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Long Game 50: News of My Demise


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3 hours ago, Nohadon said:

@Young Bard You'll also have to praise someone to make your vote count, just a friendly reminder.

Ah, right, thanks. Fura, Araris.

3 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

@Young Bard I’m not entirely sold on your lynch. If you didn’t need to vote for Fura to survive, who would you lynch and why?


In order from least to most likely, through process of elimination:

@A Joe in the Bush / @Aonar Faileas : They've both been inactive for most of the game, which I don't think they would be as Eliminators. A lynch on either of these two would also be pointless in terms of gaining information, since nobody would have any opinions on them.

Araris: I read you fairly strongly as a villager, with the lynches you've made.

Rath: I'm still paranoid about Rath, but I'm also aware that my paranoia is rarely helpful in finding Eliminators. Also, if Xino's an Eliminator, that would probably clear Rath in my mind, since Rath's been pushing for Xino hard.

@Shqueeves : They've been posting infrequently, and are semi-active - enough to submit orders. They've asked a couple times if there's a Tineye still alive, which seems to indicate activity in PM's in the night turn. Shqueeves, do you have any thoughts on the game? Who are you suspicious of?

Fura: The way they get strangely defensive about their actions - it could be a new player habit, but it seems suspicious to me.

@xinoehp512 : The posts they've made seem highly non-committal (e.g. their last post before today that I could find - "I am suspicious of Rath and Ark, and approve the lynch of one of them." - considering they were the two lynch candidates that cycle, this post fails to say anything meaningful.) I'd say this was due to inactivity, but they are highly active on the Shard, and in the irregular posts they do make seem caught up on what's going on. As such, it seems to me like a way of appearing more active without actually posting. In their post today, they suggest there's only one Eliminator left (which we just don't know - I could see two), and it seems like they're trying to downplay the threat. Then, they again fail to provide any analysis, or even a vote. Xino, who do you find suspicious?

So, of these people, I'd be OK lynching either Shqueeves, Fura, or Xino, I think.

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Evening Edition 7

The Elendel Daily

Newsworthy Content for Every Octant!

The 29th of Doxil, 68, Evening

Price 2 Clips


5000 Signatures Delivered to Governor Wilson

This afternoon, Councillor Jernaq, the leader of the Change for Elendel political party, delivered several reams of paper to Governor Wilson's desk, on which he claimed were the signatures of 5000 people demanding that the Governor hold a new election. The signatures included many notable names, including several heads of prominent Noble Houses and others within the nobility, political figures from New Seran and other outlying cities, and many business owners and traders concerned with the chaos that has been gripping Elendel as of late. While not on the list, as they do not wish to interfere in political discourse, several religious leaders from all three major churches have also expressed concern with the lack of trust in the current government, as well as the apparent breakdown of morals within the city. They have appealed for a calm and measured response from the Governor, and wish to remind people that we must respect the political process and cannot give in to fear or anger.

A government spokesman has told The Elendel Daily that he will release a statement, but has stressed that the Governor's position is in no way untenable, and that these 5000 people cannot simply overrule the voters that elected him. The spokesman further stated that to allow such a thing would be 'a mockery of democracy'. He pointed to the fact that another 'Spiked' individual had been found and dealt with as proof of his capability to solve the crisis that Elendel was currently experiencing, and said that Change for Elendel was merely trying to abuse the problem to seek greater power.

The Tekiel Appeal also ended this morning, with House Tekiel withdrawing all complaints and acknowledging that changes would need to be made across all aspects of their business to improve health and safety. An Elendel Consolidated Trade Union legal representative stated that this would have wide ramifications on the other Noble Houses as well, and that it was a true victory for the empowerment of the average worker. Already House Izenry's Carriageworkers have put paperwork in to form a Union of Transportation Workers, and others are expected to soon follow.

Another representative of the ECTU also stated that 'this would be a message to all the Nobility out there, that they cannot simply ignore those poorer than them and hope they suffer in silence to support their greedy and excessive lifestyle. Earlier today, A government individual stated that allowing a new election would be a 'mockery of democracy'. I agree; Any election held in Elendel, regardless of circumstance, is a mockery of democracy as long as we workers are not permitted to have a say in who governs us. We have had many governors, all of which have been put in place by a corrupt and nepotistic system. Let today's ruling be a warning to the ruling class - The Final Empire is dead, and its feudalism with it. The age of the working man is here.'

