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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Price smiled and it was now his turn to write something on his ledger, a tick.

“We’re trying to test the limitations of this ability,” he said, growing a little bit excited. “Try jumping from the top of the ladder. And I wonder if the more ‘strings’ you attach, the greater the magic use?”

Sagitta shrugged.

"I have no idea how much magic I use. I simply do."

She climbed the ladder and got to the top. It was high. Higher than she'd ever been and her head swam. Jumping down was a bad idea. Worse than staying here, worse than working for them. Proudly she lifted her head and let go.

Her strings pulled tight while she fell and then she hit the ground. It hurt. A lot, if she was honest. She hadn't expected to really feel the impact and hadn't prepared to bend her knees to take some of the speed up, instead she ended up on the ground awkwardly trying to sort her limbs.


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On 7/17/2019 at 4:51 PM, Ax's Boyfriend said:

Name: Hallucinatio (Creativity)

Sex/Age: Appears anywhere from ten to fifty, and can be of either gender

Appearance: Varies widely. Manifests at numerous ages and as both genders, and anywhere from five feet to seven feet. Three things remain consistent between bodies. Eyes: A kaleidoscope pattern, shifting, in the colors of the rainbow, shifting, with the black and the white on the eye switched. Hair: The shade of silver, in a long ponytail, with small gemstones, amethyst, ruby, and aquamarine imbedded in the strands. Nails: Fingernails and toenails are long, with an extremely slowly turning black and white swirl, like a hypnotism thing. The body is always covered in tattoos, with tattoos on the arms, legs, chest, back, and neck, and with one on each  side of the eyes. The tattoos tend to be animals and quotes from poetry, with the exception of the tattoos by the eyes, which are always a symbol of some sort. Skin color varies, as does muscle/fast mass. Usually wears a long coat with many large pockets, died in various colors, or made of animal fur.

Instinct: Creativity

Nationality: Hopearaa. Could look like they come from any different nationality.

Personality: Unpredictable, but always tends to be overly dramatic, as if they were in a performance.

Weapons/Equipment: Trident, handle folding, pitch black and imbedded with quartz flecks. Dagger, rainbow blade and tiger fur handle. Shortsword, brilliant white blade with a purple sheath and handle. Five containers-two orbs that shatter and release gas, and two needles for injection, one dart shooter-full of a chemical that puts the brain on a hyperactive hallucinating and creative mode. Wide range of paint brushes, three small jars of paint. Flute, banjo, harmonica, hand drum, mouth harp. Pen and pencils.

Family: N/A

Backstory: Over the years, his mental state degraded further and further. He had small mental issues, but they continued to grow, as he left them as they were, not attempting to change. They began to take over his personality step by step, leaving him hyperactive, only able to speak in song or poetry, and generally acting erratically. He grew more and more unstable, and started to try and create "plot" in the world, spinning mortals against each other, using music and art to inspire conflict. This turned darker and darker, and it changed to inspiring lust, greed, violence. He began to live in a state of extreme paranoia, with strange views of the world, his only goal an "interesting" world, one violent and chaotic.


This sounds fine, except for this:


The gods and goddesses are supposed to look like normal people, and, er, Creativity doesn't. :P Maybe tone down the fingernails, make them not be moving? Neither Hopearaa nor Creativity should have the tech to do that. The eyes also might be a bit much. I won't say I don't like it, because I do, it just doesn't fit with the world's capabilities. Sorry, Ark. :( (Also, they haven't invented syringes yet, so you'll have to lose those.)

14 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Ene might have a better idea, which is why I purposely left lots of it vague when they enter the base.

That description works - I don't have anything specific for that stuff, so you guys can improvise whatever you need that seems reasonable.


On one side: The Interaction of the Gods.

On the other: Two people testing instincts.

Guess which has more tension? Props to Itiah and Sorana :lol:

Sorry BoS, I'm not ignoring anyone, I just haven't had the time to write.


Edited by AonEne
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Luna picked up two peices of the aroow shaft and began to quickly rub them together. As she did so, she increased the chance of them combusting and smoke bgegan to rise from the chucks of wood.  She dropped them on the ground and they ignited with a woosh. She snatched the rest of the shaft and some twigs and tossed them onto the growing blaze.

