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2 hours ago, AxeliustheGreat said:

"Yo, Yzy!" Tena shouted at the woBman. "Have I met you before?" 

A shell slammed into the ground beside Tena, exploding in a storm of fire and shrapnel.


"Nice schot, Fredrik!" the Iron Warrior yelled, peering at the Waystop through his binoculars. "Now, follov it upe vis a full battery vire!"

The five Vindicators* behind him fired, their guns roaring as they sent massive shells soaring towards the Waystop.


*An artillery gun mounted on a tank



A few notes:

  1. The Chaos forces are right by the perpendicularity
  2. They are (probably) out of range of Ark's anti-Chaos turrets
  3. The Vindicators have a thin sheet of aluminum over their armor, so no messing with them- yet
  4. They are speaking in faux-german accents :lol:


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Pry was grateful for her thick, fire-proof, hooded, leather jacket and pants when the explosion hit. She covered all exposed skin and drained as much heat into her earrings as possible. She still felt some heat, but it was tolerable.

Hope no one dies. Pry thought as she curled up into a ball and waited for the explosions to end.

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Mr Amber roared in anger. Not a roar of a human in rage, but a roar of a powerful demon ready to kill. Suddenly 3 feet taller Mr Amber grew claws and fangs and he leot with one leg 20 feet towards the enemies. A stream of fire hot enough to melt steal shot from his throat as he drew a sword from the interior of his cane. Bathing the sword in the fire he superheated it and spun it faster then human eyes could follow.


I planned to reveal his dragon form much later but you forced my hand. Mess with a dragon’s lair and you will find yourself dealing with a scaly near indestructible firebreathing demon ready to kill you.


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Dangit this thread moves too fast for me every time I get on everything has changed and whatever everyone tried to do to get me involved is no longer valid I hate only having one or two times a day that I can for sure get on



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Dayne feel the heat and the force of the explosión but was saved by the tree behind him" this doesn't feel like training" he then drank some more steel trowed some coins in the ground to shoot him to the invaders that was when he saw mr amber becoming a dragon" woah man, that's awesome" he then falled on the roof of the waystop getting out two daggers out" now I'll help protect this place, then I'll get my self a good deserved Loot,I just hope those two girls are save..."

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The explosives distracted him from his work. In the distance, flashes tumbled through the forest, each punctuated by the bang of an impact and the spray of brown and red. Chunks of stone and something softer slammed into the doorway and chipped the wood of the door.

“That,” said Alum, looking through the entrance, “is probably bad.” Pyrus hummed on his shoulder. He felt satisfied, having fulfilled his daily quota of obvious statements.

“Those flashes. Near the Perpendicularity,” said his spren. “Mmm. Two hundred?”

“Maybe a bit further.” He grabbed his bags and selected two spikes that would be useful: one of his A-Pewters and a small chunk of A-Bendalloy. The latter was one of his most prized possessions, and he rarely dared use it. But this seemed like an emergency.

The process of changing spikes was painful, but quick. Hooking two vials of metal onto his belt, Alum began to sprint towards the forest, counting his steps and ignoring the dragon behind him. 

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@Grey Knight lol for a second there, I thought it was the thunderhawk that was firing at the Waystop, and I was like, wait no, that's not-- before I realized that it was actually just Chaos Marines

"Sparks! What the hell?!" Araha swore as the several explosions happened all around, they were spread far apart, but they hit through some of the structure of the Waystop, but not deep, the Waystop's newly reinforced steel stopping most of the blast, but some of the explosions landed on the ground around. That wasn't any kind of Investiture that she knew of, she wasn't sure what they were.

"Ran, can you scout around and determine what's causing these explosions?"

"Right." Ran nodded and, in the form of a grain of sand flitted by so quickly that Araha didn't see her despite glowing.

She surveyed, looking around for injured, there were none for now thankfully. She did see one of the women who watched the training grounds from before curling herself into a ball. (@Sorana) She turned to Damaya. "You'll need to take shelter back inside, it's much safer than being out here." She told her then ran to the table with the spheres and inhaled a large amount, but not all of it so that if there were people who could use surges, they still could.

Ran returned. "Multiple tanks, their insignias looked like Chaos."

