The Sovereign Posted July 18, 2019 Report Share Posted July 18, 2019 (edited) For the last couple of years I have been maintaining a list of questions for Brandon. I tend to do a full re-read of the Cosmere each time a new book comes out. I have been updating it every couple of months with new questions, answers from WOB, etc. I have a post somewhere in the middle of Ultimate list of questions, but as it is buried somewhere in the middles of the 160+ page thread it can be a pain to find and maintain. I figured a separate thread would be easier for me to find and manage and shed some light on a few questions that I haven't seen raised anywhere else. Anyways... 1.) Are the Shodel hoardings or some type of legion/hivemind entities, and is Bavadin a Shodel? (A question pertaining to Bavadin being a Dragon was recently RAFO'd, Uli Da (Ambition) has been confirmed to be a Shodel in a recent WOB, The Shodel are not a Hivemind per my signed copy of Mistborn TFE 10th Aniversary 3/26/2018, Bavadin was confirmed to not be a Hivemind At Tel Aviv Signing on 10/18/2019. When combined with my Signed Mistborn this could be some circumstantial evidence to indicate Bavadin may be a Shodel (or it at least leaves the door open...) 2.) Is Aslydin a Feruchemist? (This has been RAFO'd when @Argent asked and when I did in the past.) 3.) Is the chain Kaladin sees in the shop in Shadesmar made of Dragonsteel? No, the chain is from Threnody and made of Silver. (RAFO'd in my signed WOA 3/29/2018, Silver Chain per Brandon's Reddit 8/23 ) 4.) Was Tien a proto-Lightweaver? (Yes, he was per a WOB from MisCon 2018) 5.) Would other Spren consider Cusicesh to be a Deadeye? 6.) Which ability does Mraize's Aviar have? (This was RAFO'd at the Oathbringer Release Party on 11/4/2017) 7.) Was Iyatil expelled from the 17th Shard or did she leave for her own reasons? 8.) Is "The Sibling" the Spren of Urithiru? (Yes, confirmed by ROW) 9.) Is Was Felt a member of the 17th Shard? Did he recruit Aslydin and/or Demoux? (With RoW I now suspect that Felt is actually a Ghostblood, Due to a couple of WOBs mentioned in the comments I now revert to thinking he may have been a member of the 17th Shard but isn't currently, he also very likely wasn't a member of the Ghostbloods due to a lack of secrecy from him regarding who he is.) 10.) When Hoid says he thinks he technically owns the place at Kelesina's mansion, is he referring to Scadrial as a whole? (Hoid is talking about the Mansion per WOB at the Barnes & Noble, Orem, UT signing 12/21/17) 11.) Are the Lightspren the Spren of the Stonewards? (Nope, context definitely makes them the Willshaper Spren, confirmed VIA WOB at JordanCon '18) 12.) Is the coachman Cobb in Shadows of Self the same Cobb from the Epilogue of Oathbringer? (VIA WOB at JordonCon '18 they are not the same). 13.) Is the tube device [gun] in the Ghastly Gondala story in the BOM broadsheet a Fabrial using a trapped Threnody Shade in a similar way to a Trapped Spren Fabrial on Roshar? 14.) If someone were to Ascend on Sel or somehow push the majority of Dominion and Devotions' investiture back into the Spiritual Realm would the assorted Dor related magics stop being location dependent? 15.) Red in the Cosmere shows co-opted Investiture. I suspect that some amount of Odium and Ambitions' investiture is dormant on Threnody. This brings up some very interesting questions with the Shades. When the rules are broken, the eyes turn from green to red. Something is triggering the foreign investiture (presumably Odium's) to affect the Shades. What is really interesting though is that after some time the eyes turn back to green and then shut. What is actually going on here? 16.) Does pre-Ascension [Rashek's Ascension] Allomancy (like Alendi's Seeking) still exist in the Southern Scadrian's bloodlines? (Yes, WOB provided by @alder24) 17.) When we see someone's Breath pulse as they die, are they getting a glimpse into the Spiritual Realm? 18.) Are the Spiritual Realm paintings from the Court of Gods painted with Tears of Edgli dye based paints? 19.) Are the glimpses into the Spiritual realm via prophetic dreams a product of a Return's Divine Breath or a result of being of the 5th heightening. Could a non-Returned of the 5th Heightening or higher have similar dreams? 20.) Is the flirty, non-Thaylen woman that is wearing a Thaylen dress in Urithiru that Veil remarks on Tarah? (To be answered in a SA5 interlude per WOB) 21.) If someone burns Malatium and looks at someone who is burning Gold do they see the same thing or would they see different possibilities? 