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Just now, Grey Knight said:


hardlight fingers c:

"Not destroyed. They just stopped firing." They turned the corner, and ducked into her own room. She closed the door and locked it, and set Damaya on her bed, putting the few spheres she found beside her head. She set to work. There was a single window in the room, she closed the curtains and she put the cloak hanging on the rack over the window. "Watch the door," she told the man, I'll watch the window." Though she knew she'd be fine, she was slightly worried about Araha, and this was the only bit of emotion she allowed herself to feel.

@wiritospren @Sorana

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Alum pelted along the dirt road, feeling the impact of shells and explosives behind him. Pyrus sprinted alongside him, as if on an invisible running track that swiped across the air. He counted one hundred metres from his steps. More from his heavy breathing. In front, he saw outlines of shapes beginning to move at his presence. 

“Noticed us,” said Pyrus. A sudden rattle of gunfire, and Alum lurched himself into Shadesmar, still sprinting in the same direction. He came upon the wisps of the attacker’s souls and prepared to transport back and summon Pyrus.

He transported, landing between the marines.


I’m assuming you didn’t kill them all while I was asleep.


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Yeah, but did Grey Knight respond? because in the end the steers the Chaos Marines. I don't know, the other posts simply feel like there are still bombs flying around.

But I have to admit, I also check back every so often and didn't read a few parts in between with concentration


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not yet, but it was just based on assumptions that the tanks would be destroyed now, since Deras disabled two, and I remember Mr. Amber destroying one. There's also Devaan and Astiel now. I understand though, and at least it can be easily re-established that they still are firing

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1 hour ago, Nohadon said:


A bright-red beam of fire lanced through the storm, hitting Astiel right in the chest and blasting him back off the cliff. (Not that it killed him, of course. The Shardblade suggested that this man had Stormlight, so he'd probably be fine.)

Across the battlefield, Gunner Fredrick grimly lowered the lascannon.

"No von," he said, "steals zhe Iron Warriors vhunder."


My defense against this (which borders on godmodding), is that Astiel is clearly a Radiant of some kind, so blowing him into pieces is barely a bother.

Also, @Cyanic- sure, the Vindicators have stopped firing. But are they all destroyed? :ph34r:

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Deras ran, faster, much faster than a galloping horse, he'd just seen the laser, and his copper-granted mind worked over time. He needed that weapon, more and more furyspren manifested themselves, Deras almost looking like a meteor upon reentry.

He kept running at the gunner who just fired the laser.

If he fired at him, he'd know and dodge, he had the danger sense of a low Epic.

He breathed in, summoning his shardblade and with a feral tinge, almost inhumanly, he roared again:


@Grey Knight

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He supposed this might have been a bad idea. Too late now.

Appearing among the crowd of soldiers, Alum swept his Shardblade out, cutting through the massive, strange Shardplates. But they didn’t resist like Shardplate. One marine fell, a gaping hole cut across his torso. Another. Another. He summoned a rock wall to block some gunfire and moved, phasing in and out of Shadesmar as he moved across the grassy hill. Alum tried to slice through the artillery as well, but a quick jab at one of the Vindicators showed that the metal coating was aluminium.


I’m a little behind on this. Can someone give a summary of the past two pages?

Also, @Grey Knight might want to muster some sort of reaction to this.


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The first thing she felt was pain. Her whole body hurt and she forced herself to stay quiet. There would be a servant looking after her, telling him, that she was awake. She needed to recover more, before that happened, because she wasn't sure when he would force her to try again. So she stayed like that for a few more moments, listening into herself, searching for stormlight. There wasn't anything left. That meant getting better wasn't a matter of minutes, more of a few days. He did this sometimes. Gave her enough to heal her broken bones, but not enough to recover. So that she learned what it meant to oppose him.

Slowly she opened her eyes, gave them the time to get used to the light and froze, suddenly remembering what happened.
her voice was raw and speaking hurt. The shell, the fire, and nothing else after that. She tried to turn her head and failed, as the movement hurt and she stopped instinctively.
the word wasn't better, but she couldn't see him, and he was always there when she woke up, he never left her alone. A shadow crept over her arm, Coru's letters ragged and distressed. But he was here, he was here with her. That was good. Distressed, why was he distressed. She lived, if she was dead, there wouldn't have been this pain anymore. Damaya tried to think through the fog clouding her brain. The man.
she really should stop talking.




I hope it's all right for you, that she isn't up to running down hills yet. But I described her as getting injured during the initial attack, and I am still feel like I'm strechting her luck a bit too far by surviving that shell. Even if we reduced it from "exploded perfectly" to "there was a lot of heat and it wasn't as effective as it should have been"



Summary (as good as I can recall):
Damaya, Dayne and Araha went into the waystop, got hit by a shell and are hiding in there.