Chaos?! Those bastards are attacking Roshar now? Araha thought, she remembered Master Soren mentioning them in passing as being one of the forces that caused more destruction in the war. "Sparks! Sparks sparks storming sparks!" Araha swore more. Weapons of war were something she wasn't that familiar with, and she knew for a fact that she could not fight tanks.

She ran over to the woman who curled herself up in a ball, stormlight enhanced speed carrying her quickly. Whatever she was doing it wasn't going to protect her from explosions. (@Silva)"Don't be alarmed!" She said as she picked the woman up, stormlight enhanced speed, grace, and precision, but it also gave a bit of strength. She then ran back toward the Waystop proper, its roof and walls still holding strong against the onslaught.


Deras rode in the roaring ship, Waystop-bound.

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Damaya stood up and followed Araha outside. The had just reached the training grounds, when she heard a loud noise and was thrown backwards. Her back hit something hard and the air was pressed out of her lungs. She fell to the ground and lay there for a moment, tried to catch her breath.
She hurt, but it seemed like nothing was broken and pain was something she could handle. Carefully she got up and grabbed her staff. Looking around she saw Dayne ( @wiritospren) standing on a rooftop nearby. For am moment she asked herself, how he got up there, then she remembered that he could fly just like Araha.

There were flashes at the perpendicularity and it slowly dawned on her that the waystop was under attack.
Araha told her to go back inside, then ran over to save the woman they had met earlier. Instead of going back inside, she waited until Araha was back.
"Do you know who that is?"
she asked.



Yes, that would be really sad. But if you want to, you can play whatever you want ;)


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"No, but I doubt she could defend from explosions by curling into a ball." She told Damaya. "More importantly, we need to get back inside, I didn't see any injured, so the people around are likely good at what they do. C'mon!" Araha told her as she ran back inside, "Ran, take watch, physical thing don't harm you right? If you find any injured tell me, or if you get injured yourself retreat inside."

"I was planning that." Ran, in the form of a sand grain, replied to Araha. This would be strange if Araha had time to think it strange, but there were more important matters. 'Take care, Ara." Araha nodded as Ran zipped off. She laid the woman she was carrying on the floor inside, still as a ball. Damaya could use her powers, Illumination to help with the defense somehow. No, not when she became distressed at the mere mention of it.

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"The woman is called Pry. She told Mr. Amber her name earlier. I meant the attackers."

Damaya replied and stayed close to the door, looking outside. Sie put her hands in her pockets, to hide their shaking and felt a piece of paper. Taking it out she read the title. "Pry's guide to drawing." Underneath there were sketches illustrating how to draw properly.

Astonished she turned to Pry holding up the guide.

"Thank you. I have to try it out, that could really help! But maybe later, when the attack is over."

Looking back outside she tried to unterstand what was happening and how the guests of the waystop were faring.



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"Oh. Ran told me they're Chaos, like the ones that caused havoc in the war." She joined Damaya with looking outside. And only then did she notice the sparking dragon in the sky. Her eyes widened. "UM... That, that dragon... that's on our side, right?!" She asked no one in particular, not taking her eyes off the creature.

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Dayne looked at the invaders, he couldn't really see who was attacking them, so he decided to make sure everyone was okay, he looked into the training ground and saw araha and Damaya with pry runing to the inside and so he pushed himself to them" are you okay? Do you know what is attacking us?"

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Araha almost missed the question, still fixated on the dragon. "Chaos." She told Dayne, "they were part of the ones that caused havoc back in the war. They have artillery, so the new defenses can't reach them." All this mention of the war really threatened to surface the memories that were being drowned in the depths of forgetfulness for a reason, but she successfully pushed them back down, thinking of the dragon, and their current situation.

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10 hours ago, Life&Death said:

Mr Amber roared in anger. Not a roar of a human in rage, but a roar of a powerful demon ready to kill. Suddenly 3 feet taller Mr Amber grew claws and fangs and he leot with one leg 20 feet towards the enemies. A stream of fire hot enough to melt steal shot from his throat as he drew a sword from the interior of his cane. Bathing the sword in the fire he superheated it and spun it faster then human eyes could follow.

The Iron Warrior peered at the dragon bounding towards him.

"Hmmm," he said. "Fredrik? Call Devastator Schquad Villis forvard, please?"

