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What do you think Obliteration's motives are in the Invocationverse? I mean, we know he's still a slontzy mass murderery guy, but why is he like that? Is that some sort of weird universal constant?

It's not like the Epics are evil there (I mean, insofarasmuch as any person with super powers would be evil) so why is he killing everybody?

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Just now, breakingamber said:

What do you think Obliteration's motives are in the Invocationverse? I mean, we know he's still a slontzy mass murderery guy, but why is he like that? Is that some sort of weird universal constant?

It's not like the Epics are evil there (I mean, insofarasmuch as any person with super powers would be evil) so why is he killing everybody?


I think the implication is that he believes Epics are evil not because of their actions, but because their powers are an affront to God. So in any universe in which a glow-y space man arrives to give people superpowers, Obliteration will be opposed to them, and in any universe where he himself gets powers he will seek to destroy humanity to prevent Epics from appearing.


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Just now, Kobold King said:


I think the implication is that he believes Epics are evil not because of their actions, but because their powers are an affront to God. So in any universe in which a glow-y space man arrives to give people superpowers, Obliteration will be opposed to them, and in any universe where he himself gets powers he will seek to destroy humanity to prevent Epics from appearing.


But if the space man ISN'T glowing...

Ladies and gentlemen, we can save the multiverse. WITH A FIRE HOSE.

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Blank would be especially frustrating to deal with if möbius doesn’t know what their powers are. For example, Blank could probably trick möbius into thinking they have a spy^_^.

And yes, people would notice quickly. That’s kind of the point. People would have no idea what was going on, suspecting spies, invisible lurkers, mental powers, etc. 

Paranoia is Blank’s greatest weapon. That and not being who you think they are.

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3 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

That and not being who you think they are.

I think they are John Smith. However, because you say they are not who you think they are, I know it is Not-John Smith. Therefore, in either of the possible scenarios, in which Blank is either John Smith or Not-John Smith, I am not surprised. Checkmate!

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9 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

I think they are John Smith. However, because you say they are not who you think they are, I know it is Not-John Smith. Therefore, in either of the possible scenarios, in which Blank is either John Smith or Not-John Smith, I am not surprised. Checkmate!

World's greatest detective, right here. Bloody brilliant, you are, good sir. I tip my hat off to you, and wish you a good day as I congratulate you on your excellent powers of deduction and reasoning. I am sure you will go on with your surely amazing and interesting life with gusto and aplomb, as well as make this poor gentleman look like a poorly-worded lout in comparison.

Also, ************

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13 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Blank would be especially frustrating to deal with if möbius doesn’t know what their powers are. For example, Blank could probably trick möbius into thinking they have a spy^_^.

And yes, people would notice quickly. That’s kind of the point. People would have no idea what was going on, suspecting spies, invisible lurkers, mental powers, etc. 

Paranoia is Blank’s greatest weapon. That and not being who you think they are.


It would probably depend on whether his powers could affect people in pocket dimensions... but then, the complications that would result from Möbius' powers interacting with other Epics' are one of the many reasons she's a backstory-only Epic. :P


Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Don't know if I have anything to say about the Invocationverse. It's a cool idea but I don't think I have anything useful to add. 


You could confirm or deny the allegations of repeated Rock, Paper, Scissors cheating leveled at Nathan Sperry. :P

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14 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


It would probably depend on whether his powers could affect people in pocket dimensions... but then, the complications that would result from Möbius' powers interacting with other Epics' are one of the many reasons she's a backstory-only Epic. :P



You could confirm or deny the allegations of repeated Rock, Paper, Scissors cheating leveled at Nathan Sperry. :P

Oh no.

Kokichi. Versus. Moibus. 

Who wins? How many people die? Does the world just cease to exist?

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1 minute ago, winter devotion said:

Oh no.

Kokichi. Versus. Moibus. 

Who wins? How many people die? Does the world just cease to exist?

Realistically? Mobius would probably win due to the fact that her reality-bending powers are possibly more powerful than Kokichi's reality bending powers. Though to be fair, if he didn't notice he was in a pocket dimension, he would probably be completely fine? Or am I diagnosing his powerset incorrectly?

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1 minute ago, winter devotion said:

Oh no.

Kokichi. Versus. Moibus. 

Who wins? How many people die? Does the world just cease to exist?


Mobius doesn't really get into fights so much as she waves her hand and makes you disappear. If your resist that or find your way back from your pocket dimension, she just warps away to her safehouse and starts sorting through her list of employed Epics for one that can kill you.

