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@RoyalBeeMage and @Scars of Hathsin: reminder that posts should generally be longer than a single line of dialogue. This is for many reasons, but generally the most important is that there’s no DM, so the only person that can describe the scene and setting is you. Additionally, inner thoughts are very much appreciated, as they can give insight into a character’s personality, as well as thoughts that they would have rattling inside their head, but wouldn’t say out loud.

The Alleyverse is much more like a collaborative fanfic than a D&D session. Embrace your inner writer! :D

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1 hour ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

@Koloss17 What is a Chryst (what Chloris asks Itsuki if his diner pays in). Did you mean crystal?

Chrysts are the universal currency of Alleycity. Basically each area has their own currency due to differences in culture, but there needs to be something universal to get trade across districts, and to make money not worthless once you step out of your district.

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19 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Chrysts are the universal currency of Alleycity. Basically each area has their own currency due to differences in culture, but there needs to be something universal to get trade across districts, and to make money not worthless once you step out of your district.

Okay, thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, sorry i've been inactive for the past while! between college and my job I really don't have time for this at the moment. My next semester starts in April, so hopefully i'll have more time then, but for now if you wish to use my character Flint as an NPC you may, just don't kill him, chop off a limb or anything like that.

Again sorry for the absence, I hope you all are having fun!


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54 minutes ago, Brik_head said:

Hey, sorry i've been inactive for the past while! between college and my job I really don't have time for this at the moment. My next semester starts in April, so hopefully i'll have more time then, but for now if you wish to use my character Flint as an NPC you may, just don't kill him, chop off a limb or anything like that.

Again sorry for the absence, I hope you all are having fun!


At the moment, we have left your character in the scene, just not interacted with them. 

It’s all good! This little roleplay is nowhere near as important as the majority of life things. And I do appreciate the update, even if it’s a tad late.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey folks! I’m thinking of making a new Episode in Era 7. This will not have any sort of time skip (unless you want to), and is purely just going to be a new thread to RP in. The reason for this is threefold:

1) The arcs of episode 2 are pretty much done, and so everyone is kind of in between interactions at the moment. A new thread could invite people to coordinate and start up that interaction

2) it provides a golden opportunity for newcomers to join in if they have been eying the Alleyverse!

3) The current thread has gotten quite long, and if someone wants to go back and read what happened, it would be nice to know that more will not be added on to that thread while they are reading it.

Again, this will not force any sort of time skip, though you are more than welcome to do a time skip of a few days or so. The only thing that this will entail is starting up a new thread.

Will that work with you folks? I’m specifically talking to @TheRavenHasLanded, @Scars of Hathsin, @RoyalBeeMage, @Lunamor, and @Stormlightsong, as they seem to be the currently active folks.

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3 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Hey folks! I’m thinking of making a new Episode in Era 7. This will not have any sort of time skip (unless you want to), and is purely just going to be a new thread to RP in. The reason for this is threefold:

1) The arcs of episode 2 are pretty much done, and so everyone is kind of in between interactions at the moment. A new thread could invite people to coordinate and start up that interaction

2) it provides a golden opportunity for newcomers to join in if they have been eying the Alleyverse!

3) The current thread has gotten quite long, and if someone wants to go back and read what happened, it would be nice to know that more will not be added on to that thread while they are reading it.

Again, this will not force any sort of time skip, though you are more than welcome to do a time skip of a few days or so. The only thing that this will entail is starting up a new thread.

Will that work with you folks? I’m specifically talking to @TheRavenHasLanded, @Scars of Hathsin, @RoyalBeeMage, @Lunamor, and @Stormlightsong, as they seem to be the currently active folks.


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43 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Hey folks! I’m thinking of making a new Episode in Era 7. This will not have any sort of time skip (unless you want to), and is purely just going to be a new thread to RP in. The reason for this is threefold:

1) The arcs of episode 2 are pretty much done, and so everyone is kind of in between interactions at the moment. A new thread could invite people to coordinate and start up that interaction

2) it provides a golden opportunity for newcomers to join in if they have been eying the Alleyverse!

3) The current thread has gotten quite long, and if someone wants to go back and read what happened, it would be nice to know that more will not be added on to that thread while they are reading it.

Again, this will not force any sort of time skip, though you are more than welcome to do a time skip of a few days or so. The only thing that this will entail is starting up a new thread.

Will that work with you folks? I’m specifically talking to @TheRavenHasLanded, @Scars of Hathsin, @RoyalBeeMage, @Lunamor, and @Stormlightsong, as they seem to be the currently active folks.

I’m good with this.

