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Stuttgart Signing


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Today was Brandons signing in stuttgart. I went, so i thought i post everything that I still remember.

He read a draft of the first chapter of Rythms of War, Stormlight 4. He mentioned, that he has already read one version before, so this probably isnt the hottest news. The chapter is from Lirins point of view a year after the end of Oathbringer. The singers seem to have conquered all of Alethkar and Herdaz. Naturally they also control Hearthstone and a lot of refugee from Herdaz come to town. Lirin is checking them for wounds and diseases. He has a longer talk with the leading singer lady in which they discuss, if Lirin actually feels for his patients. He says, that he cant allow himself to feel to much and she acusses him of having a stone for a heart. Later on he mentions that there is a new kind of plaque in the east, similiar to the ones that old manuscripts talk about. Something that hasnt been seen in modern times. He also dicusses with Laral, what do to with the Herdazian general, from the interlude in Oathbringer, as he is one of the refugees. Apparently he lost the war against the singers and got most of his men killed in a hopeless battle. Laral mentions, that some people would call that heroism, Lirin says he would rather have the men back.

Brandon also mentioned, that the first scene of the Threndoy novel is people coming ashore after being shipwrecked at the coast of the homeland.

I got to ask two questions, but unfortunately I have to paraphrase the answers.

1. If you have a way to manipulate Identity, like feruchemical aluminium, and a way of healing, like feruchemical gold, would you be able to not just shapeshift, but actually evolve your body like growing wings.

A: He said, that you would need something more then just blanking your Identity and healing to actually evolve your body, but he said that it is enough for shapeshifting and quite similiar to what the singers do. For evolving you would need to be able to seriously manipulate your spiritweb. He also said, that hemalurgy would make this far easier, but also evil.

2. At the end of Oathbringer Kaladin says, that the oaths are about perception. So what would happen, when a crazy person bonds a crazy spren? Is there a hard limit to what the oaths allow or could they just go on a John Wick style rampage.

A: He said, that eventually there would be hard limits, but that perception will get you a very long way, like Nightblood proves.

So this was my first signing and it was awesome. Although I didnt get to ask one of the German translators how they got from Well of Ascension to Warriors of Fire. That still confuses me.

He answered a great deal more questions, but I dont remember most of them well enough, so if you went please post them.




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Thanks for the update from the signing, I look forward to reading the "official" notes in the Arcanum!


15 minutes ago, Krios said:

So this was my first signing and it was awesome. Although I didnt get to ask one of the German translators how they got from Well of Ascension to Warriors of Fire. That still confuses me.

What? "Warriors of Fire?" What fire??!

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18 minutes ago, robardin said:

What? "Warriors of Fire?" What fire??!

That is a question I have been asking myself for the past nine years, ever since I read The Well of Ascension for the first time (back then I read it in German). I'm currently rereading the book (this time in English) and I am still confused as ever. As are a lot of people, apparently. :D

It was indeed an amazing event and should I get the chance to see Brandon again, I'll definitely take it!

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1 hour ago, robardin said:

What? "Warriors of Fire?" What fire??!

It makes absolutely no sense. I suppose Heyne did it for marketing reasons. I guess, they thought "Brunnen des Aufstiegs" wouldn't sell as well.

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The German translation for the Well of Ascension as a place is "Quelle der Erhebung", which is kinda fine as a book title I think. The actual title is one of the dumbest things ever.

I also have an issue with Heyne's title for "Hero of Ages", "Herrscher des Lichts", which - meaning "Ruler of Light" - implies that the Hero of Ages is something inherently good and represents light, while it's obviously a term for someone who brings balance and, er, Harmony, so not necessarily light. The new edition (by Piper, I think) has it fixed as "Held Aller Zeiten". I don't think they bothered with the WoA's title though. Reasons: Completely unknown.

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10 hours ago, Krios said:

Later on he mentions that there is a new kind of plaque in the east, similiar to the ones that old manuscripts talk about. Something that hasnt been seen in modern times



stormfather (paraphrased)
Does the plague on the Purelake has anything to do with the fact that the magic fish form symbiotic bonds with spren?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)
No, worldhoppers brought a disease to Roshar that they didn't have before. It's the common cold. Rosharans' Investiture makes it so they're usually a healthy bunch so something like the cold is kind of frightening. "It's a plague of the sniffles."

stormfather [Alternate wording from ZenBossanova's report] (paraphrased)
Another person asked about the plague in the Purelake.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)
Turns out, that was a pathogen introduced by worldhoppers. People on Roshar normally have greater health than elsewhere in the cosmere because they are more invested (stormlight and all that). This plague was what we call… the common cold.



