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"I have some dealers," Tevarah said answering Rashans question. "But we'll worry about that later. First tell me everything you know about the organization that killed your family." Then they walked away from the bar maybe they would come back one day and recall when the journey began...

Edited by Jehoiada
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Leya walked into the bar, trying not to attract attention. She was here for one person, and one person only. Looking around, she spotted a smallish-mediumish-largish rock. Knowing the only explanation, she walked up to the rock. "I need a favor. You know of the Knights of Crystallia from my home? No need to answer that, of course you do. I wish to mimic that here. The closest thing I've found is a specialized version of conjoined spikes. It would need to be able to connect an infinite amount of people, and share at least small amounts of each persons abilities with the rest. I know you, or at least the other you specializes in this. Any chance you can help me?" 

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Mejin knew she shouldn’t have come to the bar. She just knew it. It stank of sweat, beer, and sewage.

Not quite the place for a pretty little thing like her.

She scoffed. Not like she’d be called pretty today. Humidity killed Mejin’s hair. 

She glared at the man staring at her skirt, cautiously lifted an inch above the grimy floor.

”Just because I’m standing near you filth, doesn’t mean I have to look it,” she said and looked around.

Mejin had been tipped off about a man looking for a helper in the bar, but in her rush to find him had forgotten his name.

”Classy,” she muttered under her breath. “Now any chance you had with this one is gone.”

Annoyed, she swept at a stool near her hoping to clean it slightly before she sat.

It stubbornly remained dirt-covered.

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The rock noticed two figures approaching it, one of them seemed to be one of the Singers, humming to one of the Rhythms. Curiosity?

The other approached and asked the rock directly for some help.

Hmm? Uh, maybe the other me coulda help with that? The rock telepathically slurred to Leya. Conjoined spikes he can probb'ly do something with. If you had a bunch of them that were all conjoined with each other it might work. You probably want to check with the other me.

Adopting Anticipation the rock tried to project to the Singer, unsure how well a Singer would be able to hear him.
Hi, what brings one of the Singers here?

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Elkanah hears the irregularities in the rythyms again, but they seem more direct, almost like words. It seems to be asking why he is here. Attuning Consideration, he replies "I dont exactly know, but this world-like place felt... right. Like I was supposed to be here." He still wondered how a rock with a few spikes could think. It seemed odd.

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Kothar was rather busy moving about between all the people. Open for only a day and the place was already booming! He had drained a small metalmind of connection to get this, however, He wanted a big first impression, so  it was worth it. He moved to the two newcomers. First, he tapped a fresh barrel of root beer and poured it into some glasses. After setting a freshly chilled glass in front of the portly man, he moved to the irritated looking woman standing next to the dirty stool. "Sorry Miss, most of the furniture was bought used." he said with a smile, producing a rag and some water, "Let me get that for you!" He wiped the chair and moved back behind the counter. "What can I get for you? Sapphire wine? Or our classic root beer?"

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The Shin woman looked up, and fixated her eyes on Kothar. The emotionless expression seemed to be staring into your soul. The portly man nudged her, and she went back to staring at the floor. "Sorry, she wouldn't like anything to drink today." He then downed his own glass and put a coin on the table. "I, however would like another glass."


Edited by BringerofShadows
I wanted to change something.
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Soul wandered back in, feeling much better as he had just killed a few dozen NPCs and had stopped tapping Identity. He sat down at the table and ordered a root beer. 

Looking around, he saw some newcomers in the bar that weren’t there when he left. 

“Are these people enemies or not?” He whispered to El. “My mind is still fuzzy and I can’t remember.” 

“I’m not sure about a couple of them, but I know for sure that we haven’t met the Shin lady, the man with her, or the girl in the skirt.” She replied, as she flew to hover in front of his face, invisible to everyone else. “You know that tapping Identity doesn’t help my mind either.”

“Yeah I know, but it has its uses.” Soul stored Identity, becoming a blank slate, for a few seconds. Immediately he then tapped that identity. Instantly he felt more sure of himself, he felt his bond with El grow stronger, and his slight headache disappeared. “That’s better.” He said, before returning to normal. “Now about that drink....”

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Mejin looked up.

She hadn’t expected anyone to notice her, let alone speak.

Flustered, she processed the man’s words.


He had asked what she wanted to drink.

”What about a plain glass of water?” She knew she sounded simple, but she wasn’t really here to drink and she was almost scared of what could be considered a normal ingredient.

Edited by Silva
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Shelan(but you all think he is Kane) burst through the door. He Pushed a coin over to the bar table. He quickly burned bronze to spot Investiture. Threats assessed, he grew an Amberite mug and slammed it on the bar table. "A shot of your finest root beer, please." Then he burned Tin and Pewter just in case of a fight. Lastly, he began to Soothe and Riot everyone in the room to be more trustful and less suspicious. He plopped down on a bar stool.

