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Quick Fix Game 38: ZOMBIES


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19 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

"I don't see why we can't do both. It seems clear to me that although we can only take 3 actions every day, voting doesn't count." Meta said. "I do however agree with the sentiment to move to look for food. Is anyone here already feeling the affects of hunger?"

Hmm, bad timing. I'll still be able to post and take actions, but activity will be limited for a couple days.

“Nope, I have zero hunger,” Ian said. “And I don’t have any items,” he said. Well, he had the shovel, but he didn’t know whether he could use for it for any actions, since the GM had said he didn’t have any items. Regardless, it meant the shovel with the zombie head impaled on it was purely for intimidation and character flavour. Figurative flavour, of course, not literal flavour, though Ian guessed that if a zombie bit into him, they’d find his flavour quite sweet...

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Bill sat on a missy boulder, eating wild berries while he watched the group come to a rest.

”Now, I don’t trust any of ya, but if my eyes—and nose— are to be trusted, there aren’t any zombies among us. Yet.” He sneezed. “So what’s the hubbub for? Only stupidity will kill us.”

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"So...you will kill us?"

Butt was wandering around a grassy field observing the gathered group.

"I mean...were all talking about what to do when the choice is obvious."

Butt climbs to the top of a particularity tall rock.

"Everyone must now go help the Goddess of minds in the sky so that she will wipe the stain of the Zambies from the earth!"

Waving his arms around wildy he shouts, "Join her and be redemmed"

Sorry everyone...he's a little crazy. I'll tone it down in the near future.

At least no one seems to be starving yet, but who knows how long that will last.

I feel like splitting up is a bad idea. Anyone think that if multiple people choose the same action that they will go as a group? Safety in numbers!

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
Sorry about the 7 hour wait
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Andrew preferred being near the front of the pack. It meant when they did stop, he had a relatively early choice where to make camp. He was also in a point, where he was neither the leader, nor the follower. More like the emissary for the leaders and the followers. When they reached the clearing, it was the voice of those in the back that called to stop, and if it weren't for people like Andrew, those in the front would have completely ignored these voices. 

"No matter how fast we are, it's safer to travel as a larger group." Andrew declared, to those who wanted to continue moving forward. After a few minutes of discussion, he had convinced the leaders that it was time to stop, for the sake of those in back.

After Andrew set up his camp, he relaxed on a stump near his tent that doubled for a nice chair, and pulled out a deck of cards. 

"Anyone interested in a few card tricks? Or perhaps a quick game?" Andrew shouted as he began shuffling and cutting the cards. 


Anyway, I think that our hunger levels have something to do with either our realization that we are zombies, or our effectiveness if we become zombies or something. As long as we can keep the hidden Zombies among us fed, then they should be less threatening. I don't know for certain that there are hidden zombies, but they make the most sense as the eliminators, at this point. 

So if anyone has anything that can be used for hunting animals, perhaps it could be good to hunt for food to give to others, or ourselves if needed. 

Additionally, We aren't sure if the Zombies bite can infect us, or if it simply kills us. So we have to be aware that this could potentially be a conversion game, or a standard Village/elim game. 

Also, it seems that there's only 10 hours left, and only (1?) vote for a lynch. I know there is a growing movement against poke votes, but I believe that they have some use, so @Rathmaskal  Rath  There are also many others who have not yet posted though. @Snipexe @Ventyl @Mailliw73 @Devotary of Spontaneity @WeebTrash @Lumgol @xinoehp512 @coop to name a few. (Sorry, Coop, your name, and any subsequent names I attempted would not do the tag feature) 

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“Agreed,” Ian said. “In fact, it might be in our best interests to split up tasks. I will use my actions to see if anything around us looks edible. I would suggest others make different actions, but all based around our survival. Maybe one of you can say you want to look for a good place to camp, or a food source, but either way, claim what you’re doing, so we don’t waste actions repeating things,” he said.

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Lachlan looked around at the rest of the group as the seemed to settle down for a rest. There seemed to be a discussion of whether or not they should try and off someone, in case they were a zombie. Seeing as there were only a couple people talking about it, he decided he'd put in a vote himself.

"Sean, you've been pretty quiet lately," he said. "Is that because you're starting to turn into a zombie and don't want to accidentally make zombie noises when you try to talk?"


I'm voting on Ventyl because why not. :P

Also, if anyone has any suggestions for actions we should take, I'm all ears.

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"Everyone! Belief in the Thought Goddess requires more than just faith! You must also do things and work hard yourself!"

Butt pulls out a notepad and starts scribbling frantically (He does everything frantically)

"You! Lachlan, Ian, Bill, Fred! Come to me and get your most holy task! And Andrew...You may play cards with me."

"Mr. Pear O’Scissors! I see you spying on me! If you do not join my faith I will have no choice but to lynch you as a unbeliever/zambie for they are the same thing!"

