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Astiel was flown from the cliffside

Oh, that solves it, last time I saw the kid he was a mistborn, yes but he had no huge healing powers, a hole in his chest has to take him down. Although he does have a shardblade... Devaan thought to himself

aaaaaand he's completely fine and flying back into the battlefield with allomatic steel.

Devaan watched as his son stared down the cannon, it fired, but right before it hit Astiel, the shot turned to dust.


Astiel ran towards the cannon, pewter increasing his speed and sent a swarm of metal that was lying around him in shards straight towards it, pulling them behind him, flipping over them and pushing them forwards. He then ran to the cannon, coating himself with the surge of abrasion, any enemy that tried to grab him would slide off him.

He's good.

He made contact with the cannon, it began to set fire and melt, he made it's base frictionless, making it slide away, and then he ducked back out to the centre of the battlefield, attacking all who drew near.


Devaan saw his son cause havoc in the ranks of the chaos. He took out a small beacon from his inner jacket pocket. A locator beacon, he pressed a small button on the side to activate it, then flipped a switch, calling his chapter of the black crusade. The Blood Angels. Lightly tapping atium so he could see faint shadows, he leapt into battle again.


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Hi ya'll! Due to life* (*read; getting ready for college) happening, I'll be on a lot less for an unknown amount if time. It could be a week, it could be a month, but I won't be able to pay anywhere near as much attention to the Shard as I have in the past.


Yzabet, once we get rid of these bad guys, will be on a schedule of cleaning rooms and making meals. Engaging her in conversation or asking for training will result in minor annoyance on your part and major anxiety on mine. Though he's a fun character, the same goes for Pallas. I trust @Life&Death with running the Waystop, though I will make major decisions in quote boxes like this one when I can't make up a Yzabet PoV for them. I will be more active eventually, but right now I can't balance everything. Thank you for understanding! If you have a question, comment, or concern, I should be on at least once a day.

Yzabet did some NPC fighting, taking out a tank or two in a blaze of storm light. She would dismiss her armor, use a surge, then recall it in an eye blink, Jael a shimmer of deadly light.

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Damaya nodded and got to her feet, saying slightly.

"So we need to get out, before this guy find's us and decides to roast us for Dinner. Any ideas on that part? Both of you seem to be more experienced with fighting than I am. Do you think we can surprise him somehow?"

Slowly she bent down and retrieved her staff. When she put some weight on it, standing was easier.

"There should be a few infused spheres left in my bag. Maybe you could use them."

She offered Araha.

"Although I seem to have lost it somewhere in the hallway. And I don't have any steel."



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@Sorana @wiritospren

"As much as possible, we'd want to get away from him as long as we can until someone more powerful arrives. Fighting is a last resort." She said, then remembered that Damaya said the man's name, Dayne was it? "Dayne, was any of his armour made of metal? Those spikes, those plates? Could you sense any part of it?" She turned to Damaya, "stormlight will be useful, but you need it more than me right now." A plan was forming in her head. "We'll need to get to your bag first, Damaya. Where did you lose it?"


Also, I'll be controlling the Chaos Marine in the meantime

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Dayne stoped to think for a second remembering what has happened, there was any blue line? Yes,there were. So he turned to Araha"yes, it's spikes were Made of metal, and his sword" he then checked his steel, he didnt have too much left so he took another vial of it before turning to damaya"don't worry I steal... I took some of it from the training grounds, also I got some of this" he took out of his pocket 2 infused spheres he had retrieved from the floor"you will be needing it more than I do"

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could i have a summary? is the battle still happening?

In an isolated room in the Waystop....

A little speck of dust floated through the air.....

Suddenly expanding in size, forming into a moderately sized spaceship whose sudden mass burst the wall of the room outward, also smashing any attackers if anyone was attacking nearby.

The hatchway opened.

"What did I miss?" Ioc asked.

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@wiritospren @Sorana

"Good. We're going to find Damaya's bag, then go from there. We'll need you to sense around as much as you can if the Chaos Marine is around, then warn us if he's nearby." She took the spheres and gave them to Damaya. "You'll need these more than I will." The stormlight in her was still there, but it was slowly running out. Slow enough that it wouldn't surprise her body when it did.



here's an after-action report courtesy of the patji mind-scan!

Deras ran around the battlefield back and forth, killing the stragglers from the enemy, all the tanks were either destroyed or disabled, and he wanted to make sure there were no more of the enemy left. He counted the people on the battlefield that didn't look like Chaos Marines, then activated his mindscan which extended throughout the battlefield, but not into the structure itself. There were 15 people still on the field.

