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Seven Day War for AlleyCity

Lord Meeker


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Rohan charged the Shoggoth. And as he ran, he thought of a time long past.


Training. Day after day, Typhoon trained. His opponent today: A Pewter Compounder. The man was massive. He swung a fist at Typhoon. Typhoon dodged angrily. He was 10, and he was battling a full grown man. And he had no magic. Whatever. Typhoon charged forth, punching the Compounder in the face. He jabbed twice with his left and hooked with his right. The man staggered, and punched directly at Typhoon. He ducked and grabbed the fist. He yanked the fist back and lifted his foot. He threw himself back and tossed the Compounder onto his stomach. He leapt onto his back and stepped on his head. The man deflated. Typhoon had won.


"He won't listen to you if you aren't confident," said the trapper. Typhoon was trying to learn the whistles that were the basic commands for his Aviar, Arrow. He tried again. The Aviar cocked its head. Typhoon tried again. It still didn't work. He called himself and tried once more. As he did, the Aviar flew up and descended onto the ground.

"Wonderful job!" The trapper said. Typhoon studied his face. The trapper was short compared to Typhoon, but nevertheless was... commanding somehow. However, he was as much of a prisoner as Typhoon. The man suddenly lowered his head and whispered in Typhoon's ear.

"Tonight, I'm escaping. If you wish to come, meet me at the stairs on the third floor."

"I will be there."


The trapper pulled out his stolen dagger. He cut the lock and slipped out. He prowled to the stairwell quietly. Where was Typhoon? He opened the stairwell door. The Allmaster stood there, a group of ironspiked warriors behind him. Before the trapper could react, the Allmaster buried a dagger in his chest. As the trapper collapsed, Typhoon stepped into the light.

"The people you trust died a long time ago."


Shelan grinned, his greatest projects kneeling before him.
Kane, steady and strong, but utterly under his control, and under a Shao Illusion.
And Typhoon, a warrior like none other, who knew Shelan only as the Allmaster.
Utter power.

Kane's hands were dirtied by the blood of Mirag, his beloved.
Typhoon's hands were dirtied by the blood of a dozen Koloss.

They were the same age. Same eye color. Same hair color. And, they were cousins.

Utter power.


Kane thought of a time long past.


"Brightlord!" Kane gasped as Rollir Jeves, his Windrunner Master, was killed protecting Kane.

Speak again the ancient oaths.

"Life before Death, Strength before Weakness, Journey before Destination."

A spren passed from one man to another. Quintexidus, from Rollir to Kane.

Kane struck back.


Rohan stood on a dead Shoggoth, a field of metal about him. He had fought as hard as he could. His blades were buried in both of the beast's eyes. He sat down and thought for a long while. He pulled out the Gift he had received from Death. It was a large black gem that granted teleportation. It was time he and Death had a chat. He activated it and stood beside Death. 


Kane pulled out his Tia Card. He checked the reserve. Damnation. There were only two charges left. Suddenly, Shelan burst out of his body, as a Shade. Shelan phased through the wall and flew outside. Kane collapsed, groaning in pain. 


Shelan flew at top speed. His goal was to reach the Worldspike. He took over a dead man's body, and began to sprint, flaring pewter. He charged at the Worldspike at absolute top speed. Today, he would not fail.

Edited by BitBitio
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8 hours ago, Grey Knight said:

Drako definitely could not handle it. Despite the (relatively) weak force of the kick, he staggered back, falling to his knee behind a growing line of Salamanders space marines. He and the space marines showed all the signs of having gotten into a fight with God and lost- shattered Shardplate, broken or damaged weapons, and wounded barely able to walk.

Despite all this, they were still space marines, and they were armed to the teeth. Bolt rounds, plasma bursts, thermal cannons strong enough to melt tanks- all were fired directly at Hellbent.


Sorry for being a little god-moddy, If you don't like this I'll rewrite it.

Devaan watched the fight unfold, Hellbent was winning against Drako and his space marines, volleys were fired, and dodged, Hellbent tearing through the ranks. This wasn't a fair fight, this wasn't one-on-one duelling. This was bloody, brutal and fatal.