Garrik Urbain


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Jendred, aged 23, died yesterday in the continuation of the string of murders that are befalling the competitors of Lord Heron's competition. Jendred will likely not be remembered as the brightest of his family - that title would have to go to his elder sister Melia, famous scientist and engineer, nor could he be considered the most courageous - Kanwing, explorer of the New Scadrian World undoubtedly takes that title. That said, Jendred will undoubtedly be remembered for his sense of general optimism - always willing to give things a go, as evidenced by his entry into the competition that has now taken [x] lives. While ultimately Jendred failed to accomplish anything meaningful in his brief life, perhaps his death will be of some small interest to future historians who aim for a very complete understanding of this strange sequence of events during Lord Heron's competition.


Previous Editions


Other Headlines This Evening 


Imperial News – New Election Dates to be Announced

The Daily Council - Exclusive: Governor Condemns 'Change for Elendel' For Putting Politics Over Public Safety

New Allomancer – Festive Eating Linked to Digestive Discomfort and Awkward Familial Conversations

The Financial Broadsheet – House Tekiel Withdraws Appeal



Night 7 has begun! It will end at 7PM GMT 25th November. 

There is still at least one Tineye remaining, so PMs may continue.

Jendred/Young Bard was a Spiked Tineye!

Ookla the Curmudgeonly/Araris Valerian is Influential the following Day.


Assassinate Votes


Jendred/Young Bard (3): Ookla the Curmudgeonly/Araris Valerian, Lord Flamingo/Rathmaskal, Furamirionid/Furamirionid Yuln'Broael

Furamirionid/Furamirionid Yuln'Broael (2): Jendred/Young Bard, Severance Greed/Nohadon


Praise Votes


Ookla the Curmudgeonly/Araris Valerian (4): Lord Flamingo/Rathmaskal, Furamirionid/Furamirionid Yuln'Broael, Jendred/Young Bard, Severance Greed/Nohadon

Lord Flamingo/Rathmaskal (1): Ookla the Curmudgeonly/Araris Valerian


Total Influence


Ookla the Curmudgeonly/Araris Valerian: 16

Lord Flamingo/Rathmaskal: 1

Sabine Seidel/A Joe in the Bush: 1

Severance Greed/Nohadon: 2


Player List

  1. xinoehp512 - Eviterces, a person of unknown quality. Why would they hide themselves like this?
  2. I think I am here. - Itiah XII. What happened to the other eleven? Rioter
  3. Fifth Scholar - Count Olaf, an old vassal that once was under the influence of Ruin. Ruin is gone, but what's to stop him falling under evil influence again? Noble
  4. Jondesu - Quintus, an old hat at situations like this. Makes you wonder how he lived through them to tell the tale... Rioter
  5. Elandera - Avi, a person who has no idea what an Ookla Season is. Is that the truth, or are they perhaps lying? Thug
  6. Araris Valerian - Ookla the Curmudgeonly, an old man with a stern face. Perhaps evil is concealed within that stony visage.
  7. Cadmium Compounder - Miumounder, also known as CadCom. Why would someone need two names? Soother
  8. Young Bard - Jendred, eighth son, and thus unimportant. You can probably ignore him. Tineye
  9. Gancho Libre - George R.D. Mackleberry. Never trust a man with two middle initials. Smoker
  10. Orlok Tsubodai - Locke Tekiel, named for a ruler of Fadrex City, beloved by all. This character is different in two regards. Tineye
  11. Steeldancer - Ookla of Squids. (This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them) Lurcher
  12. Rathmaskal - Lord Flamingo, flamboyant and fond of hopping.
  13. Snipexe - Snip Exeutor, has stopped working. Noble
  14. Coop772 - Burrsir, too cool for school. Thug
  15. Shqueeves - Ookla That Watches, definitely a Tineye.
  16. Furamirionid - Furamirionid Yuln'Broael, Fura to his friends (if he has any).
  17. Aonar Faileas - Tomir Izenry, only here for the money.
  18. A Joe in the Bush - Sabine Seidel, of questionable sanity.
  19. Ark1002 - Aniah Arkwood, from the roughs. Sticks out like a sore thumb in these fancy settings. Noble
  20. Nohadon - Severance Greed, greedy by name, greedy by repeated examples of taking more than his fair share throughout his life.
  21. MetaTerminal - The Immortal Kalfaix, a travelling magician. You can't trust these out-of-towners... Spiked
  22. Devotary of Spontaneity - Tessona, a Sliverist, but assuredly maybe probably not one of the bad guys. Noble


Edited by Wyrmhero
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Hurray Time Zones!  Haha.  Glad that one worked out for us - I had a house full of people yesterday for Thanksgiving, so only barely checked in on the thread this morning.

