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10 hours ago, revelryintheart said:

Yeah a lot of what we're learning in Bio is what we learned last year in chemistry (like ionic and covalent bonds).

The one ring are you in biology right now?

No, we in physics now. 7th grade is biology, 8th physics plus chemistry, 9th physics, and I’m in 9th grade.


also, school is boring, we didn't have quarantine and i didn’t see why you all wanted to be back so badly

I can get why you don’t want COVID


Kind of. it’s not that serious here

But no school? Why would you what that?

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6 hours ago, Condensation said:

I used to read books that were hidden inside my desk.

Oh my gosh me too!! But then in Jr. High and High School, the desks didn't open, it was just a piece of wood, so I couldn't do that anymore... In third grade, my teacher gave every student an "award" for something reoccurring during the school year, and I got the "Always has a book in her hand" award. I would also sometimes get red marks on my forehead from resting it on my desk, or I'd ask if I could stay in during recess and read, and when the teacher said no, I'd take the book outside and sit on the blacktop and read. Good times.

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10 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:

I would also sometimes get red marks on my forehead from resting it on my desk

Oh this was me :P I would regularly get the question 'are you okay?' from classmates or the teacher, to which I'd pick my head up and be like 'I'm reading' and they'd look at me for a second and be like 'um okay' :D 

Or I'd just get asked how I got a line on my forehead. That was always fun to answer. 

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Just now, Bearer of all agonies said:

OMG the exact same thing happened to me. Sometimes people would ask me if I was okay because they would think that I was crying. :D

Yep. It was annoying how often it seemed to happen. :P 

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