There were three people on the thunderhawk, which was right. (@Grey Knight)

A person teleporting in and out of the battlefield, not a Chaos Marine. That was 4 (@Inklingspren)

A young woman who was assisting an older looking man. That made for 6 (@Life&Death)

Another older woman who was flying around and had a massive battleaxe, she was likely trying to do the same thing he was. That was 7 (@AxeliustheGreat)

A woman in shardplate. 8. (Yzabet, but I'm not gonna @ witless since she said she'll be busy for a while)

Another man teleporting around. 9. (@MetaTerminal)

Devaan and a younger man who looked like they were arguing. That wasn't Deras' business. 11 (@Nohadon)

Two more men who looked about ready to fight each other. Again, not his business. 13 (@PrinceDusty)

And finally, the woman from earlier he just put by the tank. 14. (@Voidus)

Deras skidded beside the first tank where the woman he brought to was. There was one more unaccounted for, so who was-- He saw the last blip right as his danger sense warned him, he turned to the man who was behind him, his own heavy bolter whipping around. Deras' chest shattered into a hole, but he didn't fall over. He gunned the man down, then gunned his corpse down to make sure he was dead. He was.

Deras stumbled backwards, his lungs and heart and much of his rib cage missing... but... he didn't die. He wasn't dying. He walked over. To where the woman he left was and sat down a ways beside her. "Might need help." He said, his regeneration was still working. It was strong but not fast.


I might have missed some people, in that recount

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Ioc strolled around until it found the scene of the battle. It whistled.

"Wow, you guys really didn't need a bomb to ruin this place," it said. "Do yall need help healing? I'm fine to make an exception to my policy to not help people,"

It smiled, then burst alight with stormlight. "Direct people who need it to me. Unless, of course, I don't actually know what's going on and nobody needs any help. i'm fine with that,"

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Finally the lasers, explosions, swords and huge creatures all stopped.

Quiet returned to the Waystop.

"Is it over?" Laurelai asked the air, uncurling herself.

Someone had brought her to a large metal vehicle, a tank she remembered. One used by the Chaos Marines it seemed, but what in Odiums name were they doing here? Why attack the Waystop? Why break the peace and quiet and bring all of this chaos, this destruction?
As she studied the bodies around her, a cold sweat broke out across her skin along with a feeling of nausea rising from her stomach. She clutched one hand to her mouth and closed her eyes, taking some deep, steadying breaths.

"Might need help." A masculine voice nearby asked.

Turning, she saw a large man wearing a long cloak, a weapon in one of his hands pointed towards a nearby, it's head was completely-

Laurelai turned herself away, shutting her eyes again.

"Just a sec." She weakly managed to squeeze out. "I can Reseal. Just... Just need a minute to prepare."

Taking a minute to calm back down, she turned towards the man again. This time her sinuses were blocked enough that she couldn't smell the aftermath of the fight, but still, out of her peripheral vision she could see the blood, the broken bodies, torn apart, burned, disintegrated. Too many horrors to count, even if it did seem that these men and women had deserved it. Seeing their bodies like this wasn't easy.

Diverting her attention towards her savior, she examined his wounds. Was that Stormlight keeping him alive? She couldn't see a glow, but people didn't usually survive having a hand-sized hole blasted through their chest.

Taking another steadying breath, she felt herself calm as she examined the wound clinically, medical knowledge and training helping her, this she was familiar with. Just a patient who needed some treatment.

I can do this. I saw the wound be made, just a small tweak to his past, I'm sure his body wants to be whole again.

She held a hand over the wound, more to cover the sight of the organs than out of any real need to channel her Forgery. Quickly she sketched a mental seal and pushed it towards the man, feeling the Dor flow through her and into his body.

And then another familiar feeling, the Dor filled her Stamp but it also crackled with wild energy, exploding around her in another unpredictable surge of Investiture.

"Sorry." She managed to say before it filled her completely.

Suddenly her vision shifted. She could still see the man, but now she was behind him and twenty feet further away.

That's a new one.

She shifted again. Another twenty feet, almost back to where she started. Her mind struggled to keep up with her body and she felt the bile rise up her throat again.

Shift. Shift. Shift.

"This is not going to end well." She muttered, holding her hands to her mouth again.

Shift. Shift. Shift.

She was back near the main building of the Waystop now, from the brief glimpses she could make out.

"Direct people who need it to me."

Who was that man? He'd been here before she left hadn't he?

Shift. Shift.

She appeared immediately behind him and finally the world stabilized, she held one position in space for a few seconds.

"Unless, of course, I don't actually know what's going on and nobody needs any help. i'm fine with that," He continued.

She promptly vomited on his back.

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Ioc'a eyes widened. "Don't you realize that's a new shirt?" it yelled. Then, it sensed a huge amount of power inside the person who had ruined it's clothes. "Ya want me to fix that?" It asked. Ioc grabbed her, and if they teleported again, Ioc went with her, then burned Chromium on her, dissolving the power. If they didn't teleport, Ioc took her power right then and there.

"There we go," Ioc said. "Now, to healing,"

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Deras' wound healed itself, or it was never there in the first place, he wasn't sure how her healing worked, but it didn't really matter. "Thank y-" Deras begun but was cut off by the woman suddenly vanishing. He stood back up, activating his mindscan again to determine if she was still around. The feeling located her a few feet away, then back near him, then somewhere else, she kept erratically teleporting across the battlefield. There was even a time where she teleported out of range, then returned in the vicinity.