It was time to step in

Devaan raised a hand.
"Hold your fire" He said. The space marines, disciplined as ever immediately stopped and withdrew, recognising Devaan as a chaptermaster.
"I'll take care of this." Devaan looked at his glowing hands, and drew Atius, twisting its hilt and transforming it into simirtas, the aurora blade.
"Drako. Stand back for this one, I'd hate for you to get in the crossfire here"

Drako looked at Devaan quizzically

"You're going to take him on your own?" He asked


Devaan walked towards hellbent, completely calm, breathing in stormlight, mixing the glow of AonDor with the glow of stormlight.

"Lets do this"

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Snagging the coin from the air, Voidus gave a satisfied nod. He'd seen much, managed to sort through what he saw and make sense of it, extract the useful information and discard the rest. Even with the aid of a Zincmind it wasn't a feat anyone could do.

But perhaps more importantly, the Investiture in Rashans body had been contained, it wasn't fractured, wasn't leaking. He was stable.

"Well enough." He agreed.

Voidus motioned Rashan to follow him and walked over to the Aonic shields. Concentrating for a moment he stabbed his finger into the air, connecting more fully with the Dor. A blinding white light began to emit from his fingertip, following as he traced it through the air with practiced speed and precision, completing a very lengthy sequence of Aons and modifiers. He held it right on the edge of completion, turning to Rashan again.

"Fair warning, some things you're about to see may alarm you. Don't stray, don't use Investiture and don't look directly at it." He said. "Oh, and if you try to harm the spike I'll turn everything you've ever loved into dust and erase the very memory of you from the world."

Smiling in a slightly reassuring way, Voidus clapped Rashan on the back before releasing the Aon, opening a hole in the shield that the two could pass through before it closed behind them. Stepping forward, the two...





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This was not what he was expecting when he said he wanted to get to the Worldspike.

All of the...stuff. It was impossible to put in words, impossible to even communicate without confusing yourself in the process. Caer saw infinity. He saw unlimited, untamed logic, he saw the personification of, well everything. He felt deeply frustrated he couldn't give names to the things he was seeing and the emotions he was feeling, but this, it was truly indiscribable. Truly infinite.

Don't stray.

Oh, yeah. Caer tried not to forget the simple rule, coupled with the other two rules, one to not use Investiture and the other not to look directly at 'it', because that wasn't vague at all. Did Voidus expect him not to look at the Worldspike? How would he find it in this... infinity if he couldn't even look at it? Besides, Caer was kind of excited seeing the Worldspike. Had he knew he -

gargantuan something rose out of the shadows, moving in Caer's peripheral vision before prowling behind him, a guttural growl residing from inside it. Stormsstormsstormstormsstorms. Case tried to turn around but Voidus held him back, repeating one of his warnings, "Don't look directly at it." Oh, so he didn't mean the spike. He meant THIS THING.

As Caer made his way forward, the thing made its way around the perimeter of the circular field multiple times, each time Caer looking down when it appeared in front of him, only seeing the shadow of the monster each time. It seemed almost 100 feet in height, and that was Rosharan terms. As he walked towards the Worldspike, Caer thought it would probably be better if he didn't see the thing at all, if only to prevent further nightmares.

The Cognitive Realm of this place also seemed infinite. A swirling mass of Investiture, like a vortex of... hurt. And pain. Caer tried not to look at it too much. He felt he would go insane if he did.

Another thing that seemed interesting was that all of this infinity was completely hidden if you saw the Worldspike from beyond the Aonic shield. It was almost as if part of the shield was a master illusion, keeping the Worldspike in view and hiding everything else. Caer thought that was for the greater good. It would not do common people any good to see all the horrors complexities of this place.

Caer approached the base of the Worldspike. It seemed to thrum and pull Caer in with each beat, attracting him like a magnet. He looked up, spotting the tip of the spike being obscured by a large thundercloud. Storms, this was big. Resting his palm flat on the crystalline/metallic surface (it was hard to describe), and fishing out the two zincminds he had been given, Caer shut his eyes tightly and pressed his forehead against the spike, making a little prayer to the Heralds before supertapping both zincminds at once, compressing all of their mental speed into one fraction of indescribable intelligence.