22.) Is Durn from HoA a Worldhopper? Does he have perfect pitch? (Durn being a worldhopper was RAFO'd at the Chicago Skyward 11/16/2018) 23.) When Shallan is reading the book "Shadows Remembered" in the Palinaeum she reads a story with a whittled man that is used to distract a Voidbringer. Is this an offhanded Awakening reference? 24.) In the death rattle "He watches! The Black piper in the night. He holds us in his palm... playing a tune that no man can hear!" is the tune no man can hear a literal tune? Is it something that can be heard by someone attuned to the Rhythms? 25.) Were the Cryptics interested in Sadeas? There is a scene in WoR where Sadeas is reflecting about Dalinar and admits deep down that he doesn't want the Blackthorn back he wants Dalinar dead. This self awareness seems to be the exact type of thing that would attract a Cryptic. Especially when contrasted with the outward lie he says about wanting the old Dalinar back and what he did at the tower being a mercy out of respect to the Dalinar of old. 26.) Gavilar says to Eshonai "My people where Radiant once and your people were Vibrant" Are/were there for lack of a better term "Vibrant Knight" Singers? The 9 types of Fused Brands are the Singer "Radiants". 27.) When Wax visits his grandmother in the Village during Shadows of Self she makes a cup of tea; The smell causes Wax to have vivid memories flare up of things from his past. Is the tea invested? 28.) Are the Truthwatchers' Spren the Keenspren? (Mistspren per ROW) 29.) Would Spren describe the Reod damaged Seons as Deadeyes? 30.) Who is the Gyorn that is seen in Ashravan's palace? 31.) When we see Kelsier flare his Malatium he sees LTR ascending. Does the flaring of Malatium show you the specific choice/event/etc. that made you become one of the possibility shadows and not the other? I.E. "this is what made you become this possibility and not this one..." In Rashek's case, Ascension. Or was it just a generic look into the Spiritual Realm? (I've more or less talked myself into thinking it is a simple as he is just getting a look into the Spriritual Realm. As @cometaryorbit pointed out the Transition between Realms with his death likely affected it as well as Preservation indicated.) 32.) Is the IRE fortress in the shape of an Aon? If so, which one? 33.) Did Llarimar become the God King's new head priest after the events of Warbreaker? (Possibly, per WoB provided by @alder24) 34.) Who painted "The Battle Of Twilight Falls"? (At the Starsight Release on 11/26/19 R'Shara asked about the painting in Celebrant, they are done by the same artist) (No one specific per WoB provided by @alder24) 35.) Does Susebron have a returned name [title]? 36.) Is Mrall a Kandra? (Skyward release on 11/6/2018 acknowledged something is going on with him) 37.) This isn't really a question so much as a prediction; Will Balat Davar end up as a Dustbringer? 38.) Was Gavilar a closeted gay man? (Almost certainly not with the context of WoR and KWT prologues) 39.) We know that different orders access the surges in different ways (I.E. Windrunner and Skybreaker Gravitation are slightly different). Are the Bondsmith Surges similarly different based on which Spren is bonded? (For example would Stormfather Spiritual Adhesion and Nightwatcher Spiritual Adhesion be slightly different?) 40.) Has Relis Ruthar attracted and/or bonded a Spren? 41.) Would Nightblood consume himself if he were drawn for too long and ran out of investiture to consume similar to a Returned who has nothing to consume after a week? Vasher tells Vivenna that Nightblood only needs Breaths when he is drawn. 42.) Would using emotional Allomancy on a Spren affect how strongly it manifests? (Rioting causing it to Manifest stronger, Soothing to cause it to fade back into the Cognitive Realm). (At "Out Of Excuses" in 2016 Brandon confirmed that emotionally Allomancy does affect Spren and can be observed. The Epigraph from RoW Chapter 7 hints at how they are affected.) 43.) Did Mercy finish off Amibition? 44.) Are there any Sleepless in the deep sands on Taldain? 45.) Are Dragons attuned to the Rhythms? 46.) Assuming the Tones of Shards can be used as a template, can we assume that War and Science would be likely results of the combinations of the Shards Odium & Honor and Cultivation & Honor respectively? 47.) Tumi refers to Rlain as "Bridger of Minds"; In Oathbringer Rlain makes a comment that the members of Bridge Four seem to almost be able to hear the Rythyms. Is a strong connection to Rlain causing people to be attune to the Rhythms over time? 48.) Was the Diagram specifically warning against allowing Rlain to form his bond? ["TherehastobeananswerWhatistheanswerStopTheParshendiOneofthemYestheyarethemissingpiecePushfortheAlethitodestroythemoutrightbeforethisoneobtainstheirpowerItwillformabridge"] 49.) With her bond to the Sibling can Navani hear the Rhythms? 