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Young Bard

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Jeo shook his head at the arguments. He still knew that N'Narim needed to die. All these events had only proven what luck had told him. Especially her vote on M'Malil. If M'Malil was evil, why offer up their breath to another? They would only do so to an ally. So either N'Narim was a villain trying to cast doubt on M'Malil, or they were distancing from eachother. Either way, N'Narim needed to die.


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@Young Bard, can items be used more than once, and if so, can the breath be recovered from it after use?

8 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

I offered to Maill that I would vote for whoever he told me to last cycle and double said vote with the strawman, in exchange for his 3 breath. Maill accepted that offer and told me to vote for Ark.

I have so many problems with this idea. It partially depends on the answer from above, but you're saying you used a 6-breath item in exchange for 3 breaths. Now you're suspicious because he willingly agreed to the exchange?

Why would an elim give up breaths to the village? Breaths that can easily be used against elims.

Also, from what I remember, Mailliw wasn't around when the CadCom and Sart lynched became active. I can't see it as an attempt to save an elim teammate. 

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2 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Now you're suspicious because he willingly agreed to the exchange?

I'm suspicious partly because of who he told me to vote for. I was completely fine with the exchange, which was why I suggested it.

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1 hour ago, Lumgol said:

I'm suspicious partly because of who he told me to vote for. I was completely fine with the exchange, which was why I suggested it.

I still go back to when he was active. While it's probable he was on the Shard in PMs after his last post of the game, his choice to vote on Ark wouldn't be in defense of either CadCom or Sart.

At the time, I was the only one with votes (Steel's poke vote and Ark's vote).

Edited by Elandera
Edited for grammar/clarity. It said "the one one"...
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So its

Lumgol (3) elandera, randuir, Joe

Elandera (3) sart, cadcom, steel

Steeldancer (1) mailliw 

I have healthy suspicions of all the people in this group, including most of the people voting. I'll be watching off and on or a couple more hours before I log off for the night. 

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1 hour ago, Lumgol said:


I offered to Maill that I would vote for whoever he told me to last cycle and double said vote with the strawman, in exchange for his 3 breath. Maill accepted that offer and told me to vote for Ark.

I have multiple reasons now to find Maill suspicious. First of all, his pushing to lynch someone who turned out to be a villager could be in defense of elim!CadCom or elim!Sart (probably CadCom, for reasons that I'll go into later). Secondly, Maill and CadCom have both expressed suspicion of Steel (Maill in thread, CadCom in PM where he didn't tell me not to spread it so I'm assuming I can), and although it can be considered a coincidence, they might just be deflecting suspicion off of themselves and onto someone else who lynched the same villager.

So I’m suspicious because I suspect Steel and because I mislynched someone in D1? Okay. :) At least it’s not because I offered up my Breath or anything. I’ll post more in a half hour. 

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1 hour ago, Lumgol said:

The strawman belongs to me.

I offered to Maill that I would vote for whoever he told me to last cycle and double said vote with the strawman, in exchange for his 3 breath. Maill accepted that offer and told me to vote for Ark.

I have multiple reasons now to find Maill suspicious. First of all, his pushing to lynch someone who turned out to be a villager could be in defense of elim!CadCom or elim!Sart (probably CadCom, for reasons that I'll go into later). Secondly, Maill and CadCom have both expressed suspicion of Steel (Maill in thread, CadCom in PM where he didn't tell me not to spread it so I'm assuming I can), and although it can be considered a coincidence, they might just be deflecting suspicion off of themselves and onto someone else who lynched the same villager.

That would have been a good idea. At first I wanted to just share it with some people and not others, but eventually I just started PMing more and more people until I realized that I had PMed it to everyone XD

However, with only a few people knowing it, the only case that would have provided information would have been if CadCom died (and I would have therefore been able to narrow down the suspects as you've mentioned). If CadCom would have survived in this case, then I would gain almost no information, as there would be various possibilities: The people I PMed happened to be village, or the elims hadn't gotten around to killing him for unknown reasons, or CadCom is elim. In the case that I PM everyone, I'm guaranteed to reach the elims, so they must have kept CadCom around for some sort of reason.