At the same time, Caer opened his spiritual eyes, and for a very brief moment, Connected to the spike before seeing it's spiritual identity in entirely. Before seeing everything in existence. Before seeing infinity. Before seeing BEYOND.

As the flashes begun, Caer felt himself get vaporised by the Worldspike.

Edited by I think I am here.
No, Rashan is not dead. Not yet at least. I think I'll make a post on what Caer actually sees later.
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7 hours ago, BitBitio said:

Rohan stood on a dead Shoggoth, a field of metal about him. He had fought as hard as he could. His blades were buried in both of the beast's eyes. He sat down and thought for a long while. He pulled out the Gift he had received from Death. It was a large black gem that granted teleportation. It was time he and Death had a chat. He activated it and stood beside Death. 


Unless you literally shredded the Shoggoth, just stabbing it isn’t going to work. Also, great rp, but I think a bit God Moddy. I’ll wait till your response before posting any more Shoggoth stuff.


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Syen ran. She ran as fast as she could, her breathing hard and ragged, her legs burning from, her face a mask of terror and fear. She ran, hearing nothing but her breath and her feet pounding on the uneven ground. It was behind her, she knew that as surely as the colour of the sky, or the smell of peppermint tea. Her left foot landed between two cobbles and with a cry she lost her balance and hit the ground. Without a moment to react, to do something, to defend herself the monster grabbed Syens foot, theet crushed her bone and ripped her muscles away, some sinews hanging in the air like a strange form of snake. It munched, swallowed her foot and she heard some scream, realyzing only after a moment that it was her own voice. Raw and shrill it sounded strange, not at all like her own. Instinktively she used stormlight, tried to do something about her foot, but the monster came closer, towering over her lying, helpless form. His teeth closed around her shoulder and then she heard a loud ripping sound.

With a start Syen jerked awake, her hand grabbing her shoulder - it was fine. She pulled up her legs and rested her head on her knees, trying to even out her breath. Her hands shook and she closed her eyes, tried to shut out the fighting, the dying in the city.
"A dream," she told herself, "a nightmare, Syen. Calm down."
But still, the dream had been so vivid, that she started questioning her words the moment she uttered them, the feeling of the theeth ripping her arm away still sitting deep in her bones. She couldn't visualize the thing that had haunted her, just a nameless terror lurking in the dark. Still shaking she got up and looked around. A cellar. Right. She had brought the old man to the ruins of the wall. It had taken her too long, but in the end she had decided to stop now and then, to knock on doors and tell people to leave the city, and the man could use the breaks. If there was a chance to rebuild, they would need ever pair of hand available, and if not, then she had at least saved a few lives. When she arrived at the few stone left of the wall, she saw that some refugees had gathered there, unsure where to go. Handing the old man over to a few strong looking young men, more children if she was honest, she had told them to move in the direction of the warcamp, as it was the only place she thought she knew where it was. Hopefully someone there could tell them where to go next. Or they could sleep next to it. Anything was better than to stay here. She had turned back to the city, sending a few more on their way, hoping to do something usefull at last. It had taken her a while to recognize the bone deep weariness settling into her bones, the abyess waiting for her under the turmoil of the stormlight she'd inhaled. She had to rest. Even stormlight could let her go on for only so long. And if she used up all her body's reserves now, she would be completely helpless later.

Slowly she grabed her bag a reassuring weight in her hand and then on her shoulder. Leaning against a wall she waited until her breathing was slower, and the terror had subsided a bit.
"What am I doing here Essun? This is a place for fighters, not for someone like me."
she whispered and closed her eyes.
"I am nothing but a bad joke."
Essun didn't answer and Syen wasn't sure if that was based on the fact that she was right, or that she was being silly. Not that it mattered right now. There were a lot more pressing things. With a sigh she climed up the ladder and, after carefully checking the alley left the house. She knocked on another door and the moment she saw the parents with their almost grown children, an idea formed in her head. She pushed the memory of the dream away, smiled at the people and started talking, convincing. When she left the house the five people behind her left as well, not for the wall, but for the other houses around them. It was riskier, but she alone wasn't able to talk to everybody. While with a little bit help, maybe the citizens themselves could take that over. At least those who survived long enough. In the current situation she expected most of them to die. But for those who got a chance to escape, that chance would hopefully make a difference.