50.) Assuming Cultivation's Boon/Curse are still in affect; Does Odium [The Power] have more control while Mr.T is having a compassionate day and Mr.T have more control while having an intelligent day? 51.) Is the Evil that has corrupted the Homeland on Threnody related to the Fainlife? 52.) Was the Set's torture room in Dulsing simply an interrogation room or were they also using it for Hemalurgic experimentation? 53.) Denth says that Vasher's use of the name 'Vasher' is a joke on his part. What is the joke? (Per this WOB provided by @Wandering Shade Vasher appropriated the name from someone him and Denth both knew.) 54.) Is Sixth Of The Dusk the audience in "Tress Of The Emerald Sea"? 55.) Is "Foil" an alias for Xisis the Dragon? (Yes) 56.) When Shallan lets her mind wander while drawing she sometimes draws things that are actually happening; Yalb and other survivors of "The Wind's Pleasure" helping each other out of the water after the shipwreck, Shallash destroying a statue, etc. Is she getting a minor glimpse into the Spiritual realm? Or is she possibly tapping into her connection to the things she is drawing? (Shallan's resounance from her Double Nahel bond allows her to tap Fortune in her drawings) 57.) Renarin seems to have normal Radiant Regrowth and Enlightened (Corrupted) Lightweaving. What is to say that Rlain will be the same? Could he not have normal Radiant Lightweaving and Enlightened (Corrupted) Regrowth? Tumi refers to him as "Bridger Of Minds" and there is a part of the Diagram that possibly is warning about allowing Rlain to form a bond. Is the ability to "Bridge Minds" the form Enlightened Regrowth will take? (For Reference: "There has to be an answer. What is the answer? Stop. The Parshendi. One of them. Yes they are the missing piece. Push for the Alethi to destroy them outright before this one obtains their power. It will form a bridge.") 58.) Was Ialai Sadaes' "Shin Wine" actually from off world rather than Shinovar? How Cosmere aware was Ialai (and the Sons of Honor)? 59.) Does Vasher know the Pure Tone Of Nalthis? If so, is it related to how he uses Stormlight to feed his Returned nature? 60.) How did Balat's sword strike actually damage Lin Davar's Soulcaster? It is a manifested Spren, shouldn't the metal be Tanavastium and resistant to physical damage? Was his Soulcaster a fake as well like Jasnah's? 61.) Are The Mink and The Lopen cousins? 62.) We know there were at least two migrations of humans to Roshar (From Ashen and wherever the Iriali originally came from) but between "The Girl Who Looked Up" and "The Dog And The Dragon" I am not starting to thing there were (at least) 3 major migrations. Was the origins of "The Girl Who Looked Up" a human migration from Braize to Roshar? My guess is the humans who ended up in Shinovar are the Humans from Ashen while the Non-Iriali humans on Roshar with epicanthic folds in their eyes are descendants of people from Braize. It should be noted that biologically Epicanthic folds developed in people who lived in very cold areas. 63.) Did the vision Moash saw when he looked into Renarin's light in Hearthstone show him a vision parallel to one he would see if he had Allomantically burned Gold? Does this happen because Renarin masks those close to him from Odium in the same way Ruin and Preservation can't see metal? 64.) Was "Vyre, He Who Quiets" El's Title prior to it being stripped away from him? (Yes, confirmed by El and Lesian in RoW, I'm not sure how I missed that the first time around) 65.) Is there anyone in the Cosmere who knows "The Rhythm Of Adolnalsium?" 66.) Were the Tukari that attacked Notum in Shadesmar going to take him to be used in Ishar's Physical Realm Spren experiments? 67.) After Tanavast's death did the Stormfather inherit (become) the Dawnshard "Unite"? 68.) Since we know the Era 1 Atium was actually an Atium-Electrum alloy does that mean that the "Seers" in Hero Of Ages were actually Oracles? Hypothetically anyone could burn actual Atium, but I suspect you would need to be able to burn Electrum to burn the Alloy. (Yes, per WoP provided by @alder24) 69.) Does the Southern Scadrian method for creating Medallions require Hemalurgy? (Per WoB provided by @alder24 Hemalurgy makes the process much easier, but it isn't necessary) 70.) Was the false Charlie reptile creature a Sho-Del? MeLaan descripes her Sho-Del guide in Shademar as Reptilian. 