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Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds Release Party


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Q: Are we just going to see Szeth kill a lot of people in the next book?

A: So Szeth is... let's say, um... has some better influences than he's had in a long while.  It's been a long time since he has had as good influences on him as he now has.  I wouldn't count Nightblood as one of those, but... but at the same time, he's had worse influences than Nightblood.


After this questioner left, since I was sitting right there recording and the next person wasn't up yet, I sort of waved to Brandon.

Q: Speaking of Szeth's current situation... "Oh hi.  You're the guy who killed my first husband.  Now you're my new husband's bodyguard.  I am strangely OK with this."

A: Yeah, yeah...

Q: That just feels a bit weird.

A: It does feel a bit weird.  And it is a bit weird.  And you're going to see a lot of awkwardness.  You'll see...


So I've got some new character interaction fun to look forward to in Stormlight 4.

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7 hours ago, RShara said:

Oh man, what a fun party! I'm uploading the audio now, though it'll be a bit before it can be reviewed and such. A few snippets that I heard or asked myself :D

Kelsier has not yet figured out a way to leave Scadrial.

Hoid is not the weapon that killed Adonalsium.

The Fused were looking for the Cryptic in Kholinar.

You do need to die, or rather, your Cognitive/Spiritual aspect does need to be ripped out from your body before you can become a Cognitive Shadow.

I was RAFO'd on whether Braize was 9-centric before Odium was imprisoned in the Roshar system.

There have been more than 15 but less than 50 desolations. He's not sure of the exact number, he'd have to look at his notes, which means it's probably not a *significant* number.

Thanks for this!

Kelsier - good, he can sit out the front half of SA. 

The Fused - Interesting, I was sure the Fused were looking for an imprisoned Unmade like BAM or more black spheres. Did they want to corrupt the cryptic with Re-Sephir?

Cognitive Creation - Maybe the Heralds were made Cognitive Shadows in this less invasive and less traumatic way. Infused with enough of Honor's power to "petrified tree" their Cognitive aspect while still in their bodies. Seems more Honorable. 

9-centric Braize - this was one I was thinking of asking him if I go to a signing in November. I'll cross that off the list. 


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I got some fun wobs. The red eyes of shades are investiture hacking. Taln broke right around the events of the way of kings, given a bit of leeway based on the fact that Brandon hasn’t written Talns book yet. Liss being Chana has been RAFOd. Hemalurgy + shardscalpel surgery is viable, and we’ve seen vasher do something similar in terms of excising the spirit web. Amaram viewpoints were considered by Brandon, but apparently weren’t feasible with how long OB got, which is why his slow descent was not featured in OB. Apparently brandon considers what he did to kaladin worse than anything he did in OB. And kaladins kids having different colored eyes if he had one while dark eyed and the other while blue eyed got RAFOd. And sorry about Hoid being the weapon not being rafod, I really thought that was free rafo bait. 

Oh, and during the Q&A I asked about Steeldancer. He can’t go speed of light, there are limits to how fast they could go even with abrasion. Which is fine, I’m not sure why everyone is making fun of me for it. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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2 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Oh, and during the Q&A I asked about Steeldancer. He can’t go speed of light, there are limits to how fast they could go even with abrasion. Which is fine, I’m not sure why everyone is making fun of me for it. 

During the signing, someone asked if, hypothetically, the entire city of Newcago could be used as one giant steelmind.  Brandon laughed and said yeah, that would probably work.  I said to him as an aside once the asker had left, "and that's how you get someone who can outrace Barry Allen," which drew laughing agreement from him.

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3 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

During the signing, someone asked if, hypothetically, the entire city of Newcago could be used as one giant steelmind.  Brandon laughed and said yeah, that would probably work.  I said to him as an aside once the asker had left, "and that's how you get someone who can outrace Barry Allen," which drew laughing agreement from him.

Huh I never thought of that before LOL. True. So if we soulcast all of roshar into steel....

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At one point Brandon turned to me and he was like, "wow, people are asking a lot of really great questions tonight."  I kinda nodded, but I was a bit surprised because that was not my impression.  Maybe it just shows different priorities.  As a Sharder, I was there primarily for the Cosmere stuff, but what I had noticed at this signing was a lot of people asking him questions that were either personal questions about his life, or questions about writing and being a writer, with comparatively little in the way of Cosmere lore...

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8 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

At one point Brandon turned to me and he was like, "wow, people are asking a lot of really great questions tonight."  I kinda nodded, but I was a bit surprised because that was not my impression.  Maybe it just shows different priorities.  As a Sharder, I was there primarily for the Cosmere stuff, but what I had noticed at this signing was a lot of people asking him questions that were either personal questions about his life, or questions about writing and being a writer, with comparatively little in the way of Cosmere lore...

Not that the cosmere stuff that we got wasn’t good. I feel like this signing both made and broke theories. 

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4 hours ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Q: Speaking of Szeth's current situation... "Oh hi.  You're the guy who killed my first husband.  Now you're my new husband's bodyguard.  I am strangely OK with this."

A: Yeah, yeah...

Q: That just feels a bit weird.

A: It does feel a bit weird.  And it is a bit weird.  And you're going to see a lot of awkwardness.  You'll see...

Navani then thanks Szeth for saving her a messy divorce....