Outside a lot of fighting is going on, but few characters teamed up so far, most of them act on their own, but they have proven pretty effective so far.

Pallas has called everyone in TUBA to come by and help

The vindicators have stopped dropping shells, although we don't know why


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nah, it's alright, she is a surgebinder after all, and stormlight healing is really strong, even from the books, @Sorana

and it's also alright thats shes still injured, it's understandable.

Also, I'll respond a bit later

@Grey Knight imo that lascannon shot at Astiel was a bit godmoddy even if he wasn't killed as that counted as a massive auto-hit against a player character, I can appreciate that it was done in humour though. This works fine against the Chaos Marines since theyre an NPC army.

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Dayne was waiting for something ti happen, he hated just being able to wait, but he knew there was nothing he could do. He closed his eyes and heared the battle outside, but instead he heared Damaya talking and stand up inmediatly and got close to her" are you okay?" He said with preocupation on his voice

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Wow. Sleep and school make me miss all the fun.

Cold. That was all Pry could focus on. She wasn’t able to spare a thought for anything else.

Then it came to her. The explosion. The heat. Filling her brass.

Pry brought herself back to normal.

Storms. She thought, running back outside. What is going on.

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Tena had been fighting for the last couple of pages NPC-like, since some people have to do things at school. She had noticed two strange things: Mr. Amber had turned into a Dragon and Devaan was burning a metal she’d never felt the beats of before. Things are pretty crazy, she thought, swinging a massive Shardbattleaxe at a nearby Chaos Marine’s head. She then Pushed a few of its spikes free and chopped ruthlessly at its head. 

She Edgedancer-ed it over to Yzabet, an odd memory popping into her head. Over sixteen years ago, Yzabet had been taunting her during a sledding race since Tena hadn’t had a sled and had instead been ‘ice skating’ using the Surge of Abrasion. Those were the days, Tena thought fondly, remembering with a wince how Mace had nearly suffocated her with a snow pile. 

Almost all of the Chaos Marine were gone, and nobody on their side had died, yet...

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1 hour ago, AxeliustheGreat said:

Tena had been fighting for the last couple of pages NPC-like, since some people have to do things at school

Suddenly, the lookout mimes at the local mime branch start freaking out and signing to their brethren to get over there. Even after 16 years, they still worked at peak efficiency.

A team of mimes mimed driving a car to the way stop where they began to repair the fourth wall.

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Night walked out of the Waystop, ready to fight... whoever it was that needed fighting. There was no way to keep track of things with sleep and school and freaking homework. He cracked his knuckles and his spren, Hateka, appeared next to him. 

"Where've you been, little guy?" Night said, surveying the battlefield. 

"Spying. There are many secrets in this building... many secrets indeed."

Night grinned. "I think those ones- the Chaos Marines- are the ones that need killing."

"Everyone else seems to be doing fine without us," Hateka noted. 

Shrugging, Night ran forwards using Abrasion. "I'm out of practice. This'll be fun."

Sighing, Hateka became Night's blowgun- as a Shardblowgun, Hateka could easily change to a knife for close combat. Night shook his poison-tipped darts out of a pocket of his trenchcoat and joined the fray. Infantry charged towards the holey building from behind overturned tanks, disorganized and without any clear motive. Hateka begin rapidly loading Sleepdarts into his blowgun and firing them towards exposed Chaos Marines.



Read Arden's backstory, you can read the rest on the Character thread.


Backstory: Arden came to the Alleyverse through the discovery of a new Rithmatic Line: The Line of Teleportation. His instructor, noting that Arden was terrible at drawing Chalklings, offhandedly told him to go home and practice drawing extremely intricate patterns inside of his lines of Warding; which led to the discovery of the Line of Teleportation. The Line of Teleportation is extremely complicated to draw and takes on average five minutes to complete [see I told you it’s not OP (I’ll draw the basics up later)]. The first time, he didn’t know how to use the portal or insert the correct lines and modifiers (think Aons) and ended up in the Central Alleyverse.



Arden appeared with a yelp behind Chaos Marine lines, behind a hastily-shoved-together wall of overturned tanks. All he knew and all he saw was a group of ragtag people defending a partially-destroyed building. A Chaos Marine grabbed his shoulder and pulled him forwards. He stumbled ahead, pulling out an extremely thick piece of chalk he used for drawing on uneven rock, which would work perfectly for the mountain he had appeared on.

The Ragtags didn't immediately notice him, so he set up an Eskridge defense and drew a line of Revocation, pointed at a man in a black trenchcoat not too different from his own who was standing still, holding a glowing rod that appeared to be a blowgun. The line of Revocation, drawn narrowly, shot forwards quickly. The dark grey chalk blended in with the stone and a small explosion ripping apart the front of the man's shoe threw the cloaked blowgun-user to the ground. The enemy narrowed his eyes and shot a dart at Arden, but the dart bounced off one of the Lines of Forbiddance in Arden's Eskridge defense. Arden grinned as the man's eyes widened in surprise.