So, that's 4 spiked down out of 22 total players.  8 players remaining.  Obviously the optimistic scenario is that we only have one more spiked to find.

I think for the first time I'm actually less suspicious of Xino (although the comment that Xino is up on the thread despite not really posting...and hasn't been voting anyway is still a bit suspicious) but Young Bard did echo my suspicions a couple times...which makes Xino slightly lower on the suspicion meter.  I think I'll have to do a fairly extensive re-read of the thread to try to figure out who the likely candidate(s) is/are.

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I think Fura might the the 5th elim. Rath said some things to me in a PM that make me somewhat confident that he is village, beyond the Tineye message. Also, if Xino is an elim, my House would have had 3, and I'm not yet convinced that Wyrm is that mean. But I certainly could be wrong.

  1. xinoehp512 - Eviterces, a person of unknown quality. Why would they hide themselves like this?
  2. Araris Valerian - Ookla the Curmudgeonly, an old man with a stern face. Perhaps evil is concealed within that stony visage.
  3. Rathmaskal - Lord Flamingo, flamboyant and fond of hopping.
  4. Shqueeves - Ookla That Watches, definitely a Tineye.
  5. Furamirionid - Furamirionid Yuln'Broael, Fura to his friends (if he has any).
  6. Aonar Faileas - Tomir Izenry, only here for the money.
  7. A Joe in the Bush - Sabine Seidel, of questionable sanity.
  8. Nohadon - Severance Greed, greedy by name, greedy by repeated examples of taking more than his fair share throughout his life.

Bolded names are people I consider village, italics are inactives. That just leaves Shqueeves and Fura. @Nohadon, if you could shoot one of them, that would be good. I think as long as Nohadon is alive it's impossible for us to lose this, since with the lynch we have double the kill power that the elims have.

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Assuming only one spiked remaining, and assuming that the spiked kills Nohadon tonight, we still have 3 mislynches before we lose, which at this point 3 mislynches seems like a lot of leeway to me.  And if either Rath or Nohadon is alive at the end of the game, it is impossible for the spiked to win.

Looking at the people confirmed elims: (Not Meta, people have already done him)



Votes Itaih and Fifth for Assassinate and Praise. Based on their gut.
Suggests he is nervous about praising Orlok, and that he would be OK lynching him because he is a dangerous elim.

Was inactive

Says Fifth feels "off", but probably nothing
Comments on the "Furamirionind Debacle", says would be willing to lynch, but suggests it being a new player thing.
Says he trusts CadCom due to mixup between Orlok and Devotary
Votes Gancho and CadCom for Assassinate and Praise
As CadCom was innocent, suggests that Snipexe might be spiked.
Says MetaTerminal, Elandera, And Xino's votes were suspicious.



  Votes Ark and  Fifth for AP
  Gancho replies to Bard and says he finds Ark suspicious because Ark said he would take away his vote if he was given reason to.

   I just know I have a tendency to focus on the loudest voices and forget the rest. - Knowing that Jondesu was an elim, this line seems to me to say that all of the spiked were active, as it was probably supposed to make us more suspicious of inactive players.
  Says Steel and Fura sound (fairly) neutral, what ever "fairly" means.

  Says Araris and Aonar's votes seemed in character.
  Voted for Steel and Araris for Assassinate-Praise.
  Asks Gancho why he thinks Ark is suspicious
  Joins bandwagon on Itiah.



Continues pushing for Ark's lynch
Says he is going to be inactive
Praises Meta.