She headed deeper into the city, heard the warcries of the reserve and change her course, so that she would head towards them. Stopping now and then to knock and convince a few more of the frightened people to get up and do something.



I wasn't really sure what day it is right now, so I improvised a bit. I hope its more or less still logical. If not, pls tell me and I'll edit.

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Solace had teleported the group Elkanah was with inside the TUBA base. No need for him to distract then. "You have pure Investiture in that bag?" He says to Awe. "Enough to summon the storm and have some left over?"

He prepares himself. This would be more Investiture than he had ever held, it would strain to escape, if it was anything like stormlight. He would have to hold and channel it. Solace would have to bond the Alleyspren to the storm too. "Do you know how to bond the spren to the storm?" He asks. It would rely on the two of them, and the others might have to help stabalize him too, or contribute some of their power.  

A miniature storm cloud appears above his palm. The alleyspren was the seed, the Investiture the water, and he was the gardener, harnessing the full power of the storm.

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Yzabet danced.

Only a few blows actually hit her Shardplate, but they were minor, and hardly even cracked the exquisite armor. With or without Abrasion, she was still a goddess of motion on the battlefield, spinning, leaping, dodging, and moving as gracefully as a skyeel. 

I wonder where I learned how to fight like this. Do I have some sort of dramatic backstory, like everyone else? Probably, but I don't care. I'll keep those traumatic experiences locked away in the back of my mind, thank you very much.

With a flick of Yzabet's wrist, Jael sliced through the spine of one of the demon knight space marine tentacle things. It screamed as it's eyes burned. With a lithe spin another fell, beheaded. The remaining TUBA technicians and workers fled up the stairs. Many had been slaughtered, but some had survived to fight Hemalurgy another day.

Edited by I am Witless
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16 minutes ago, I am Witless said:

Do I have some sort of dramatic backstory, like everyone else? Probably


:lol: nice. Its kinda funny how almost everyone has a cool backstory. Elkanah's is just that he was a listener, and was one of the ones that didn't help summon the everstorm. Nothing too drastic.

If yours doesnt have one or a kinda boring one, so what? Its in the past. The point is to grow your character. Speaking of which... i kinda need the rest of the people with us ( @Archer @BitBitio @Mraize) to post


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Summary Update:

The TUBA CREW is in or near a UNDERGROUND LAIR. (SOLACE somehow knew about the base, despite never being in TUBA like RHAZIEN was.) With the help of SOLACE, ELKANAH intends to summon an ALLEYSTORM. Outside, a SHOGGOTH fights ROHAN. It was injured when MACE blew himself up. Elsewhere, HELLBENT and DEVAAN are dueling. VOIDUS PRIME and CAER are visiting the WORLDSPIKE. YZABET is trying to remember her backstory, which may be the key to discovering why she [REDACTED]. SYEN is doctorin', DEATH is singing, DRAKO is trying to convince people that the BLACK CRUSADE isn't the enemy. The TUBA basement is the scene of a pitched battle.

Will the ALLEYSTORM be successfully summoned? Has CAER really been DISINTEGRATED? Find out now, as the SEVEN DAY WAR continues!

Mace's stomach churned. Teleportation was his least favourite form of transportation. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to get his bearings.

A skeletal grin.

A nearly empty hourglass.


Mace's eyes snapped open. "I need a clock!" he said desperately, louder than he'd intended. Ignoring the other's concerned looks, he rushed to the desk at the back of the room. He brushed the papers off of it, frantically tossing everything onto the ground until at last he found a small desk clock. He held it up to the light so he could read the face. 

