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WoK, WoR or OB ending?

Xavier Iriarte

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The endings to all of the books of the stormlight archive are incredible, but they are incredible in their own ways.

First i want to clear that when i refer ro WoK ending i mean the battle of the tower, with WoR i mean the battle between humans and parshendi/the battle between Kaladin and Szeth, and in OB the battle of Thaylen city.

The ending of WoK is amazing in a different way to the other two for it includes (almost) no supernatural things. The central points are the betrayal of Sadeas, the decision of bridge four of saving Dalinar and the battle that followed. I especially like this one because it's the first time Kaladin and Dalinar (my two favourite characters) meet. I amost screamed of happiness.

WoR's ending is fantastic because you see Kaladin save the king by swearing the 3rd ideal and saving Syl, the amazing fight against the assasin in white, the first everstorm and the battle between human and parshendi, leading to the discovery of urithiru. 

OB's ending is the most epic in scale, fighting against Odium, the thunderclasts, Sadeas' army overrun by the thrill, the fused,etc. Dalinar actually becoming a god of sorts(?) Shallan taking her power to a new level and Amaram finally being killed (by rock no less)

With that said (i might be missing some important things, feel free to mention them) my favorite ending is WoK's, everything built up to that moment and seing Dalinar trade his shardblade for the bridgemen got my heart pounding in my chest.

Which one is your favourite and why?

Journey before destination

Edited by Xavier Iriarte
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Definitely OB. I feel like at that point you're just super connected to all the characters so you're really on the edge of your seat while reading it, especially since the stakes are so high. It was really cool to see Dalinar grow so much. I was seriously close to crying with joy when he turned the tables right on top of Odium. Also, Renarin is my favorite character so it was awesome to read from his perspective. You just get to see all the characters in their element. Jasnah was awesome, Lift was hilarious, Szeth was fantastic. I think my favorite thing about the ending of OB is that everyone is together and, well, united. 

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4 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

Definitely OB. I feel like at that point you're just super connected to all the characters so you're really on the edge of your seat while reading it, especially since the stakes are so high. It was really cool to see Dalinar grow so much. I was seriously close to crying with joy when he turned the tables right on top of Odium. Also, Renarin is my favorite character so it was awesome to read from his perspective. You just get to see all the characters in their element. Jasnah was awesome, Lift was hilarious, Szeth was fantastic. I think my favorite thing about the ending of OB is that everyone is together and, well, united. 

I agree, since the stakes are so high, every character has an important role and it's just super exciting, plus Dalinar refusing to give his pain away to Odium is one of the best things i have ever seen

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If you're talking about the final arc I don't have any specific favorite tbh, all of them has awesome final acts in all senses 


But the first two books ended with mind blowing cliffhanger, plot twists and revelations so I'll go for both Way of Kings and Words of Radiance because they made me thirsty for the following book

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Personally, my favorite was definitely OB. WoK is a very close second because of how epic the Tower battle was, plus the reveal that the Voidbringers are actually the parshmen/parhshendi (except sike later on :P). But OB had the culmination of all of Dalinar’s guilt and pain with the epic refusal to be Odium’s Champion when it seemed like he was gonna give in. Plus the entire battle that followed after was freaking amazing. 

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I might be really bias, but I enjoyed the end of OB purely because I read from Renarin's point of view. I don't mind reading about battles but I prefer to read the internal battles and the one with Renarin, mmm, just beautiful. (I also liked OB because of Renarin's cute little talk with Dalinar about how Evi talked about Dalinar to their children). 

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OB was awesome, but I really liked WoR’s ending as well. It was so epic. The Singers with their lightning, Shallan finding the Oathgate, the Assassin in White, not to mention Kaladin supermans in to save Dalinar (and the first time Dalinar realises Kal is a Radiant).

And then the clashing of the two storms and Kal and Szeth’s fight in the middle of it was just so awesome, like they were both fighting in midair. That was what made the ending so good for me, and each of them have their shardweapons, though Szeth has an Honourblade.

It also has one of the coolest lines:

You sent him to the sky to die, assassin," Kaladin said, Stormlight puffing from his lips, "but the sky and the winds are mine. I claim them, as I now claim your life.”


Edited by I think I am here.
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I like em all but WoR takes the spot for me.