A group of grey-armored marines stepped from behind the Vindicators, raising huge cannons to their shoulders. Laser beams lanced through the air, strong enough to punch through adamantine. Black-robed cultists fired wildly into the air, creating a veritable storm of bullets and lasfire around Mr. Amber.

7 hours ago, MetaTerminal said:

Grey Knight, how close would I be able to get to the faux-German Chaos Marine Vindicator artillery before I started running into problems?


Depends on when you cross their line of sight, honestly. If that happens, cultists and space marines are going to start shooting at you- and there's a lot of cultists :D

4 minutes ago, wiritospren said:

"chaos..." Dayne closed more his griped on his daggers"were they the ones who throwed the big bomb?" Are they the cause that I had to become this? he though "what can we do to attack?"


No, that was the Black Crusade- and, I will point out, the city was swarming with hemalurgic abominations and daemons at the time.


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Ioc watched the ridiculously large hunk of earth fly up into the sky. Three seconds later, the crater that had once gaped in the ground was promptly closed up by grassy fields.

“It’s not working!” Ioc yelled over its shoulder.

“Keep going!” yelled Gerrri. “I think it is!”

“Stop lying to me!” Ioc yelled.

There was a pause. Ioc sighed.

It knelt on the grassy ground, down on one knee, and pressed a hand to the surface. Stormlight flowed from it’s hand, into the grass. The world reset, but it couldn't reset investiture; Ioc and Gerrri’s tested had confirmed that.

The ground trembled, and Ioc was launched into the sky on the flying chunk of dirt. A second later, the chunk was replaced in the ground and Ioc no longer knelt on a piece of earth detached from the rest.

Ioc screamed in frustration, the sound echoing off unseen objects around it. The magic couldn’t reset sound either, as long as the sound was loud enough.

Ioc slumped. “Anything?”

“No,” was Gerrri’s immediate reply.

The plan had been simple and convincing, built on the fact that no magic was everlasting. Each time the world was reset, it would take a small portion of the magic to fix anything that happened. The plan was to have Ioc mess up the world so much that when it was fixed, the magic wouldn't be in enough bulk to keep the IID down.

So far, Ioc hadn’t made a dent in the magic, which was recorded by the IID’s lack of success.

“Try something else,” Gerri called. The hologram was starting to annoy Ioc, but Ioc kept that feeling down until later. Ioc would need Gerrri, once the magic was gone, to keep the ship from disappearing without Ioc on board.

However, Ioc snarled. “Fine,” It said. A distance worry on the back of it’s head reminded it not to get too powerful. Ioc ignored this. Once it acted too OP, the oaths it had taken would stop it. No conscious thought necessary.

Ioc pulled out a Shamfiller’s Lens, fitting it over it’s head. Then, it focused on the entire planet. A voice sounded in it’s mind.

‘I’m such a bad planet, I can’t do anything right. Everything that happens to me is fixed by something even better than me… I could just… explode…”

And it did. The entire planet exploded. Ioc was ripped apart, metalminds and investiture torn away, and Ioc died.

Seconds later, Ioc found itself kneeling on the ground, it’s bag at it’a side, the Shamefiller’s Lens on it’s face.

‘I hate this,’ said Subconscious.

‘GLUB GLUB GLUB!!!’ yelled Amygdala.

“Anything there?” asked Ioc.

“A little, tiny divot,” answered Gerrri. “Of unrelevant proportions,”

Well, it was better than nothing. “I-” Ioc began, then was interrupted, quite rudely, by the event of multiple zombie-like forms dragging themselves from the grassy surface. Ioc fell silent, watching them crawl completely free, and grass closing up behind them.

The started staggering towards it.

“Uh, hi?” Ioc said nervously.

“What is it?” Gerrri called. “Who are you taking too?”

Several zombies turned towards the voice and stalked towards it. Ioc didn't stop them. They couldn’t eat Gerrri. Gerrri was a hologram.

However, Ioc could be eaten by the hundreds of zombies surrounding it.

“Darn!” Ioc yelled into the air. “Ya know, magic stuff, I’m sorry about what I said to you. I really appreciate that you reset things. How about doing me a favor?”

The closest zombie, about two feet away- no, it was farther than that. Something was wrong with its brain that made it miscalculate times and distances- started to laugh.