"Merciful Domi. There's still time." He let the clock slip from his arms. "There's always time. That's the problem, isn't it?" He smiled as if he'd just made some grand discovery. 

Humming a tunelessly to himself, Mace walked back across the room to see what Elkanah was doing. 


TLDR: Some boring stuff about mortality because the author felt left out of the flashback trend.


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15 hours ago, BitBitio said:

Shelan flew at top speed. His goal was to reach the Worldspike. He took over a dead man's body, and began to sprint, flaring pewter. He charged at the Worldspike at absolute top speed. Today, he would not fail.


Again I feel like I should mention that anyone who is trying to get to the Worldspike is going to face one of two things, either an impenetrable wall, or a 300% chance of death. (Not a mathematical error, people not only face certain death for themselves but also themselves in 2 other universes where they didn't even try to go there)


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I think I was Godmodded and teleported into the place where Elkanah is? yeah, I'll go with that. And the Terminal was destroyed. boo.

Blast it all Storm thought. though he wasn't ungrateful to Solace for saving him as he had -- for the TUBA building had been so overrun that it was a waste of effort, and investiture, to try and save -- he was certainly frustrated by the loss of the Terminal. That had been the only TUBA building in the city that had one. it could take days for the rest of the Stone Soldiers to arrive, for now, they had to walk. Fortunately they would probably arrive in about 2 days. after all, they were tireless stone soldiers, and they could take the spikeway, allomantically hopping along.


Yeah, idk what Storm needs to be doing atm. so i'll just wait. also, where are we exactly?


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The last of TUBA fled the building, and Yzabet followed.

"TUBA Terminal clear of all personnel!" She screamed, killing a last enemy before charging up the stairs. Should I try to remember my backstory right now? Hmmm.... No, I don't think so. Too many people are, and mine doesn't need to be known. Not that I know it myself. Yzabet dismissed her armor and un-frictioned her whole body to skate through alleys.

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As Devaan approached Hellbent yelled, a fearsome cry. He sucked in all the stormlight he had, and stated to tap luck. Just a bit. Sharblade in hand, he heard Vortex's voice in his head. If you can kill him, you will be remembered. He is important. Hellbent worked for ironeyes. He would kill them. He would kill them all.

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Tell me if this is ok @Ark1002, I reasoned that Hellbent would have a hard time reacting to someone moving as fast as Devaan is in this fight right now. If you feel like you want me to change this, let me know

Devaan saw Hellbent rush him, and did two things:

Devaan tapped a nicrocilmind he swallowed earlier, giving him bronze allomancy, he noticed hellbent tapping luck.

Devaan tapped luck himself, balancing it out.

Devaan let the shardblade hit him in the stomach.

It bounced off. Grinning, Devaan's hands blurred as he grabbed a chromiumind on Hellbent's wrist, stored Identity, and tapped the chromiumind out completely, He then kicked Hellbent's feet out from under him.

"Get up" Devaan told Hellbent


Edited by Nohadon
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Warning. Very long post. Rashan did just read the Worldspike, though, so maybe consider this a summarised version :P

In the beginning, there was darkness.

Caer felt the darkness, he felt the lack of light on his skin. And then, everything. And then, Creation. And then, power. Caer couldn't see it, but he could feel it. A force, or a being. One with more power than he'd ever seen. Adonalsium. The creator of everything. The maker of worlds, the keeper of Investiture. Then as the seconds became, minutes, and the minutes hours, and the hours years, the eons of existence zoomed past in seconds, and Caer saw everything. He saw the Alleyverse. He saw its contruction, with millions, no, trillions, no, more alleys rise out of the ground. He saw spikes. Walls and walls of text entered his vision, each thousand essays covering an aspect of Hemalurgy.

Caer saw what he'd seen before. Wars, civilisations, but it was so much clearer now. The Worldspiek was Connected to everything. He was Connected to everything. Caer saw Voidus, who looked slightly younger, floating above a set of alleys and rearranging them, waving his hands and moving hundreds of alleys at once. He saw the DA, and its inception. He saw all Investiture, and he saw the problem that came with it. It needed a pin, something to keep it in place. And the solution was the Worldspike. Caer saw it being constructed, Caer saw Voidus sitting with his advisors, planning it's defenses.