Possible actions:

  1. Gather water
  2. Make spears OR Make campsite
  3. We can't gather meat so let's gather...Nuts and berries!

If someone wants to do something else then try to maintain the order of actions so we go as groups

Edited by Butt Ad Venture
camping is inportant
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Andrew leaned over to Ian, and muttered "Looks like we have a crazy among us. If the survival of humanity wasn't on the line, I would propose a lynch on all crazies just to remove the plague, but seeing as survival is our utmost concern at the time, any person is best kept alive, despite their level of craziness." 


21 minutes ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Possible actions:

  1. Gather water
  2. Make spears OR Make campsite
  3. We can't gather meat so let's gather...Nuts and berries!

Water is quite possibly important because we have no guarantee of clean water down the road. 

Spears and campsite can be good, as they offer some sort of protection from the elements

Can we only not gather meat because the forest is strangely silent? Perhaps there are still animals. Plus what's the point of spears if we don't go hunting.  

One of my actions is to gather nuts and berries. I don't know how many I'll find though. It could just be enough for one person, and in that case, I will prefer to use it on myself than pass it on. But if it's enough for multiple people, then I'd be willing to share. 

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“If we’re gonna gather water,” Lachlan said, “we’re gonna need to make containers for the water. Did anyone take a basket weaving classes before the apocalypse started?”


Seriously though, we need to find a way to gather a water from this stream, because who knows when we’ll have fresh water again. 

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

“If we’re gonna gather water,” Lachlan said, “we’re gonna need to make containers for the water. Did anyone take a basket weaving classes before the apocalypse started?”


Seriously though, we need to find a way to gather a water from this stream, because who knows when we’ll have fresh water again. 

Maybe we can all hold enough for us all to have a single sip with our own hands. Those that are better at holding water are those that are able to survive. Survival of the fittest. 


"Come on over, Butt." Andrew Shouted. "What games do you know? I've got no money, so gambling games won't work unless we just gather a bunch of leaves to use as chips."


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19 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

I have Rope.

You can take three actions per turn; I'm wondering if we should have at least a few people take the action 'watch' this night, to see if that helps us any.

Would you be willing to set some snares (potentially having to use your actions to gather materials)

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"Water could be a problem if nobody thought to bring any containers? Whoever has the map, how close does the stream's path conform to our desired route? Will we lose access to it as we move closer to safety? In addition to clean water, the stream might contain fish or other seafood where the land animals have vanished. @xinoehp512, you have a rope. Would it be possible for you to turn that rope into a net? With a net, we could attempt to fish, and at night, we can use the netting to create hammocks and stay off the ground at night. I doubt those Zombies can climb."


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2 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

Anyway, I think that our hunger levels have something to do with either our realization that we are zombies, or our effectiveness if we become zombies or something. As long as we can keep the hidden Zombies among us fed, then they should be less threatening. I don't know for certain that there are hidden zombies, but they make the most sense as the eliminators, at this point. 

I'd be inclined to believe that it is just normal hunger. When we starve, we die (and possibly become zombies?) See, the interesting thing is, we're not sure if all dead people become zombies, or zombiefication is a direct consequence from zombie contact. If it is the former, then don't die. If the latter is true, then dying peacefully of old age won't mean you turn up as a zombie.

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5 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

Alright, so right now I’m thinking my actions are:

Gather Sticks

Gather Vines

Make Snares.

Hopefully we should be able to get some food from that.

"If 'strangely silent' wildlife means no wildlife, snares won't be catching any food. They might serve as a deterrent to a more hostile type of being."

14 minutes ago, Hemalurgic Headshot said:

I'd be inclined to believe that it is just normal hunger. When we starve, we die (and possibly become zombies?) See, the interesting thing is, we're not sure if all dead people become zombies, or zombiefication is a direct consequence from zombie contact. If it is the former, then don't die. If the latter is true, then dying peacefully of old age won't mean you turn up as a zombie.

I think it's more exciting if Alv's initial tag of 'You're all dead' was made to be taken entirely literally. The alternative is there are people among us who want the Zombies to kill us all, each of whom would have three kill actions. We'll probably get an indication of which is the case by the end of the cycle. 

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3 minutes ago, Alvron said:


As a follow up, do sequential actions all fail if one of them is deemed not plausible? If Snip attempts to gather sticks and vines to make snares, but you decide that this forest doesn't have any vines, does the make snares action fail outright, or is it just less successful?

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2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

As a follow up, do sequential actions all fail if one of them is deemed not plausible? If Snip attempts to gather sticks and vines to make snares, but you decide that this forest doesn't have any vines, does the make snares action fail outright, or is it just less successful?

I will inform a player if an action isn't plausible and am willing to accept new actions during the one hour rollover in that case.

if an action isn't plausible and has sequential actions then the following actions are as successful as possible. Snip would still be able to make snares but they won't work as well as they could've.

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39 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

I’m here, with an Ax! 

Well, that will certainly be useful. I would discourage claiming items for the time being, until we know if there are hostile elements within our group.

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1 hour ago, Mailliw73 said:

I'm going to be chopping down branches to distribute to you all to use as weapons. 

Could you also designate some to be used a firewood? During the night, we'll probably want some way to see.


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