"Thanks the Doctor"
Says that Elandera's attack was probably not a WGG




  Continued pushing Ark. - Honestly, at this point I should have started getting less suspicious of Ark, as Gancho at this point had been trying to force his lynch the entire game, but I didn't catch that.
  Praises Jondesu because he "has no reason not to trust him"

  Says that Orlok's analysis on Meta should not be reason to praise him. - I think he was replying to me having said Orlok should be praised for that.  But I don't know as he didn't say.




Votes for Rath because he made a self preservation vote.

Suspicious of Ark now. -Looks like the elims were trying to set up Ark. 
Assassinate votes Ark, Praises Araris
Questions who "Callsign: Leviathan" is.

  First post back, and gets lots of info incorrect. - I still assume this was because he did not reread the thread before posting, and ended up forgetting many game details.
  Votes to assassinate Rath due to association with Meta.
  Points out Shqeeves post in-thread about PMs.  Says that this could be because he is a spiked.
  Says he is suspicious of "Rath, Xino, Jondesu, Gancho, and Shqueeves." in that order. - This is the second post where he goes after Rath, Rath countered his reasoning before.  This looks like Bard setting up Rath to me.

C6: I want to point out, Coop was attacked N5.  This is something I don't understand as they have been inactive all game.  Perhaps they have been active in PMs, but if they have been, I never corresponded with them. If they had targetted, say, Orlok as they had called them out as spiked, with just 4 spiked, Jondesu being a Rioter, they could have taken the game, Rioting Araris's vote.


Basically, Jondesu and Gancho got super defensive about why they were being targeted.  Bard tried to distance himself from Gancho.

I think Shqueeves, and Rath are cleared from Bard's flip.  I can't think of why Coop would have been attacked though. My best guess is that the last spiked is an inactive player, and the elims did the math wrong as to how many people could be alive for them to outvote the villagers.

I am pretty much resigned to getting coinshot and lynched this next cycle. Though, If I am correct, then It doesn't matter, as we have a ton of time.  And if I am wrong, I think there will still be 1 more mislynch the village can afford before catching the elim.

So far, there seems to have been 2 of the Soother, Rioter, and Tineye roles, I would not be surprised if there was another Lurcher.  If there is, just make sure you are Lurching either Nohadon or Rath, as worst case scenario, if there are only 2 players left alive at the end of the game, if one is elim, and the other is vote manip or coinshot, we will win.

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Morning Edition: Epilogue

The Elendel Daily

Newsworthy Content for Every Octant!

The 30th of Doxil, 68, Morning

Price 2 Clips


Rooftop Chase Leads to Spiked Capture

Like something out of a Jasdorn Izenry fiction, Madion Ways in the 1st Octant awoke this morning to the sounds of feet on their rooftops, as a Spiked individual known as Furamirionid was under pursuit by one Severance Greed, Special Constable for the Elendel Constabulary. According to eyewitnesses, they fought a heated battle using Steelpushing on the rooftops, though Special Constable Greed was careful to avoid endangering any onlookers. The battle ended when Furamirionid became badly injured after an exchange of coins, but his condition is not lifte-threatening, even after his Spike was removed. It has been theorised that he is a natural Pewterarm, and was using stolen Steelpushing via Hemalurgy for the duel, though a full investigation is pending.

Severance Greed was present at the Constabulary conference afterwards, injured but not seriously wounded. He was introduced as the first of, hopefully, many Special Constables hired under Governor Wilson's new Misting Initiative. The Chief Constable stated that Special Constable Greed was responsible for several of the Spiked deaths. He further stated that orders were to bring the Spiked in alive to be questioned, but circumstances at the time meant that this proved too difficult, and that Special Constable Greed was permitted to use lethal force where necessary. Preliminary interrogation of the captured individual has suggested that there are no more Spiked plaguing our city. When questioned as to why Special Constable Greed did not appear on the Constabulary employee lists before today, the Chief Constable quickly stated that they do not comment on specific employment contracts.

The Change for Elendel party has speculated that this employment has been backdated to save face, and that it makes a hero out of a vigilante murderer. They have attacked the Governor viciously for allowing this to happen, claiming that he has used the situation as a political stunt. The Governor has not responded to this publicly, but initial polling suggests that approval rates for Governor Wilson have increased, and a source close to the Governor has heavily hinted that an election will be declared in the near future, to challenge Change for Elendel and Councillor Jernaq once and for all.