And Caer saw them put it in, saw them place the object that kept the universe from imploding on itself. He watched as it hit the core of the Alleyverse, forever destined to be a spectacle and yet a saviour at the same time. Caer saw attacks against it, and he saw the spike merge with the planet over time. Millions of years to thousands of years to centuries to decades to now, this moment.

Focus, a voice in his mind told him. Everything is in the Worldspike. Do what you came here to do.

So Caer focused on wars. He saw history until the very first war, he saw the tragedies that comes with advancing weapons and he saw deaths like no other man. Caer saw how each war ended, tapping more and more of his zinc,und to try and comprehend everything he'd seen. He saw visions of peace, he even tried to look into the future to see how the Seven Day War ended, but there were too many variables. One thing was clear, however. The only way for a war to end peacefully was to have either both sides get tired of fighting, or have both sides unite against a common enemy.

No, it couldn't be! The Worldspike held all knowledge of existence! And yet it was flawed. And yet it was made by human minds. And yet, despite the fact that it knew more than any, it still did not have a solution for the dilemma of Caer, and that was more depressing than any other statistic. The first option, the one where both sides got tired of fighting, only ever happened after both sides had lost great numbers, and the second option, the one where both sides united against a common enemy, was on,y a temporary solution.

War would continue, and Caer could do nothing about it.

As he prepared to exit his Spiritual Sight and tell Voidus of his failure, Caer caught glimpse of a flash unlike the others. Zooming in on it, he saw it was a funeral. The odd thing was, while it was in the death of a DA member, TUBA operatives were there as well. While DA members were sad, Ghostbloods were comforting them. The coffin said Mac. While war tore everyone apart, this mans funeral had brought them together, of only briefly. There was still a chance.

A chance. 

For Caer had been looking at this all wrong. The solution to this war did not lie in logic. It did not lie in extrapolation, no. It relied on the heart. Even if statistics disallowed it, even the steepest of odds could be overcome by friendship, by comraderie, by love, by companionship. That was the solution to the war. That was the answer. And while Caer could see it was the truth just from this man's funeral, he realised he was the only one who could see it. He was the only man who knew.

So he had to share. He had to be a prophet, a foreteller of the Solution. People had to know, it was his mission to tell them.

At that moment, watching the DA man's funeral and watching men from all groups unite, Rashan Caer sweared to spread it, the knowledge. The Solution. It was the only way.

His zincminds ran out.

Edited by I think I am here.
Yup, Rashan is now a Prophet. Let's see how this goes down.
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9 hours ago, I am Witless said:

The last of TUBA fled the building, and Yzabet followed.

"TUBA Terminal clear of all personnel!" She screamed, killing a last enemy before charging up the stairs. Should I try to remember my backstory right now? Hmmm.... No, I don't think so. Too many people are, and mine doesn't need to be known. Not that I know it myself. Yzabet dismissed her armor and un-frictioned her whole body to skate through alleys.

A huge Chaos marine stepped from the shadows, calmly walking in front of the fleeing TUBA technicians. Dozens of twisted space marines followed it, spilling from the Alley and pouring bolter fire into the unarmored civilians.

The Chaos marine, ignoring the slaughter, drew a rune-covered broadsword from his back.

"Come, child," he said, pointing at Yzabet. His voice was surprisingly smooth, given the mutated state of his body. "Let us discuss this city's surrender."

Edited by Grey Knight
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Hellbent stood. He grinned. He used a large amount of his stormlight. He soulcast a bronze dome out of the air.

"Know we have somewhere to fight."

He promptly pulled out a gun from the roughs, and shot Devaan.

Edited by Ark1002
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8 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Hellbent stood. He grinned. He sucked in a incredible supply of stormlight. He soulcast a bronze dome out of the air.

"Know we have somewhere to fight."

He promptly pulled out a gun from the roughs, and shot Devaan.


Where are you getting this "incredible supply of stormlight"? Your last post specifically said that you sucked in all your stormlight.


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