She seemed to have stabilized and Deras jogged up to where her last known location was. There was another man there too. He walked by them and nodded, seeing that she didn't seem to be in danger.

Also, if someone wants to kill that last Chaos Marine who's inside the Waystop, feel free!

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"He's likely still fighting Ran. She's distracting him." She commented.


gonna wait for @Sorana before I'd respond more to that (unless someone else manages to kill the last chaos marine, which I'd be ok with, I'm not gonna have Deras run inside, since there are anti-hemalurgy turrets around

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The battle had ended, Astiel looked at his father, Devaan.

"You ready to die, old man?" Astiel snarled

"Kid, I ain't dying any time soon. I'll give you a chance. Leave the panthers like I did, you'll end up a happier man"

"Hell no. The Panthers are all I have. If I leave what next? I go back to living a life at house Tekiel, the place you abandoned me? I was treated like nothing, a bastard son, treated the same as skaa before the ascension."

"You don't know what you're talking about"

"Really now? Did you know? Did you know what the people you made take me in were like?"

"They were house lords"

"They were sliverists. I was half Terris, a servant in the times of the empire. They hated me, beat me. because of you"

Devaan didn't respond

"You left me with monsters. Why are you surprised that I'm one of them?"

Astiel ran at Devaan, shard blade appearing in his hand, an overhead swing.

Devaan summoned his, parrying in time, then countering with a shardplate-coated glove, Astiel dodged perfectly, leaving no opening.

He's twenty, and he's already this good? he's a storming prodigy.

Astiel grabbed Devaan's left boot and pushed division into him, the boot melted, exposing a shard foot.

"Crushed by a boulder" Devaan told him, punching Astiel on the neck, tapping chromium and leeching Astiel.

Astiel burned chromium too.

Both opponents were leeched, shard blades dissapeared.

"Lets do this. One on one, Martial skill only" Astiel growled, leaping towards Devaan.

Devaan dodged to the right and laughed

"Yeah No."

"What?" A roar is heard in the distance

"A pet I got 10 years ago. On a taldain expedition"

A faint shape of a bird appeared in the distance.

"I named her hellbent. Hellbent the phoenix, This is the first time she's been in a fight" The Pheonix landed next to Astiel and picked him up in his talons, the giant bird with a 25-foot wingspan nodded her head to Devaan.

"Go, Hellbent, bring him to the training grounds" The Pheonix took off.

Devaan studied the faces of the others around him, gaping at what just happened

"Sorry about the interruption. We're gonna have some more people coming in from the black crusade. I don't know exactly what's going to happen but there shouldn't be much more fighting"

@Grey Knight

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"My bag should be in the hallway."

Damaya replied.

"On the floor somewhere. I can't remember when I lost it, so it should have been sometime after the Explosion."

She touched Arahas arm.

"Are you all right? You seem different."

She took one of the spheres Dayne offered and breathed the stormlight in. Immediatly she felt better, stronger.

"Let's go and see what we can do about that Chaos Marine?"




Go ahead and fight him:)

It is three to one


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@Sorana @wiritospren

"I'm fi--" The depths in her mind were frozen over, but the ice started to crack. Araha took a deep breath. "I'll explain later, after we're safe." She managed to hold back emotion for now. She wanted to fight and dispatch of the Chaos Marine too, so that she could feel relatively safe, though there was still the problem of the tanks outside. "Fine, we'll fight him, but we need to work together. All three of us. Dayne, keep tracking him. Let us know if he does anything strange."

Araha walked toward the door, and opened it, peaking out. Nothing.

She opened it slowly and glanced back to her allies, gesturing to follow.


The Marine was getting frustrated at the little woman darting around and under him. She wasn't even fighting back. He grabbed at her, only to realize he couldn't even touch her. He grunted, and begun striding forward, eager to look for others to murder.

Ran saw this change and shrunk again into a grain of sand and darted past quickly, as well as making herself invisible. She took strange routes but she knew where Araha was.


Ran turned into the form of a woman when she reached the trio who were beginning to exit her room. "He's on the move." She said.

Araha nodded and begun looking around, hopefully Damaya's bag was close. They'll need the stormlight soon. "Dayne, keep him tracked, I wanna know if he's gonna turn the corner. Damaya, your bag is our current priority, but if he gets close, we'll need you to lead us around the Waystop's pathways since you're the most familiar with this place."

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"No, I don't, but I have a plan." She said as they begun walking, still on the lookout for the fallen bag. Ran was zipping around, looking for the bag as well.

She returned in her small form. "I found it. Back in the impact-zone. The man's not around." Ran told them, Araha nodded and the group made their way there.

They arrived with Dayne's help and Damaya guiding them around the Waystop, they managed to avoid him. Araha picked up the bag, there were about 20 infused spheres.

She could enact her plan, but first, she needed to tell the group what she was planning to do.

@wiritospren @Sorana you guys ok with the next scene being one where the plan's already set up? So I'll partially control your character's movements and it'd be from the perspective of the Chaos Marine as he gets completely destroyed XD so we can finally close this arc

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