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On 3/28/2024 at 3:39 PM, Koloss17 said:

Hey folks! I’m thinking of making a new Episode in Era 7. This will not have any sort of time skip (unless you want to), and is purely just going to be a new thread to RP in. The reason for this is threefold:

1) The arcs of episode 2 are pretty much done, and so everyone is kind of in between interactions at the moment. A new thread could invite people to coordinate and start up that interaction

2) it provides a golden opportunity for newcomers to join in if they have been eying the Alleyverse!

3) The current thread has gotten quite long, and if someone wants to go back and read what happened, it would be nice to know that more will not be added on to that thread while they are reading it.

Again, this will not force any sort of time skip, though you are more than welcome to do a time skip of a few days or so. The only thing that this will entail is starting up a new thread.

Will that work with you folks? I’m specifically talking to @TheRavenHasLanded, @Scars of Hathsin, @RoyalBeeMage, @Lunamor, and @Stormlightsong, as they seem to be the currently active folks.

That’s fine with me except that I am a little busy for the next few weeks. Should be back soon though

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16 minutes ago, Just_a_Fan said:

I have an idea for a character. tldr; spiky doggo thingy with a comically long glave. made of plant, wears ceramic armor.

Well, feel free to dm me the draft (or to slap it here), and I can give ya some feedback!

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[placeholder], the aluminum Dog. How his maker managed to awaken a larger than life-sized husky retriever (husky + golden retriever) made of aluminum, nobody knows, what was used to awaken him? also unknown, where is he from? also unknown. but he's here now. he's... alright at wielding the comically long sword he has, but is somehow very proficient in ranged weaponry. whenever he "eats" something, it, in reality just gets sent to a pocket dimension, meaning he can store things, like a car, a flamethrower, or a dead horse. (not living animals though.) he can absorb breaths, other forms of investiture, energy, etc. etc. etc. when eating or biting something. He acts akin to a real, living animal, (such as requiring sustenance,) but is, in reality, just a very complex and weird awaken. he is very much a mystery... dog? man? thing?

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1 hour ago, Just_a_Fan said:

[placeholder], the aluminum Dog. How his maker managed to awaken a larger than life-sized husky retriever (husky + golden retriever) made of aluminum, nobody knows, what was used to awaken him? also unknown, where is he from? also unknown. but he's here now. he's... alright at wielding the comically long sword he has, but is somehow very proficient in ranged weaponry. whenever he "eats" something, it, in reality just gets sent to a pocket dimension, meaning he can store things, like a car, a flamethrower, or a dead horse. (not living animals though.) he can absorb breaths, other forms of investiture, energy, etc. etc. etc. when eating or biting something. He acts akin to a real, living animal, (such as requiring sustenance,) but is, in reality, just a very complex and weird awaken. he is very much a mystery... dog? man? thing?

The idea seems interesting! However, I’d try formatting it with the character template for two main reasons:

1) so it’s easier for me to get a full handle on what exactly the character is

2) to give an easy opportunity to flesh out the character. I’m just fine with a bit of mystery, this is just a way to turn this general idea of a character into a more living, breathing thing.

Template (pasted from the character thread)


Name: Character Name
Appearance: A brief description of your characters. Could include height, hair and eye colour, complexion, what clothes they typically wear, how they carry themselves, etc. (Eg. A haughty man in his late thirties, lazy blue eyes, black hair with a characteristic streak of grey on the left side. He dresses in old fashioned Scadrian formal-wear and has a dueling cane perpetually in hand)
Guild (or intended guild): Please include if you have any intentions of starting in a guild or joining one shortly (Can also leave as unaffiliated, or ask in the Character discussion thread if you'd like some suggestions for a guild your character may join)
Personality: Briefly describe the characters personality. How do they react to people below them? Above them? Their equals? Is there a discrepancy between their appearance and their true feelings? Or do they wear their emotions on their sleeve? What are they passionate about and what do they hate?
Concept: A short summary of what you feel the key components of the character are, ideally should be a single sentence or even only a few words. A sociopathic doctor, a bleeding-heart assassin, a dishonorable Radiant, etc.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): What is the character aiming for? What are they trying to get done this week and what are their longer term plans? Short term motivations could be as simple as finding somewhere to live or someone to talk to, long term motivations should ideally pull from the backstory and personality, and preferably tie in to their flaw.
Merits: Characters should have three minor merits, two normal merits and one major merit. A major merit is the defining ability of your character, what sets them apart from others. This could be being a Knight Radiant, or an expert swordsman, or a genius inventor. A normal merit is a secondary but still key skill or talent. The bread and butter skills that the character uses the most frequently after their major merit. Minor merits represent rp skills (Such as being a talented singer or musician), a lesser talent (An amateur swordfighter), or a very minor magical ability. 
Flaws: What problems does your character face? Do they have a physical impediment to achieving their goals? A problematic personality? Or a disadvantageous social situation? Ideally a flaw feeds into a characters long term goal, this is the thing that must be overcome in order to achieve what they are looking for.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Can be as minimal or as detailed as you wish, does your family have any family? Friends? Enemies? (These will usually be represented as flaws as well) These relationships could be NPCs or they could be other player characters, though please ensure you consult with the players in question first. Please think carefully about this section, as who the character surrounds themselves with will often influence who they are.
Home Planet: Where is your character from? Can also list a specific heritage here (Eg. Veden, Elendelian, Arelish)
Current Residence: Where does your character sleep at night? Do they rent a room somewhere (And if so how do they pay for it?), do they have a cottage, a manse, an apartment? And which district of the city have they chosen to reside in? (See our Guide to Alleycity for information about districts and existing locations)
Backstory: What has led your character to where they are? This should tie many other of these fields together, explaining their motivations and how they achieved their merits.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): What lingering threads from their backstory still hang over the character?
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): Links to any resources you may have created for this character. Not mandatory but they are very fun to make