I'm actually fairly suspicious of Lum for this post, so I'll keep my eyes on the votes, and I may possibly change my vote over to Lum, depending on how the lynch goes. 

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About Lum. Her tone seems quite different compared to typical village!Lum. But, it also seems different from her Sja-Anat tone. She is more aggressive this game, I believe, or has begun to be in our PM, and so she’s still higher up on my list. That said, I don’t know if it’s worth lynching her today. I would prefer to put pressure on someone else. 

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Alright, so today to follow through on my agreement with Maill (which extends until the end of today) I'm placing a vote on Steel. Honestly I'd be fine with that, since Steel has been giving some sketchy reasons for voting on both Ark and Elandera - I don't mind voting because of agreeing with other people's logic but his vote on Elandera just seems like bandwagoning.

As for Maill and CadCom, they're pretty much the only possible elim leads I have so far, which is why I've slightly been tunneling on them but I'll think about other players and reads as well.

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4 hours ago, Elandera said:


@Young Bard, can items be used more than once, and if so, can the breath be recovered from it after use?


Items can be used more than once. The Breath can be recovered, except from a Lifeless (and before the inevitable question, this includes items you started with).

EDIT: I've been asked about the event of a tied lynch. I'm ruling that if the lynch is tied, no-one will be lynched.

Edited by Young Bard
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2 hours ago, Young Bard said:

I've been asked about the event of a tied lynch. I'm ruling that if the lynch is tied, no-one will be lynched.

In that case, with vote manipulation not only possible, but already present, we need to create greater gaps in our lynches. Right now, without manipulation, I believe it stands at a three-way tie between Lum and myself. If Lum uses the strawman on Steel, then it's between the three of us. I expect, however, she'll use it on me for self preservation.

@Cadmium Compounder, you've expressed suspicion of Lum, so I encourage you to act and vote.

If no one else votes, I'll likely take my vote off Lum, just to not waste a turn with no information. Even if it means I die, something can be gained from it. I'd hope it would prompt people to look a little more closely at Lum. A pretty swift wagon appeared on me after voting for her.

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Izzy carefully tallied up the votes she had heard.

N'Nairim (2): Joe, in
Turquoise-Bellied Alligator (4): Ch. Aracter TBA, Awakened Steel, Sart, Izzy
Awakened Steel (3-4): M'Malil, N'Nairim, Turquoise-Bellied Alligator, Strawman*

Izzy thought it likely the Strawman would vote for Steel given there was an apparent agreement between the owner and another.  But what Izzy found most interesting was that the Alligator went from voting for N'Nairim to joining them in voting for Steel.  This concerned Izzy given that the Alligator was one of the ones to derail the Ch. Aracter TBA lynch the day prior.

Turquoise-Bellied Alligator was acting in a suspicious manner Izzy felt.  And anything suspicious had to be suspected.

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Apologies for the delay in getting the cycle up. I'm now three-for-three running into technology troubles while trying to run an SE game. >:[ This time isn't normally active, so I'll leave the end of cycle time where it is instead of pushing it back 24 hours as I might have otherwise. If anyone has any problems with that, please let me know.

I have seen many strange things in my time, but even I had not seen something quite like the Turquoise Bellied Alligator before. At some point in it's life, it must have been given someone's Breath - the reasons now are probably lost to time. Perhaps it was some kind of strange laboratory experiment. Perhaps it was the passing fancy of a drunkard who gave their Breath to the creature to see what happened. Either way, the result is the same - with it's new Breath, the Alligator seems to have given this alligator some level of sentience - enough to choose to stand in opposition to the Black Shadows, and even sapient enough to crack jokes about itself.

I would have loved to have studied this creature further - how many opportunities does one have to study such a thing? It's a shame, however, that it was not to be.

After Hohelin's death, everyone knew there was a traitor in the group. Many names were tossed around, but N'Nairim, the Alligator, and the Awakened Steel were the three who were most accused. The debate raged for hours, but to no avail. At one point, it seemed as though there may be a concensus on the Steel being the traitor, but an interjection by the Lifeless Izzy again set the small crowd into disarray and fighting amongst themselves once more.

Eventually, the Alligator stepped forward. "We can not afford to squander this opportunity. While we argue, they have the opportunity to plan and to strike."