71.) We know from TotES that to become an Elantrian you need to be invited. Is Elantris itself a Fabrial that invites potential Elantrians in addition to amplifying the powers of Aon-Dor? (As @Treamayne pointed out, there are several WoBs confirming the the Shaod is indeed a mechanism of Elantris itself) 72.) Are The Stormfather, The Nightwatcher, and The Sibling Unmade of Honor, Cultivation, and the two together for lack of a better term? Enlightened/Corrupted Great Spren. 73.) Are the Oathgates Manifested Ink Spren? ( Spoiler Yes, confirmed in Winds and Truth ) 74.) When will Ash and Taln bond an Ashspren and Peakspren respectively? (Shalash becoming a Dustbringer was RAFO'd At the Oathbringer London Signing in 2017) 75.) Are the IRE and Vasher using Anti-Investiture to remove Identity from The Dor and Stormlight respectively making Unkeyed Dor/Stormlight? 76.) Is Sja-Anat an Avatar of or at least working with Autonomy? 77.) Is the glow fungus in the Kandra homeland that same as or divergently related to the fungus that grows on Elantris feeding off the Investiture? Edited Tuesday at 12:27 PM by The Sovereign Couple of greater Cosmere questions added. 12 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent he/him Posted July 18, 2019 Report Share Posted July 18, 2019 I've found that keeping this stuff in a Google Doc can, depending on circumstances, be easier to work with. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karger he/him Posted July 18, 2019 Report Share Posted July 18, 2019 2 hours ago, The Sovereign said: 16.) Does pre-Ascension [Rashek's Ascension] Allomancy (like Alendi's Seeking) still exist in the Southern Scadrian's bloodlines? Yes. Spook was not over their and they never got Lerasium but at the same time they do have some native alomancers. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethan_sedai he/him Posted July 18, 2019 Report Share Posted July 18, 2019 2 hours ago, The Sovereign said: 6.) Which ability does Mraize's Aviar have? I’m pretty sure that this has been asked and RAFO’d. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted July 18, 2019 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, Karger said: Yes. Spook was not over their and they never got Lerasium but at the same time they do have some native alomancers. This makes sense, good call. They only thing I wonder is if Sazed changed it at all when he changed the Snapping mechanics. 1 hour ago, Ethan_Sedai said: I’m pretty sure that this has been asked and RAFO’d. Indeed! Thank you, I apparently missed this WOB. I have added a note referencing it. Edited July 18, 2019 by The Sovereign 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cometaryorbit Posted July 20, 2019 Report Share Posted July 20, 2019 On 7/18/2019 at 10:33 AM, Karger said: Yes. Spook was not over their and they never got Lerasium but at the same time they do have some native alomancers. At least some degree of potential, Spoiler Comatose So here's my last question. If there ARE people on the other side of the world, did Vin kill them all by placing the sun on their side, or do they have they're own Ruin/Preservation battle going on over there as well? Do they also have allomancy feruchemy and hemalurgy? Brandon Sanderson No, they're not dead. Yes, Rashek was aware of them. In fact, he placed them there as a reserve. I knew he wanted a 'control' group of people in case his changes to genetics ended with the race being in serious trouble. All I'll say is that he found a way other than changing them genetically to help them survive in the world he created. And since they were created by Ruin and Preservation, they have the seeds of the Three Metallic Arts in them—though without anyone among them having burned Lerasium, Allomancers would have been very rare in their population and full Mistborn unheard of. Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide (Oct. 15, 2008) Allik claims in BOM that they didn't have any Metalborn when the Sovereign showed up, but that's not necessarily contradictory - it appears that in Alendi's era that potential only manifested as actual Allomancy via Mist-snapping ("Allomancy came with the mists"). 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted July 21, 2019 Author Report Share Posted July 21, 2019 I added a Question I thought of while re-reading Secret History. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheFoxQR Posted July 21, 2019 Report Share Posted July 21, 2019 On 7/18/2019 at 9:21 AM, The Sovereign said: 31.) When we see Kelsier flare his malatium he sees LTR ascending. Does the flaring of Malatium show you specific choice/event/etc. That made you become one of the possiblity shadows and not the other? I.E. "this is what made you become this possibility and not this one..." In Rashek's case, Ascension. Or was it just a generic look into the Spiritual Realm? Atium seems to be tapping Fortune, Gold is similarly tapping Destiny? Is this a Fortune + Destiny combo for Malatium? 