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Would You Rather? -a Game

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Okay so this was in a introductory post by, @rosamarine and ppl suggested we move it here as a game so yay!

So it's basically would you rather, but Sanderson stuff. One person will post a would you rather, and the next replier will post their choice and why, with another question. 

It'll be good guys.

Okay, I'll start:

Would you rather be a roommates with a kandra or a Returned?

Edited by The Tenth Pancake
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Forger.  Controlling sand is nice and all, but With forgery I can rewrite the past of objects to make them more useful to me. Of course forgery does require much more attention to detail. That's a drawback. 

Would you rather be a full mistborn or a full feruchemist?

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That's a difficult one. I'd go with the mistborn, although feruchemy is probably easier to use in our time. But still steelpushing/ ironpulling and slowing/ advancing time around me are definitly worth it.

Would you rather live in the final empire (Vin's time) or on the shattered plains (kaladin's time)?

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46 minutes ago, Invocation said:

Would you rather an Honorspren or a Cryptic?

If I WAS one, honorspren. More versatile. And other spren seem to hate them less. If I BONDED one...that's harder. Probably Cryptic, because of Soulcasting. The illusions are nice too, but mostly for the Soulcasting. Lashing sounds great as well, but...turning anything into anything! Also, I feel like it wouldn't be hard for me to speak Truths as opposed to the Windrunner Ideals.

Would you rather be a main character in the cosmere, with lots of cool powers and danger, or someone random, with no powers and less danger?

Edited by AonEne
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This thread is good(i really like it)


Main character with powers because living in the cosmere just isn't safe anywhere you are. So i'd rather have powers so that i have the means to defend myself than without powers.

Would you rather be a gold misting or a electrum misting ?

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That's a tough one. Seer would be more awesome! but if we're talking era 2, we don't know how available atium is. Plus, even during era 1, atium isn't the easiest to get ahold of. Electrum on the other hand, would be constantly usable, and I wouldn't have to worry about where my supply is. 

I think in the long run, I would choose seer, and count on my charming charisma for obtaining and maintaining a stock of atium. 


Would you rather be of the 10th heightening, or have access and ability to use all 10 surges simultaneously

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House Hasting because they managed to live fairly decently overall considering the scheme of things while House Sadeas is heading to a bad direction so far as we've seen.

Would you rather be a fused under Odium's influence or a steel inquisitor under Ruin's influence ? 

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Ohhh, that's a hard one. I'd have to go with the inquisitor under Ruin's influence. Why? Probably because when the Inquisitors were under Ruin's control, most of the time he was already in control. (Meaning in Mistborn, the plotline is overthrowing the power in control, whereas, in SA, the plotline seems to be Stopping an invasive force) Does that make sense?

Would you rather be a cadmium compounder or a bendalloy compounder?(totally not a weighted question)

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