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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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Mike led the others into Oasis. He stopped when they stood in front of the building where his superior's office was and turned around to them.

"I need to report. Do you want to come? I mean you can leave as well, it was my operation."

He hesitated, one of his hands touched a spike of his. They were still here, snake and wolf and the others. They waited for him to make a mistake, to loose control again.


Report and then to the mainplot?

Anthony already went there, so I don't tag Ark.

@I think I am here.


@Vargo Seldon

@Sherlock Holmes


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5 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Mike led the others into Oasis. He stopped when they stood in front of the building where his superior's office was and turned around to them.

"I need to report. Do you want to come? I mean you can leave as well, it was my operation."

He hesitated, one of his hands touched a spike of his. They were still here, snake and wolf and the others. They waited for him to make a mistake, to loose control again.

@I think I am here.


@Vargo Seldon

@Sherlock Holmes


"It was all of our fault, I'm coming with." Zan said, looking to see what the others said.

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45 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Mike led the others into Oasis. He stopped when they stood in front of the building where his superior's office was and turned around to them.

"I need to report. Do you want to come? I mean you can leave as well, it was my operation."

He hesitated, one of his hands touched a spike of his. They were still here, snake and wolf and the others. They waited for him to make a mistake, to loose control again.

Wes walked a little ahead, staying behind Mike.

“I want to come as well,” he said. He didn’t want Mike to face superior officers alone. Wes knew how scary they could sometimes be.

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Mike nodded, grateful, that they wanted to come along. Facing Mr.Itiah along, once was enough. To report back with a failure, there was this small voice that told him to run, to flee and to never turn back. The last time he had made a mistake he had ended up in an alley, on the table of KoTiel. He couldn't imagine anything that was worse, that he might do to him, but if he'd learned one thing, then it was, that you could always end up worse.

Pulling up in shoulders, he tried to make himself smaller as he walked up the stairs and then knocked on the door. He had no other choice. If he ran away, they would hunt him down and then - no he would end up in a better position if he reported back.

"Mr. Itiah? It's me, Mike."

@I think I am here.


@Sherlock Holmes

@Vargo Seldon

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

“Mr. Itiah? It's me, Mike."

Wes turned white as a sheet. “Wait, we’re reporting to Mr. Itiah? No, no, no, no!”

He immediately hid behind Mike and began to tremble lightly as the sound of 15 locks behind undone could be heard from the other side of the door. Finally the old wooden door created open and Mr. Itiah looked back out, with tired eyes. His suit, again, looked like it had just been thrown on.

“Oh hi Mark,” Mr. Itiah said, then shook his head. “I mean, Mike. Come in.” He opened the door wider.

“I see you’ve brought some friends.”

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5 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Wes turned white as a sheet. “Wait, we’re reporting to Mr. Itiah? No, no, no, no!”

He immediately hid behind Mike and began to tremble lightly as the sound of 15 locks behind undone could be heard from the other side of the door. Finally the old wooden door created open and Mr. Itiah looked back out, with tired eyes. His suit, again, looked like it had just been thrown on.

“Oh hi Mark,” Mr. Itiah said, then shook his head. “I mean, Mike. Come in.” He opened the door wider.

“I see you’ve brought some friends.”

Mike hesitantly stepped into the room, wondering what had happened that Wes reacted like that. In his experience Mr.Itiah was one of the friendlier superiors. Not like Ark. Ark was like an evil god walking on their planet. Still he grabbed Wes arm and pulled him along to keep his body behind him and Mr.Itiah. If Wes reacted like that, you never knew.

He clutched his hands together, remembered their last conversation when he had come here to talk about the offer Syndicate made Bella.

"I, I wanted to report Mr. Itiah."

he told him and hated the way his voice shook while talking. What if Wes knew something he didn't? Had he just doomed his friends by reporting back. Failure was nothing the Ghostbloods took lightly.

Hastily he thrust the plans he'd gotten from Syndicate at Mr. Itiah, mostly to do something else than stand around like he waited for his execution. He had been supposed to burn them, but if he remembered correctly, Bella had no more copies and Syndicate surely had them somewhere else as well. And he had forgotten about burning them, but now Mr.Itiah could see for himself which information had been leaked, and not only rely on his earlier report where he had tried to recall the compromised safehouses by memory.