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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

Sorry BoS, I'm not ignoring anyone


Not my intention either, BoS. From an in-character perspective, I’ll echo Dapper’s comments. Beyond secrecy concerns, Tion doesn’t really care about the plight of the humans. Additionally, learning more about the Augury is a high priority for him right now, so he’s unlikely to get distracted easily. From an RPer point of view, I’m honesty having a bit of difficulty deciphering the intent of your last few posts. I thought I had adequately responded to your post. In future, I suggest adding more detail about your character’s thoughts if people don’t respond as planned, to reduce confusion (instead of framing follow-up posts in the form of a question). Something like Victoria stood behind a tree, thinking to herself. 'Ha ha! I love standing behind trees! They’re the best place to ambush gods who are attracted by the sounds of battle to this location. Sounds which I definitely made and described in extreme detail so they could not be missed!' *chuckles evilly* That’s how I’d go about it, anyway. Or, at this point, you could just drop some OOC suggestions about how you'd like to proceed. 

Tion’s dark eyes flickered in the light of the fire. He was thankful that Luna had started it, for it gave him a chance to examine the other gods’ appearances in true detail for the first time in a while. It was always humorous to see how they had changed their appearances, to better reflect their current personalities, to experiment with disguises, and, he cringed, to reflect the fashion trends of the day.

Gaiti though… they never seemed to change. Their face morphed and their clothes were inconsistent, but somehow, more than any of them, there was something about them that always seemed familiar to Tion. He watched as they tenderly spoke with the recently healed John. Like a mother coddling their child.

“I’ll go get some more firewood,” Tion announced. Without waiting for anyone to respond, he turned his back on the light and headed towards the treeline, in search of branches to burn. His body cast a long, twisted shadow as he quietly slunk away.

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Me during Archer's second paragraph: Awwww Tion :wub:

Me during Archer's third paragraph: Ohhhhh Tion :unsure:

Does anybody else find that shadow line ominous?


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To clarify, I just finished watching Critical Role episode 69, so my writing is going to be in a bit of a dark place for a little while until I can unjuice my emotions and stop screaming at a certain fictional... I realize now that that did nothing to clarify anything, so Iet's just say that Archer would like to gather firewood right now because it's the only thing he can trust himself to do without scream-smiling-crying-whyyyying. 

The fire crackled softly.

Tion's shadow was, like, really long. And super ominous looking. 

Edited by Archer
Ene's head cannon confirmed!
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9 minutes ago, Inklingspren said:

The General continued to break Tion’s connection, making her basically invisible.




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3 hours ago, AonEne said:

The gods and goddesses are supposed to look like normal people, and, er, Creativity doesn't. :P Maybe tone down the fingernails, make them not be moving? Neither Hopearaa nor Creativity should have the tech to do that. The eyes also might be a bit much. I won't say I don't like it, because I do, it just doesn't fit with the world's capabilities. Sorry, Ark. :( (Also, they haven't invented syringes yet, so you'll have to lose those.)

Syringes could just be needles with the chemical injected. The fingernails don't have to move. If the eyes stay as one form, they could just be tattooed (they can do that with eyes)

Would that work?


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Re: Victoria 'breaking the connection': Is this referring to Tion’s ability to connect (see) Victoria’s aura, his ability to connect to her to manipulate her perception of things, or something else? Certain things will be easier than others. As I mentioned previously, he’s the only one (besides Truth, I suppose) who knows about the ‘auras’ he sees. As such, general ignorance will make he view of those difficult to manipulate. His attacks will be easier (but still strenuous) to mess with because he has presumably used them on her before, giving her some knowledge of the mechanics. However, at the end of the day, altering the god of sensation’s perception of you may prove challenging. He’s likely to counter attack along the same lines as Victoria’s initial rejection of his attempts to enrage her. As I said, depends what you meant by this.

Unfortunately, this is going to be my last post for a number of hours. I’m going away for a short trip, I’ll be back Sunday afternoon. Feel free to approach Tion (if she just uses standard god-suite invisibility and doesn’t make any noise, he’ll have no reason to look for auras, so that’d be a plausible way to sneak up on him if you want). He’ll react normally, he doesn’t have any plan currently in place beside looking for sticks and swishing his mouthwash container every once and a while. I don’t expect anything major to happen between now and then, but if it does, feel free to heavily imply that he goes with the flow so long as it doesn’t compromise his position too much.   

Feeling eerily like a ghost, Tion swam through the darkness. The inky shades of the forest canopy were lost on his fire-dullened eyes. Before him he saw just blackness.

Fortunately, he knew the woods around him well. To his left, lay a grove of ancient oak trees, tall and proud. Straight ahead, he soon remembered as he picked his way through the brambles, was a selection of hardy spruces. And a short ways beyond that, a single abies procera, what the nomad tribes called a Noble Fir. Despite being at least a hundred miles from the species’ traditional growing place, he knew that it was one of the most resilient and oldest plants in the forest.

After all, Tion had been the one to plant it.

His hands raked against a barbed vine. It failed to draw blood, but he paused his crawl into the violet abyss to savour the unexpected sensation.