Alright, my second character has been introduced! We definitely needed some more Player Enemies so feel free to take potshots at my poor little Rithmatist now :/ He'll get some actual investiture powers so he's not as underpowered later in the era.


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Using a Fabrial to move within Shadesmar, Laurelai walked slowly, pondering the note in her hand. It seemed to be some kind of treasure hunt, but was there any treasure left?

Regardless, it was an interesting exercise. One that let her stretch her intellectual muscles and also gave her a possibility of watching others on the hunt. Perhaps she could gain some new insight into her own mind, she could tell that she was close to her Essence Mark, but that last little bit felt like an eternity sometimes.

But first she needed to return to the Waystop to gather the rest of her things.

Tapping a finger to her chin, she continued to hold the piece of paper in front of her, reading it again as she stepped through the perpendicularity towards the peaceful Waystop.

What the sparks happened to the peaceful Waystop!?!

Immediately several bolts of what seemed to be pure light soared over her head as she exited. She had to dive out of the way of a small explosion but couldn't avoid all the shrapnel.

Crouching in a small ball, Laurelai was very confused.

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sssssso, I'll go ahead and destroy the rest of the tanks that are still operational now

@Grey Knight

When Deras got close enough, he started firing the heavy bolter he still had in one hand, killing a few more mooks. The Chaos Marines returned fire as the lascannon tore through the air, which Deras was expecting, but he didn't dodge, he blocked the beam with his shardblade, the laser, without mass, reflecting off the blade and into the sky somewhere. He slew the gunner burning out his eyes, he was within range now, he activated his patji mind-scan to give him an exact number of bodies. He started mowing down more and more until there were a few left.

He took the lascannon and fired it at another tank, and after a few shots destroyed it completely. He dropped the lascannon and picked up some fallen armor and scrapped together more on himself. His mindscan detected only about 50 more surviving people, that included both the Chaos Marines and the people still around.

The thunderhawk overhead provided more fire-support, destroying a few more Marines

Deras continued running, firing the heavy bolter at more foes nearby. The furyspren and rhythm were gone again. He dropped the heavy bolter and heaved the lascannon, jumping on top of the final Vindicator. He used the lascannon to cut a hole in its hatch, lancing an unlucky Chaos Marine operator who was inside. He called Valiance and jumped in, slaying everything inside. He then jumped back out lascannon turning to the Chaos Marines, after dispatching about only 3 of them, the weapons ran out of ammunition. He dropped it and began using the heavy bolter from the turret again. Running around and killing more Chaos Marines until there were only a handful left.


That's two Vindicators that haven't been destroyed, only disabled the rest are either heavily damaged or exploded


Ran ducked and weave as the hulking Chaos Marine tried to hit her, she was faster than him, being completely weightless. They both wouldn't be able to harm each other, but she was keeping him distracted, and that was all she needed.




She heard her name being called and turned to the source. It was Damaya. She was awake. Relief threatened to bash in the frozen-over surface of her depths, but she kept it contained for now, it wasn't the time for emotions.

She walked over to where Damaya was, "I'm relieved you're awake. Can you move?" She said and asked without emotion. She still thought about calling the Skybreakers.


There's just one Chaos Marines still left inside.

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I know. And I htink he will find us, or we will find him ;) He definitly has to possibility to do so. But the three of us should be able to manage him.

Damaya forced herself to smile at Araha and Dayne and then carefully sat up. It hurt, but she could move.
"I think so."
she replied.
"Althout it depends on what you want me to do. What happened? Are you two all right?"



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Before the last few Chaos Marines could be finished off, Deras saw a figure hunched over, crouched. He dashed over to them, a few lingering dregs of crossfire still shot through the air. He skidded to a stop and picked the figure up in his free arm, a young woman. He took off again, running faster and faster, there weren't many Chaos Marines left and they didn't concentrate shots on him, so he could run with free rein.

He slid to a stop near the farthest tank, the one that he'd disabled first and put her behind the massive vehicle for cover. "Keep safe." He said then, looked around to make sure the area was clear. He called the shardblade to him and willed it to stay, he dropped it on the ground by the woman. "Use as shield if under fire." He then took off again toward the few remaining Chaos Marines, if they didn't surrender, they'd be exterminated.



Not necessarily, someone else could find the guy and dispose of him c:

@Sorana @wiritospren

Araha didn't smile back, only nodded. "Shell exploded, I'll explain later. We'll need to get somewhere safer, one of them got inside. Ran is distracting him for us." Araha said, as short of an explanation as she could muster, her voice almost monotone.

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