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We just hear or read that glys is a truthwatch spren but we never hear what type he is.

Like Syl is in regards a windrunner spren but she is actually an honorspren.

So I would like to know your thoughts on this matter coz it's been on my mind for a while or maybe I just missed it 

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The type of spren that Truthwatchers bond is, sadly, not yet known. At one point lightspren was used as a filler name but since that's another name for Reachers it's not a good choice anymore. We're due to get info on Orders with the next book so hopefully we'll find out then.

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We don't have a name, but Ym would have been a Truthwatcher and his spren is described in his interlude. The Coppermind summary describes it as this:


As it moves it looks like specks of light, like those from a piece of crystal suspended in a sunbeam. When it stops, light creeps upward from it, like small plants growing, which withdraw when it starts moving again.

That's where the "lightspren" sentiment came from, since we can only guess the name from this describtion. I would be on board with "rainbowspren". :D

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There is some circumstantial evidence that the Truthwatcher Spren and therefore Glys might be the "Keenspren".

For reference: While describing his life as a gardener, Wyndle lists off various types of Spren that had came to him to have gardens grown. Every type that he mentions we know to be a Radiantspren, less the Keenspren. Assuming they follow suit, then there are your Truthwatcher Spren (Or Stoneward Spren [though they seem to be a worse fit] as we know every other order's Spren). 

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Brandon hadn't decided on a final name for them yet while writing Oathbringer, so we do not have a name for them:



Can you tell me what the Truthwatcher spren are called, like do they have a name? I know it's not in Oathbringer.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, I'm not gonna canonize that yet. There're things I am still thinking about.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)


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I've taken to calling them "Shimmerspren" since that's an elegant term for the refracted light that they resemble in the Physical realm. Also, it would make "Glys" a thematically appropriate name, being short for Glisten, like glistening light on a wall, shimmering. :)

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In the Physical Realm, Glys looks like a red crystalline snowflake structure, which drips light upwards. This is not the form of normal Truthwatcher spren, who appear as light reflected through crystal on a surface but Glys still somewhat resembles his old form, much like other corrupted (or as Sja-Anat calls it: Enlightened) spren we see in Kholinar in OB

We don't know what kind of spren he is(-ish... was?) without knowing the Ideals of the Truthwatchers but perhaps the Order's Divine Attributes could help fuel speculation: Learned and Giving

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