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10 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Hastily he thrust the plans he'd gotten from Syndicate at Mr. Itiah, mostly to do something else than stand around like he waited for his execution. He had been supposed to burn them, but if he remembered correctly, Bella had no more copies and Syndicate surely had them somewhere else as well. And he had forgotten about burning them, but now Mr.Itiah could see for himself which information had been leaked, and not only rely on his earlier report where he had tried to recall the compromised safehouses by memory.

Mr. Itiah took the plans from Mike and looked down at them, frowning. Then he clicked his fingers and remembered.

“Ah, this is about that Panthers thing, isn’t it?”

He looked back at the plans. There hadn’t been too many leaked hideouts, but the fact they could find some meant they could find others. “Good work,” he said, walking away and storing the plans in a file. “We can increase security in those areas.”

He stopped as he rembered something again. “Oh yeah, how’d that assassination go? All good?” He turned back to the group.

“And, while you’re at it, introduce me to these friends you’ve brought.”


Wes flinched when Mike grabbed his arm but still followed him, until Mr. Itiah showed up and he forced himself to take deep breaths.


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18 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“And, while you’re at it, introduce me to these friends you’ve brought.”

"These are Wes, Zan and Seom."

Mike gestured to each of them as he spoke.

"Anthony and Darkness were also part of the team."

He straightened his back, tried to appear older and more confident than he really was.

"We failed, the target got away."

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

"These are Wes, Zan and Seom."

Mike gestured to each of them as he spoke.

"Anthony and Darkness were also part of the team."

He straightened his back, tried to appear older and more confident than he really was.

"We failed, the target got away."

When Mike introduced his friends Mr. Itiah clicked and pointed a finger at Wes.

“I recognise you from somewhere.”

Wes shrank and paled further.

“Other than that, welcome to you all.”

When Mike told him of their failure Mr. Itiah sighed, it looked like the actual goal of the mission had not been achieved.

“That’s fine,” he said, pouring himself a glass of water. “I hadn’t been expecting too much of you kids anyway. Did you find any info on him we can use the next time we try to take him out?” He asked.

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17 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

When Mike introduced his friends Mr. Itiah clicked and pointed a finger at Wes.

“I recognise you from somewhere.”

Wes shrank and paled further.

“Other than that, welcome to you all.”

When Mike told him of their failure Mr. Itiah sighed, it looked like the actual goal of the mission had not been achieved.

“That’s fine,” he said, pouring himself a glass of water. “I hadn’t been expecting too much of you kids anyway. Did you find any info on him we can use the next time we try to take him out?” He asked.

Mike paused.

"He was saved by some friends of his. A Radiant and the other one was able to move really fast. They had to be able to track the motivator we used, as we cut of all other signals coming out of the shed."

He thought about the fight.

"His eyes change their colour. He can sense an attack and he moves incredibly fast."

He sank together when he remembered how his friend lay on the ground.

"He can influence your perception, what you see and feel. He's a good fighter as well. An epic. I have no idea regarding his weakness. We were in a dim lit shed, but it didn't seem to change his powers at all. But he used flash bombs and was even stronger afterwards. So light can power him, maybe we would have needed to enclose him in complete darkness?"

His voice trailed of. He'd always thought epic powers were like on and off, not stronger and weaker. But if they were stronger and weaker, then it could fit what had happened. Voicing his thoughts he continued.

"Or the noise? But why should noise make him stronger? And if it was the noise, why use a flash bomb and not a radio. So maybe it has something to do with light."

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Mr. Itiah listened and began to take notes. When Mike was done he nodded to himself and folded the note sheet in half. He looked at Mike and the rest one more time, his eyes focusing on them. Mike, who tried to appear tougher. “You might not get picked for another assassination,” he said. “Looking at this failure. The Council might even send someone to punish you, though I think they’re distracted by recent events.

He put the note sheet in his pocket. “Was there anything else you wanted to tell me?” He said slowly.

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