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Music while reading


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I listen to a wide variety of music while reading, depending on my mood and the book. While reading WoK, I listened to a band called Blackmore's Night. Usually when reading, I listen to Pink Floyd. Sometimes Star Wars and LotR music, as well.

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It really depends.  When I read a book for the first time I usually don't have music going.  I like to have instrumental music going because the words make it a little difficult to focus on the page.  But if I'm rereading a book I'll just put my iPod on shuffle or one of my playlists and just go.

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I don't listen to music while I read. It's the same reason I don't listen to it while I write - if I know the words, I'll want to sing along, which will distract me from actually taking in what I'm reading.

I can't read in complete silence, however, since the silence itself will become a distraction. What works for me is ambient noise. The fan running, or the sounds of traffic in the distance. Stuff I can hear but zone out on. I find, for me, it allows me to become better immersed in the actual story.

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I tend to not listen to music while I read unless I'm someplace crowded and want to block out other noise.  If that is the case then its usually something without words so that I can not be distracted.

I don't listen to music while I read. It's the same reason I don't listen to it while I write

I DO like to listen to music while I write and try to find a good song/sound to fit the emotion of the scene I'm writing.

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Usually I'll put on some instrumental movie/video game soundtracks. Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Final Fantasy, and Super Mario are the more popular choices for me. I'm really easily distracted when I read and I tend to focus more on what I'm hearing than what I'm reading. It can be a real pain if I'm in a room and someone else is watching TV and I'm trying to read because I pretty much can't do it. Generally it's possible for me to read with vocal music, but I've become so used to it that I block it out and I feel that kind of defeats the purpose of me putting music on.

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I usually don't listen to music and read, unless it's either instrumental or the words aren't in a language I can understand. Prime examples are Karl Jenkins, E.S. Posthumus, etc. Also, Blackmore's Night is fantastic listening for when I'm not reading, Leinton. Good choice. ;) I do, however, almost always write to music, so there's that.

Even though I didn't listen to it while reading the book, the album Cartographer has always reminded me of Warbreaker for some reason, particularly the Piri Reis disc. Perhaps it's because of the Atlantean feel I associate with the book, but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this as well (and if you've never heard anything off that album, YouTube it! You'll be glad you did).

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I tend to create my own "silent cocoon" actually; from the time I first learned to read until my High School days, when I had time, I would read between classes. More often than not, I would be absorbed into my book, then look up and discover that class was halfway over. I hadn't even noticed the teacher starting to talk.

So even on the rare occasions when I do read to music, it usually ends up tuned out. B)

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What do I listen to while reading? Sometimes, if I'm in a particular mood, I'll pick out an instrumental song that fits with the scene. I have an "ending song" which I put on repeat, which I'll listen to for the whole ending now (that tradition started with Mistborn, and now that song is associated with my emotions of that ending).

But usually, japanese pop music. This had some really odd effects while reading Way of Kings, let me tell you...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find that while reading, I can completely tune out the rest of the world. I don't have to, but it allows me to keep music running in the background. I mainly do this because in the moments when I take a break, there's something going on.

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That's what I like about music by such composers as E.S. Posthumus and Karl Jenkins. The language used in those songs is made up, or - in the case of many of Karl Jenkins's works - not even language at all. That allows the voices to fade into the background, but I can still enjoy the music.

The E.S. Posthumus album Cartographer is actually fantastic to play while studying or doing homework.

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I find that while reading, I can completely tune out the rest of the world. I don't have to, but it allows me to keep music running in the background. I mainly do this because in the moments when I take a break, there's something going on.


I leave music on, then tune it out while reading, usually. When i take a break and/or stop for whatever reason, if i dont have music playing (or TV on or something) the world feels lifeless/really silent and it feels weird to me, so i keep something going on to help me transition out of the book better.

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  • 1 month later...

Sigur Ros.  It's basically the best mix of pop-classical-ambient-and rock music ever, plus it's in Icelandic so it's not distracting word wise at all. But in all seriousness, read an allomantic battle sequence while listening to i ger. It's absolutely perfect.

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  • 6 years later...
9 minutes ago, zandi said:

Battle symphony by linkin park seems to fit kaladin in wok for me...searching for other appropriate songs...

Uh...it's usually frowned upon to post in dead topics, also called necroing.

But, I may as well post my thoughts on the topic, since it's here now.

I don't really listen to music while I read. I find that it makes it really hard to concentrate on what I'm reading, especially if there's lyrics. Non-vocal music is a little easier to listen and read with, but it's still distracting. But, it's strange. Even when there's lots of commotion, like at a party or somewhere public, I can read perfectly fine. But music seems to be the only thing that can affect me while I'm reading. Unless someone yells at me. 

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Yeah but if I start a new thread I'd invariably hear thiscwas discussed before...

but i was search for music that fits the themes of the books which is what I like when I read and this one fit so...

each to his own.

enjoy your silence :)

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If I had my way, I'd listen to music during pretty much all my waking hours except when I'm listening for birds or watching TV/movies. Reading is no exception. :P My music tastes are super eclectic; I like certain things from a lot of different genres: pop, classic rock, opera, dubstep, classical, movie soundtracks, alternative, and the occasional foray into country, rap, or metal. Oh and folk music. I love Celtic/Irish folk music.

That said, I don't really pick out songs/artists/genres specifically to listen to while I read. I just go with whatever is next on my playlist for the day.

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Yeah I hear ya Sunbird-but since I'm rereading for the umpteenth time in anticipation of Oathbringer I thought it might be fun to have a specific appropriate playlist...maybe it's just me. If not- suggestions welcome! I can't be the only one? Yes? No?

In the past songs I was listening to while reading something that greatly affected me have become associated with those books- by chance- so why not on purpose? 

*crickets chirping *

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