It's been the precipice, everything before and after (so far) wouldn't have had as far ranging an impact as the potential denial of the Everstorm. If the Listeners hadn't listened to Venli, if Dalinar had won, if whatever-reason the Everstorm was cancelled or even delayed significantly then everything would change. It's been the linchpin moment in the entire series so far. No backwards storm carving up the land, no Fused, no Desolation. Until we see a major major player defeated, and I mean Odium, Cultivation, or someone on that level, we haven't seen anything that can match the potential the Everstorm represents.

WoK had a good intro ending, fairly low consequences (in comparison) but with more feeling. Betrayal, all the characters were new and shiny, it tugged on empathy and quickly yet well written viewer attachment to the characters.

OB almost felt over the top. I started to get a disconnect from the situation with all the magic going on. I still liked it ultimately, but it lacked the passion of the first ending and the signal-event of the second. Important events yes, but important events layered atop important events in a bit of a tangled mess. I don't want to have to have a saiyan scouter telling me the 7 digit power-levels of everyone by the end of this.

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3 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

Definitely OB. I feel like at that point you're just super connected to all the characters so you're really on the edge of your seat while reading it, especially since the stakes are so high. It was really cool to see Dalinar grow so much. I was seriously close to crying with joy when he turned the tables right on top of Odium. Also, Renarin is my favorite character so it was awesome to read from his perspective. You just get to see all the characters in their element. Jasnah was awesome, Lift was hilarious, Szeth was fantastic. I think my favorite thing about the ending of OB is that everyone is together and, well, united. 

Agreed. OB's ending had me from "You Cannot Have My Pain," until the final word of the epilogue. I love the rest, but between how heartbreaking and awesome and heartwarming that finale was, it wins for me hands-down. 

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I almost said "Oathbringer", but I can't really decide.
As I read all three books in a row a few weeks ago, all three endings are still pretty fresh in my mind and every ending is awesome and moving on its own.

I love the way Dalinar just gives up his Blade for a few slaves and blows Kaladin's mind. This scene always makes me cry, just as I really enjoy Kaladin taking control fo the army at the Tower and ordering Adolin and Dalinar about.

WoR had this epic battle between Szeth and Kaladin in the storms and frankly, that still is the scene I'd love to see on a big screen the most. The raw power of the storms and the fight just is soemthing else.

And still, OB really was something else. I can't pick a favorite moment. Maybe when Renarin went "RAAAAAAAH!" against the thunderclast, or Adolin summoning Maya in seven heartbeats? Or was it Kaladin? Dalinar walking into battle with a book? Szeth, Lift and Nightblood? Jasnah very casually destroying the enemy without so much as undoing her hair? Rock with the shardbow? Teft as a 3rd Ideal Radiant?
... damnation, I'll need to reread the battle. Soon.

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3 minutes ago, Winds Alight said:

And still, OB really was something else. I can't pick a favorite moment. Maybe when Renarin went "RAAAAAAAH!" against the thunderclast,

Best scene, best part, best everything <3 


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Just now, Winds Alight said:

IKR? I believe that's it. That's the best scene. It just doesn't get better than this.

Any scene that Renarin can actually show himself and speak is amazing. Precious, sweet child

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9 hours ago, Dalakaar said:

OB almost felt over the top. I started to get a disconnect from the situation with all the magic going on. I still liked it ultimately, but it lacked the passion of the first ending and the signal-event of the second. Important events yes, but important events layered atop important events in a bit of a tangled mess. I don't want to have to have a saiyan scouter telling me the 7 digit power-levels of everyone by the end of this.

Oathbringer's ending was awesome, but I agree with this somewhat. Dalinar's "You cannot have my pain" moment is really, really good, one of my favorite in the whole series, but... prior to that moment, everything was falling apart. For a minute, I actually believed that OB might end on low note, with several characters dead. (I'm pretty sure the heroes will win in the end, but who's to say they can't suffer major losses along the way?) And then Dalinar stands up, swears his Third Ideal, and the tide of battle is suddenly turned. Then, however, it went on and on and on. The suspense kind of faded for me because at that point I knew the heroes would win -- it was just a matter of sorting out the details. Each individual thing about that climax was really cool, but altogether it felt a tad cluttered.

