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Fantasy World planning


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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

Okay then. :)

Could we do the Anti-superstition league against some sort of monster?

Not sure how well that works for a general plot line. It seems like an interesting story, but seems more like a one-shot type of thing, not as a longer story. Maybe it would be interesting as a side-plot?

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6 minutes ago, kenod said:

Not sure how well that works for a general plot line. It seems like an interesting story, but seems more like a one-shot type of thing, not as a longer story. Maybe it would be interesting as a side-plot?

Agree this makes an excellent side-plot, or corollary to the larger plot. We could weave them together in a meaningful way for sure! Either way I for-sure want to write the anti-superstition league lol.

Also I'm currently sketching out a tentative map. Revamping a map I never ended up using which is nice, it always made me sad to see it go to waste. We can change from there, but getting a general layout seems like a good idea.

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2 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Agree this makes an excellent side-plot, or corollary to the larger plot. We could weave them together in a meaningful way for sure! Either way I for-sure want to write the anti-superstition league lol.

Agreed, creating it as a second story would probably be better, having about two stories in one thread is possible, with larger posts and planning between the people involved. This would also allow us to interact with both the more civilized sections of the world as well as the wild sides.

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32 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

This is more organized that I imagined it going, but it does make sense to have it classified. I would say no on the crystals - the magic comes from group-belief after all. Hotspots make more sense. It would figure that gods would more naturally arise around these hotspots anyhow, with how magic flows through the world. 

I was thinking it would be useful for character crafting. I wasn't thinking it would be in-world.

As for plot development..... I would kind of like it if it grew mostly organically, but as this is a trial run you guys do what you want. I'm new to RPing so the thought of that much coordination is a little daunting, but so long as you guys don't mind me blundering along I don't care:D   

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I also tend to prefer more organic plot developement. 

Because we have a smaller group I think that a more organic developement could work well. 

If we plan anything, I would suggest planning only the big meeting points and letting the rest of it be more organic. 

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14 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

If we plan anything, I would suggest planning only the big meeting points and letting the rest of it be more organic. 

I agree. Tentpole events, general direction, a few ready-made sideplots to show off the world, then let the rest work itself out.

Also, here is a map. The names are there from before, we can change them as we like, I just didn't want to put a bunch of "insert name here" spaces :P This map is easy enough to re-work so if you hate something feel free to either make your own, or tell me, and I'll re-design it as you like. It looks rather like the San Francisco Bay area because I lived there when I designed it. It was an unconscious choice but makes me laugh.




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We have the magic worked out for the most part. I'm sure there will be things we haven't thought of, but we can fix those as we RP.

The setting is coming together nicely.( @ZincAboutIt you said you had a map?) I've been picturing something like Europe with a jumble of different sized kingdoms. 

Plots are being worked on.

Now....... I assume we only want characters from this world being RPd. And no outside magic of any kind.  Any objections?

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Just now, Steel Inquisitive said:

The setting is coming together nicely.( @ZincAboutIt you said you had a map?) I've been picturing something like Europe with a jumble of different sized kingdoms. 

I like that idea, I'll expand my map to get a bit bigger, but it'll have to wait a bit. Maybe sketch it out for me if you can? Actually this goes for anyone. If you can sketch something for me, I can plug it into something clearer. :) 

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7 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

I like that idea, I'll expand my map to get a bit bigger, but it'll have to wait a bit. Maybe sketch it out for me if you can? Actually this goes for anyone. If you can sketch something for me, I can plug it into something clearer. :) 

I will spare you all from my artistic skills:P I don't have a clear idea...... I'm really fine with anything.

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I've been following this thread this entire time and you guys are doing an amazing job, I have one question, so with the whole natural magic being belief based, what would happen if someone went missing or something and everyone believed they were dead, would they die? This would probably take a lot of people for it to happen, but its something to think about, as well as the opposite, everyone thinking this person could come back to life, if enough people believed, would they? and what would that look like?