The other man of the hour today is Lord Ookla Heron, previously known as Ookla 'The Curmudgeonly' Erikell. The New Lord Heron was invited to see the previous Lord of the House this morning. Initial questioning of his peers has shown that he was chosen for his forthrightness, intelligence, sensible attitude towards the crisis, and, in spite of his nickname, likability. It also seems that Lord Heron does not care about his age - The new Lord Heron is not young, at 67, and it would appear that this is something of a stop-gap for the time being. The previous Lord Heron may be hoping that Lord Ookla Heron will find another suitable heir, as he has more time to search. But with Lord Ookla Heron being well-liked and well-thought of himself, it would also seem that the old Lord Heron is hoping to continue his House's attitude towards industry, while also forging stronger links between House Heron and other Noble Houses. Already some are suggesting that House Heron and House Erikell (the House Lord Ookla Heron previously belonged to) will be working closer together than before, though not all are pleased to hear that. 

House Heron has not released any statement as of yet other than announcing the adoption of Lord Ookla Heron. Likewise, Lord Ookla Heron refused to say anything to the press as he left the Heron Mansion, though it must be said that he seemed quite disturbed. One can only assume that he has realised the monumental change in lifestyle and responsibility he has just agreed to, and that he will settle into the role in time. Regardless though, everyone will be watching the career of this newest Heron with the greatest of interest.

Krea Erikell


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Previous Editions


Other Headlines This Evening 


Imperial News – Spiked Threat 'No More', Claims Chief Constable

The Daily Council - 'Last' Spiked Captured, Governor Enjoys Resurgence in Support

The Hazekiller – New Heron Hair Chosen

The Financial Broadsheet – What do we Know About the Next Lord Heron?

The Copper Star – Lord Heron DIED FOUR YEARS AGO, Claims Spiritualist


Nobles Win!

Ookla the Curmudgeonly of House Erikell is the new Lord Heron!

House Erikell has been raised up in standing, and will enjoy many prosperous years from their stronger association with House Heron.

As always, I will post my thoughts on this game the following day.

I hope everyone enjoyed playing this game and reading the writeups :)


Total Influence


Ookla the Curmudgeonly/Araris Valerian: 16

Lord Flamingo/Rathmaskal: 1

Sabine Seidel/A Joe in the Bush: 1

Severance Greed/Nohadon: 2




Player List

  1. xinoehp512 - Eviterces, a person of unknown quality. Why would they hide themselves like this? Smoker
  2. I think I am here. - Itiah XII. What happened to the other eleven? Rioter
  3. Fifth Scholar - Count Olaf, an old vassal that once was under the influence of Ruin. Ruin is gone, but what's to stop him falling under evil influence again? Noble
  4. Jondesu - Quintus, an old hat at situations like this. Makes you wonder how he lived through them to tell the tale... Rioter
  5. Elandera - Avi, a person who has no idea what an Ookla Season is. Is that the truth, or are they perhaps lying? Thug
  6. Araris Valerian - Ookla the Curmudgeonly, an old man with a stern face. Perhaps evil is concealed within that stony visage. Noble
  7. Cadmium Compounder - Miumounder, also known as CadCom. Why would someone need two names? Soother
  8. Young Bard - Jendred, eighth son, and thus unimportant. You can probably ignore him. Tineye
  9. Gancho Libre - George R.D. Mackleberry. Never trust a man with two middle initials. Smoker
  10. Orlok Tsubodai - Locke Tekiel, named for a ruler of Fadrex City, beloved by all. This character is different in two regards. Tineye
  11. Steeldancer - Ookla of Squids. (This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them) Lurcher
  12. Rathmaskal - Lord Flamingo, flamboyant and fond of hopping. Soother
  13. Snipexe - Snip Exeutor, has stopped working. Noble
  14. Coop772 - Burrsir, too cool for school. Thug
  15. Shqueeves - Ookla That Watches, definitely a Tineye. Seeker
  16. Furamirionid - Furamirionid Yuln'Broael, Fura to his friends (if he has any). Thug
  17. Aonar Faileas - Tomir Izenry, only here for the money. Tineye
  18. A Joe in the Bush - Sabine Seidel, of questionable sanity. Noble
  19. Ark1002 - Aniah Arkwood, from the roughs. Sticks out like a sore thumb in these fancy settings. Noble
  20. Nohadon - Severance Greed, greedy by name, greedy by repeated examples of taking more than his fair share throughout his life. Coinshot
  21. MetaTerminal - The Immortal Kalfaix, a travelling magician. You can't trust these out-of-towners... Spiked
  22. Devotary of Spontaneity - Tessona, a Sliverist, but assuredly maybe probably not one of the bad guys. Noble
Edited by Wyrmhero
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The writeups in this game were some of the best we've had recently :). I proclaim Nohadon to be my heir, for an excellent record for a coinshot. Thank you Wyrm for running the game, and to everyone else for making it so much fun. And sorry @Rathmaskal, I wasn't actually a Seeker.