Anyway, even though all the climaxes are great, my favorite is probably Way of Kings. I remember yelling "You have a bridge! YOU HAVE A BRIDGE!" at my book after Dalinar was betrayed but before Kaladin was confronted by Syl. I honestly had no clue whether Kaladin would actually save Dalinar -- I scarcely dared to believe -- so I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. And the integration of Tien's death into the scene was heart-wrenching.

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3 minutes ago, Joy said:

Anyway, even though all the climaxes are great, my favorite is probably Way of Kings. I remember yelling "You have a bridge! YOU HAVE A BRIDGE!" at my book after Dalinar was betrayed but before Kaladin was confronted by Syl. I honestly had no clue whether Kaladin would actually save Dalinar -- I scarcely dared to believe -- so I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. And the integration of Tien's death into the scene was heart-wrenching.


Seeing all the bridgemen refusing a chance to escape just to follow Kaladin and help him save Dalinar is beautiful.

Also one of my favourite moments is when Kaladin crosses the bridge alone without stormlight (which seems foolhardy) but then you realise all the parshendi have gems woven into their beards and he just sucks in all of that stormlight and goes full radiant on them. I was very very very excited

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5 minutes ago, Xavier Iriarte said:

Also one of my favourite moments is when Kaladin crosses the bridge alone without stormlight (which seems foolhardy) but then you realise all the parshendi have gems woven into their beards and he just sucks in all of that stormlight and goes full radiant on them. I was very very very excited

I remember that one clearly. When I first read it back in 2011, I was reading part five reeeaaaaally late at night. I was ENRAGED about Sadeas' betrayal and then it just got crazier and exciting and I was sitting in bed, cheering them all on.

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5 hours ago, Xavier Iriarte said:


Seeing all the bridgemen refusing a chance to escape just to follow Kaladin and help him save Dalinar is beautiful.

Also one of my favourite moments is when Kaladin crosses the bridge alone without stormlight (which seems foolhardy) but then you realise all the parshendi have gems woven into their beards and he just sucks in all of that stormlight and goes full radiant on them. I was very very very excited

This. :)

And I loved this scene even more in my firs reread after I realized it was foreshadowed in an epigraph. 

Dalinar's scene in Oathbringer was great. But the whole avalanche was somehow too long and too fractured (so many POVs only having a few lines at a time) for me.

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The WOR one would have been my fav, but the fake-out death and the later retcon ending kinda ruined it for me. I'm still partial to the Avengers Assemble moment in OB as one of the most cinematically perfect scenes in modern fiction. But emotional impact? Almost has to be WOK. Navani and the Justice glyph. How much is a life worth. The empty warcamp with wailing widows and empty-eyed children. The Dalinar/Sadeas staredown. The Elkohar love beatdown. The entire part 5 of WOK goes a long way in making people fans of Dalinar, so much so that people are willing to dismiss his awful past carte blanche.

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All those endings are so good it is hard to choose. But ultimately, like most, I am torn between OB and WoK. I definitely want to see art of Dalinar facing down Odium armed only with a book, but that book is the most precious thing in the world to him. And “I am Unity” is epic. I agree that after that the ending of OB gets a little hectic, but it is fun to see all the different types of Radiants doing their thing. Like others have said, Bridge 4 going back to save Dalinar and co. in WoK, Kaladin going all Radiant, Dalinar giving up his shardblade. So awesome. And actually, while the battle of Narak is cool, my favorite part of the WoR ending is actually Kaladin swearing his 3rd ideal and saving Elhokar. Such a satisfying moment. 

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Way of Kings: 10/10.  Hard to top this ending, at least if we're restricting ourselves only to the Bridge Four/Dalinar/Sadeas stuff (Shallan and Jasnah fell kind of flat for me) for all the reasons mentioned above by Joy, Xavier Iriarte, et al.

Words of Radiance: 9/10.  Another pretty great ending.  A bit cheesy and reliant on cool one-liners rather than true emotional impact, though the impact is there as well.  Not quite as great as WoK's main ending.

Oathbringer: 6/10.  This ending...worked.  That's about all I can say.  I might be in the minority here, but I find big, massive battles to be incredibly boring.  Dalinar's ideal was great, but all the circumstances surrounding it felt pretty contrived and/or melodramatic.  Nothing special here.

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