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The rock attuned annoyance as it felt the pulses of Allomantic power washing against it.

Addressing the Singer again, the rock apologized for the rhythm he'd attuned.

Sorry, s'not you, it's... nevermind.

Soulcasting some of the alcohol in its bloodstream into blood, the rock felt its mind clear slightly.

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Mistborn. Mejin thought as the man burst inside the bar. Her mother had told her to be wary of them, never trust anyone who could Soothe or Riot.

She stopped filling her steel metalmind. Mejin didn’t want to risk anything while in the man’s presence. She had to be on normal speed - not a smidge below.

But something about the man felt innocent and trustworthy. Like he really did mean no harm. 

Mejin didn’t even flinch when he sat down on the stool next to her.

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Soul felt his emotions being tampered. Smiling slightly he glanced st the newcomer, who seemed quite prepared for a fight, and started burning aluminum. 

Whistling quietly Soul emptied his mug. Setting it down, he also set down a few coins, indicating that he wanted another drink. 

Crazy man over there might start a fight, well if so, he won’t be expecting someone who is very untrusting of him. Although he might be able to sooth people into helping him, and that might prove difficult. Hmmm....

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Kothar frowned. "Water? If you want something nonalchoholic, the root beer is perfectly alchohol free" he said to Mejin, tapping connection a bit. "Think about it for a bit" he said, putting the requested glass in front of her. He poured another glass of root beer for the merchant-like fellow. "If you would like something stronger, please tell me" he said distractedly as he felt the emotional alomancy touch him. The loudest fellow seemed to be the source, but he was no bronze misting. Just to be safe, he pulled on an aluminum lined hat. "Finest you say?" He said, turning to Kane with a smile, "It's all good I assure you." He said as he poured Kane a glass of root beer.

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Mejin took a sip of her water and very nearly spat it out. Something was off about it.

Stupid bartender just wants more expensive purchases. She thought.

”I think I’ll try some of that root beer,” Mejin said, placing a few coins on the table. “Smallest cup size please.”

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Kothar took the coins and poured her a cup from the freshly tapped barrel. "If you would like some more, feel free to ask." He said, moving from behind the counter to go refill a few more cups all around the place. After the refill he stood behind the counter and popped a new stick of root beer flavoured strawberry gum in his mouth. His brow furrowed. He was gonna need to hire a server to help with all the refills.

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This just happened in a dark side room of the Bar.




Hey Kidpen,

I just got the news now. Apparently the Ghostbloods have some information they want you to know and I'm currently like the emissary. So, are you interested?

Kidpen   King's Tester

Replied: 12 hours ago · Report

Yes please. No matter what the info is, it's bound to be important. I could tell from the subject.

*Rashan signals the person into a small dark room, and then locks the door behind them. He hands the person a briefcase.*

"Open it." He says.

Kidpen   King's Tester

Replied: 4 hours ago · Report

Leya looks suspiciously at Rashan. "Would you mind opening for me? I don't trust you. No offense."

Rashan smiles.

"Oh yeah, of course."

Rashan unclips the suitcase, and opens it up for the person to see.

It says: Any last words?

Taking advantage of the person's momentary surprise, Rashan taps steel and brings a gun to the person's head before firing. Then he fires again, and again, in case they have some stupid healing magic.

(You've just been assassinated by the Ghostbloods for a reason I have currently forgot. But trust me, it was something important. I guess you were right in being suspicious. Anyway, don't take it personally, I don't decide who gets killed. Have fun being dead!)



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Gunshots rang out from the private room. Kothar was quite startled, but his body jumped into action. He jumped into the air, burning steel. Pushing off some small metal plates embedded in the wall, he soared over the bar counter and several tables, reaching the door to the private room as fast as he could. Kothar then burned iron and pulled the door open as he sidestepped, not wanting to be shot as soon as the door opened. He readied several coins. 

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Soul heard gunshots. He immediately stopped burning aluminum and sucked in stormlight. Strangely he felt suddenly calm and peaceful.

”Storming allomancy!” He cursed in quite a calm voice. Burning aluminum again he drew both swords and lept for the side room.

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Wait, so Leya is dead?

Shelan downed the root beer in one sip, Pushed another coin to the table, and focused on the woman (Mejin) sitting beside him. "Hello, my name is Sh- er, Kane. What's yours?" 

Suddenly, gunshots resounded at the other side of the room. Shelan burned copper, and flew to the other side of the room, growing an Amberite warhammer.

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