“The magic sent us!” the zombie roared, “We were sent to destroy you!”

Ioc frowned. “But, i could totally wreck all of you,”

Without a rod, the zombies all jumped towards it, and no matter how far they were from it, the farthest being very far away, they all landed on top of Ioc.

At least, where he had been before it Lashed itself upwards

Everything reset.

Ioc found itself underneath the pile of zombies.

They bite it, ate it.

Ioc healed. But this didn't matter.

The world reset it’s healings.

The magic was against it. The magic would reset the movements of Ioc, but not of the zombies. The world allowed the zombies to attack ioc without healing Ioc via resetting afterwards.

The world was angry with Ioc.

So, now Ioc could get angry with the world.

One zombie scratched through Ioc’s stomach, searching for it’s spine.

Ioc was about to die.

The world reset.

Ioc tapped Mental Speed and Physical Speed. It tapped all of what it had saved up, ever.

Nothing moved. Everything was still.

Ioc stood, throwing back zombies like they were little macaroni noodles.

It ran out of the dogpile, throwing back zombies to clear them away.

It was sprinting, aware that both it’s fillings and time was running out.

It jumped into the spaceship, thankful for the fact that the hatchway was already opened so Ioc and Gerrri could communicate. Ioc ran through the spaceship, verifying that, yes, the zombies inside were trying to eat Gerri, and yes, Gerrri was unharmed. Ioc would deal with the zombies inside later.

For now, Ioc pulled out it’s most valuable trinket, and replaced the Shamefiller’s Lens, which had, remarkably, stayed on Ioc’s face during the attack, with a pair of Bestower’s Lens.

And it gave it’s Epic ability, called Spite, to  nearby zombie.

Movement began again as Ioc stopped tapping Mental and Physical Speed. It still had a bit left, it was done now. The world reset, putting Ioc back into the middle of the dogpile.

Ioc grabbed the nearest zombie, tapped the last of its Physical Speed, and, as the world slowed, crushed it’s head with the help of stormlight.

The zombie died.

And a red energy field erupted from it’s chest, obliterating it’s own body, then, as it expanded, evaporating the bodies of nearby zombies.

Ioc tapped Mental Speed. The world slowed down again. The red force field was inches from Ioc’s legs.

Ioc teleported into the ship in a flash of beige, right next to the controls. The teleportation worked. Ioc grabbed the controls, and hurriedly tried to make the ship go.

The world reset, but Ioc remained in place, and the forcefield was expanding rapidly, destroying everything it touched, leaving the grassy fields, finally, grassless.

The field was getting close to the ship, so Ioc, out of desperation, Lashed the ship away like it had so long ago.

“Ioc?” asked Gerrri. “What’s happening?”

The last of the zombies were obliterated by the growing red dome. It kept expanding, now growing at an alarming rate.

“Turn on the IID!” Ioc yelled. “Get us out!”

The world reset. Nothing changed.

“There’s not enough of a break!” Gerrri yelled. “The world even turned down how much magic it was using to reset everything in order to keep us in! There is no possible way we can get out!”

And they disappeared from the planet, reappearing in its orbit.

Ioc exhaled, then turned towards the locked door.

Now you help?” It said, in a tired voice.

“I can't believe it,” Gerrri said, breathing heavily despite being a hologram.

Below them, the red energy field, gifted to the zombie Ioc had killed, was so large it was visible from space, growing still and soon enveloping the entire, grass-ridden planet.

Everything on the ship was the same. The designed, the locked door, the body hanging on the middle of the largest room.

Ioc was confused. Somehow, the IID had gotten them out of that planet, despite still being under enough influence of magic to not do that.

Then, Ioc realized that was the sort of things Infinite Improbability Drives did.

“This changed everything!” Gerrri exclaimed, eyes wild. “Planets are sentient?”

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"No." Araha said, "even if you're a powerful allomancer, even if y'were mistborn, we have no feasible way of fighting that firepower." She grimaced, she didn't like being so helpless to the situation, but she also didn't want to charge out just to let herself get killed. The sky in the area of the dragon started getting illuminated by random beams of light and explosions. That meant that at least the dragon was on their side, or at least against those Chaos things.