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12 hours ago, robardin said:


Thanks for the update from the signing, I look forward to reading the "official" notes in the Arcanum!


What? "Warriors of Fire?" What fire??!

Yeah noone understands how they came up with that. My guess is either powders or shrooms.

I hope there was someone there who wrote all the Wobs down, because I completly forgot to note even the answers to my own questions.

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In case anybody of those, who took the time to repeat their questions and answers to us checks this thread, thanks a lot from me as well! It really helped!!


10 minutes ago, PaleoCrafter said:

Sorana: Would a spike charge if I threw it at someone with the intention to spike something out of him and hit the right bindpoint?
Brandon: Yes.
Sorana: So spike darts are a thing.
Brandon: Yes, and spike guns are a thing as well.


I hope I don't need to be scared for my characters. :P

12 minutes ago, PaleoCrafter said:

Sorana: I've got a last question from a friend of mine. Could the light at the end of Oathbringer have been seen by another Surgebinder?
Brandon: RAFO
Sorana: I expected that.

@whattheHoid As expected a RAFO. But I did ask ;)

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1 hour ago, Paleo said:

Isaac: [partial answer] Getting things to look realistic. Took a lot of practice.

Longer answer: 

He said he has lots of things in his head the problem was getting his hands to reproduce the image in his head the way he imagines them. Often they end up locking quite different and that can be frustrating.


I also asked Isaac how much freedom he gets from Brandon for the maps and symbols and so on.

A: He gets a lot of freedom with the maps. There were actually times they changed parts of the books to fit the maps.

Q: I asked after an example

A: They changed around directions in the Kholinar chapters a lot.

Q: And the glyphs and other symbols?

A: For the glyphs he has a symmetry tool which he played around a lot with. They developed the glyphs later in full from those images they liked

For the allomantic symbols he had a couple different ideas which didn't seem to work well. Then he had an idea about a bunch of nails lying around haphazardly and from that image the allomantic symbols evolved.


I also talked a bit with Isaac about Germany since he has lived here before. So apparantly he likes our bread and our castles. :D


I also asked Brandon if he had read the new War of the spark novel, especially Davriels Cameo in it. He said he hadn't gotten around to reading it but would like to. But Wizards sent him the part with Davriels Cameo. So without spoilering sth for those who haven't read the novel: He thinks what Davriel does is very typical for him.


He is stealing an Elderspell. very davrielly :D

The way he is described is because he is in disguise but if you could hear his inner voice he would be constantly complaining. I regreted that we didn't get to hear his thoughts.

All answers are heavily paraphrased.

There are also two more Wobs thanks to @The Forumlurker who posted them in the other thread to the german signings.

1. If a radiant tried to soulcast using stormlight directly from the highstorm what essences could they create?

A: Anything. They could create any essence. This is for radiant soulcasters not soulcasting fabrials.


2. Could a windrunner only lash part of something, like only a hand instead of an entire body?

A: This is theoretically possible. It’s like how Kelsier can push on a pole and make it spin. This would require a lot of skill however. But yes it is possible

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Man, some international signings are just nuts when it comes to WoBs! You guys knocked it out of the park with this one. Excellent job on all the questions, and fantastic work at taking all these notes.

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The attendance was really mind-boggling. The event already was moved to the bank adjacent to the bookstore because it had a large conference room. Every seat was filled either way. Everyone asked such great questions and I feel like Brandon was in a pretty great answering mood, too.

The signing line also made me realize that the US army still has quite the presence here in Germany :D

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On 5/18/2019 at 2:01 AM, Paleo said:

Paleo: How is Dark One coming along?
Brandon: It's coming along very well. It's like Harry Potter from the perspective of Voldemort, where the good guys want to get the bad guy. It's like Narnia was trying to assasinate those who come over to their world to destroy it. The outline is really great, we pitched it across Hollywood. We had a really great response, but no contracts are done. We're planning to release it as an audiobook original. We haven't closed the contract on that yet, but we have an offer.

Great job and thanks for asking about Dark One (I sent out a tweet to the writers of the graphic novel last week, but not response...) 

Also, the title The Dust Brigade sounds super gritty and dark to me. Reminds me of Malazan...although maybe because it makes me think of the title Dust of Dreams.

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12 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

Also, the title The Dust Brigade sounds super gritty and dark to me. Reminds me of Malazan...although maybe because it makes me think of the title Dust of Dreams.

Makes me think of Scalzi's The Ghost Brigades :)

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