. It was one of those games! Maybe the person who put it on her head was a friend of daddy’s from work? That must be it, otherwise he wouldn’t know the game! All she had to do was stand up straight, then someone would come and she could stop and eat the extra yummy food as a prize! But if she spilled it on the floor, she couldn’t eat it because it was dirty. Then her daddy would get mad at her.

The meat pies were heavier than anything she’d ever balanced before though. They were beginning to tip. Pyria struggled, and was just falling over when someone knocked the pies off her head.

The young girl crashed to the ground, dishes shattering. Thankfully, her head didn’t hit the ground, but the crash immediately caught everyone’s attention. If they frequented the building, they might actually recognise the girl.

As Pyria stared at the splattered food in front of her, her eyes began to sting. Big girls don’t cry,she told herself. Big girls don’t cry!

However, a young girl’s sobbing began to fill the room regardless.


Had to justify why she was holding still for so long here, and it got kinda dark O.0

Dang that got dark quickly.  There's way too much RP that's happened since I've been gone to try and keep up with it all, so IDK what actually happened after this.  Reginald's sorry about the whole pie thing.

Since it seems like people are likely to counter-lynch Coda, and Karnage is kind of a weird choice, I'm going to move my vote to Ashbringer@DrakeMarshall, I believe you voiced some suspicions of them earlier?  I don't typically like lynching newer players, but I'd rather lynch Ash, who I'm somewhat suspicious of, and who I feel would give a bit of information from their death, than end up having a counter-lynch on Karnage, which would accomplish next to nothing.  I don't have a whole lot of time right now, since I've got a 7:45 shift tomorrow and need to actually sleep.  :P  However, I will give a brief explanation of my vote on Ash.

1:  Their posts often seem like they're trying to get to the word count without drawing much attention to themselves.

2:  They've posted a lot about the Kandra, which could in theory be an attempt to draw attention away from Elims.

3:  Despite their supposed worry about the Kandra, every time someone's tried to argue against such a worry, Ash has been sure to couch their own arguments.  Seems a little sus to me.  Could just be a villager worrying about reading Elim, but I've found Elim's tend to worry about that more than villagers, especially among newer players.  (Is Ash new?  I thought they were.  Idk.  :P)

Like I said, it's not much, but it's more than I have even on Coda.  I haven't had time to look over many posts, so I don't know if anything new has come up.  I like the Ash lynch better than a Karnage or Coda lynch.  That's all I've got.  :P 

Edited by Magestar
Wording. Word weird when tired I guess.
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Tallybot activate!!

Vote Tally
Karnage (4): Coda, DrakeMarshall, The Young Pyromancer, xinoehp512
Coda (3): Araris Valerian, Experience, Ventyl
Araris Valerian (2): Karnage, Matrim's_Dice
Ashbringer (2): Lahilt, Magestar
Experience (1): Elandera
Matrim's_Dice (1): The_God_King
Mist (1): Shard of Reading
Magestar (1): TJ Shade
The_God_King (1): Elkanah

Huh it's not a tie...

Araris :P

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Just now, DrakeMarshall said:

Tallybot activate!!

Vote Tally
Karnage (4): Coda, DrakeMarshall, The Young Pyromancer, xinoehp512
Coda (3): Araris Valerian, Experience, Ventyl
Araris Valerian (2): Karnage, Matrim's_Dice
Ashbringer (2): Lahilt, Magestar
Experience (1): Elandera
Matrim's_Dice (1): The_God_King
Mist (1): Shard of Reading
Magestar (1): TJ Shade
The_God_King (1): Elkanah

Huh it's not a tie...

Araris :P

A friendly reminder that a tie lynches a random player.  Not, IIRC, a random player from the tie, but a random player.  I'd rather the lynch have some sort of village will behind it.

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Well, now I have an interest in self-preservation. Karnage. Sorry. I’ll move to Hatz if you post/more people vote for Hatz.

Yes, I am new. Joined about a week or two ago, and this is my first SE game. I guess I’m hesitant to read people, especially stuck on mobile like I have been today. It’s hard to scroll through everything.

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Guest Coda
3 minutes ago, Magestar said:

A friendly reminder that a tie lynches a random player.  Not, IIRC, a random player from the tie, but a random player.  I'd rather the lynch have some sort of village will behind it.

Then why don't you vote? 

EDIT: I was wrong, you did vote, sorry

Edited by Coda
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Just now, Coda said:

Then why don't you vote? 

I uh.  I have voted.  I have a vote on Ash?  I could change it to you, if you'd like.  That'd shore up your lynch a bit.  But Idk if you want that.

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