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13 minutes ago, Turtle373 said:

I've been following this thread this entire time and you guys are doing an amazing job, I have one question, so with the whole natural magic being belief based, what would happen if someone went missing or something and everyone believed they were dead, would they die? This would probably take a lot of people for it to happen, but its something to think about, as well as the opposite, everyone thinking this person could come back to life, if enough people believed, would they? and what would that look like?

I guess if everyone who knew them thought they were dead..... They would die..... Scary..... Or maybe not. You would believe you're alive.

As for coming back to life.... If your soul had already traveled to the Beyond, then you're dead. People can create a cognitive shadow, which can inhabit your body, but it wouldn't be you. I think? @ZincAboutIt your thoughts?

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10 minutes ago, Turtle373 said:

I've been following this thread this entire time and you guys are doing an amazing job, I have one question, so with the whole natural magic being belief based, what would happen if someone went missing or something and everyone believed they were dead, would they die? This would probably take a lot of people for it to happen, but its something to think about, as well as the opposite, everyone thinking this person could come back to life, if enough people believed, would they? and what would that look like?

Hmm, I would actually think that you couldn't "kill" a person this way. It seems too convenient a way of killing someone. You kidnap them, make everyone believe they are dead, then they actually are dead? I don't think so. Perhaps you might begin to fade out of reality though. The thing is, even if everyone else believes you are dead, you know you aren't. So I don't think killing or bringing back the soul should be possible via Natural magic, but that's just me. I am open to being overruled.

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3 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

I guess if everyone who knew them thought they were dead..... They would die..... Scary.....

As for coming back to life.... If your soul had already traveled to the Beyond, then your dead. People can create a cognitive shadow, which can inhabit your body, but it wouldn't be you. I think? @ZincAboutIt your thoughts?

I think killing someone this way would be extremely difficult, since their own Investure would resist the change.

For reviving, I'm thinking something similar to what happened in The Emperor's Soul would occur, with a new spiritweb and body being created based on the ideas people had about them, though again, this would require a lot of energy. Also, as this spiritweb isn't a perfect recreation, they wouldn't really be the same person, though nobody would notice, since the person would still match their expectations of them (scary thought that).

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6 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Hmm, I would actually think that you couldn't "kill" a person this way. It seems too convenient a way of killing someone. You kidnap them, make everyone believe they are dead, then they actually are dead? I don't think so. Perhaps you might begin to fade out of reality though. The thing is, even if everyone else believes you are dead, you know you aren't. So I don't think killing or bringing back the soul should be possible via Natural magic, but that's just me. I am open to being overruled.

The origin of ghost stories and such?

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Just now, ShadowLord_Lith said:

The origin of ghost stories and such?

Possibly? I am usually not keen on ghosts, they don't interest me very much, but if other people want to toy with this please do! I like @kenod's idea of effectively re-creating a facsimile of a person's spirit through belief. Perhaps that is what can cause a haunting? The collective impression of a person, collective guilt over their death perhaps? A community in a way punishes itself for an unjust killing by conjuring their own demon? Ooooooohhhhh.

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Just now, ZincAboutIt said:

Possibly? I am usually not keen on ghosts, they don't interest me very much, but if other people want to toy with this please do! I like @kenod's idea of effectively re-creating a facsimile of a person's spirit through belief. Perhaps that is what can cause a haunting? The collective impression of a person, collective guilt over their death perhaps? A community in a way punishes itself for an unjust killing by conjuring their own demon? Ooooooohhhhh.


My character will now burn down every abandoned old mansion that they come across.

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Just now, ZincAboutIt said:

Possibly? I am usually not keen on ghosts, they don't interest me very much, but if other people want to toy with this please do! I like @kenod's idea of effectively re-creating a facsimile of a person's spirit through belief. Perhaps that is what can cause a haunting? The collective impression of a person, collective guilt over their death perhaps? A community in a way punishes itself for an unjust killing by conjuring their own demon? Ooooooohhhhh.

I like that idea!

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