The others looked on. They seemed not to be themselves. They looked at Alligator, and all they saw was a threat that needed to be Eliminated. But the Alligator must have realised he could use that.

"We must work together. If that means that I have to sacrifice myself to deal with the greater threat... so be it. Just... heed my words. Avoid growing divided, and stick to the task. The Shadows must be defeated, at whatever cost."

The others looked at the Alligator, surprised. The levity that had been displayed earlier was gone.

"So... you're saying you want us to lynch you?"

"Well, I don't want that, but..."

"Sounds good to me. Let's go!"

The crowd swarmed towards the alligator, drawing knives and picks from under their coats. When they retreated a few minutes later, the only sight left were turquoise scales turned red.

Quietly, N'Nairim sent out letter, slowly weaving their plans into action. Things were coming together just perfectly. They had allies, and they'd collected some modicum of Breath, though they could always use more. N'Nairim whispered into their Strawman, which began crying out for Steel's blood. N'Nairim smiled. Now that that contract was complete, they could turn some of their attention to more important matters.

N'Nairim smiled as another letter was slipped covertly to him with a black seal on it. They smiled - more news, more covert discussions, more opportunities. N'Nairim dug a nail under the seal to pry it off, and felt a pain on the tip of their finger. What? N'Nairim inspected the seal, and saw a tiny needle poking out from under the seal. Why would anyone do a thing like that?

N'Nairim inspected their finger, where a drop of blood was beginning to well up. Except... was his blood supposed to be bright green? Hurriedly, he grabbed a knife and used it to rip off the seal, tearing the parchment slightly. Smoothing out the letter, they saw the message was only three words.

Sleep well, N'Nairim.

N'Nairim felt dizzy. But... no. No, this could not be the end. They stood up, made it to the door. Maybe, maybe if he was able to reach the group, they could help him, they could heal him of whatever this was. He crashed into a side table and used it as momentum to try and push himself closer to the door. On the third step, his knee buckled, and he collapsed hard against the ground. His vision was blurry, a kaleidoscopic array. It would be pretty in... in different circumstances.

I can't die like this...
I am more than this...
I am more...
Am I...
I am...

We may try to weave our webs, but we should never be in such a hurry to go forward that we forget to look behind our backs. One failed scheme, one that may or may not yet succeed. And who knows how many that have not yet seen the light. 

Turquoise Bellied Alligator (Elandera) was killed! They were a member of the Hallandren Alliance.

N'Nairim (Lumgol) was killed! They were a member of the Hallandren Alliance.

Vote Count:
Elandera(4): CadCom, Steel, Sart, Alvron
Steeldancer(3): Maill, Lum, Strawman
Lumgol(2): Randuir, Joe

The cycle will end Tuesday, May 7th, 5:30PM AEST.

Player List:
Steeldancer - Awakened Steel
Xinoehp - Thaerb
Ark1002 - Katie the Koloss
Elandera - Turquoise-Bellied Alligator (TBA)
Randuir - in
CadCom - Ch. Aracter TBA
Alvron - Izzy Dedyet
Lumgol - N'Nairim
Kidpen - Buffy the Black Shadow Slayer
Devotary - Hohelin
Maill - M'Malil
Rathmaskal -
Sart - Sart
Joe - Jeo

Edited by Young Bard
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@Young Bard, could you add a final vote-list? I'm curious if any strawmen where used.

So, the arguments for the Elandera lynch where a gut feeling (cadcom), sheeping cadcom (steel), reasoned suspicions from C1 (Sart) and unstated suspicions (alvron). 4 votes, only one with some analysis backing it up. If Lumgol hadn't proven to be a villager, I'd suspect that at least one of the votes was made to get the heat off of her. @Alvron, what made you more suspicious of Elandera than of Steeldancer, the other main suspect at that time?

The other wagon was on Steeldancer, for the way he's been following other people's reasons for voting without really adding much in way of his own thoughts. @Steeldancer (and @Alvron too, for that matter), could you tell me who you suspect most and who you suspect least right now?

To answer that question myself, I've currently got a village lean on Sart, as I'm seeing real effort there to analyze and solve the game, while both Steeldaner and Alvron are keeping their thoughts to themselves and haven't added much in the way of analysis or other insights that could help solve the game. Off the two of them, this is odder for Steeldancer than it is for Alvron.