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted July 23, 2019 Author Report Share Posted July 23, 2019 (edited) On 7/21/2019 at 5:11 PM, TheFoxQR said: Atium seems to be tapping Fortune, Gold is similarly tapping Destiny? Is this a Fortune + Destiny combo for Malatium? I believe both just give you limited glimpses into the Spiritual Realm from different perspectives. The more I think about it, the more I think the flaring of Malatium just gave Kelsier a better glimpse into the Spiritual Realm similar to when Elend burned Atium with Duralumin. Edited July 23, 2019 by The Sovereign 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cometaryorbit Posted July 26, 2019 Report Share Posted July 26, 2019 On 7/23/2019 at 9:04 AM, The Sovereign said: I believe both just give you limited glimpses into the Spiritual Realm from different perspectives. The more I think about it, the more I think the flaring of Malatium just gave Kelsier a better glimpse into the Spiritual Realm similar to when Elend burned Atium with Duralumin. Yeah, and Preservation mentions to Kelsier "the metal, flared at the moment of transition" - so I think it was a combination of flaring malatium and the 'Realmatic transition' of dying that gave Kelsier that better glimpse. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted July 29, 2019 Author Report Share Posted July 29, 2019 (edited) I added a question I thought of while re-reading Warbreaker. This one is mostly just me wanting confirmation of what I realized this read through was my head canon despite having no supporting evidence... 8/1: Added a few more Warbreaker questions. Edited August 1, 2019 by The Sovereign 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted August 23, 2019 Author Report Share Posted August 23, 2019 (edited) 8/23:Updated the list per a new WOB on the Celebrant Chain. 10/23: Updated the Bavadin question per a new WOB. Edited October 23, 2019 by The Sovereign 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted November 6, 2019 Author Report Share Posted November 6, 2019 (edited) Made some changes per recent WOBs. Updated: Per @RShara's question at the Starsight release. Edited December 3, 2019 by The Sovereign 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RShara she/her Posted December 3, 2019 Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 On 11/6/2019 at 6:30 AM, The Sovereign said: Made some changes per recent WOBs. Updated: Per @RShara's question at the Starsight release. I'm feeling such thwarted frustration on that semi-RAFO hahahaha. "They were the same once, but might not be any more, I can't remember for sure." *cries* 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted December 3, 2019 Author Report Share Posted December 3, 2019 (edited) 26 minutes ago, RShara said: I'm feeling such thwarted frustration on that semi-RAFO hahahaha. "They were the same once, but might not be any more, I can't remember for sure." *cries* I feel your pain , with context I'd be inclined to say same artist, different painting. Llarimar was able to see red swirls. Which would imply he was seeing the same picture as Lightsong (less the 3rd Heightening). Since he makes no mention of Black I would conclude they are different even with the people see different things part. Obviously I am making a bit of leap here but that's what I'm going with in my head until something else comes from this. I'd still really like to know if the paints being used are based with Tears Of Edgli. Edited December 3, 2019 by The Sovereign 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted December 26, 2019 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2019 I've been re-reading Stormlight and added a couple of questions. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karger he/him Posted December 26, 2019 Report Share Posted December 26, 2019 On 7/18/2019 at 9:21 AM, The Sovereign said: 8.) Is "The Sibling" the Spren of Urithiru? "Goodnight sweat sibling" so I would say yes but I am not sure how explicit you require the proof to be. On 7/18/2019 at 9:21 AM, The Sovereign said: 18.) Are the Spiritual Realm paintings from the Court of Gods painted with Tears of Edgli dye based paints? This is the annotation of greatest relevance. Quote Warbreaker Annotations (Nov. 16, 2010) #1 Nov. 16, 2010 Share Copy Brandon Sanderson Lightsong Sees the Painting of the Red Battle This is our first major clue (though a subtle one at the same time) that there might be something to the religion of the Iridescent Tones. Lightsong does see something in this painting that an ordinary person wouldn't be able