I’d also recommend taking a look at my character guide in the pinned guide to the Alleyverse!

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Nametba, unless you have any ideas?
Appearance: aluminum husky w/ a bag slung over shoulder, (like as seen in the pmd series.)
Guild (or intended guild): dunno. got any ideas?
Personality: clean, ace/aro.
Concept: a deity decided to make a "janitor" for the alleyverse.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): long term: find who made them. clean the alleyverse of "impurities". short term: find a place to belong to.
Merits: amature painter, swordfighter, decent at some magics and ranged weapons.
Flaws: awkward and random at times.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): rumored to be the result of a shard. not that that's true or anything.
Home Planet: the alley verse???
Current Residence: an rv
Backstory: just kinda appeared one day. rumors were spread that he's the result of a bored shard or something else silly.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): finding out who they are. (think shadow in shadow the hedgehog.) cleaning the alleyverse.


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23 minutes ago, Just_a_Fan said:


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Nametba, unless you have any ideas?
Appearance: aluminum husky w/ a bag slung over shoulder, (like as seen in the pmd series.)
Guild (or intended guild): dunno. got any ideas?
Personality: clean, ace/aro.
Concept: a deity decided to make a "janitor" for the alleyverse.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): long term: find who made them. clean the alleyverse of "impurities". short term: find a place to belong to.
Merits: amature painter, swordfighter, decent at some magics and ranged weapons.
Flaws: awkward and random at times.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): rumored to be the result of a shard. not that that's true or anything.
Home Planet: the alley verse???
Current Residence: an rv
Backstory: just kinda appeared one day. rumors were spread that he's the result of a bored shard or something else silly.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): finding out who they are. (think shadow in shadow the hedgehog.) cleaning the alleyverse.


Alright, few things.

-I assume this is an anthropomorphic husky, which I have no qualms with, but it wasn’t explicitly stated.

-Why are they a deity? What’s the story behind that?

-What is your character counting as impurities? What’s its moral compass here?

-when you say “decent at some magics and ranged weapons” what did you have in mind?

-For reference, the home planet is in the context of the fact that many come from outside the Alleyverse, like earth, Scadrial, Detritus, etc. Now, you are perfectly allowed to be born in the Alleyverse; I just wanted to let you know the context to why that’s there.

-For current residence, an RV is a decent start, but what I really want to know is where in Alleycity they reside. New Halladren? The Spire? Mistkeep? That type of thing (list in the guide).

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not very anthro, think Paw patrol, not sonic. 

they are not a deity, they are the creation of a deity. even then, that's just a rumor. in reality, they just kinda... appeared in the alley city for no real reason.

hemalurgy, litter, grime, soot, wanton rubbish. chaotic good.

guns, bows, crossbows, mortars. 


whatever's left of the church of the stick.

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7 minutes ago, Just_a_Fan said:


hemalurgy, litter, grime, soot, wanton rubbish. chaotic good.


Past Hemalurgy, I am having difficulty wrapping my head around the other magics. Could you explain what you had in mind?

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1 hour ago, Just_a_Fan said:

even then, that's just a rumor. in reality, they just kinda... appeared in the alley city for no real reason.

We generally like characters existing to make sense, and not just handwave stuff with "they appeared for no reason" and "how were they made? who knows!". Aluminum can't usually be Awakened, and I'd discourage going against the magic system rules. 

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2 minutes ago, Just_a_Fan said:

Oh ok. My bad. Newbie here.

Hey! Not a problem! It’s admittedly quite complex to start off with. But once you’re in, you realize that all the minor rules and norms are there for a reason (that reason being fun!).

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