So it really depends on whether Kokichi's cartoon physics are powerful enough to enable them to burst out of their pocket dimension. If so, good for them! But if they managed to annoy Mobius enough to get into this fight in the first place, their life is going to get a lot more hectic once a legion of California's toughest Epics start hounding them at every turn.

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4 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


Mobius doesn't really get into fights so much as she waves her hand and makes you disappear. If your resist that or find your way back from your pocket dimension, she just warps away to her safehouse and starts sorting through her list of employed Epics for one that can kill you.

So it really depends on whether Kokichi's cartoon physics are powerful enough to enable them to burst out of their pocket dimension. If so, good for them! But if they managed to annoy Mobius enough to get into this fight in the first place, their life is going to get a lot more hectic once a legion of California's toughest Epics start hounding them at every turn.

Calamity, I want to watch that anime season.

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2 minutes ago, winter devotion said:

Calamity, I want to watch that anime season.


So do I. :ph34r:

Also I kind of wonder: given my first bio for her, written pre-Calamity, establishes that Mobius has visited the International Space Station... I wonder if she'd have been able to make contact with Big Red himself. If she asked him "Hey, could you make me and Slaughterhouse a million times stronger? And give me a prime invincibility?"

...then what would he do? Annihilate her on the spot, or just sort of shrug and say "Sure, whatever" like he did with Regalia?

So many questions. So many unknowns. So so many reasons it's good Mobius isn't an active character. :P

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Just now, Kobold King said:


So do I. :ph34r:

Also I kind of wonder: given my first bio for her, written pre-Calamity, establishes that Mobius has visited the International Space Station... I wonder if she'd have been able to make contact with Big Red himself. If she asked him "Hey, could you make me and Slaughterhouse a million times stronger? And give me a prime invincibility?"

...then what would he do? Annihilate her on the spot, or just sort of shrug and say "Sure, whatever" like he did with Regalia?

So many questions. So many unknowns. So so many reasons it's good Mobius isn't an active character. :P

Maybe I didn't read it... but what is Mobius's PI?

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1 minute ago, breakingamber said:

Maybe I didn't read it... but what is Mobius's PI?


She doesn't have one! She's ridiculously overpowered, and on a lucky day she could warp space in time to banish a bullet headed her way, but if you managed to surprise her and shoot her in the face she'd die like anyone. It's why she's as reclusive as she is, hardly ever showing up to confront her enemies directly.

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Just now, winter devotion said:

But, seriously, I need the anime adaptation for What Happened In Portland? 

Calamity, it'd be beautiful. 


I  mean, we made a bunch of anime-styled avatars using Rinmaru way back when. Does that count? :P

What would the OP be, though?

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5 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


Yeah, but the dark, brooding sort, or one that sounds like you could dance at a party to it?

...actually, that probably depends on who the protagonist is.

One season for each city? Different songs for each?

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6 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


Yeah, but the dark, brooding sort, or one that sounds like you could dance at a party to it?

...actually, that probably depends on who the protagonist is.

Nathan is the natural fit, I'd say, considering he was the first and the convention of anime protagonists being generally the most relatable.

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Just now, winter devotion said:

Nathan is the natural fit, I'd say, considering he was the first and the convention of anime protagonists being generally the most relatable.


Perfect. :ph34r: So I'm imagining a metric ton of Funtimes imagery in the OP animation... probably interspersed with brief, hectic flashes of carnage and mayhem at the hands of CorpseMaker, Nighthound, and later the Empire.

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Just now, Kobold King said:


Perfect. :ph34r: So I'm imagining a metric ton of Funtimes imagery in the OP animation... probably interspersed with brief, hectic flashes of carnage and mayhem at the hands of CorpseMaker, Nighthound, and later the Empire.

I can literally see it in my head. I might even be able to draw it.

With stick figures.

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Just now, Kobold King said:


Perfect. :ph34r: So I'm imagining a metric ton of Funtimes imagery in the OP animation... probably interspersed with brief, hectic flashes of carnage and mayhem at the hands of CorpseMaker, Nighthound, and later the Empire.

Lots of small group shots, with the closer friendships and bonds being physically closer while the Empire is super stand off ish, all four away from each other. 

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Just now, winter devotion said:

Lots of small group shots, with the closer friendships and bonds being physically closer while the Empire is super stand off ish, all four away from each other. 

I can see three or four parts.

Part 1: Thoughttown - The music is relatively dull and dry, with a simple rhythm and not much melody.

Part 2: Corpsemaker's whateveryoucallit - The music gets much darker, setting up for

Part 3: The Empire of Light - The music gets more upbeat but in a scary way (I'd play this on the piano but my mom's in the other room)

Part 4: Conflict (not actually sure what this would look like)

Part 5: オレゴンで何が起こったのか

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