Edit: @Wyrmhero, Shqueeves role isn't shown in the player list.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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15 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

The writeups in this game were some of the best we've had recently :). I proclaim Nohadon to be my heir, for an excellent record for a coinshot. Thank you Wyrm for running the game, and to everyone else for making it so much fun. And sorry @Rathmaskal, I wasn't actually a Seeker.

Edit: @Wyrmhero, Shqueeves role isn't shown in the player list.

Fixed. Did you like your prize? :P

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That was a great game, thanks Wyrmhero.

Thank you Orlok for trying to keep me alive with that message. It's really unfortunate I didn't see it until two minutes after the cycle ended. That's probably the biggest reason I would argue against a WGG with that kind of Thug mechanic. I'm incredibly forgetful! Despite being on and active pretty much that whole night turn, I still forgot my action :P

Once again, though, I'm reminded I need to stick with my gut reads. I had one on Jondesu, but couldn't quantify it, so I let it pass.

And congrats to Araris, the new Lord Heron.

Good job to the elims. You almost had the game! I think if players had been a bit more active, it would have been a little easier for you to stay hidden and made some of your bussing a bit more effective.

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Well done, @Wyrmhero! Loved the write ups! Congrats to the enemy, it was well played on your part, and Orlok, I’m a little annoyed at how you figured us out. :P That seriously was normal for me to use those terms, but the grouping of us all doing it was bad for us. Wish I could have been more on top of things, but that’s life.

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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

The writeups in this game were some of the best we've had recently :). I proclaim Nohadon to be my heir, for an excellent record for a coinshot. Thank you Wyrm for running the game, and to everyone else for making it so much fun. And sorry @Rathmaskal, I wasn't actually a Seeker.

Hey, no worries.  Even though you weren't, you had an excellent track record of identifying spiked going.  Although if we missed one, I would probably have started thinking, "Hmmm, maybe TOO good...haha"

Awesome job everyone!  And congrats to the new Lord Heron Curmudgeonly.

Edit: Also, to be fair, you never actually claimed...you just let my assumption sit there mostly unanswered.

Edited by Rathmaskal
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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

The writeups in this game were some of the best we've had recently :).

I second this wholeheartedly, and would like to thank @Wyrmhero for writing them, and running the game. The amount of work you put into the writeups to have them ready minutes from rollover was always appreciated. Also appreciated was all the work you put into making me think Rath was a Spiked in the dead doc, and your odd role distributions (three Tineyes? One house with six people and another with two?). Your title of King of Trolls is merited. :P 

Congratulations to @Araris Valerian for his excellent work in getting most of the Spiked lynched, and also having eight times the reputation of any living player by the end of the game. Also well done to @Orlok Tsubodai for catching on to a seemingly random tell, and nailing the entire Eliminator team with it. :P 

To the Elims—you played well, and ironically a more active village might have helped give you better targets to mislynch and people to mislead, and a more active game might have actually swung your way. Inactivity in general made both teams suffer this game, and was slightly disheartening, though I’m glad enough players were active at the end to keep the game interesting. The dead doc was certainly active, falling just short of 40k words, which isn’t bad in the least. 

As for myself, I did enjoy this game tremendously while I was alive, especially the challenge of trying to get Praise with a two-person house. I’d like to thank Elandera and Orlok for challenging me with questions and debates in-thread and in PMs, which gave me something to respond to when I wasn’t feeling committed enough to perform actual analysis. :P 

Oh, and @Elandera, well done on getting Pewter, again. :P The AG is coming up, so you’ll have another chance at it (or at Elsecaller, which is functionally the same). 

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