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4 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

anyone want to explain to a new person to the allyverse what everything is and how to get started?

So basically, the Alleyverse is a dimension where all of Brandon Sanderson’s works can exist within the same universe. Alleycity is the main area where things happen, and it has an extensive history. Though at the moment, we are trying for a soft reset where everything still happened, but for the most part, you don’t need to worry about it. 

To start, I would brainstorm a character, check out other characters, ask questions, and use your creativity! Once you have a solid character idea, check out the character thread and submit one for approval!

Theres a guide here, but it’s a few years old. Most of the things still apply though! 

Im currently the active “mod” (I stick around, help out, and have character approval privileges, but don’t actually have mod privileges.) The only other ‘active’ mod is @AonEne, who can pop in from time to time to resolve issues.

Our current plot revolves around Perses, a pseudo inquisitor that seeks on gaining a foothold in Alleycity, and Corbeau, who is a prelan who seeks to become the mayor of Alleycity. However, for a new player, you can definitely just hop in and figure that kind of stuff out as your character does.

The biggest thing to note is that the Alleyverse Roleplay is more of collaborative storytelling than a roleplay, which means we work together to form a plot. There’s no DM, so you need to provide the details and worldbuilding along with the other characters. You are free to make up any details about anything that has not been explicitly stated by another Sharder, and just have fun! If you have any questions, you are free to ask here or ask me!

I am honestly considering making a thread about the new fundamentals of the Alleyverse RP, starting with character creation, but for now just look at the character thread and check out what the approved characters have. 

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A few notes:

@Brik_head and @TheRavenHasLanded: don’t forget to list your character, area of the city, and specific area before getting into what your character does. In this case, it would be formatted like this:

Character name, The Mistwarrens, Bendalloy Bar.

It doesn’t have to be in every post, but it is useful when starting a character interaction in a new location.

In addition, you should tag the people you are interacting with at the end of the post, just to notify the folks you are RPing with that you have responded.

Edited by Koloss17
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9 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

just wondering if there are any rosharan places in allycity beyond the sphere. working on finishing my submission to the submissions now.

It’s mostly the Sphere for purely Rosharans. However, you can set up camp just about anywhere! Right now the main plot is focused in the Mistwarrens, but that is subject to change depending on where the story goes. That doesn’t mean you have to live there, but the likelihood of you spending time there is high.

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8 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Is it possible to quickly world build a new uritheru and have my character start there and get hired by someone in the mistwarrens 

Hmmmmm. I would say that it’s realistic that there would be some sort of organization of Radiant Orders in the Sphere, but I don’t know if they would have constructed a gigantic tower. However, I frankly don’t see why not! 

My main thought is that since the city is so prone to change, anything is possible, but the likelihood of a large tower lasting long is low. Though in the end, the world is your oyster. It’s presumably been about a year since something truly chaotic happened, and our Era is unlikely to morph things much.

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35 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

So yes on big tower that monopolies on storm light, transportation, medication and therapy. Hum did you say something.

Frankly, I don’t think you can get away with a monopoly in this city. The general rule is whoever has the most power (in any form) leads, and since there are definitely more powerful beings in Alleycity, that business is gonna be stopped real fast. And frankly, hoarding resources is not the way of a lot of orders. 

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i know i was just making a joke at how many specific fields of aid that they have. they can instantly heal you, move anything anywhere and are able to easily move stormlight. 

quick question. where does stormlight come from and are there highstorms? and would the sibling now be in the new uritiru, nightwtcher in some back ally and the stormfather chilling in the sky seeing everything. 

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1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

i know i was just making a joke at how many specific fields of aid that they have. they can instantly heal you, move anything anywhere and are able to easily move stormlight. 

quick question. where does stormlight come from and are there highstorms? and would the sibling now be in the new uritiru, nightwtcher in some back ally and the stormfather chilling in the sky seeing everything. 

So since this world is a pocket dimension that people slip through, I would safely say that there are no Bondsmith spren, as they are much too rare. So the likelihood of a bondsmith being around is quite low (unless they’re disconnected from their spren)

As for highstorms, I have no idea. I’ll check in with folks more knowledgeable about the lore, but for now let’s assume that spheres are generally going to be valuable as people need to pop into Roshar to recharge them.


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2 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

As for highstorms, I have no idea. I’ll check in with folks more knowledgeable about the lore, but for now let’s assume that spheres are generally going to be valuable as people need to pop into Roshar to recharge them.


so could it be assumed that the tower of uritiru could in theory control the supply of stormlight?

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21 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

so could it be assumed that the tower of uritiru could in theory control the supply of stormlight?

I mean, sort of. I’ll get back to you on how stormlight trade works in Alleycity, but if you need to portal to Roshar, that’s something theoretically anyone can do. Now, the exact mechanics of cross-dimensional portals to and from the Alleyverse are intentionally left vague, and are kinda meant to stay that way, so I wouldn’t push too far with that if that’s the route to go down. 

But they could certainly be a major vendor!

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thanks i will keep it in mind. it wasn't ment to be something my current character could do but i was thinking about if i ever created a second character it would be a windrunner trader between worlds.

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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

thanks i will keep it in mind. it wasn't ment to be something my current character could do but i was thinking about if i ever created a second character it would be a windrunner trader between worlds.

Interesting news! There is such thing as the Alleystorm, which recharges investiture when it goes through. It’s generally ignored, but it can be used whenever it is narratively convenient.

Additionally, here’s @AonEne’s thoughts on New Urithiru.


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Hi, sorry for the delay! Yeah, I'd say 10 stories is probably reasonable, and we can definitely say some Radiants have organized there, that sounds realistic. It'd by no means be a monopoly on all of them, but a number would probably go for it, especially ones who were part of the same kind of system on Roshar. 

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@Brik_head reminder to actually tag the people you are talking to. 

Also, generally speaking, since you don’t know Ezra’s name, you wouldn’t refer to her as such.

(I swear everyone the Alleyverse Etiquette post is coming, I’ve just been really busy)

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7 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

@TheRavenHasLanded, what compelled Sonyr to go to The Silver Dagger? and why would he think a high end Scadrian shop would have info on a relative unknown in Alleycity?

He's a dimwit when it comes to some street smarts. especially since he is extremely upset at the moment.

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10 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He's a dimwit when it comes to some street smarts. especially since he is extremely upset at the moment.

Well I mean, what are you expecting in this interaction? The only person that would have an inkling who Corbeau even is is Keshi, who is currently in the back room with Venser. And frankly, there is a good chance that its only the two of them in the shop.

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Just now, Koloss17 said:

Well I mean, what are you expecting in this interaction? The only person that would have an inkling who Corbeau even is is Keshi, who is currently in the back room with Venser. And frankly, there is a good chance that its only the two of them in the shop.

The only thing he wants is a lead so he can talk.

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