As for Honor and loopholes, I don't see a loophole or a breaking of the pact in the Rosharan situation.  The pact was to go separate ways and not interfere.  I can be in the same room as someone else, and not interfere with their works.  I can be in the same room as my wife and collaborate with her on a project, and that is not interference, as both parties agree to work together.  Being on the same planet as Cultivation and working with her towards a shared goal interferes with no other Shard, and maintains the separation.  So I can see that being part of the logic for how Cultivation and Honor ended up on the same rock without violating the pact.

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1 hour ago, Mason Wheeler said:

At one point Brandon turned to me and he was like, "wow, people are asking a lot of really great questions tonight."  I kinda nodded, but I was a bit surprised because that was not my impression.  Maybe it just shows different priorities.  As a Sharder, I was there primarily for the Cosmere stuff, but what I had noticed at this signing was a lot of people asking him questions that were either personal questions about his life, or questions about writing and being a writer, with comparatively little in the way of Cosmere lore...

There's always a lot of personal questions, and questions about writing/inspirations, etc. I think we got a pretty good ratio this time :D There were a lot of Sharders present, too, and some of us went through twice, so we likely skewed that ;)

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1 hour ago, Stark said:

Navani then thanks Szeth for saving her a messy divorce....


As for Honor and loopholes, I don't see a loophole or a breaking of the pact in the Rosharan situation.  The pact was to go separate ways and not interfere.  I can be in the same room as someone else, and not interfere with their works.  I can be in the same room as my wife and collaborate with her on a project, and that is not interference, as both parties agree to work together.  Being on the same planet as Cultivation and working with her towards a shared goal interferes with no other Shard, and maintains the separation.  So I can see that being part of the logic for how Cultivation and Honor ended up on the same rock without violating the pact.

Honor didn't have to be involved in Cultivation's decision to follow him as well.

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This was an awesome event! I had tons of fun, got rafo'd on whether Aesudan was part of the Sons of Honor, and learned that Hoid was at least somewhat involved in the  vessel's plans regarding the Shattering of Adonalsium. 

Also that Pattern cosplay was incredible.

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OK, I just uploaded the signing Q&A recording to Arcanum. The audio quality is not the best, because the people in line were noisy and my filters to reduce that made things sound a bit tinny, but trust me, it sounds much better than the raw version with all the background noise.  Brandon was speaking loud and clear, but being able to hear the people asking questions is kind of hit-and-miss.

I noticed at least one other person had a recording device there.  @RShara maybe?  She has a recording posted already of the Q&A from the general meeting beforehand, but not of the signing line yet.  Anyway, if anyone else was recording this, let's see if you were able to get a better sound quality.

Meanwhile, I got a recording of the entire general meeting.  I'll be putting that up on YouTube shortly, as I have with other similar things in the past.

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1 hour ago, Mason Wheeler said:

OK, I just uploaded the signing Q&A recording to Arcanum. The audio quality is not the best, because the people in line were noisy and my filters to reduce that made things sound a bit tinny, but trust me, it sounds much better than the raw version with all the background noise.  Brandon was speaking loud and clear, but being able to hear the people asking questions is kind of hit-and-miss.

I noticed at least one other person had a recording device there.  @RShara maybe?  She has a recording posted already of the Q&A from the general meeting beforehand, but not of the signing line yet.  Anyway, if anyone else was recording this, let's see if you were able to get a better sound quality.

Meanwhile, I got a recording of the entire general meeting.  I'll be putting that up on YouTube shortly, as I have with other similar things in the past.

The audio I got is uploaded. It's not visible to everyone yet because there are a few items that need to be muted, and a few we need to check with Dragonsteel about to make sure it's okay to release.

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My WoBs were more things I was interested in, nothing super deep; but not all Aviar abilities are Allomancy-related, we will see more Aviar in the next few years as they slowly become more common throughout the Cosmere. The big one I asked was a follow-up from a question at the PixelProject livestream confirming that "there is more" to Cultivation's magical influence than just the boon and bane... so I asked if there are any characters who are influenced by this additional magic, and he said Lift is a hint; she is influenced by Cultivation more than just the boon and bane. He also confirmed that there are some off-screen characters influenced by this additional magic.

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Does Szeth ever get to figure out Nightblood's name, or does he just always call Nightblood, "Sword-nimi?"

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

That's a RAFO too!


I'm curious about this too, but for different reasons.  When Nightblood was awakened, he had a different name.  Vasher changed it to Nightblood after they realized how they had messed up and what they had created.  Nightblood has issues with time (a little like dogs), and thinks that Shashara is still alive.


So Nightblood might not think that his name is Nightblood, only that that is how Vasher calls him.  And seeing as Nightblood never refers to himself in the third person, we don't know if he thinks of himself as Nightblood, or as his original name.


So what does Nightblood think his name is?


I really need to start to travel to these so I can start asking my questions.

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Q: Could a gold compounder survive Hemalurgy?

A: I'm pretty sure that I've RAFO'ed this before, but basically you should follow the story as it reveals more information, and then make a guess based on what parts of the magic system I've revealed.

Q: Could a person compounding Luck defeat a Mistborn burning atium?

A: I think that yes, under the right circumstances, they could do that.

(Brandon's answers are paraphrased)


How do you claim a question so your username shows up in the official release notes?

Edited by TearablePuns
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