to. A well-crafted piece of art, made by a person channeling the Tones and connected to them via Breath, can speak to a Returned. Now, in this case, it doesn't work quite like Llarimar says it does—Lightsong doesn't actually prophesy about the black sword in the way the priest thinks. In other words, Lightsong isn't prophesying that he'll see the Black Sword (Nightblood) in the day's activities. Instead, Lightsong is seeing an image of a previous war, which is prophetic in that another Manywar is brewing—and in both cases, Nightblood will be important to the outcome of the battle. On 7/18/2019 at 9:21 AM, The Sovereign said: 23.) When Shallan is reading the book "Shadows Remembered" in the Palinaeum she reads a story with a whittled man that is used to distract a Voidbringer. Is this an offhanded Awakening reference? Someone somewhere asked this. I am almost certain. On 7/18/2019 at 9:21 AM, The Sovereign said: Are/were there for lack of a better term "Vibrant Knight" Singers? Not in the time referenced by Gavilar. The songs confirm this. Tho broth are we their meet is men. Classically singers can't surgebind. There are reasons for this that have not yet been revealed. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted December 26, 2019 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2019 56 minutes ago, Ookla the Prolific said: "Goodnight sweat sibling" so I would say yes but I am not sure how explicit you require the proof to be. This is the annotation of greatest relevance. Someone somewhere asked this. I am almost certain. Not in the time referenced by Gavilar. The songs confirm this. Tho broth are we their meet is men. Classically singers can't surgebind. There are reasons for this that have not yet been revealed. I tend to agree with you regarding the "Goodnight Sweet Sibling" referring to Urithiru "powering down". Regarding the Painting, I was more questioning the properties of the painting itself. Specifically I was wondering if it was invested as a result of the paint being invested via the Tears of Edgli flower dye. Any idea what the answer was regarding the Shadows Remembered question? I am well versed in the WOBs and whatnot and I've never seen this particular one. (Not to say it doesn't exist, there are certainly WOBs that I haven't seen... I'm just a bit neurotic if we're being completely honest...) I agree that there weren't Singers who could Surgebind via-Nahel Bond. But there are pretty clear implications that they were Voidbinding during the Desolations. My question was more so was there an order of Fused that were called Vibrant something or other. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karger he/him Posted December 26, 2019 Report Share Posted December 26, 2019 15 minutes ago, The Sovereign said: Specifically I was wondering if it was invested as a result of the paint being invested via the Tears of Edgli flower dye. Yeah I don't know. It is a good question though. 16 minutes ago, The Sovereign said: Any idea what the answer was regarding the Shadows Remembered question? I think it was something along the lines of "not really" or "a little bit and this is the sort of thing that happens in the cosmere but it more references making real world stuff." However I really want someone to dig up that specific WoB because I am almost sure it is out there. Maybe call Cal? 17 minutes ago, The Sovereign said: I agree that there weren't Singers who could Surgebind via-Nahel Bond. But there are pretty clear implications that they were Voidbinding during the Desolations. My question was more so was there an order of Fused that were called Vibrant something or other. Ahhh that makes sense. We will learn in book 4. I am fairly sure Brandon will RAFO anything until then. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted January 13, 2020 Author Report Share Posted January 13, 2020 Added a few more questions from my current Stormlight re-read. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted July 8, 2020 Author Report Share Posted July 8, 2020 I had been taking a Cosmere break and stopped working on this for a few months while reading other things. This past weekend I knocked out Warbreaker for the first time in a couple of years. It brought up a Nightblood question that I don't believe I've ever seen someone ask. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted January 7, 2022 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2022 (edited) Quote LewsTherinTelescope The fainlife from the Liar sample chapters is one of my favorite elements of the Cosmere so far. Has it spread significantly anywhere besides Yolen so far? I really want to see more of it. Brandon Sanderson It has spread off of Yolen in signficant ways. YouTube Spoiler Stream 3 (Dec. 16, 2021) As we know that Ambition's vessel 'Uli-Da' was a Sho-Del, this WOB makes me wonder if the Evil on Threnody is related to corruption from the Fainlife. Assuming Ambition had invested in Threnody, it would stand to reason she brought the Fainlife with her. Edited January 7, 2022 by The Sovereign 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted June 27, 2022 Author Report Share Posted June 27, 2022 I am currently re-reading all of Mistborn and I noticed the descriptions of the Inquisitor Hemalurgy room in The Conventicle of Seran and the Set's interrogation room have some similarities. As we know the Set were using Hemalurgy it made me wonder if they were using the room for Hemalurgic experimentation. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thirdofstars Posted June 28, 2022 Report Share Posted June 28, 2022 I agree with the felt question (even if idk how to cite it) especially after hearing him use the curse “rusts” I’m shadesmar like in mistborn era 2 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Sovereign Posted June 29, 2022 Author Report Share Posted June 29, 2022 (edited) On 6/28/2022 at 0:53 PM, Thirdofstars said: I agree with the felt question (even if idk how to cite it) especially after hearing him use the curse “rusts” I’m shadesmar like in mistborn era 2 We do know he is a Worldhopper and he is originally from Scadrial (via context and confirmation via this 2018 WoB) . I was just rereading through the WoBs that mention him and stumbled upon this one from last year: Quote Avery Hinks Is there a canonical reason why Vasher and Vivenna changed their names to Zahel and Azure on Roshar? Brandon Sanderson Yes, it kind of comes into the fact that Vasher has gone through a bunch of name changes and there are a couple of answers to this. One is, in the Cosmere, like in a lot of like fantasy worlds, names and identity are just a pretty big deal, part of how the magic works is how you view yourself, and I like, in that instance, indicating that time has passed and the character has adopted a new name and things like this, it's just that's a thing. You've also probably noticed that behind the scenes in the Cosmere there are lots of different groups vying for control and power and things like this, and so going under a pseudonym's actually a pretty good idea. I guess an alias, they're not writing books, it's not pseudonyms, you know what I mean, going under an alias's generally a pretty good idea for just if you don't want attention from the wrong people. That said, I do have to balance this because, for instance, in Azure's case, you know, I picked something that Vivenna had, you know, blue had been associated with her in the previous book, so it's not a completely, that's partially for the reader's benefit, so it's easier for you to track who is who, just a little bit, and just a little bit easier to figure out who is who. But if run into someone like Felt, right? Felt doesn't care. He's not hiding from anybody. Felt is, you know, he's more like "I moved from Nebraska to Texas," right? "And now I'm living in Texas." That's more how he views it a little bit. He's not a secret agent (ooh, big spoilers). Felt just, you know, he moved, so he goes by the same name. And that's, you'll see some of that as well. If someone's going by an alias, I'm doing it to indicate one of those two things, usually. YouTube Spoiler Stream 2 (June 3, 2021) I had never seen this WoB before. Combined with other WoBs that have stated that his loyalty has changed at different points in his life, I am now inclined to think he is not a Ghostblood. He would probably be hiding his name if he were. I think we can even take it one step further and hypothesize that he isn't and never has been a Ghostblood. They don't seem like the type of group you just leave, so if he had been a member and left, I think secrecy would be much more important to him. I'm actually leaning back toward he may have been a member of the 17th Shard at some point but likely left the group. Quote Hoiditthroughthegrapevine *written* Is Felt and agent of Harmony? If not, is he a member of a secret society that we have seen? Brandon Sanderson *written* Felt is different in his allegiance depending on the part of his life. *spoken* Felt's allegiance has changed at various times during-- yeah, we'll just say that. His allegiance has changed over the years. There are times he's been a rogue agent. Skyward Seattle signing (Nov. 10, 2018) Edited June 29, 2022 by The Sovereign 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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