@Kidpen, @Rathmaskal, neither of you posted last cycle. Do you have anything to add to that has been said so far

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So lumgols death has me a bit suspicious. Lum was fairly suspected overall, and would have been a good opportunity for a mislynch for the elim team. Instead, however, they killed them. 

The reason I find this odd is because me an and another player, independently, without advanced knowledge of each others plans, passed Lum our breath. (I will let the other player come forward on their own terms for the time being) So Lumgol had a total of at least 8 breaths.

I was going to use this post to accuse the other player that I know knew, but then i remembered that Lum did claim to having the strawman, and i really wish they hadn't, because thisnconplicates the matters a bit. 

Regardless, the eliminators just inherited the equivalent of 14 breaths out of someone that many people were getting increasingly suspicious of, so we have a bit of reason to worry. 

I do have a few suspicions, but I want to supplement them with voting patterns and other evidence first, which I hope I have time to come back to, but for now i wanted to publicize that information as soon as possible. 

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Wow, trying to lynch me after my mom shuts off the wifi? Real cool, real cool. Also, looks like I'm using my 3,999th post on SE then. Fair warning, I won't post again on here until I've posted that beast of a post that'll be my 4,000th post. 
As I said, my not sharing my thoughts is more due to time than anything else. And nearly being lynched is making me feel all sorts of weird things about everyone involved. I'd love to do more analysis right now, because I have a couple hours before work, but that 4,000th post is fairly heavy on the research side, and if I'm going to get it done I need to get it done now. 
Thanks for not lynching me, I promise I'll vote based on my own analysis this turn, to show it was a lack of time, not lack of interest in doing my own analysis that lead to my sheeping like a top-notch sheep. As for thoughts off the top of my head, I'm feeling some odd feelings about Mailliw... but that's just my gut instinct right now, nothing substantial, so I'm not going to vote based on it. 
I'll post more analytical thoughts once I get back from work. If you'll excuse me, I need to dump my heart and soul into one last crazy theory. 

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Hey folks, sorry for being inactive over the weekend.  Way more of an impact when that happens in a QF.  First quick re-read and I'll note I probably would have voted on Lumgol last cycle.  So take that for what you will.

Based on CadCom's last post, I'd definitely like to hear who this other person is who supposedly passed breath onto Lumgol.  That's some pretty suspicious timing for sure.  I'll try to get something with a bit more substance up here shortly.

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1 hour ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

So lumgols death has me a bit suspicious. Lum was fairly suspected overall, and would have been a good opportunity for a mislynch for the elim team. Instead, however, they killed them. 

The reason I find this odd is because me an and another player, independently, without advanced knowledge of each others plans, passed Lum our breath. (I will let the other player come forward on their own terms for the time being) So Lumgol had a total of at least 8 breaths.

I was going to use this post to accuse the other player that I know knew, but then i remembered that Lum did claim to having the strawman, and i really wish they hadn't, because thisnconplicates the matters a bit. 

Regardless, the eliminators just inherited the equivalent of 14 breaths out of someone that many people were getting increasingly suspicious of, so we have a bit of reason to worry. 

I do have a few suspicions, but I want to supplement them with voting patterns and other evidence first, which I hope I have time to come back to, but for now i wanted to publicize that information as soon as possible. 

They only received 8 Breath. Items are destroyed. 

Rath, Lum already shared that the other one was me. Cadcom coming clean so early about passing his breath makes me less suspicious of him even though he was the only other one, as far as I know, who knew Lum had as many breath as she did. 

I’d say my top suspicions are Steel, Alv, and CadCom. In that order. I also think that the kill was probably submitted by someone on later in the day since Lum was tied for the lynch and I doubt they’d want to kill her if she was getting lynched. 

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1 minute ago, Mailliw73 said:

I’d say my top suspicions are Steel, Alv, and CadCom. In that order. I also think that the kill was probably submitted by someone on later in the day since Lum was tied for the lynch and I doubt they’d want to kill her if she was getting lynched. 

My suspicions are relatively the same, except replacing me with you. And I also want to add Randuir to that list temporarily, at least until I perform my analysis, which I will hopefully do within the next few hours.

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