“Magnificent,” he whispered, seizing the weed and yanking it out of the ground.  

“MAGNIFICENT!” He bellowed, causing a flurry of tiny movements as the nearby creatures of the night scurried in terror at the sound.

The still of the night shattered, Tion began to feel alive again. He hadn’t realized how draining interacting with all the other gods had been, but now that he was out of their presence, he felt refreshed and energized.

With his free hand, he grabbed wildly at space in front of him. The god began to laugh as, again and again, his hand made little clapping noises as it caught only air.

“What a time,” he whispered. “What a time to carpe noctem.”

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3 hours ago, AonEne said:

Gati knelt by Facet's side. "John? Are you all right?"

"I don't know. Something happened..." he looked up at - wait, was that Gati? When did they get here? 

"Gati? Facets, how long have I been out?"


Edited by John Flamesinger
Forgot Mention. I like Trains.
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14 hours ago, Sorana said:

Sagitta shrugged.

"I have no idea how much magic I use. I simply do."

She climbed the ladder and got to the top. It was high. Higher than she'd ever been and her head swam. Jumping down was a bad idea. Worse than staying here, worse than working for them. Proudly she lifted her head and let go.

Her strings pulled tight while she fell and then she hit the ground. It hurt. A lot, if she was honest. She hadn't expected to really feel the impact and hadn't prepared to bend her knees to take some of the speed up, instead she ended up on the ground awkwardly trying to sort her limbs.

“Entropy’s fist,” Price cursed quietly when she hit the ground. Asking if she was okay would be unprofessional, even for someone of his rank where he could get away with it. Instead he wrote on his ledger hurriedly.

25 foot drop onto stone ground — unable to land, but survived without injuries. The fact it didn’t look she was permanently injured meant the instinct had worked, just not enough to remove the feeling of a drop. So, it seemed that Intensity could reduce the Intensity of impact, making maybe a 25 foot drop feel like a 10 foot one and a 10 foot drop as nothing. Price wrote something else down.

Test maximum threshold before death?

After some thought Price scribbled it out.

Test maximum threshold before death? — Too dangerous, save it for the Cahayans.

Still, that fall looked like it had hurt. “Five minute break,” Price announced and lots of the scribes exited, probably to get something to eat. Price looked to Sagitta. “I think that’ll conclude the Fall Testing for today.”

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9 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Still, that fall looked like it had hurt. “Five minute break,” Price announced and lots of the scribes exited, probably to get something to eat. Price looked to Sagitta. “I think that’ll conclude the Fall Testing for today.”

Sagitta heard him announce a break, conclude the fall testing. She hurt, slowly rolled over to her stomach and pushed herself up. Moving hurt and her head swam. She remained sitting, groaned quietly. Something wet touched her fingers and she looked at her leg. The wound had ripped oped again. Unsurprisingly. A part of her knew, that she was still watched, but the knowledge held no importance. It was simply there.

She pushed up the leg of the wide trousers and removed the soaked bandage, took a look at the gash. It was bleeding, but it was better, not infected. Missing a clean bandage she rewrapped it again, pulled the cloth tight in order to staunch the bleeding. Only then did it occur to her, that she'd just barred her leg to a bunch of strangers. Blushing deeply she covered it again. Some things you did in camp with your brothers around, better stayed in camp. She cursed her head for hurting and not working properly. Strangers. Strangers, not brothers.

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16 hours ago, Ax's Boyfriend said:

Syringes could just be needles with the chemical injected. The fingernails don't have to move. If the eyes stay as one form, they could just be tattooed (they can do that with eyes)

Would that work?

What do you mean by "needles with the chemical injected"? And it would have to be Creativity tattooing their own eyes, not someone else doing it, because they don't know how - but Creativity could have the know-how/skill to do it.

*shipping instincts activate* *unintentional pun senses activate*

"Not long," Gati said worriedly. "At least, I don't think so. I only just got here, but the wound was recent - I didn't have to undo much blood loss."

Izzy, half-hiding behind him, tried not to look like she was hiding.

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42 minutes ago, AonEne said:

"Not long," Gati said worriedly. "At least, I don't think so. I only just got here, but the wound was recent - I didn't have to undo much blood loss."

Izzy, half-hiding behind him, tried not to look like she was hiding.

"And who is this?" John smiled and stood up. "Are you Izzy? I've seen you your entire life." John's smile grew wider. "Then again, I see everyone."

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Okay, because that's not creepy at all, Izzy thought - but of course didn't say, because this was someone who could probably kill her in an instant. She vaguely hoped that if she inadvertently offended one of these immensely powerful beings, Gati would at least bring her back. "Ah," she said finally, not sure of what else to answer that with.

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