"Damaya, you're currently the most familiar with this place, do you know if there is a spanreed here? Or other forms of communications?"

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Devaan arrived at the way stop. Nalthis customs had detained him for a couple hours which was a bother, but eventually he was waved through by a returned who knew him, he stepped through the perpendicularity and looked at his surroundings.


The Chaos were here.

Of course they were. 

Devaan stared at them, they were assaulting the way stop.

"I'm getting do storming old to keep fighting other peoples wars" He snarled, Drawing Atius and tapping his necklace twice, forming a helmet with a HUD and Vizor, he marked everyone fighting the Chaos (including a dragon, apparently) in blue, and the chaos stayed red.

He remembered his Chaos fighting training, he looked at the Vindicators and activated his Aon skin, interlocking his hands in a strange way so the carvings connected in his hands, setting the air around them alight, leaving his hands uncomfortably warm but not damaged. He ran towards the enemy lines and launched himself to the air by blasting himself upwards and lightly tapped atium, dodging attacks at the last second with his speed.

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A red hot blade tore through three marines as easily as paper, and the flames  thundering from Mr Amber’s throat roasted more inside their own armor. Roaring again he jumped forward only to be blasted back by lasers. He pulled out a small phone like device. 

“Ski, the Waystop is under attack. I’ve done what I can. Hurry!” Mr Amber sent another storm of fire towards the incoming enemy before shifting back to his human self and sliding his sword back into his cane. Hopefully nobody noticed the exact identity of the dragon-like beast.


Ski hurriedly Place her phone back into her pocket along with the riddle and the card. She then pulled out some dark sunglasses, warriors lenses, and dashed towards the pool of beads that somehow teleported her to the Waystop. She exploded out of the pool into a war zone.

”Uncle!!” She yelled, pulling out her crystal sword. “Where are you?!” Vaulting over several enemies and slicing off their heads she dashed closer to the Waystop.

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8 minutes ago, Cyanic said:

@Grey Knight Those Iron bois are gonna have to make some morale rolls XD



16 minutes ago, Life&Death said:

A red hot blade tore through three marines as easily as paper, and the flames  thundering from Mr Amber’s throat roasted more inside their own armor. Roaring again he jumped forward only to be blasted back by lasers. He pulled out a small phone like device. 

“Ski, the Waystop is under attack. I’ve done what I can. Hurry!” Mr Amber sent another storm of fire towards the incoming enemy before shifting back to his human self and sliding his sword back into his cane. Hopefully nobody noticed the exact identity of the dragon-like beast.


Ski hurriedly Place her phone back into her pocket along with the riddle and the card. She then pulled out some dark sunglasses, warriors lenses, and dashed towards the pool of beads that somehow teleported her to the Waystop. She exploded out of the pool into a war zone.

”Uncle!!” She yelled, pulling out her crystal sword. “Where are you?!” Vaulting over several enemies and slicing off their heads she dashed closer to the Waystop.

A cultist stabbed Mr. Amber from behind, ramming a bayonet into his lower back. Three others charged him from the front, wildly firing their guns.


A heavily armored Iron Warrior stepped in front of Ski, raising his power fist in a challenge.

"Let's dance, vittle one," he said.

50 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

Devaan stared at them, they were assaulting the way stop.

"I'm getting do storming old to keep fighting other peoples wars" He snarled, Drawing Atius and tapping his necklace twice, forming a helmet with a HUD and Vizor, he marked everyone fighting the Chaos (including a dragon, apparently) in blue, and the chaos stayed red.

He remembered his Chaos fighting training, he looked at the Vindicators and activated his Aon skin, interlocking his hands in a strange way so the carvings connected in his hands, setting the air around them alight, leaving his hands uncomfortably warm but not damaged. He ran towards the enemy lines and launched himself to the air by blasting himself upwards and lightly tapped atium, dodging attacks at the last second with his speed.


Wait a minute- atium? I know you used it during the 7 Day War, but it seems unrealistic to still have it after 16 years. Not to mention that it's a little OP.


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@Grey Knight btw can we just assume that Deras has the equipment he needs now? as this would be chronologically after the thunderhawk left the training grounds already, and I'd really want him to join the fray now

also @Archer @Kidpen regarding Grey Knight's concern if atium is ok to have here or not for Devaan

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